Independence enterprise. (Independence, Or.) 1908-1969, August 11, 1922, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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Vrldav. August n, 1922
jT-" I il " ' i i or .in . '"WMWMaaa
toi A
LsH iH v t
Tell us frankly do not hesitate
to criticise us. We want YOUR
comment your criticism your
May we have it?
Farmers State Bank
Pasre Thre
Polk County
(Dallas Itemixer)
jllwTlie ir service detachment
.i a. m tit mP
Eufenc, at mo request oi w. v,
ti - ti i
.if. sent nnveune pianc n
in Tuemluy, driven by Lieut. Mor
where he was met by Mr. Fuller,
Kcompanifd him on a tour of in
nun of the forest fire situation.
, left Salem at 10 a. m. and
4 over Dallas at an altitudu of
( fret, then over Kail City exam-
f ill fires, then going south
nthe C. & E. railroad at Summit.
,ng norm over iNasnvuic ana
t over the Kilt-tz Hunin and west
he mouth of the Siloti river.
. then returned to Salem over
n river and Grand Rondc. Mr.
r y they had a fine trip and
itemed accurate information as
Itiat the various fires were doing.
?rtjcnt the fire In the Silot
3 ii the only one thnt bother.
death while drivinjr a car on the way
home from Dalian, after attending
the round up. All three men, FreJ
Trask, Walter Wuetcfeld and Jesse
Chessley, were in a badly intoxicated
condition when found on the road
at Mark Capp'a corner, where they
had attempted to pad a car and ran
into the louse gravel breaking their
car. Supreme JuKtice George M.
Drown and Dr. Mark Skiff of Salem
came along and noticing the condition
of the yourg men. held them and
notified the sheriff's office here.
Deputies Hooker and Chase imme
diately went out there and brought
in Trask and Wuentefeld and lodged
them in the county jail. Young
Chessley had both hands caught in
the door of the car and two finger.!
on each hand were so badly snushed
that a friend passing by rushed him
to a hospital in Salem. Because of
this he was unable to appear befora
Justice Ed. F. Cond, Monday, when
the others were tried. Both pleaded
guilty to tho charge of having intoxi-
In the 8pld.r World the Mala of the
8pcli Mutt B a Matter
of "Jm.
There la a certain little spider, we
are told l.y (J. (j. chrk In Ida "Tiny
lollera mid Their Work," who has to
exhibit lilt protleleney as a muster of
Ja. In order to elinrm the creature
U If I. ..I...... I... ........ ...
"ii.i.ii iih wouki mate, ir lie it a
bad dancer he goes ununited, lie Is
ailed the aebra spider because of
'iiit Htrlpea that ruu along his btfbk
abdomen, i
In netting forth upon a matrimonial
quest the zebra spider does not anoint
himself with the special perfume which
some Insects use In like circumstances,
Dor does he, aa the cricket la supposed
to do, rely upon his ability at a maker
of music; he almply appears before
the object of liia dwdre and begins to
dance first a Jaw and then a waltz,
alternating them, It wouH seem, with
the idea that one or the other must
captivate Miss Spider, who slta and
watches him critically with all her
eight eyet,
She frequently, it Is aald, Is hard to
please, hikI a male r.etra has been
known to repent bis Jntz and waltz
as many as 111 timed for the entertain
ment of nn obdurate Insect with which
It would mate. However, few "court
hips are as long as this, the wooed
one usually making up her mind after
a few minutes of his dancing. If her
decision he favorable, ahe soon Joins
the supplicant In a mad whirling waltz.
If, on the other hand, she Ik not
charmed, she either turns away In con
tempt, or savagely rushes upon him
with Intent to murder.
Fuller further states that if we
win within two weeks tho firea , eating liquor in their possesson and
be prevented from doing any were fined ?2!),50 each. They had
about n hulf gallon of intoxicating
liquor in their possession when
ige to forests or equipment.
