Independence enterprise. (Independence, Or.) 1908-1969, August 04, 1922, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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    Page Eight
Friday, 'August 4, ifm
1 ... , 1 m
l- ' ,
If you wish to register to pick hops
or for day work in our yards, or at
the kilns, for us this season, please
write at once as to the number oi
pickers in your party (families pre
ferred). Price, 50 cents per box and
the prevailing price for day work at
the time of picking. We furnish you
tents, stoves, wood, tables, benches,
and straw for bedding. We have an
jdeal sanitary camping ground. Will
notify you later as to date of picking
and a card will be sent notifying your
SPECIAL NOTICE to all pickers
It is imperative that all hops must be
picked clean and it is expected that
this rule will be strictly adhered to.
CO., Wigrich Ranch, Independence,
Oregon., 21'3t
LOST Between Independence and
Luckiamute river bridge on Thurs
day, blue denim bag containing
field glass, kodak, pocketbook, etc.
Also letter addressed T. M. Hobson,
Alsea, Ore. Return to Enterprise
office. 4-
Kitchen Police
"Marv. were you entertaining a
man in the kitchen last night?"
"That's for him to say, mum, I
was doing my best with the materials
I could find."
This American trying to swim the
English channel may be soma tourist
coining home broke.
Get your hop tickets at the Enter
prise office. Special facilities for
handling them promptly and effectively.
WANTED Hop pickers. We will
run an auto truck to take pickers
to and from work. Walker Bros.
FOR SALE 1 Rock Island 14-inch
Sulkey plow. 1 Clover reaper, Mc
Cormick. Both almose new. J. C.
Collins, Phone 5124. 4-2t
FOR SALE Folding Eastman Ko
dak, post card size, used very
little, bargain. Phone Main 1111,
Independence -tf
FOR SALE Broccoli plants. J. C.
Collins. Phone 5124. 4-lt
FOR SALE 1 Mule, 11 years old.
weight 1456 lbs., 1 Sorrel Mare, 13
years old, weight 1100 R3. Botti
good gentle animals and good work
ers. J. C Collins. Phone 5124.' 2t
You can get your Hop
scoops in Independence
We are specializing on
this kind of work
Cabinet Making of
All Kinds
Ruef & Violette
We guarantee to teach you
Karam Shorthand in 30 days
or it costs you nothing.
AH that we ask of you is to
attend our class from one to
two hours daily
For information call or write
National School of Short
hand 212-213 Oregon Bldg.,
Salem, Oregon
Office Phone 788. Residence 1890J.
FOR SALE Two sows. J. C. Collins.
Phone 5124 4-2t
FOR SALE 1 oil stove, good condi
tion, three new brass electric light
chandeliers which have never been
installed, complete with latest style
shades. Price very reasonable.
Phone 5124 4-2t
WANTED Hop pickers. Will run
auto truck to and from yard for
convenience of town pickers.
Burton Estate. Phone Farm 914.
fary YOUR
Eyes-They are precious
If your eyes bother or you have a
headache come and see us. We use
the most modern methods and
scientific instruments to determine
the defect of your eyes. We spec
ialize in fitting ONE-PIECE
TORIS BIFOCALS at reasonable
Regular monthly visits
Watch news columns for dates
R K. Prather and family, Mrs. J.
K. Tann and Mrs. H. E. Prather
were among the capital city shoppers
Mrs. A. J. Richardson of liwe
nendence is here with relatives and
friends for a few days visit before
she leaves for a tnip to California,
where she will stay several weeks.
Hugh Baldwin of Wenlock, Wush.,
is at the Jack Hall homo and witn
other friends for a few daysvisit.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fisher hart
for their Sunday dinner guest far.
Fisher's parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. L.
Fisher, Beulah Huppsmith and son,
Mr. and Mrs. Oren Mitter and son
Jennings. Afternoon callers at the
same home were Pleas Fisher of
Bullston and Fred Wills of Willamina.
Guy Prather of Portland is here
with his parents. He is recuperat
ing from a severe attack of tonsilitis.
n t i rMa Mji.rt nn1 anmlf
i iur. miu iui
daughter Nadine of Salem, Sunday-
ed at the O. E. Mack home with a
picnic dinner "on the banks of the
Alfred Loy of Helena, who is hers
with his parents for a few days
passed the weekend with friends at
W. D. Simmons has again accepted
the star mail route from Parker to
Buena Vista, this making his 2 con
secutive year.
James Getty and wife returned
from, Portland Friday. They drove
home in the Reo car which they haa
shipped up from California. The car
had recently been repainted and over
hauled in that city.
Clyde McCann of Canby is here
passing the summer with his grand
parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. V. Prather.
Mr. and Mrs. Newt Prather were
called to Corvallis Saturday by the
serious illness of Mildred Prather,
who later underwent a serious oper
ation at one of the hospitals and is
yet in a precarious conditid.n
Mrs. Charles Kau and Mrs. Margue
rite McClain are with relatives in
Corvallis this week.
Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Grounds at
tended the poultry demonstration at
0. A. C. this week.
M. and Mrs. Amos Holman, who
met with such a terrible accident
when driving their car near Hood
River last Friday, were formo
Buena Vista people until four year
ago when they moved to Dallas.
The accident is much regretted fc
a host of relatives and friends her,
who hope they may yet recover,
clthough there seems little hopes ro
them, especially Mrs. Holman.
S. W. Buggbee of Portland passed
Sunday night with his niece, Mrs.
Hattie Fisher and family.
WE are ready to register hop pickers. i
Would like to hear from the old n-;nl Cirfnc
pickers and others. J. R. Cooper ilC 1(11111 dlgUS
Estate by Pearl C. Cooper. 28-2t Car, YOW HOUSe
WOOD SAWING promptly done, or anything you may
Sam Muhleman, phone F5113. w . w WJmt
; t
FOR SALE House and quarter Independence Paint Co.
block, five rooms with bath, desir- ... ADM AIM
able location. Reasonable price on
reasonable terms. E. L. Buchanan, Phone 9622, 273 Main
Route 3, Salem. 23-tt ....... ........ . ,
FOR SALE Fine wool sheep for - ------------
sale. Will sell in lots from 25 to
100, also Pure bred Shropshire and FIRE INSURANCE
Hampshire rams for fall breeding. XT
Call Farm 1321 or see Will Bloch. SURETY BOND&
A Classified Ad- Automobile Insurance
Will bring you a buyer.
Things could be worse. Suppose
Ford were making airplanes. George jW. ChesbrO
Pittsburg is planning 500 tennis Beaver Hotel Block
courts on vacant lots. I
in Tire Prices
See me before
you buy
3) i a
Honest, competent service
is constantly adding patrons
to our repair department.
We fix it any make car and
We do tractor and station
ery engine repair work.
If in trouble, phone for us
C. R. Eakright
I on picking season is hero and with it comes
tho rccccsity of replacing some of your equipment
thai hr.s become wore and lost. Our stock of
arc compete. Wc have Lanterns, Thermometers,
Jack Gr.ins, Baling Twine and Needles. In fact
wc hav3 everything that is needed on the
Slopes Bros. S Cockle
"... . ze
, - ' ' 1 ".-
Wednesday and Thursday visitors at
their old home place here.
Frank Lefever was a business visi
tor to Monmouth Monday.
W. E. Wiley, superintendent of
schools at The Dallas, with his family
stopped over night Saturday with
relatives here while on the way home
from Eugene, where he and Mrs.
Wiley attended the university summer
session. .
W. L. Arant, principal of the Ore
gon City high school, is visiting his
parents in this city.
C. Lorence started threshing Mon
day morning on the Stump farm.
The yield is said to be very good.
Walter Brown, Monmouth jeweler,
left a few days ago for Chiloquin In
Klamath county, which will be hta
future home.
At the regular council meeting
Tuesday evening an ordinance wan
passed authorizing the sale of the
house on Knox street occupied by
Walter Brown to Paul Tacheron for
$700. The lot which is included tr
the bargain is 165 by 22 feet Jn
size. L. A. Robinson of New York,
who has property interests here ana
is passing the summer here, appeared
before the courril and asked for a
street light on the corner of Powell
and Cattron streets. This was re
ferred to the street committee.
Misses Ruth and Mildred' Tether
ow returned home Friday, from
week's visit with their auni, Mrs.
Ralph Lara way of Eugene.
Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Tedrow and
Mrs. A. Z. Tedrow motored to Cor
vallis Sunday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Marks, Mi
Alta Lefley, Mr. and Mrs. W. 11.
Ilarman and daughter Nadine, Mr.
and Mrs. G. B. Jones Bnd son, Leroy,
spent Sunday picnicking at Teal
creek and later visited the celebrated
Black Hill farm owned by William
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Tctherow apeni
Sunday in Dallas.
Clell Kerber of Kings Valley visited
friends here Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. G. G. Hewitt ot
Greenwood spent Tuesday and Wed
nesday at the home of Roy Pitzer.
Quite a number of the young people
from here attended an all day's meet
ing at the Christian church in Dallas
The many friends of Uda Burke
deeply regret his serious illness In
a Portland hospital.
They boasted of their pedigree
Then twins came unawares
And all could see their family tree
Was fruitful as to pairs.
Nineteen seniors at an Ohio girls'
school are reported to be engaged.
Yet people ask, "does education have
any advantages?"
Bargain Day Is
proclaimed by the
Peoples Cash Store
Annual Event Will Take
Place Friday Aug. 4th
Mr. and Mrs. Dow Hamar made a
business trip to Corvallis one day
last week.
Mrs.' Lettie Johnson and. sons,
Earl and Raymond of Elkins, visited
her brother Pearl and sister, Ina
Thursday and Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Alderman of
near Dallas were last week guests of
relatives here.
George Swearingen and son Merle,
hauled George Chese' ro's grain to
Monmouth last week.
Riddell Bros, started their thresh
ing machine Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Shipley were up
to Monroe on business last Friday.
Sam Mulkleman of Talmage sawed
wood for A. J. Shipley one day ot
the past week.
