Independence enterprise. (Independence, Or.) 1908-1969, July 28, 1922, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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    jav. July 28, 1922
... i...ui.i Alrlio farmer, wim
t Wi T""'' .
i. ..ll..iwllri(f t() llUMlriOKM
llk il Wt't'K ."
riranl hn rturntl from
( itcvcrul weeks with relative
yine and vjn""w v
tt ipnt yesutruay "
, it A. Child Is visiting nt th
of her daughter, Mm. W. J.
, ,t Forest Crov.
and Mm. George W. HenkU rt.
U Tuesday irom ntwjwrs wnm
iptnt two week. ;, ' ,
.g RUth Gorard of Portlnd f
i - ...mmiir viratinn with
ner uj""
rents In wu cuy.
je riant and Roue are spending
. ,.lr mt f'nitrmrHa. Thv
jiie 01
to return tomorrow.
nd Mr. J. H- Thompson of
(y were gumta of Mom Walker
M Beaver, Monuay,
ud Brown, Mr. and Mr. Franda
L nd Mr. and Mm. Frank Kl
Wored to Dallas last Friday.
M. Walker wna In Fortland Mon-
Lnd Tuesday purchaaing holiday
1 fur the Craven & Walker store.
M. J. LoItf has returned to
a . .
hnma in Haiem auer aeverai
i' vinit at the home of her eon,
jrner A. uowo, premueni 01 mi"
Wood Product company of Al
m a bitMinetta vinitor at Indc
nct Tuesday.
!. Wilbur Croft and three child
f Portland are vUitlng at the
of Mm. Croft'a parent, Mr.
ire. J. 1). Reeve.
f. F. S. Clemo and duuirhter,
i left Wedneday for Fall City
fund the Epworth League Inatl-
Wmg held there this week.
ind Mm. Frank Elliott, who
rn visitini; their cousin, Mr.
lire. Francis Urown, left Tuea-
Lfternoon , for their home in
A. Cook, the efficient account-
the Stfwurt Motor company.
bsnied by his family, U upend-
ii ww-k with hia brother, who
war Medford.
Pae FItc
William nnd four children of Kidder,
miuuxi, nre upending the week at
the A. L, Kecnuy homo.
Mr. and Mra. Walter Goff of Al
btmy upcnt lunt Saturday at tho home
of Mra. Goff'a winter, Mm, Govro.
Willie and Walter Govro were alao
there for that day.
A icwni of Mian Kate IIoux Is Mias
Hulon Bookout of Klrkaville, Minaourl.
The young ladiea leave the flint of
the week for a trip to Crater Lake
and other polnti.
Dr. Cavanagh and family of Port
land wore Sunday gueats at the Claud
Skinner homo. MUa Erna Cavanagh
will remain for aome time the guest
of Alice Skinner.
Francis Brown finished picking his
loganberry crop Wedneaday after
noon and he gave hia pickers a treat
of Ico cream for staying with him
through thick and thin until he had
Miaa Beatrice SHter, a teacher In
a Baptint Indian school in Montana,
is passing her summer vacation with
her aunt, .Mra. Jennie Sliter. Tho
two ladles left Wednesday to enjoy
two weeks at Newport, t
C. N. liuggins, vice president of
the Cobh It Mitchell company, and
Chit Hen Leonard Starr, attorney for
the compuny, a topped here Wedneaday
while enroute from Valaetz to Port
Attorney I). E. Fletcher went to
Lelknap Spring last Friday with
the expectation of remaining for a
couple of weeka. lie hat been troub
led with rheumatliim and he u tent
ing the medicinal qualities of the
springa. J
Mnrv V CM..,.. - I.. . m m 1. .
. uunaruR 01 iMlcrfinia rwtpu U..1 n.... .1 .
and hw dauirhlor. m A I , , . . Iur 0 """" v,Hit
' Avimiii w.i w linn I n trf.ih )t firn ci,him L,. i il.i.
w . .. - vx, VII VIA
MIm Oretchen Krcarner had an op
eration in tho Good Samaritan honpl
tal, Portland, Monday for the rcmovul
of tonaila. She was accompanied to
Portland by her mother, Mrs. O. A.
Kreamer, who is remaining with her
until ah will . able to return homo.
Mr. and Mra. J. D. Hibba left
Wtdneaday for their cottage at New.
port, where they will remain for the
seaiion. They ware accompanied by
their daughter, Mrs. A. L. Thomas,
and their grandson, Jack Harding of
Portland, who will pasa about two
week at the coaat
Mr. and Mra. C. W. Henkle, Mrs.
