ft(jflAugust 11, 1922 INDEPENDENCE ENTERPRISE r i k R I C E S Mra. Van Dctrick dent hero Jn the early days, wan here we Kiting old friends. We have a MICHLEIN QUALITY To Fit Your Car at a Price to Fit Your Purto MICHELIN CORDS COMBINE WONDERFUL CARCASS STRENGTH WITH A TREAD that RESISTS ALL ROADS WHAT SIZE DO YOU USE? 30x3 y Cord $12.75 No war tax and all other sizes in proportion Independence I ron Writs Halladay, Justin & Wood 'Independence, Oregon LOCAL .1 m Bluch wm htfre from ValseU th weekend. ;i Goldie Hooker of St. llelriu m on a vUit to relatives. !Ui Mabel IJffker of Salem spent wwkend with Mm. Clara Taylor. it nd Mm. G. I. mnn spem ... . '.at! hriUy and Sunday wun onvm rid. r. nd up. Mm. K. E. itiun vac Duganne arc at Ilelknap m a t ' vilUm Hover and on or Airue It here Thuritdity attending to buai- i matters. Htl I. Rice, formerly of this 5, now of The Dalles, ia a gumt of i. Bertha Ferguson. jln. Jennie Sliter and niece, Mlaa Jitrice Sliter of Montana are home jer t week at Newport. irge M. Ilrown of Salern, assoc. e justice of the supreme court, ted a party of frlendn here last Sunday evening and had lunch In the auto camp ground. ' Misses Mary and Elizabeth SchulU of Salem spent the weekend at the George Ruef home. Mr. and Mm. Joe Oberson and little daughter, left Wedneaday for a two week' stay at Netarts. Gua Miller haa teen enjoying a visit of aeveral daya from a boyhood friend, Ed Cilliam of Portland. Mra. W. N. Sharp of Portland haa been (pending a few day at the home of her daughter, Mra. A. E. Horton. Miai Lillian Kreyer of Portland haa been visiting for aeveral dayi at the home of her aunt, Mm. Job McLood. U. G. Davidson of Dallas, Manager of the Elliott Motor company, waa in Li(inrirt T) "" linn purcnascu a, tilt IV VllKll IT I . . . ' . . tuul(e. iie tl working In Salum, driving to and from there dally. Dr. and Mr., p. G. Hewctt and family were weekend guests of Mra. Hcwett'a mother, Mrs. V,"alncott, of Oakland, Oregon. "arry Ord and II Hirschberg went to Portland last night and they will be Joined today by It. M. Wal ker and D. E. Fletcher. Mra. Leonard Ruch, who aubmitted to an operation for appendicitis at the Independence hoapital recently, ia re ported as improving rapidly. J. G. Mclntoah Sa recovering from Intestinal poisoning. He has been confined to hii home for about a week. , Mra. Suaon Jonea and daughter Kathcrine of Corvallia, were Satur day guests of Mr. and Mra. J. G. Mc lntoah. Lee Robinson, accompanied by Mis Pearl Smith and Mra. Frank Berry and children, ia apending the week at Pacific City. Mr. and Mra. W. II. Walker and Miaa Emma Ilenkle have been apend ing a few days visiting with Rose burg relativea. Mihb Kathenne Arbuthnot left Thursday for a visit of five weeka with frienda in Dea Moinea and other Iowa towns. Weekend guests at the W. II, Mattiaon home were Messrs Will Mat- tiaon, Frank Parker and Cpat. Ed, Parker of Astoria. The Oak Point school house haa been made still more attractive by new paint, the work being: done by the Independence Paint company. Rain laat night the first eince about May 1st put the red spider Independence yesterday attending to 'out of commission and at the same time is doing some damage to grain, business matters. Mr. and Mra. Frost of Portland motored to Independence Sunday to visit for the day with Mr. and Mrs. Pearl Hedges. MisaThelma Williams, who has been for the past three weeka in a Portland sanitarium, has returned to Independence much improved in health. . ! ,fJR For Your Picnic Lunch and any hot weather meal, our cold meats are un excelled. We have a fine assortment of wholesoome, delicious and satisfying meats. Phone your order. Our delivery service is efficient. City Meat Market GUS MILLER, Proprietor. Independence,- Oregon. KT0DAK- ah t aim u i We operate a complete Kodak filling Station. Fresh Eastman Kodak Films and Supplies Box Brownies $2.00 to $5:00 luto Kodaks $6.50 to $33 For better Pictures let us develop and print your Films GRAVEN & WALKER INDEPENDENCE, OREGON Mrs. L. Rice, who has been making her home at The Dalles for nearly a year, is here visiting with friends, Mrs. Rice may return here to reside. Mr. and Mrs. II. B. Thompson of Ilelmick stopped here Tuesday and spent the day with friends while en route to their home from a visit to the Yakima country of Washington. Chester William Chambers of Kings Valley is driving; a new Ford touring car which he purchased from the Stewart Motor company a few days ago. Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Batton of Port land, accompanied by their daughter, Mrs. Underwood of Astoria, spent Sunday at the home of Mr and Mrs. J. C. Donaldson. Mr and Mrs Frank Hennagin, daughter Ethel, and Miss Carrie Bailey motored to . Newport Friday. Mr. Hennagin returned Monday, the remainder of the party remaining for a week. ; 0. D. Byers is making improve ments to his residence at the corner of Fourth and D streets. A porch, 8x20 feet is being added to the rear of the building. Homer S. Wood, accompanied by Mrs. Wood and their children and Marylou Myers, drove to Pacific City, Sunday, and spent the day on the beach. Mr. and Mrs. John C Donaldson will leave Sunday on a two weeks outing. They will go first to Free water and then go down the Colum bia highway to Seaside and other points on the beach. L. Damon is making extensive