Pap Lorence of Cochrane is thresh
ing grain in this vicinity this week.
Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Fishback and
William Fishback of Salem were
At least one store in SaUm will
not be found unprepared to fill the
expectations of the many residents
in Marion and Polk counties, yoa
have been fondly expecting this
event, Salem's 6th annual Bargain
The onrush of people which comes
with the arrival of this day is ex
pected to exceed all previous records.
Every available person in the People's
Cash Store will help re-arrange, re
price and select the types of goods
to be used in their window display
and bargain counters.
Past Bargain Days have shown
that hundreds of the out of town
people make Bargain Day the occa
sion for stocking up the empty lai
ders and for buying those articles ot
clothing which are likely to be need
ed in the immediate future.
Bargain Day visitors are again
assured of the wonderous prospects
in view for tnm and are reouested
to make the L oople's Ca.,.. Store
their headquarters.
Window shopping is going to be
popular sport at Salem's busiest
store because the numerous, articles
and the many low prices are going to
make a big attraction. The people
who are going to participate must
make it their point to be here early
because you have heard before that
the early bird gets the worms.
The total registration at the normal
for these closing weeks is about 3H0.
The normal was particularly for
tunate in securing Dr. 11. K. Dcvine,
who hus been lecturing in the uni
versity extension summer school in
Portland, for an addrfsa last Friday
morning. Dr. Pevine, who was hT
many years a welfare worker In
New York City, gave one of the very
best talks given at the normal thl
year. He is a real student ami thinn
er besides being a speaker of n
mean ability, and spoke on American
ization In a way quite distinct from
the usual stereotyped expression.
Mrs. Barnum, '21, of the faculty of
the nornuil at Pendleton, visited th-s
Moamouth normal Tuesday and Wed
Miss Todd left Sunday morning for
a visit oi some weens in rennsyi
vania and Indiana.
Miss Anne Ulen, '22, of Portland
has been secured as assistant in the
art department for the remainder oi
the term.
The many friends of Miss Gertrude
Hargrcaves, '21, were happy to hear
of her recent marriage in Oregon City
to J. P. Morrison, superintendent at
Tumalo, where they will nvtk
A representative of the Near L
relief work,' J, A. Ilunsakcr olf
land, gave an address at tin I,
hour on Thursday mornlnj.
Normal friends were 4tri
iiurprued to liarn of the is.-.
1 - C , I.. .A . 1 . . ftf-
in oatem mi naiuraay oi aiiMuj
. til I m ft .1 ml
iiuinuay anu i. n. usuen. m
their engagement had bn luxm
some time, they stole msnise
their frienda on Saturday. Tbej J
live in southern Oregon. Their tJ
frieada wih them much kpt?
Mrs. Ryihard and Mitt Ptrk
enjoying a trip to the KUnuiU
country this week. ,
A motion picture frsturicjl
Vera Gordon will U shown a
chapel Friday evening, Aujmtt
title iTht Good Provider ui
said to be a very superior prt4
in every icnae of the word.
I'hUoftophy Ktyi
"A man who runs things obi:
is liable to fall over it"
"Even If you can look at i
and tell her age you had bM
Hardest thing about rontaf
office is klsaing the babiet-ifM
on the babies.
Havinc leaser! nur farm for a term of vears we
sell at auction on the farm three miles S. E. of Indept)
ence on the liuena Vista road, the lonowing ucau-i
property as follows :
Saturday, August 19, Starting at 10 f
1 Bay Mare, 9 yrs. old wt.
about 1450 lbs.
1 Brown Mare, 11 yrs. old,
wt. about 1450 lbs.
1 Cow, 8 yrs. old, will be
fresh Nov. 4th.
1 Cow, 4 yrs. old, will be
fresh Nov. 10th.
1 Cow, 4 yrs. old, will be
fresh Feb. 25th.
1 Cow, 2 yrs. old, will be
fresh Feb. 26th.
All giving milk.
1 Heifer, will be 2 in fall,
freshen Oct. 1.
20 Head Shoats, wt. about
100 lbs.
3 Brood Sows
About 175 S. C. White Leg
horn Hens, Tancred strain
8 Head Grade Lincoln Ewes
5 Head Lambs, Lincoln and
1 Osborne Binder
1 Adriance Mower
1 Osborne Hay Rake
1 Disc Harrow
1 Disc Gang Plow
1 Vanbrunt Disc Dnl
1 14-inch Walking
1 12-inch Walking
1 8-inch Walking PI i
1 2-section Drag HarrJ
1 Studebaker Top Bu$
1 Hack
13iiBain Wagon id,
2 Sets Work Harness
1 Set Buggy Harness
1 Petaluma Brooder !)
r.rf nynr f;?naClty
1 1920 Model Ford
car. New set oi .
and new WillardJ
rubber insulated b
1 Home Comfort ste '
Good as new.
i ii .1.. nnri d'1
noia goous
trn numerous to
TermsUnder $20 cash, over that amount, titf
be given on approved paper. A Farmers State
resentative will be present to fix time on no'
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Compi
r'b SATTEVENS, Auctioneer.
Printed by the Independence Enterprise