0 j' ttBt ; ... - - -i'57 40th YfiMt No 131 ITV WHEAT BST IN YEARS ,.bj 0f Fall Grain I Prov ing Happy Surprise to Farmers INDEPENDENCE, OREGON. FRIDAY, AUG. 11, 1922 k irrain farmers are har-venting u,.t mmlity wheat In n decade or L gnj what in of equal impoj-tanco - iild Is the heaviest for i number tllr. Another wing m cornice- ilb it is that the lonjf pell of LOCAL AUTO PARK IS GIVEN STRONG ENDORSEMENT Tho Independence auto park Ih at- irwunir cofiHi,t.ruhlc attention from tourist. It In about th only park in the valley which furnish, arcom. nidations and is mill on the free lint. Chief of I'itii i,.l... i i . in nurping u regster of visitors and It shows thut it J being quite liberally patronizes. One visitor there expressed hi views Jn this way; "I have stopped ut practically aU of the camps from thti California line north ami I have found none whi,-h suit m better than the one you have hern in Independence. It in a nrettv with I' I" l,u" 1 i"i'K "J'eu ' " " 'm-ii, rather had lid the farmers toidy Book with flr"I''o room and ex. v that tho crop would be short. c'lu-nt -cornmodations and situated TIGHTEN PARTY LINES JS EFFORT Republicans Meet at Dallas and Listen to Address by State Chairman v uwi 1117 Itrgw indicated thin condition, threshing revealed a heavy re- tanJ deliveries at the warehouse that the quality i exceptionally rge W. (itrard, who Ih handling lecciptof grain atHhc Monmouth huuse- of the Oron Milling ik fihuune company, I of the opinion thii i the best yield of fall in 10 year. fjut 30,000 buHhel of wheat have I received at the Monmouth ware- and there will probably be 10 biuhcls to be delivered there. ( price for No l wheat ia now A ya cent, nui wns must weign full 60 ijound to the bushel, of the wheat in the valley grade ,,'t under thin and bring a few lent per buithvl. ring frain ih anori, exception m. There hu not been enough it . ... sro 10 determine wnn any ac- HimoKt in the heart of your city. The only reaon that it Ih not filled all of the time in that traveler do not know how comfortable you are mak ing It for them. "Your chief of poli'ro in courteously coUAiderate to all viwitori and deem U take delight in extend welcome." Owing to the poor condition of the highway between CorvalliH and Al- any, traffic Ih routod through Inde pendence to Salem, and of courat thin brings a good many tourints here and quite a few arc taking advantage of the canfp. DALLAS WILL I 'LAY HERB SUNDAY AFTERNOON Walter Tooze, Jr., of McMiruiville, chairman of the republican state central committee, ia endeavoring to put some "kick" into the county or ganizationn with the big idea the welfare of the party in the years to come, lie met with Polk republi cans at Dallas last Fridty forenoon and went into detail inregard to plans which he denirea to have carried out. "It is nectary to reorganize th3 linen throughout the state into lighting unit," eaid Mr. Tooze. mu8t get rid of the 'isma' that flourihh when party organization i.i lax by organizing the voters into two dominant parties. I am perfectly willing that the democratic chairman ithall do for his party what I am trying to do for mine. For in strong BOND ISSUE NOT VALIDJS CLAIM Suit to Prevent Sale of Polk Securities Started at Dallas CALIFORNIA MAN TALKS TO LOCAL POULTKYMEN In a suit filed Monuay, It. M. Wal ker, S. C. Hanna, II. W. Mattison, J. E. Hubbard and Charles D. Cal breath, all of Independence, are ask ing that Polk county and the county court be restrained from sellinz $40,000 worth of bonds for the West Side Pacific highway. In the complaint it is alleged that a special bonding election, held in Polk county June 3, 11)19, was illegal on the ground that the question of a j the rate of interest which the bonds We ; were to hpnr i nnt fivor? Vmf -.r1f ,.u, ,j a provision that interest should not exceed 6 percent per annum; and that the first numbered paragraph is void because it doea not conform to provisions of section 4 of chapter 103, general laws of Oregon, 1913, in this that it does