friflAV. August 11, 1922 INDEPENDENCE ENTERPRISE - Thl! inl!tutln offers Tl at ft cost within It tiffw training lor collegiate degrees in: . .i...Kiir Minu Sneering Mechanic ArU ForMry .t.., Kcormmu'M n offer trulnlnif also in; ration, Industrial Jour Fall Term Open September 18. Yor circular of information and Illustrated booklet write lo The Registrar, Oregon Agricultural College, Corvallis, Oregon Chemical analyses of Oregon le prae thut will eivo farmers a better knowledge of their fertilizer require ment assure them a place in their farming systems ere nearing (ompli-tlon t the agricultural col late experiment station. The investigations will determine the mineral content of tho leading Oregon legumes, and develop Infor mtitn tiiHt will bo of value to live itock feeders. "Legume such as alfalfa, red clover, ibike, vetches and peas and binf are not only high In feeding nlue but excellent rejuvenatora of loila," mid J. S. Jones, agricultural chemist at tho atation In charge of the inveKtigation. "They have spec it! importance in agriculture aa they ean be innoculated with jiitrogen fixinjr bacteria. Continuous growing of email grain has given western Oregon much runilown lands, which i wider knowledge and use of legumes will do a great deal to correct." Many sample of legumes used cen trally for feeding or soil renewal are been carifuJIy analyzed to deter mine feeding and fertility content and filue. The analyses will be followed by nutritional study to determine their feeding value. No work in animal nutrition baa yet been conducted in Oregon, and these studies will prove valuable to livestock men, Professor Jones believea. A nummary of the work on legume end hay in expected to be ready for fwtribution in a few weeks. K! lhe GaSoUne garages, or other dealers. of Qualify Successful Graduates Are the Bet Recommendation of A. C. 0...f..uKl., i.i-m-ticMl, nTV gtandard education Much of the high school graduate. Pharmacy Vocational Kducation Chemical Knirineerinir Military Reicnre and Tactics Tho School of Munic, Physical Kdu-nuliMii. i7fl MKS AUK V.(H)U FKKI LHU.HAI. ADVANCE TO UK AM) ALSO SOIL Ill'ILDKUS MADK TO l'HUN'K GKOWKRS Liberal payment to prune growers tire to be ninde by the Oregon Grow ers' Cooperative association this fall, according to an officiul announcement upon delivery of the fruit to the pack ing plants. Those payments will be of sufficient amount to cover the cosU of harvesting and will be followed tthortly by other advances based upon the grade report. With 75 to 80 per cent of the 1922 crop sold, official believe it possible to make earlier payment than heretofore. The market aituation is reported dull with practically no buying, and the trade waiting for the California association to announce prices. Tho extent to which the trade has sup plied Itself with the Oregon prune will be indicated after the California prices are announced, it is said. The Grants Pas district of the Ore gon Growers' Cooperative association, which ha been selling its fruit thru Mcdford is to market its fruit here after directly through the association proper, according to a recent report. The estimated tonnage which this district will produce is 14,000 boxes if apples; C400 boxes of winter pears; 10 to 20 cars of peaches and two to three cars of grapes. The association, it is said, will not handle the Bartlctt pear tonnage this year due to a previous arrange ment of this district with its agents. Men are different. Husband's are alike. Men like to be laughed at for their wit, but not for their folly. KiHiliiumiiiiiilUl UNIFORMITY Every gallon like every other gallon. Every drop ca pable of vaporizing rapidly and uniformly in the carbu retor, and being consumed completely in the cylinder at the jump of the spark. That's "Red Crown." That's quality in gasoline. Use "Red Crown" and nothing else, and your car will develop the maximum power that its makers de signed it to give. Fill at the Red Crown sign. at Service Stations, STANDARD OIL COMPANY (California) ' GOT TRADE SECRET CHEAP Dying Drunkard 8old for Fifty Dollar tha Only MUhod of Making DolU Eytjs. Doll' eje inf ronmritlc history, say a writer In Pearson'. A i'.lrmlngham toy manufacturer i'urs iik" wus approached by one of the largest dealer In dolls, who asked him to undertake the manufacture of eyes. The toy manufacturer, thinking there whs nothing in the business, turned down the proportion. Hut the business was u big one, and when an order to the value of jCWX) whs menl loned the manufacturer un dertook the work. The real dlllleultle of the tusk then became apparent. The first eyes were hopeless failures, and a great (leul of money was spent on experiments. The cleverest glass toy-workers In the kingdom were engaged, but all to uo purpose Finally the attempt wa given up. About eighteen months later the toy manufacturer, by u strange chance, met a mail utterly Impoverished by drink and In the last stages of con sumption, who held the secret of the proc ess for making dolls' eyes. He was willing to "sell this secret for 