Independence enterprise. (Independence, Or.) 1908-1969, August 04, 1922, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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    fvldav. August 4, 1922
- . i-Tr n ll V ti. ""
a i
is buck on the job
f. Moore
or 'month' 'ltty ,,e11'
I. W,ter Smith of Oregon City
i. ,;,P!r wllh rulatlvss here.
r A. Epley of Salem Hpent
at tne r
Powell of rde vll
L Mrl
the J. G. Mcintosh horn,
L R, Smith of Portland is
flu. it tht horn of her sister,
Ha. Waddle. . -
i j Cobbs of Portland; accompa
y by Walter Inch, passad through
f, yesterday enroute to Valsets.
lit and Mrs. E. A. " Elliott and
IdKD went to Belknap Spring.
Lrday to few d,y' out,nv
)i McElmurry ! moving his
Lwhold effects from the McEImur
Tmh south of town to Monmouth.
Ilmer Addison and John Betken,
Lipanied by their families, are
Lini- coisple of weeks at Neko-
)jn. 0cr Fredrickson and chlld-
trt spending the wee at tnt
in of Mrs. Fredrickson s parent
Kill City.
VC. Watklns or tne winumiii
br ihop, accompanied by Mrs.
itkins, went to fyskowin, Wednes-
for a two weeks outing.
I I 1 1 I . u fln -
i thi week attending the Nat'
j Home Economics convention at
Oregon Agricultural college.
Ur. and Mrs. G. C. Skinner, Mia
fathnot and Mins Kathleen Skinner
) to Portland Tuesday morning,
.ming that night.
Thflma and Rath lleffley
landing several days at Ruck
l They were driven there lat
ly by their father, T. H.
in. W. E. Stewart of Lindnay,
:, ii vbiting relatives and friemfa
i'he vicinity of Independence and
t. Mm. Stewart was formerly
In here as Mis Florence Thur.
i well known graduated nur,
Mighborhood of these towns.
v-. urauncr. manavnr tu.
. . - w vilV JU
dependence creamery, ha. returned
form a week's visit to Seattle. Mrs.
thiinW' ",,,,ndln,r th "Ummer
Mr. and Mrs. o"w. Ilonkle, Mrs.
A. L Keeney, Mrs. 8. B. Walker
and Mrs. N. S. Moor, motored to
Corvallls Wednesday ami spent the
day with friends. -
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Kurre.
panied by their son, Clauds Kurre and
family of Cottage Grove, left VJi.
nesday for Neskowin, where they
win remain jor a coupl of weeks,
C. E. Powell, superntendent of the
logging operation f the Cobbc
Mitchell comp.ny at Valsetx, was here
yesterdsy to meet Mrs. Powell and
children, who were returning from a
visit at Oregon City.
Dewey Hill, accompanied by his
on, Clyde Hill, and Vernon Baker,
went to Tillamook, Sunday, to spend
which will be mixed with relaxation
a week, which will be mixed with
telaxation and business.
uir. mna jnr. a. 1 JIUJIander and
Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Archibald left
yesterdsy on a two weeks' outing.
They will spend a week in the. moun
tains east of Eugene at McCredle
Springa and will then go to the coast
for the balance of the time.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Iddings of
Sacramento, Calif., apt-nt Wednes
day at the J. A. Reynolds home.
They are on a car trip to points
along the north coast, and ex preyed
themsolves as being glad to esrapa
the Intense heat of the Sacramento
country at this season of the year.
Spending a two weeks' vacation at
Rockaway are Misses Edith ano
Mildred Dawes, Mrs. W. W. Wat
son and daughter, Marie', of Living
rton, Montana; MIm'MszcI Collins
if Seattle, and MIms Stanton of Stay
ton. They were taken there by auto
h.t Sunday by William Dawes snd
ion rf W tlf r -
aouth of W ' rErt, -Wh0 ,1Ve" ' Mr' 'nd M' E' E' WPP have re-
;V:"".. ,",.ewM,n turned from an
t iirs. ai. J. IJjIloch.
Dr. and Mrs. 0. 'D. Butler will
leave Sunday on a visit to Yellow
tone national park. They will go
over the Northern Pacific and enter
the park at Gardner and go out on the
west side at Yellowstone, and will
Blnd a f0W day, at Driggs, Idaho,
r returning. They expect
bo absent for about two weeks.
outing at Rockaway.