not describe what war- George W. Wood of Santa Cruz, Calif., a' director of the affairs of the Poultry Producers of Central Calif ornia, accompanied by R. Roy Put man of Clackamas, gave a talk in th city hall Tuesday night of interest to poultrymen. The meeting had not been properly advertised, and only about 25 or 30 were present Mr. Wood in a (abatement to the Enterprise said that the Oregon as sociation is meeting with experiences similar to those of the California or granizaton in the first years of its ex istence, and is of the opinion that eventually it will be made to operate satisfactorily. Last year, the central California organization sold $9,000,000 worth of eggs, of which $2,000,000 v was shipped to New York city. The as sociation makes a charge of two cents PICKING WILL STARTM0NDAY Employment Will Be Furn ished for About 50OO Pickers. ,.a.lJ( Buuuuruy nes me aniiiiy or tne cu ar road within the .ntv people to get what legislation theyjtween the said point on the Yamhill desire. pii, j 4i, t Polk countv linn inH tho nninf nn ttia County Chairman E. E. Paddock of Benton- Polk county line are to be Independence presided at the meeting built or Improved by the monev raised nor where the said road is located A big attraction in baseball circles is scheduled for the high Bchool diamond for Sunday Aug. 13, with Dallas and Independence as the con fer the iverage yield, but H hai 1 1('n,,enn'- r)alIa" h8 lost but one! a .1.... i ...mi i .. frftrntl inn KJnlnn lnflkrtfrwOnr 1 eniimairu niui it will not ne - " i" -. ..vu. and there was a fairly good repre sentation of precinct committeemen. C. E. Ingalls, of Corvallis, state sec retary, was also present and so was .Senator I. L Patterson of Eola and ! Representative' Fletcher of Independ ence. mi. . . ine women are to be given an within said county or give the be ginning or terminus thereof. The plantiffs allege further, that between the two county lines there are a great number of established1 road districts and established county roads and it is impossible to deter- a dozen for handling the eggs. The Oregon organization was patterened after the California institution, and the presumption was that the cost or marketing was not to exceed tw cents. AUGUST APPLE SPRAY NECESSARY, SAYS CARPENTER iroiiiiinn'tj uiui it, win nut pe , . . . 50 prrrent crop. Fortunately tmon the 'P Krnered in a rather ctlV p"rt ln the organization, Mrs. mme from the language of said order proportion of the grain I. f.tfjcxcitln go at Dallas few weeks ,ra ' 98per 0 a"as being named upon which of the said established f Murquently the farmers are f- VKe Cha,rmun cunty roads the money is to be ex. hi in luck. OFFER'S DEATH HLOW TO .MOTHER I ken hearted over the tragic f of her son, John A. Schaffer, Julia Schaffer returned last Sar i night from Toledo, Oregon, I that morning burial service held from the undertaking par- md interment waa made in the P cemetery. Schaffer wm burned, to death hia car had gone over a alight 'kment about 20 miles this side "!edo while driving from Inde- nce to Toledo on Wednesday of last week. William La hof Valsetz met the same fate, third occupant of the car. Mar- Elkina, escaped with alight e. ft nports from the scene of the nt wore to tho effect that Mr. her waa missing, bu subseouent- I' charred body, almost beyond nt'on, was found a short dis , w,y- making it evident that he jot been seriouHly injured when far went over the grade, but that f othing had caught fire and he ndeavorcd to extinguish It. Schaffer was a son of Mrs I Schaffer, the widow of a Civil "toran, who is running a room- POUSe niaf e...i . . j ooumern x'acuic V1 DurinK the past summer he ,;''een mni.....i . "T'j-u us a uonicey en "Perator at Valsot ay to Toledo, where he had for- r"ied, to attend to some bust matters Uhi . i , --"v.i vim Buviueiii.; j.e. I J Schaffer was 43 years old, J Jen born in Minnesota Dec- I w;nd ,three 3, 13, f; 10 and Otto 8. He also """US ntlfl T?r,ln. 1 pother, Frederick, who r. 10 Minnesota: n. Mrs. .Toi.i. o- Don Uarton has succedeed W. B. Muggins as manager of the Indepen dence team, and is of the opinion that) Independence ought to wallop it all I The game will be railed at 2:30. CIVIL WAR VETERAN IS MARRIED AT DALLAS oended. or otherwise iWcA nr Aett. 