im provements to his residence, and when finished it will be virtually' a new, modern structure. Concrete founda tion, bath room and other important changes are being made. Homer lodge, Knights of Pythias, will entertain Monday night in the lodge room with the Pythian Sisters as the complimented guests. There will be a program and a lunch will be served. A. L. Thomas spent the week end at the Hibbs cottage at Newport, where Mr. and Mrs. Hibbs and Mrs. Thomas are sojourning. Mr. Hibbs was in a critical condition for a few ilnvs. following an acute attack of indigestion, but he is gradually re gaining his health . J. W. Dimick made a brief halt here Wednesday while enroute from Port land to the McCredie hot springs, where he will remain for five or six weeks. He waa accompanied by Mra. Dimick and their grandson, Loron Lovering. The members of the Woman'a club are notified through the secretary, that the empty fruit Jars to be filled for the Albertina Kerr home are at the Baptist church. Take a filled Jar there and get an empty one in ita place. George II. Wood drove to Portland Tuesday morning and spent the day attending to business matters, re turning in the evening- He waa ac companied to Oregon - City by Mra, Wood, who spent the day with friends there. Mm. May , Turner is having in sailed on her ranch near Airlie a Fairbanks-Morse pneumatic water system and is adding a bath room to the commodious ranch home. The work is being done by Mr. Booth for J. D. Hibbs & Co. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Ilenkle have been in Portland this week. They were accompanied there by A. L. Keeney, who ' returned Wednesday. The Henkles wlli be home today. Ilenkle and Keeney were in atten dance at the annual meeting of the Oregon Funeral Directors' associa tion. 1 E E Holcomb, who lives on a rural ronte out of Albany, accompanied by a neighbor, Frank Crabtree, was in Independence, Monday. Mr. Holcomb is a former resident of this city, leaving here about 18 years ago. He served on the police force here was was also fire chief. Mr. Holcomb has been farming and came here for the purpose of locating a farm which could be rented. Judge George W. Stapleton of Portland was here a few days ago attending to business matters and for a visit with relatives. The judge who was an Independence boy, ap parently became confused and parked bis car on the wrong side of the street. His attention to this was called by a friend before Chief of Police Parker had an opportunity of haling the Portland jurist before thj local police court. t Charles E .Hout, father of Miss Frank Hout, county librarian, died at the Good Samaritan hospital, Port land, August 31st, of complications which developed following a major operation to which he submitted a few days before his passing. Mrs. Hout was with her husband during his illness and accompanied the remains to Corvallis, where inter ment was made in Crystal Lake ceme- Itery. L. T. L. PICNIC A social gathering of the L. T. L. members at the M. E. Church Sat urday proved to be a great success. They had a good program after which their pictures were taken. The pro gram follows: Song "We're Coming" Lord's Prayer. Roll call answered with Bible verse 28 responded. Song "America is Free" Piece The cigarette will get you", given by Lavita Bulloch Solo "What would Mother say" by organist. Readings "A Talk" written by Bob Burnett, given by Evlyn Clemo, "Words of help for a Christian girl" read by Aunt Lou Song "Whoever heard of a Poor Old Horse" Collection for farm home of 76c Pledges Frances Willard's child hood, Anna Gordon Rally Crys State and City Prayer "Great King of Nations" written by John Gurney Because "Auntie" Ingram was not able to come to chaperone them tho children took her ice cream, also some was taken to Mrs. Morgan, pres ident of the W. C. T. U. You can safely come to Dr. Thomflson for consultation and examination, knowing that hist years of experience and knowledge are always at your service. Consult him about vour eves next visit Tuesday, , Aug. 22 Local hotel all day. n-2t Cooked Food Sale The ladies of the Methodist church will hold a cooked food sale at the J. G. Mcintosh Grocery, August 19th. ll-2t FEW BARGAINS Make $500 today Swell litt'o mod ern bungalow, 4 rooms, bath lavatory, lights, concrete walks and paved street, close in for $1100. Good tarms One acre ground, 2 large poultry houses, fine location, $750, terms. Weifi Leafar Flappers We are making our first showing of the newest things in feminine footwear for the Fall season. We are particularly pleased with" our line, ! which includes all styles and makes. "Flappers" are the niftiest thing on the market patent leather straps, low heels, brown kid and black kid. We carry a very complete line of shoes of all kinds. We want you to "SEE" what we have. Come to the store at any time and let us show you the new things in footwear. They are sensible in design and pleasing. Eddy & Carbr ay THE BIG STORE Independence, Oregon. . :, INDEPENDENCE, J. E. Hubbard. REALTY CO. C B. Smith. Quality Service EensSDage Cutting Demands ' The Right Tools at the Right Time The International or the Ross Ensilage Cutters are built for service and fill every requirement that can be demanded of them. Strong - Durable - Servicable Built Right Prices Right J. D. HIBBS Ik CO. FARM MACHINERY 0 V