10. KaKcrly the manufacturer paid the price, hut so Incoherent were the dying man' directions that It wus Impossi ble to follow them. In desperation the Birmingham manufacturer went to the Inventor's garret and saw the process In actual operation. Uefore half a dozen of the eyes hud been made the secret was grasped and the manufacturer of dolU' eyes wus tlrtnly established. HER REASONING WAS GOOD Why Colored Woman Wat Convinced tha Lord Waa Not Aiming to Destroy Her. lnirlng a thunderstorm In the South a lurge oak tree within thirtyifect of a negro cabin on' a plantation was completely shattered. The crash was terrifying, the ground for quite a dis tance around the tree was broken up us If it had been plowed and pieces of the tree were hurled many yard and showered on the cabin roof. The next morning, when the old negro woman went to the house to work, her mistress said sympathetical ly: "You must have been very much t..l. I Iwu s.-utt utt-IW'ls IIIKOft 'lit -(1 IMTll nil: nvi; inra c uv- last nignr, Jennie. "Oh, no'm," Jennie reassured her; "I wasn't skeered. I never did see no use in feelin' skeered after sumi'In's over. I Jus' said dat I knowed if de Lord had a been almin' ut us, he wouldn't a-mlssed us dai far, an' went back to sleep." Ancient Greeks' Prsyer Charm. Great value lias always been at tached to rare and beautiful stones, but with primitive people the intrinsic value waa less than the supernatural virtue credited to them. Stones were favored a a charms, but among the early Greeks none was rated as hav ing the power of compelling the gods to answer prayer except rock crystal. This was used as a burning stone, and the founder of perhaps the cur liest recorded temple mysteries. Onomacrltus, gives exact directions for producing sacred lire. A bright transparent piece of crystal was to be laid on dry wood In brilliant sun shine. He says the god appears first with smoke, then with a little smolder ing fire, then with a burst of flame. This was holy fire from the sun's rays. "Whoso goes Into the temple with this in his hand may be quite sure of having bis prayer granted ns the gods cannot withstand Its power," he told his followers. A Letter Changed. She was a stenographer who would leave out sentences, paragraphs, too, when she couldn't reud the hieroglyph ics In her book during the two weeks that she lingered with an advertising agency. The head of the agency was away for a couple of days. A client tele graphed that he was coming to the city. Would Mr. Williamson be In his office? The president's secretary dic tated a reply: "Sorry. Mr. William son Is away trap shooting; will return Thursday." The telegram was dispatched. A duplicate of It was placed on the pres ident's desk to let him see that the client's wire had been taken care of. This Is what he read : Sorry. Mr. Williamson is away crap shooting. Will return Thursday." Judge. Niagara Traveling Backward. Niagara's total practical energy equivalent Is In excess of G.000,000 horse-power. This stream of energy is kept constantly renewed by the ac tion of the laws of nature, nnd It finds expression through the medium of noise. The falling water at Niagara presents a grand spectacle which Is viewed ench year by less than 1 per cent of the population of the coun try. But this spectacle, though grand, Is n traveling show, for the falls have receded JW5 feet since the first survey was made In 1764. World's Work. A Misapplied Term. "A man who was Inveighing against .u r,ifniiKti' nress In a restaurant the other day got what was coming to him." "Well?" i ..,,, -top wlin was standlne of! a kind-hearted Greek for a doughnut snd a cup of coffe rose up and smote hlni on the Jaw." jjirnungnaiu age Herald. KNOWN AS PROTESTANT POPE 8obrlquet Bestowed on Clement XIV When He Suppressed the Order of Jesuits. Poite Clement XIV bears the so brlfjuet of "the Protectant l'oe," al though he wh by no. means a mem ber of the I'rotestsnt faith. He earned this title by a bull which he Issued In 177;!, ordering the suppression of the Order of the Jesuits. This se;ned to the devout Cutbollc a concession to I'rotestantlsin, and lhue Clement waa given his tltl. The Jesuit order was established In 15.'i7 by Ignatius Loyola, and Us chief alia was t'i establish the power of the pope and to preserve It against the ut tucks of the Prot estants. It grew to be the most powerful Hocluty of the iCoaian Catholic church, gain ing Its Influence principally through the excellent mcIiooIh which Its mem bers founded and maintained. Its potency grew to such an extent that the temporal authorities took alarm and, In 1773, France, Spain, Portugal. I'arma. Naples and Austria prevailed upon Pope Clement, to Issue his bull abolishing the order. It was re-established by I'ope Plus VII Immediate ly ufter the full of Napoleon In 1815, and Is now In a thriving condition in all countries where the Koman'church has adherent. The order has been distinguished throughout Its exist ence for the great learning and schol arship possessed by Its members. DECREED REST FROM