Ulan hornier runirudt-M iinil loriil
di of Forrest Martin, of Dallas,
ttrved during the big war with
Pny L, winning a lieutenant's
niwion while overseas, will be
ed to learn that ho Is improving
"lth. He is at the government
tal at Walla Walla, Wash., wWu
taking treatment for the first
,f of tuberculosis.
:'llM-Sunday niirht. three vouni
from Corvallis, narrowly escaped
In Delaware there is a town that
boasts of a female fire company,
Chances are that they use silk hose.
"U. S. has half of the world's
gold. headline. If you don't be
lieve it look at people's teeth.
"Fifty thousand dollars Btolen
Chicago found in Los Angeles"
money goes further than it did once.
TELL your dealer you want
to see a Fisk Tire beside any
other he offers you. He has it
in stock or can get it. See for
yourself what the Fisk Tire has
to offer in extra size and strength,
ho w i t s rcsi liency compares when
you flex the tire under your hanS,
how the depth of the non-skid
tread looks beside other treads.
This is the way to buy tires!
There's a Fisk Tire of extra value in every size,
for car, truck or speed wason
Happening of the Middle Aget Which
Should Glvt Food for
Thought Today.
Because they chatter a great deal,
the people of ancient days suld that
magpies were women changed into
birds! That was not a very gallant
thing to say, but miiKPles do not live
In Canada, and there could have been
no reflection on our ladles. They are
pretty white and black birds, shajied
like a crow, nnu about half us big. (
They ure fond of pretty things, and
sometimes pick up articles they fancy
to beautify their homes. In Florence,
Italy, there Is a lofty monument on
top of which stands, or did stand, a
Ntatue of Justice with a pair of acute
In her Imnd. Once the Duke Cosmo 1
lost a peiul necklace which an unfor
tunate little girl was accused of utenl
Ing. They put her to torture and
ruekeil her poor little Hmlis almost to
pieces, until, unahle to bear the pain,
she null! she would plead guilty to
anything. Then she was bunged. That
day a terrible storm visited Florence.
The lightning struck the scales In the
monument and down fell a magpies
nent with the pearls in It I If you ever
visit Ituly, be sure you look for Stazzl
monument, with Its broken scale, and
remember It Is very wise to be "slow
to judge." Montreal Family lleruld,
Nothing to Bupptrt B.llef That Belie,
ariut Wat Raductd to Btggary
In Old Age.
BellHiirlua was the chief military
commander of the Emperor Justinian,
and probably one of the greatest gen
erala of history. He was born In 508
and died In tm, spending, In Ms life
time, neurly forty years In military
service, in dohiierly skill renewed
for a time the undent mllllfirv irturv
of Home, and he earned the title of
"The Afrlcanus of New Borne," Ilia j
career ax a general Is divided Into two
epochs, the war against the Vandals
and that against the Goths. In both
wars be was so successful that he was
given a triumphal entry Into the city
of Constantinople the then Itoman
capital the first that had graced that
city, and the first In any part of the
empire since the days of Tiberius.
Like many another favorite of a
great ruler, Bellsarlus was finally the
victim of false accusatlpn of con
spiracy, end was degraded and re
duced to poverty. Arouad his last
years many legends arose. The best
known of these is that he wandered,
blind and destitute, from door to door,
asking alms and crying "Date obolum
Bellsarlo" ("A penny for General
Bellsarlus"). Hl sufferings have
been the subject of numeroua-llferary,
artistic and musical couiposlMona that
have kept alive this story, which Is
entirely without foundation.
Aflvising a Writer.
I have no means of knowing
whether you are patient lu the pursuit
of this art ; but I urn Inclined to think
that you are not, und that you do not
discipline yourself enough. When one
Is Impelled to write this or that, one
has still to consider: "How much of
this will tell for what I mean? How
much of It Is my own wild emotion
and superfluous energy how much re
mnlna that Is truly belonging to this
Idea' character und these Ideal circum
stances?" It Is In this laborious strug
gle to make this distinction, and In the
determination to try It, that the roud
to the correction of faults lies. Ter
Imps I may remark, In support of the
sincerity with which T write this, that
am un Impatient and Impulsive per
son mvseir. nut mat it nas oeen ior
inuny years the constant effort of my
life to practice at my desk what I
preach to you. Dickens.
