INDEPENDENCE ENTEUrKiatt : Page Six 2Cc 32-inch FROLIC CLOTH Special lit 18c Genuine 81x90 PIQUOT SHEETS Regular Price $2.25 $1.49 mm w- fl Yf o M .. ii 8 IS HERE WITH A BARRAGE OF BARGAINS NEVER BEFORE KNOWN 19c 36 inch Unbleached SHEETING per yard 121c 10c Fine CROCHET THREAD . i. 5c 25c 32x18 Huck Towels 13c o o ) 2Sc Mixed Linen Crash Toweling I2c i 25c 36 inch Cretonnes 1 2Jg all $1.25 72 inch Merceriz- CQa vv JL . - 35c 36 inch CURTAIN Marquisettes Challenge Price 15c $1.50 to $2.00 values, to close out Bathing Suits for ladies men and child ren 59c BALIE ON "FRIDAY, SATURDAY, MONDAY 35c per yard Hair Ribbons 14c 19c Lawn 'kerchiefs 4c ftfet Faff Mlaits Big assortment of 500 Sailor Felt and Trimmed Hats Bargain Day Price 98c $1.98 $2.98 50c Children's Summer Bonnets, Challenge Price 9c $2 Table Damask, the best substitute for linen yet pro duced. The fabric is fin ished with the Basco Linin ised Process. It retains its linen like appearance 98c Ladies' 25c Heavy Hose Challenge Sale Price 11c $5.50 Slip-over and Tuxedo Sweaters, Challenge Price $2.98 29c Children's Double Rub ber Pants, Challange Price 19c 25c Children's Hose, Brown, Black and White 12V2C $2 Pure Silk Hose all colors Challenge Sale Price $1.19 25c Children's Hose, Challenge Sale Price 7c $1.00 Silk Pongee Challange Sale Price 59c 75c Fibre Silk Hose Challenge Sale Price 29c Basement HERE'S SOME BARGAIN ATTRACTIONS: 4 quart Pudding Pans - 23c 4 quart Stew Pans 23c 10 quart Galvanized Pails 23c Cup and Saucer 15c Tin Cups, per dozen 50c Closing 1 lot of Ladies' Summer Hats 49c Ladies' Blue Chambray Unionalls 79c Boys' Wash Suits : 79c Children's Dresses - 79c Ladies' Blouses 79c Ladies' Unionsuits, all sizes 27c Children's Unionsuits 12c Children's Stockings and Socks 9c Men's Work Shirts 49c Girls' Pleated Skirt Sweaters $2.98 36x18 Red Border Huck Towels .14c 27 inch Heavy Flannel 11c Dress Ginghams 11c 60x60 Blue Bird Lunch Cloths 98c Napkins to match . 5c Remnants HALF PRICE Ladies' and Men's Heavy Stockings ...11c Brassieres - 15c Laces - - 2c ; Ladies', Men's and Children's Shoes and ! Oxfords 59c Dress Voiles and Fine Flow-$5.50 All Wool Bathing ered Lawn for fancy Sum-L Ladies' and Men's mer Dresses, Challenge Sale 19c $2.49 All Wool Jersey Sport Coats Regular Value $5.50. All Colors, all Sizes $2.9 Canton Crepe and Taffeta Dresses, just arrived, up-to-date styles for fall wear, $14.75 French Gingham Dresses Trimmed in Organdies, up-to-date styles, Challenge Sale Price $3.49 25c 36-inch Curtain Scrim, 5 different colors 9c 1 Shop where the Crowds Buy Salem's GREATEST STORE rocenes Blue Rjbbon Flour, guaranteed for good bread, or money back, 1 sack $1.58 Blue Rose Hard Rice, 1 lb 07 Macaroni, 1 lb - ,06l2 White Beans, per lb .07 Economy Coffee, 1 lb 20 BestPeaberry Coffee, 1 lb 29 Cocoa in bulk, 1 lb .08 Milk, tall : - - .09 Milk, small - 05 Standard Corn, 1 can .:. .11 Libby's Pork and Beans, Medium can .10c Pink Salmon, tall, 1 can 12 Red Salmon, 1 can .17 American Sardines, 1 can 4y2c Shrimp, 2 cans for ... .35 Canning Supplies, Pint Mason Jars .74 Quart Mason Jars 1 .85 y2 Gallon Mason Jars 1.25 Rubbers per dozen . .05 Mason or Economy Tops, 1 doz .27 Best Pure Lard in bulk, 1 lb 14y2 36-in. Light and Dark Fast Color Percales, best quality, new shades 14c Taffetas and Messalines, all colors, Challenge Sale Price $1.19 Ginghams, Short lengths Challange Sale Price 9c 45x24 Heavy Turkish Towels 29c 60x60 Blue Bird Lunch Cloths, Challenge Sale Price 98c Napkins to match 5c I Heavy Canton Crepe, all colors, Challenge Sale $2.49 All Wool Serges, Challenge Sale Price 69c Paris Waists, all sizes with garters 49c Valence and Torchon Laces 2c 36 inch Indian Head 24c Permanent Finished Organ dies 39c Ladies' Unionsuits, Chal lenge Sale Price 27c THE loiPfniioin rre KBH