LABOR Saxon Monarch, a Thousand Years Ago, Instituted Custom of Satur day Half Holiday. A thousand yeure ago the Saxon King Kdgar proclaimed a rest from all labor from the noon of Saturday till the dawn of Monday, and the sswne principle wan emphuslzed by his suc cessors. i The church was In those days the dominant factor In all social life, and the Satunlay-to-Monday ordinance was doubtless at first Intended to give the people full opportunities for going to church. Hound the village church, too, gradually sprung up the Saturday mar ket for the cottagers, and so, though slowly, the Saturday holy day evolved Into a holiday. With the change from agriculture to Industrialism, people left the villages for the towns, and here for some time the Saturday half-holiday was endan gered In the rush and greed of the new-found and little understood "prog ress." A saner ana more moueraie outlook, however, restored the Satur day half-holiday. But, curiously enough, the towns claimed It as a new invention of their own, ignoring the village life which, long centuries back, knew as A legal right the weekly half- holiday of the Saturday. Indian Tale of 'Pillar Rock. There are Indian tales of the Pillar rock, which Is located about 1,000 feet from the Washington shore, and which stand about 1'0 feet from the surface of the Columbia river, and of the oc currences thereabouts, real and fanci ful. One Is that Chief Skauiokawa, his ire aroused because a Clatsop brave made away with the chiefs daughter, hurled the rock at the de nnriln; canoe of the swain from the tribe across the river, missing the craft but implanting the huge pillar in mid stream. The rock extends below the 30-foot depth, and the base, or projec tion. Is said to have an approximate width In excess of 30 feet. George Vancouver, following Gray, the discoverer of the river, spoke of It in 1792 as "the remarkable pillar rock." He is said to have been told of the rock by Gray and entered the river on the way down the coast. "Washing One's Soiled Linen." The phrase, "washing one's soiled flnen," is popularly used to express airing of unpleasant private affairs or family quarrels in public, the anal ogy being, of course, that both are matters for disposition In the privacy of one's home. The expression comes down to us as one of the brain children of Vol taire, the famous French satirist. The occasion for Its origin Is said to have taken place In 1740, when uenerai Mausteln wrote to Voltaire asking to be vindicated publicly of accusations made against him. Voltaire happened to be occupied In answering the appeal of Frederick of Prussia to help him straighten out one of his dilemmas. So he replied to Mausteln : "The king has sent me some of his dirty linen to wash. I will wash yours another time." Late Letter Mailers Fined. In England a century ago fines were assessed for late mnlHng of letters. Unless letters were mailed In London before four o'clock a fee of a penny for each one had to be paid to the bellman who collected the late mall. The postman was an important per sonage in those days. He was all done up In red, white and blue, scarlet coat, blue breeches, white stockings, with a great cockade in his hat. Those who chose- to carry letters to the general post office could do so, but If the' wished to have letters re ceived after a certain time lio less than sixpence must be paid. It was usual for postage, to be collected from the person who received a letter. Style and Style. lie You say you've met Miss Pen ley. I've read some of her works, but I can't say I like her style. She Neither do I; she's positively dowdy. Boston Transcript ONE JOURNAL IN GREENLAND And the Editor of That One Had to Teach His Subscribers How to Read It Journalism In Greenland Is In rather a primitive mage, according to the captain of a British bark. The cap tain makes frequent voyages to Green land and is held to be an authority on conditions In that country. The one editor In Greenland Is a Dane named Moeller, who conducts the only newspaper and enjoys the singular distinction of printing the pa per for the natives and teaching them to read It. Mr. Moeller Is not only the editor and proprietor; be Is the reporter, printer, distributor and business manager, and every two weeks he makes a long Journey on skates to dis pose of his Journal. Originally It contained only a few crude Illustrations, but gradually other matter wus Introduced, until now It contains articles on the affairs of the day. This man actually taught bis sub scribers to read his paper, first intro ducing words, then sentences, until now bis subscribers are able to read articles oil any topic he cares to write about. , FORMED NEW VOCAL CORD Tissues, After Operation, Grew To gether, and Voice Is Said to Be Improved. In three out of four cases In wldch Dr. II. Burger resected the vocal cords the tissues grew together to form a new vocal cord. He reports to the Xederlandsch Tijdshrift v. Geneeskunde (Amsterdam) that the more radical the operation on the side wall of the throat the more the new