G. G Walker, Mrs. Pearl Hedgee and
.Mrs. M. C. Williams autoed to Port
land yeaterday morning, returning
in the evening. Mini Thelma Wil
liam, who la In a rest cure sanita
rium in Portland, is getting along
There ia Improvement in the condi
tion of Mrs. C. A. McLaughlin, who
is in the Salem hospital following a
major operation which waa performed
about 10 days ago. It will be somo
little time, however, before it will be
deemed wise to have her removed to
her home here.
Thoae from Polk county attending
the Oregon Editorial association
meeting at Corvallig and Newport
were: E. A. Koen, daughter and
son of the Dallas Observer; R. B.
Swcnuon and wife of the Monmouth
Herald; Z. C. Kimball, wife and
daughter of the Enterprise.
A. C. Moore and family motored
to Summit Friday to enjoy a visit
with the Irvine family at their ranch.
On returning to Independence on
Saturday and still having a few days
M. M. Thompnon of Suver accom-l0' ,theii: "l0"'8 ltion to their
pcnderice Friday, while enroute to thaj" l"e Dy Ior ine
pnnied by his family, stopped at Inde
unusual condition, I am well satisfied
with what I am doing. Tillamook ia
an important district, confined en
tirely to darying. There Is very little
cultivation of the soil, practically all
being In grass, and what little grain
Is raised i cut as hay. A threshing
machine is a curiosity."
Tillamook country, where he
main for a week or so.
will re-
Rev. H. L. Proppe, pastor of the
Bnptiat church, went to Columbia
City, ju.t below St Helens, Monday,
to attend the annual Baptist conven
tion. He Is accompanied by Mrs.
Eli Fluke is remodeling a resi
dence which he owns on D street, be
tween Fourth and Fifth. A 20x40
addition is being constructed and .1
new roof is being put on the main
Mr. and Mra. D. 0. Tuylor and two
children of Grants Pass, who spent
the past week with Mrs. Tay
lor's aunt, Mrs. George Kutch, left
Lonesome Mama Fx Trot
The Virginians
Memphis Blues Fox Trot
The Virginians
Soothing - ....FoxTrot
' All Star Trio and Orch.
Night - Fox Trot
Club Royal Orchestro
It's Up to You - r0XnTr?t
Whitman and His Orch.
'Neath The South Sea Moon Fox Trot
Whitman and His Orch.
These selections are listed in the Aug
ust Supplement, but due to their in
creasing popularity the Victor Com
pany has converted them into mid
summer "specials."
Victtolas $25 to $350
Neskowin beach where they will re
main for a week.
Silver Creek Falls was an inter
esting and enjoyable spot last Sun
day for a number of Independence
folks to picnic. In the party were
Messrs. and Meadames. Jesse Wal
ker, John Walker, W. II. Walker,
G. A. Conkey, J. S. Robbie, Chester
Sloper and W. H. Cockle, Miss Emma
Henkle, George Carbray.
Ed Lo rente and, family, accompa
nied by Miss Jessie Mattison and
niece, Pauline Perry, are in Inedpend
ence for a few days' visit with rela
tives. Mr. Lorence, who has been
for sometime in the hardware busi
ness in Walla Walla, has accepted a
position with the Ford agency in
Eugene and entered on his dutie3
there the first of the month.
W. Peyrec and Don Dickinson made
a quick trip to Portland, Monday,
for repairs for a threshing outfit in
which they are part owners. Start
ing from, here in the morning they
were back at 2:30 in the afternoon.
The engine has been overhauled by
T. W. Hart, and the outfit started
operations Wednesday at the Peyree
ranch with Mr. Peyree in charge for
the season.
Will Campbell is building a ma
chinery shed, with ground dimen
sions of 33x70, on a lot in the rear of
the Calbreath & Jones store. Corru
gated iron is to be used for the roof
and sides. Mr. Campbell will use the
building to store his threshing and
hay baling outfit. ; He expects to
start his threshing machine in opera
tion the first of the coming week,
with Tom Hurt as director general.
The loganberry harvest is practi
cally finished in the vicinity of Inde
pendence. Continued . dry weather
has curtailed the output to aome ex
tent. II. B. Fletcher, who has a
large yard on the Marion aide of the
river, finished picking Wednesday.
Mr. Fletcher ia a member of the Ore
gon Growera' and his berries were
hauled to Salem by truck and turned
over to the packing; plant there. The
Wig-rich berries were also taken to
Salem. Quite a number of other
growers disposed of their crops to
the La Creole Canning company at
Dallas. . .
Ed. Eeuf and A. Violette have added
a power combination rip and band saw
machine to the cabinet shop which
they opened recently in a part of the
building occupied by James Hilliard
as a blacksmith shop. Messrs. Reuf
and Violette are turning out in con
siderable quantities hop scoops,, and
with their new equipment will go
more extensively into cabinet work.