'JERSEY PREMIUMS AT I mined with nv rWrpn nt rprtaintv STATE FAIR ADVANCED the route of the road pretended to jje descrjDed in the bond, paragraph over the county seat aggn-gation. ' . ""T . ' y !". , numoer l, and the sad order does not Ho is endeavoring to put more kick 8Utu fa,r nt month wnll be as high describe the said road between the Into the team with the expectation ' "'.f of ny. ot the ,b re,edb' ' 8aid Points' as ' part of the West of evening up the score with Dallas. ! wh'i is mxlmum of $30 for first j Side'' Keif ic Highway or any part Irvine jcois ok l" imuun- inereoi. al Jersey association withdrew its ) A. B. Robinson, county judge, T. support from the premium list and H. Graves, county commissioner and the fair board lowered the maximum . Floyd D. Moore, county clerk have premium to $25. This has been ob-, been served with the notice. J. N. Thomas J. Fryer, a Civil war vete ran and a resident of Independent for many years, and Mrs. Martha A. South, also of this city, were married at Dallas last Friday by Comity Judjre Asa B. Robinson. After a brief honeymoon they will take up their residence at the home of the groom on C street. The event came as a surprise, but a nloasinar one to a large circle of friends to both the bride and groom, and congratulations are being freely extended. POULTRY STUDENTS STOP HERE ON INSPECTION TOUR An advanced class in poultry hus bandry, made up largely of rehabili tation students of the Oregon Agri cultural college, under the guidance of Prof. Fox, stopped here Monday forenoon and visited the poultry yards of F. E. Hennagin and Dr. R. E. Duganne. There were about w "in the party and they are on a two weeks' jaunt and a part of them win go into Washington. jected to by Jersey breeders and the , Helgerson, district attorney of Polk board, at a meeting Monday, voted j county, will handle the matter for to put it back at the former figure, j Polk county and will have until Wed The board took up business rela- j nesday, August 16, to appear and tive to amusements at the same time. 'plead. The policy in this regard will be Attorneys for the Ipaintiffs are the same as that of last year, barring Martin L. Pipes. John M. PiDes. all games of chance and other amuse- J George A. Pipes, all of Portland and menu to which objection might be D. E. Fletcher of Independence. made as position. improper for a state ex- SALEM MAN TAKES SAWMILL AT PEDEE W. T. Grier of Salem has taken BARN AND SILO BURN . ON S. MUHLEMAN FARM A barn and silo on the S. Muhleman farm, just southwest of town were entirely destroyed by fire Tuesday over the Cleveland & Hedges saw- afternoon. There were about four mill at Pedee, under a lease, and is . tons of hay in the barn, some farm remodeling it preparatory to a re-. tools. A horse escaped incinderation sumption of operations. Mr. Grier is by a narrow margin. There was an an experienced sawmill man. insurance 'of $350 but this will not be I any where near as much as the loss NO RUBBISH FIRES DURING DRY SEASON rucnce, AVii,,.... b1 AWARDED 1 "aALT l'OR MILE WALKS Messrs. Stokes and Sykes, deputy fire wardens, were in Independence a few days ago investigating condi found some things to ers living at Toledo,:' u,'K ti,v obieeted. but the main idea is to see that every precaution tot-on n mmrd n trains t fires. Due to the extreme dry spell they gave i ... mi i TT HFrtnrJ etrisr RufKo i o Z """"" Fire Jniei ueorge r nChnel SrrnflTnv,! 