The Singer and the Song. .
A song is u great adventure. Thou
ninds write it, tens succeed ; and when
they have succeeded, Its fate still lies
entirely with the singer. No one ever
had it so much In his power to make
I the worse apiwur the better cause, or
I to refrain from so doing. The nncieuts
placed Tlmtlirrls nnd Xnrada among
the gods; the moderns pay the.r coun
terparts royalties. Hut the singer's
lersonullty Is still Incalculable in
terms of canonisation or of cash. That
nersonallty means all that he has been
able to crowd Into his life ; and he may
still enlarge It. A good way to do thnt
is to rend all the poetry that he does
not sing, and to listen to all the inusdc
written for some other Instrument
than the voice. A. H. Fox Strang-ways.
Nothing in tht Way of Medicine Can
$o Effectually Cure a Nervout ,
A well-known doctor says there Is
but little use in taking so-called "ton
ics" for a "run-down" or nervous con
dition. When one has been overworked
there Is nothing better for this than
music. In music we have one of the
finest tonics in the world, and, skill
fully applied, it has been known to
work wonders with those suffering
from nervous disorders.
Even the performances given by
amateur societies have been known to
benefit Jaded nerves, but the best re
sults ere obtained from high-class In
strumental music played by those who
have a wide knowledge of tone values.
If you are musically Inclined, don't
imagine because you feel "fagged out"
after a day's work that an hour or two
at the piano Is going to be too much
As often as not you will find thnt
you will be materially benefited, not so
much, perhaps, because you have been
playing particularly restful music, hut
because the mind has been brought In
to direct contact with a diversion.
So If you nre feeling depressed and
your nerves Jaded, remember that one
of the surest ways of making yourself
fit again Is to go and henr some good
music. There is plenty of it about to
day, and the price of admission is sure
ly worth a week of sleepiess nights.
Mop -.Basket
We Will Save You Money
Also manufacturers of
A I co Wood Products Co.
Albany, Oregon
Round Trip Fares afford great Savings
in travel costs this year
: to
( Tillamook County Beaches - Newport by-the-Sea
Crater Lake National Park - Oregon Caves Nat'l Monument
Oregon's Forest, Lake, River and Mountain Resorts
Shasta Mountain Resorts - Yosemite National Park
"The Scenic Shasta Route" .
and to
Through California
"The Way to See More of the U. S A."
"Oregon Outdoors;" "California for the Tourist" and other beautiful
folders will be mailed FREE ON REQUEST
For fares, reservations and other particulars, ask agents
Southern Pacific Lines
General Passenger Agent.
Kid dlove Penwipers.
You can make penwipers out of old
kid gloves and use them at the next
church fair. Cut up the gloves Into
circles, using hiefly the backs and
wrists. Stitch all strongly together
through the center. Then take a good
long cork and stick it in the center of
the top layer of circles, sewing it in
place. Next, take sealing wax, one
bright color, or several colors, as you
prefer. Drop It on the top of the cork,
letting it run down the cork to te
penwiper, turning the cork round and
round so that It Is nearly covered with
sealing wax. The cork, covered with
sealing wax, forms the handle. For
the top round of the penwiper pick out
a specially nice piece of kid and scal
lop it all around the edge, or take a
bit of bright cloth to match one of the
sealing wax colors.
Wafts I
Having leased our farm for a term of years we will
sell at auction on the farm three miles S., E. of Independ
ence on the Btiena Vista road, the following described
property as follows: -
Saturday, August 19, Starting at 10 A.M.
"Tell It to the Marinet."