A. L Allen and wife motored to
Waahougal, Wash., Sunday, and
p-nt the day with relatives. They
were accompanied as far as Port
land by Mrs. Ellen Davis and daugh
ter, Evelyn, who will visit for tw
weeks with Mrs. Davis's father snd
Announcement has been received
here of the birth of a son to Mr. and
Mrs. G. R. Newton of Portland. Tho
Newtons are former residents of In
dependence, Mr. Newton being
Eva La Libert.
Dcen staying at the home of Mrs. G.
K,cn while attending the summer
aesslon of the Monmouth Normal,
went io rortland last Saturday and
will go from there to Camas, Wash.
8he was accompsnied by Miss Lola
Morgan. Miss La Liberte has been
engaged to each at Milwaukee, Ore
gon, the coming year.
Charles Hout of Corvallls, father
of Misa Frank Hout, county librarian,
la critically ill in the Good Samari
tan hospital, Portland. Mrs. Crosby
Davis, a dose friend of the family,
wss summoned to Portland Monday
to be with Mrs. Hout during the crit-
tcai stage of the illness.
Rev. J. J. Handfiaker, accompanied
by Mrs. Handsaker and their three
children, of Portland, spent last Fri
day at the A. L. Keeney home. Rev.
Handsaker is chairman of the near
cast relief committee, and returned
recently from a trip of inspection to
For Your Picnic Lunch
and any hot weather meal, our cold meats are un
excelled. We have a fine assortment of wholesoome,
delicious and satisfying meats. Phone your order.
Our delivery service is efficient.
City Meat Market
GUS MILLER, Proprietor.
Independence, Oregon.
1 1 At saav a M 4
We operate a complete Kodak filling Station.
Fresh Eastman Kodak Films and Supplies
Box Brownies
!fi M (If
$2.00 to $5.00
Auto Kodaks
$6.50 to $33
Fr better Pictures let us develop and print
your Films
Charles G. Irvine resumed Im
duties, Monday, as cashier of the
Farmers State bank after spending
three weeks upon his ranch near
Summit. He waa accompanied by
Mrs. Irvine, their daughters, Fay and
Jean Ellen and Mr. and Mrs. E. 0.
Seeley. Mr. Irvine spent the greater
part of his time in making improve
ments to the ranch house, although
he took time to keep the larder sup
plied with fish. i
Mrs. Irvine Baun returned Fri
day from a two months' visit with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Ayers
of Punxsutawney, Pa. On her way
east she stopped for a short visit with
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Behrens of La
.sane, Colorado, me Jiehrens were
former residents of Independence,
leaving here about six years ago.
Mrs. Baun reports that crops are
unusually good in Pennsylvania,
having had an abundance of rain.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Lightcap .of
Winnepeg have been spending the
past week with Mr. Lightcap's uncle,
J. J. Williams of Monmouth and his
cousin, Mrs. Emerson Groves of this
city. For several years Mr. Light
cap has been buying furs for the
Hudson Bay Co. He has returned to
the states to reside and has taken n
position with a wool buying house m
Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Lightcap
were taken by Mrs. Groves to Port
land Sunday where they will make
their home.
L. G. Reeves was here Monday
and Tuesday from Portland, where
he has been receiving treatment for
several months. Mr. Reeves state
that there is a very material Im
provement in the condition of his
health and that he is so nearly back
to normal that he expects to return
to Independence in a few weeks to
remain. Airs. jKeeves, wno nas like
wise been receiving treatment na
been greatly benefited. Mr. Reeves
waa accompanied here by his daugh
ter, Mrs, H. S. Bulloch and children,
Lester and Catherine, of San Fran-
oisco, who have been on a visit to
Portland. 'They returned to Portland
with Mr. Reeves and left last night
for Snh Francisco.
A most enjoyable time was had
recently at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Alfred Yungen, when relatives and
& inwii - 1 v..w n
Mr. Yungen, and little daughter Eve
lyn's birthday. Dinner was served
with ice cream nad water melon
galore. Those present were: Mr. and
Mrs. Albert Schmidt and son Frank,
Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Schmidt, Mrs.
Fred Schmidt and son Cecil, Mr. and
Mrs. Jake Schmidt and son Walter,
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Tatman and
son Lawrence, Mr. and Mrs. John
Will, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Schmidt and
daughters Emilia and Marie, all or
Laurel, Ore.; Mr. and Mrs. Chris
Hoffman of Jlillsboro, Mr. and Mrs.