Dale Scrafford fell from a bundle
wagon Wednesday while working
with the Lehman threshing outfit be
tween Airlie and Suver and fractured
both bones of his left arm. The
threshing machine is operating under
the state industrial accident commis
sion and young Scrafford will be
recompensed by the state for his lost
At the Independence hospital, July
22, a son to Mr. and Mrs. Edward
Myers of Valsetz.
To Mr. and Mrs. Lee Jordan, a son,
July 24th.
Mr. and Mrs. F. Rosenquest of
Salem were in town Monday in the
interest of the National School of
Shorthand which is establishing a
school in Salem. This is the Karam
system of shorthand, a new system,
which the school guarantees to teach
in 30 days. Mrs. Rosenquest conducts
the Salem school in the Oregon build
ing and is giving special summer
rates during August and September.
Cedar polish at special prices
5 and 50 cents a bottle at Willard E.
Craven Hardware. See window for
display. Adv.
Don't forget the big dance at the
High school gymnasium August 2nd
by Joe Little's Portland Orchestra.
All claims against Company K,
Oregon National Guard, should be
presented at once to Capt. L. A.
Milner, Armory, Portland, Oregon.
Don't forget the big dance at the
High school gymnasium August' 2nd
by Joe Little's Portland Orchestra.
In The Churches
Daptist Church
Our Sunday school meets at 10 a.
m., A. Justin, superintendent At
11 there will Le a program of music
and speeches by various laymen.
B. Y. P. U. meets at 7 p. m. There
prenehing services at 8
Ptleat Prices Down
. After August 1st, no deliveries will be made
the 0 Street Meat Market. You can save
mney by coming to the market after your meat.
A recent interesting social event
was the "shower" given Saturday
afternoon by Miss Lucile Craven for
Miss Phyllis Bush, a charming young, w;n be no
briuc to be, in tne rooms, made o'clock.
especially attractive with flowers,! '
the guests enjoyed an aiternoon oil , Church
conversation and fancy work. After Services next Sunday: Morning, at
the dainty refreshments had been 11 eveninc at 8 o'clock. Sundav
served by the hostess, the many ap
propriate gifts presented Miss Bush
by her friends were examined and
admired. Guests enjoying the hospi
tality of Miss Craven were: Misses
Frieda Campbell, Ruth Girard, Vera
McKinney, Ulla Dickinson, Opal Hew
ett and Mesdames. Elmer Addison
and John Becker.
Henry Hogan, Tillamook dairy
rancher, accompanied by Mrs. Hogan
and their children, returned home
Monday after spending a few days
with relatives here. Formerly in the
transfer business here, Mr. Hogan is
well satisfied with the dairying busi
ness, which he took up in the Tilla
mook country less than a year ago.
"The Tillamook country is having its
driest season in 40 years," is the
statement of Mr. Hogan. "It s being
quite severely felt by the dairy far
mers. Production right now is ut a
low ebb. Dependent almost exclu
sively upon grass and hay, farmers
are having a hard time to keep their
cows supplied. Notwithstanding this
school meets at 10 a. m. Epworth
League at 7:15 p. m. All are most
cordially invited to these services.
The monthly meeting , of the Of
ficial Board will be held on Monday
evening, July 31. All members are
requested to attend.
Prayer meeting on Wednesday at
Drs. Hewett & Knott. Glasses
fitted, satisfaction guaranteed. fl7-tf
Make $500 today Swell litt'c mod
ern bungalow, 4 rooms, bath lavatory,
lights, concrete walks and paved
street, close in for $1100. Good tr;rms
One acre ground, 2 large poultry
houses, fine location, $750, ten .3.
J. E. Hubbard. C. B. Smith.
Your Outing
For that camping trip you are going to take,
let u fit you out in the right kind of togs.
We have a fine assortment for the boys and
girls and the grown folks. .In fact, attrac
tive summer things are featured heavily in
our place. ,
Our sale of bathing suits has been heavy. '
We still have a good assortment from the'
cheaper ones to the better grades.
Buy a suit now and join the bunch on the
Eddy & Carbray
Independence, Oregon.
A Barn Worth Keeping Is
A Barn Worth Painting
A barn r.eeda protection just as much as a house, in fact
more protection, because it ia not built as substantially.
You can point to your b;im with a3 much pride as you
do to your home if it is painted with
It is made expressly for barns, corn cribs, silos, fences,
etc. 1 1 itf a durable, weather-resisting paint for rough or
smooth lumber. It sinks in sticks tight and saves repairs.
is found not only in their House and Barn
Paints, but is also found in the Inside Paints,
Varnishes, Auto Enamels, Wagon Paints, Floor
lacs, Oil Stains etc.
When you buy S-W-P, you buy Quality of the
Highest Order