The body of men called marines,
"soldiers and sailors too," were origi
nally enlisted for service on board
ship to defend naval officers from the
bluejackets, who in those early days
were generally mea of the lowest class
and worst character, who were seized
by the press-gang and bound unwilling
ly to the ships for a term of years.
The expression, "Tell It to the ma
rines," Is applied sarcastically to the
teller of a more than usually unlikely
story, but this arose merely from the
fact that all . sailors thought them
selves more shrewd and less easily Im
posed upon than landlubbers, and the
marine was conveniently handy on
board ship.
The Way to Get Rid of Paintings.
"I'm sick and tired of looking at that
old painting. I never did like It, any
how, and I only hung It up because it
was a wedding present."
"I know, my dear, but what shall
we do with It?"
"Why don't you give it to your club?
That's what everybody else does wun
unwanted pictures." Detroit Free
Great Publicity Stuff.
"1 understand Gladys Ciladeyes, the
movie stur, pays her new press agent
$10,000 a year."
"He's worth It."
"The fellow has brains. The tlrst
thing he did was to have Gladys pho
tographed in a bungalow apron, stir
ring something on a gas range." Bir
mingham Ase-llerald.
Solomon's Magic Carpet.
The story of Prince Ahmed tells
how the magic carpet of Tangu would
transport any one who sat on It to the
place he wished to reach. s .
Its counterpart appears in the
Koran. King Solomon, It Is told, had
a carpet with the snine magic quality.
It was made of green silk and on It
wus placed his throne when he wished
to travel. Spirits stood on the left
hand of the king, and on his right
stood men and women. Then Solomon
told the wind where he wished to go,
and Immediately the carpet rose into
the air with all who stood upon it,
and traveled swiftly to Its destination,
while birds with outstretched wings
flew overhead to screen the royal
presence frgm the sun.
Helping Him Out.
Doris I felt sure you were goin to
kiss me when you puckered up .vour
lips Just now.
Archbald No er it was only a
piece of grit In my mouth.
Doris Then for goodness' s.ike
swullow it you need some.
Bay Mare, 9 yrs. old wt.
about 1450 lbs.
1 Brown Mare, 11 yrs. old,
wt. about 1450 lbs.
1 Cow, 8 yrs. old, will be
fresh Nov. 4th.
1 Cow, 4 yrs. old, will be
fresh Nov. 10th.
1 Cow, 4 yrs. old, will be
fresh Feb. 25th.
1 Cow, 2 yrs. old, will be
fresh Feb. 26th.
All giving milk
1 Heifer, will be 2 in fall,
freshen Oct. 1.
20 Head Shoats, wt. about
100 lbs.
3 Brood Sows
About 175 S. C. White Leg
horn Hens, Tancred strain
8 Head Grade Lincoln Ewes
5 Head Lambs, Lincoln and
Hampshire . t
1 Osborne Binder
1 Adriance Mower
1 Osborne Hay Rake
1 Disc Harrow
1 Disc Gang Plow
1 Vanbrunt Disc Drill
1 14-inch Walking Plow
1 12-inch Walking Plow
1 8-inch Walking Plow
1 2-section Drag Harrow
1 Studebaker Top Buggy
1 Hack
1 3 VI Bain Wagon in eood
2 Sets Work Harness
1 Set Buggy Harness
1 Petaluma Brooder Stove,
500 Chick capacity
1920 Model Ford Touring
car. New set of wheels
and new Willard thread
rubber insulated battery
1 Home Comfort steel range
Good as new. Some house-,
hold goods and articles
too numerous to mention.
Terms Under $20 cash, over that amount, time will
be given or approved paper. A Farmers State Bank rep
resentative will be present to fix time on notes.
r. and Irs. J. A. Compton
L. STEVENS, Auctioneer.
Place Your Orders Now with
Enterprise for Hop Tickets
- mi in lit iirin .nn- - ' ' 11 1 1111 """"