Carl Ward and daughter Inez of Cor
nelius, Ore.
Mrs. Noma Cooper haa returned
from Valsetz, where she haa been em
ployed during tXe past summer.
Councilman John S. Bohannon and
wife are home from a sojourn to
coast points.
Mrs. N. S. Moore of Eugene is
spending the week with her daugh
ter, Mrs. A. L. Keeney.
E. A. Weddle is back on the Job in
the Windmill barbershop, after hav
ing been incapacitated for several
weeks by illness. Mr. Weddle be
lieves that he is now over his trou
ble. Miss Winona Carter waa a charm
ing hostess recently when she enter
tained her guests with a dancing
party, at her home. Music for the
evening was furnished by eight Fili
pino young men. A lunch was served
at small tables arranged on the lawn.
A very happy time was had by the
young people present.
Bill Irvine and Alois Miller went
to Cottage Grove last night and from
there will go to the Bohemian mine
with the expectation of remaining for
a few weeks. The superintendent of
the mine is Aloia' grandfather and
the youngsters have laid great plan3
lor having the time of their lives.
Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Young have
returned from an auto trip to Vic
toria and Vancouver, B. C, returning
by the way of Spokane. They were
in Independence last Saturday from
their Salem home and stated that
they had a very pleasant trip.
They went over a lot of country but
found nothing which quite equals the
valley in their opinion.
D. O. Doner, an electrical engineer
of the Southern Pacific at the McCoy
plant, had his left hand badly burn
ed yesterday by forming a contact
with a live wire.
IFSaippsirs '
We are making our first showing of the
newest things in feminine footwear for the
Fall season.
In The Churches
Baptist Church
Sunday achool meets at 10 a. m.
Classes for all ages. At 11 a. m.,
Miss Beatrice Sliter, a returned mis
sionary from among the Crow Ind
ians in Montana, will speak. She
has an t interesting message. B. Y.
P. U. meets at 7 p. m. No preaching
at 8 p. m.
Make $500 today Swell little mod
ern bungalow, 4 rooms, bath lavatory,
lights, concrete walks and paved
street, close in for $1100. Good terms
One acre ground, 2 large poultry
houses, fine location, $750, terms.
J. E. Hubbard. C. B. Smith.
M. E. Church
Preaching services next Sunday
by the pastor, morning service at 11
o'clock and evening at 8.
Sunday school at 10 a. m.
Epworth League at 7:15 p. m.
The W. F. M. S. will meet this
afternoon, Friday, at the home of
Mrs. J. W. Kelly. All members are
requested to be present Prayer
meeting on Wednesday evening 7:30.
Looks as if Germany had given up
the goose-step for the side-step.
Money goes further now, but
seldom reaches next pay day.
We are particularly pleased with our line, ;
which includes all styles and makes.
"Flappers" are the niftiest thing on the
market patent leather straps, low heels
brown kid and black kid.
We carry a very complete line of shoes
of all kinds. We want you to "SEE" what
we have. Come to the store at any time
and let us show you the new things in
footwear. They are sensible in design and
Eddy & Carbray
Independence, Oregon.
Miss Ruth Mills, a 1922 graduate
of the Monmouth Normal school and
who has made her home here for the
past few years, and Frank Addison,
son of Mr. and Mrs. William Addison,
were married at Monmouth last Sat
urday. M. and Mrs. Addison went to Port
land Sunday, and are spending their
honeymoon on the beach.
Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Hembree and
daughter, Elise, of Willows, Calif
ornia, arrived last night for a visit
it', at the home of "Dr. and Mrs. M. J.
Butler at Monmouth. '
A new cooling plant' is being in
stalled in Gus Miller's City meat mar
ket. The machine which is used to
vaporize the ammonia for the network
of pipes through the building is a
six ton Armstrong and has been In
stalled under the v direction of Mr.
Ferrier of the Mcintosh Ice Machine
company of Portland. v
It has a capacity of about three
times the present needs of the estab
lishment, but Mr. Miller states that
there has been a very healthy increase
in the business during the past year,
and that he is' making provisions for
J future needs. - . (' j . ; T, !
1 1
for the price of a Tractor
Its time to lay plans for the coming Seeding Season!
International Harvester Machinery-
.-KNseaw. assssoasssioaaioaa.i
o "