cord approximated normal. In all these cases the diagnosis of malignant tumor was beyond question, and the operation was dope through a slit In the thyroid cartilage. No at tempt was made to suture this after ward. The voice Is good In all but one, who atlll is hoarse. The voice Is very much better than In other cases in which merely the growth It self was resected and the Test of the vocal cord left. The repair after this Is much less perfect. In one of his cases the repair was so perfect that In examining with the laryngoscope a year later there was some doubt as to the operated side. New York World. Saw Volcano in -Action. A volcano In action was witnessed about six weeks ago by the captain of the British freighter Bounty, off the West African coast. The skipper said the Bounty was about five miles off shore when he observed smoke pour ing high and profusely out of a peak inward from the Bight of Biafra. near the boundary line letween Kamerun and Nigeria. Thinking he might be of assistance In the event of disaster to the villages near the seacoust he put in tovard shore and went to the land in a lifeboat. He said the smok ing peak was about 11,000 feet above sea level and on Its westward side he observed large streams of lava. Finding no signs of human life along the shore he went back to the freight er and proceeded on his course. Put Out Fires With Glass " Us. A glass ball? the glass belns: minand easily shattered, and about the size of an egg, filled with a standard flame kllllng liquid, Is now being put on the market. Most fires can be extinguished with little danger and little loss If proper means are available for prompt use. Experiments have shown that a few of these new glass bails or fire-outs, as they are called, will quickly snuff out a bad blaze. In the past most fire extinguishers have been rather high-priced. This new extinguisher is a notable excep tionthe three balls which comprise a set being retailed for only 30 cents per set. A set of three balls comes In an Ingenious ; carton which can be hung from the wall. Not Pretty Music Dorothy, three years old, Uvea at New Albany. Her father took her to I the barber shop to have her hair ' trimmed, and the electric clippers al most drove the little girl into spasms of fear despite the kind assurances i that they would not hurt her. She ! was completed. Next day Dorothy went to visit a neighbor who lived hear the barber shop. Shortly after her arrival sue heurd music and inquired Its location. On being informed that It was at the barber's she replied: "Well, I don't think his musle Is pretty." Indianapolis News. They are GOOD! LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned executors of the estate of August Quasdorf, deceased, havo filed their final account in the County Court of the State of Oregon for Polk County, and that Monday tht 21st day of August, 1922, at the hour of 10 A. M. thereof, at the court room of the said County Court in the city of Dallas, Oregon, has been appointed by said court as the time and place for the hearing of objections to the said final account and the settlement thereof. LETTICIA QUASDORF II. IIIRSCIIBERG Executors of the estate of August Quasdorf, deceased. B. F. Swope, attorney. NOTICE TO CDEDITORS Notice is hereby given, that the undersigned, by order of the County Court of Polk County, Oregon has been appointed Administrator of tha Estate of Louisa J. Bezanson, de ceased, and has qualified. , All persons having claims against the said estate are hereby required to present them with proper vouchers within six months from the date of this notice to the said Administrotor at Independence, Oregon, in said County of Polk. Dated and first published June 30th 1922. W. B. CUTHBERT t Administrator of the estate of Louisa J. Bezanson, Deceased. D. E. Fletcher, Attorney for the estate PROFESSIONAL CARDS SWOPE & SWOPE Lawyers Campbell Buildiner INDEPENDENCE, OR. D. E. FLETCHER Cooper Building Attorney INDEPENDENCE. OR C. C. WRIGHT, M. D. C. Veterinarian pp?idence, "Uncle HiHvV Brotherhood of American Yeomen Meet in K. P. Hall 2nd and 4th Wednesday nights. Visiting Mem bers Always Welcome. Foreman, Bliss B. Byers. Arthur Black, Cor. Efficient Service Courteous Treatment A. L. KEENEY Funeral Director and Licensed Embalmer Calls Promptly Answered Day or Night Reasonable Prices Phones 9821; 9822 Independence, Oregon WindMill Barbershop WATKINS & WEDDLE, Props. We appreciate your trade. Uniyersityw Oregon The UNIVERSITY OREGON contains: The college of Literature, Science and the Arts with 22 departments. The professional schools of Archi tecture Business Administration Education Graduate Study -Law-Medicine Music Physical Educa tion Sociology. The 47th Year Opens October 2, 1922 For acataloiu oranjf informmtion Writ The Rcittror, UnfVtrstttf of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon. L. m. HUM Care of Yick So Tong Chinese Medicine and Tea Co. Has medicine which will cure any known disease Not open on Sundays 152 South High Street Salem, Oregon Phone 281 J IE I lira 11