11 . . .. . ' th ... ui i injunction against peninnms and innlli.. - -1 ' ... i i : '"North n l , ' burnng of trash or tne svarung urea iur urn... ADDITIONAL CENT TO BE PAID. BY OREGON GROWERS An additional one cent a pound is soon to be advanced by the Oregon Growers' Cooperative association. A payment of VA cents was made dur ing the picking time and the coming disbursement will reimburse members for ther cost of picking. T.W.HART HAS GROCERY ON wiir-Ja T. W. Hart has remodeled a cook house truck into a grocery store and has moved it to the Rueh hop yarn on the Marion county side of the river, where he will supply hop pickers during the season. , "wider Bros J'" Wm.o I -v p light pm tor Independence con- awurded a contract by tho city council of " tbn ... H a; a a mile "-""s'-iuciion ox s in ii 8Uio WuIks on various '""nmoiith tu X 1113 IIlIXLUCri kntLtwo of and and Wiaref he price is fents irk i8 r1"1 for over 25,000 feet. wli be fitarted next Monday usly, Pushcd to completion fM bV a" the Mw wa,ks wero nce. E Horton of Inde- PYTIIIANS INVITED TO PICNIC AT RICKREALL FUNDS READY FOR TWO x BUILDINGS AT FARM HOME Under the auspices of the Salem Dokks, a picnic is to be given at the i faunicient funds are available for park at Rickreall on Sunday, August; the construction of two buildings at 13th, to which all Pythians and their ' the Children's farm near Corvallis, friends are invited to be present. It according to a statement just issued expected that well filled baskets . by the board. A. C. Schmitt, presi will be taken. jdent of the board, recently returned W. C. Wood, head of the local ! from the east where he inspected the Pythiun lodge, is in receipt of an in vitation for the lodge members here, the Pythian Sisters and their friends. Mooseheart home near Chicago which is being operated on much the same plan as it is planned to do in Oregon. Paul Carpenter, Polk county agent, has issued a statement to apple folks in which he says: "We are not able to get away from the August worm spray this year. The worm situation is bad due to the fact that eggs were laid all during the month of June. It would be poor business to, bring fruit to this season and then abandon our worm control at a most critical point. "About August 20th apply arsenate of lead, three pounds of the powdered to 100 gallons of water. "To avoid blotchiness of fruit and to seal the poison coat so. it "wont come off" the use of a aualitv spreader is urged. A high grade commercial spreader will run about i two bits to a 200-gallon tank. "Anthracnose. This disease can be brought under complete control by a late usmmer application of Bor deaux, 4-4-50. If a property is ser iously affected by anthracnose it will be well to combine the Bordeaux with the August lead spray. "Bordeaux in August likely means wiping the fruit. "It is just possible that the Augu , lead application will call for the sarr. treatment, but not probable where spreader is used. "In a few orchards the Bordeaux for anthracnose was put on with tt July spray. This early use of Bor deaux may control the disease and still avoid wiping. "The last one. Don't pass it up." UNCROWNED HERO ANSWERS FINAL CALL Auto Tourists Take Notice L Auto Tourists Take Notice . ANAWrULtfttl HAVE 0lW1PBlSN3 M i At Dallas last Sunday, honor "was bestowed upon the memory of Uda Burke, Elkins farmer, who died in the Veterans' bureau hospital in Portland on the preceding Wednes day, as a result of injuries which the young man received during the World war. The funeral services were military in character, solemnly impressive, and were attended by a large number. Mr. Burke was an uncrowned hero of the world war. Enlisting in com pany L of the old Third Oregon when recruits were sought to put the company on a war strength, he went overseas with that organization. While serving as a corporal at the training camp at Cortes in the sum i mer of 1918, he was engaged one jday instructing a squad of drafted men in the use of the hand grenade. The J. R. Cooper yard on the east side of the river -will be the first one to start hop picking this year. Pearl Cooper, who is handling th9 yard announces that operations will be started Monday; Henry Ruch will begin on Tuesday and Virgil De Cos ter on the succeeding Monday. Mr. Ruch has about 30 acres and Mr. De Coster a like amount. These are all fuggles or early hops. This will be about a week or 10 days in advance of the customary time for harvesting. The Wigrich has considerable acreage in early hops and Walter Acocks has about 15 acres. It will probably be 10 days or two weeks before either starts picking. The cluster hops which form the: large part of the crop will not be ready to pick until about the first of September in the estimation of some of the growers, although it is possible that some picking will be started be fore that time. It will require 5000 pickers and helpers to handle the crop in the Independence district this season. -The most of these will be brought here from outside points.- Fifty cents per box is the price which will be quite universally paid. In the larger yards preparations 'have been made for the accommoda tion of the pickers. Tents or build ings are provided and other conven iences. j There will be one important change ! in the amusement line. There will be 'no dancing at either the Wierrieh r the Horst ranches. Dancirt to be centralized in Independence. Eaffcif. Bros, have teen granted a permit by the city council to run a dancing hall during the picking season. They are now negotiating for the use of the C. L. Starr lot at the corner of ; oecona ana o streets, iney nave a tent 50x100 feet, and will build a. suitable floor. One of the large hop growers iw speaking of the help situtrion, said "We are advertising in Po-iland and other places for pickers. We have succeeded in booking many aut there are still many vacancies. An over plus of help in the hop fields is a rare occurrence. We try to rc!.ke is as pleasant as possible fas the hop workers and most of them appear to' enjoy their stay." MANY ATTEND HOLMAN FUNERAL AT DALLAS Many Buena Vista residents were in attendance at the funeral of tie late Mrs. Holman at the Methodist church at Dallas, last Friday. Rev. Frank James of Dallas officiated and interment was made in the I. 0. O. F. cemetery south of town. The pall' bearers included G. A. Wells, E. E. Paddock, Marion Smith and Mr Mixer. ADDITIONS TO VALSETZ SAWMILL Beginning today, the Cobbs & kMitchell company will curtail opera tions to the day shift only at the Valsetz plant. Since early in the spring the mill has been running double shift. Plans have been made for the ex penditure of nearly $100,000 in re modeling the plant. It has beer m- be made the day One of the men dropped a grenade found that the front end of the mil after he had pulled the safety wire. is too speedy for the rear end am rsuTKe saw tne grenade tan among , additional equipment is to be tne men and knowing that within a few seconds it would explode, he rushed forward, grabbed it from the ground and threw it. The grenade exploded a few feet from his hand, filling his chest, neck and face with particles of iron. For several weeks Burke was in a critical condition in an army hospital, but was eventually discharged as recovered and returned to duty with his company. Returning to Dallas, Burke was married to Miss Elone Clanfield, and purchased the Harvey Dickinson ranch in the Elkins district, which he successfully operated until just a , few days preceding his death. He was a son of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Burke of Dallas, who survive him. stalled to bring balance to the plant, and changes will also be made in the planing mill. These alterations are to without interruption to shift of the plant. MULKEY TO BOX AT SALEM ARMORY "Dubs" Mulkey of Monmouth ii matched with Billy Gradeau of Boise, Idrho, as the head liner in a "smoker" to be given in the armory at Salem tonight. Mulkey is a good, clean boxer, ex ceedingly popular with the fight fans, and it is expected that the Salem bout will be hiehly interestiner. Gardeau together with his widow and a small is a 150 Dounder. said to be in nerfect son. Burke was 29 years old. He ! condition. ' was a member of Carl B. Fenton posa, ' There are to be a number of other American Legion of Dallas. ' bouts.