y o r Ji: r 14 lit 40th YEAR No. 49 INDEPENDENCE, OREGON, FRIDAY, JULY 28, 1922 ERSEY BREEDERS ORGANIZE HERE unty Association Is Re vived After lieing Inac tive for Several Years priwldent Frank Linn, Perrydale, Vice PrcIJi'nt--H. D. Uliff, Inde- Lndenrt. ; . , , Sccrt'Ury 4. Maun, nicKroaii, TrpMurtT G G. Hewitt, Independ- Yen. with tin election of then officer, h Polk County Jersey Breedera' - .lation wan brought to me at a Lting held t the 11 theatre here ,nday afternoon. The preiiidency flmt tendered to W. O. Morrow, ,o ttcd that he did not expect to In ho county but a small purt of L time during the coming: year and ,uestod that the office bo given to ne one elite, and then Mr. Linn wh urded tho honor.. All of the aeloc m were made by ununimou choice, e officer were constituted an exec ve committee with full authority act for the association until such ine as a board of directors is choaen. The projwet of exhibiting a herd of frseya at the Polk county fair, atate ir and international corn ahow wu ucd and action wa delegated to ( t xemtivc committee. Preceding the county organization Ming, there waa shown at tne jii film of Jersey picture and atatia n under the audpicea of the A merl in Jeraey Cattle club, with F. u. fetroth, field man of the national ionization In charge. included in the film are excellent production of the McKee and Iliff tt and other local celebrities. The fra i nhown in many place in Ore- fa intry, Following the picture, Mr. A- th gave a tulk in which ho ent wined the necessity of all Jersey n followinjf the club a slogan fed, Weed, Seed and Advertise." t of throe factors are essential in cause of Jerseydom. Congreimman "Pat" Mc Arthur of brtland was in attendance at the eting nd spoke briefly and to the nt in the interest of the cause. part owner of one of the beat herd the country, Mr. Mc Arthur ia in element when dwelling upon mat in of Importance to the Jersey feeders. Another speaker wa N. C. Jamison the extension department of the gon Agricultural college. While the meeting was not attended well a Bhould have been the case, was a representative gathering. Ik hag about CO breeders or owners registered Jerseys. OREGON POULTRY MEETING AT . A. C. IMG AFFAIR From GOO to . COO poultrymen of Oregon are expected at the State poultrymen' convention at the col lege August 1 to 3, according to A. (J. Lunn, professor of poultry hus bandry. . Three speaker of International reputation Prof. James R. Rice, head of poultry department at Cornell university, Dr. J. Raymond Beach, in charge of poultry disease investiga tion at the University of California, and James Dryden, who by his breed ing methods has made the northwest famou as an egg producing section, wm address the assembly. Profes sor Rice will discuss the world poul try situation and some phases of poul try farm management, and Dr. Beach will tell of California'a work in as sisting poultrymen to combat disea e, President W. J. Kerr of the college will address the visitors at the evening session August 2. Dem onstrations of killing, picking, capon- Izing and culling will be given at the college poultry plant by member of the poultry department. Camping grounds are being provided for the visitors. CO. K OUT HERE; TO TILLAMOOK Guard Company Is Must ered Out and Cheese Town Gets Prize TEMPERANCE LEGION HAS i ELECTED NEW OFFICERS The Loyal Temperance Legion re cently met at the Methodist church and elected officers for another term. The officer are: "Daddy" Hedge, treasurer, banker and bell ringer; Estella White, president; Dorothy White, secretary of minutes; Cora Bullock, gathers collection; Mildred White, candy distributor; Blanche Baker, secretary of literature; Lavita Bullock, flower mission worker and Gladys White, organist and corres ponding secretary. Company K, Oregon National Guard, waa mustered out Wednes day night by Capt. L. A. Milner oi Portland, regimental adjutant and honorable discharges will lie issued to the 67 members of the company as soon as these can be prepared and issued from headquarter. Capt. Milner was here checking the equipment which it is necessary to return to the state. There is a shortage of a considerable amount, largely made up of uniforms, etc., re moved from the armory by the men. It is absolutely necessary that this be returned. The captain of the company is personally held responsi ble for all equipment turned over to it, and naturally there is an urgent desire that all of this property be returned at once, it making no dif ference what condition it may be in. Company K has been assigned to Tillamook, and the mustering in will take place about the first of Aug ust There were application from several towns for the company. At Tillamook, there are about 100 anx ious to become members of the company and there is considerable enthusiasm over the project by Tilla- REPUBLICANS AT DALLAS AUG. 4 Tooze, Ingalls and Patterson To Meet with County Committeemen JAMES D. MOORE TAKES A BRIDE A meeting of the Polk county re publican central committee has been called by E. E. Paddock, chairman, to meet Friday, August 4th, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, at the court house in Dallas, at the suggestion of Walter L. Tooze, Jr., chairman of the Republican state central commit tee, who is making a tour of all of the counties in the tsate with a view of building up and strengthening the party organization It is expected that at the noon hour all will take lunch at the hotel in Dallas which will be attended by other leading Republican men and women not members of the committee, to get together and get acquainted. C. E. IngallB of Corvallis, secretary of the Republican state central com mittee, and Hon. I. L. Patterson have promised to attend. Mr. Tooze is to meet with Marion county committee at Salem the same afternoon. BRITISH COLUMBIA IS ATTRACTIVE TO THIRSTY in about 10 days or two weeks. They will be for the last six months and will total better than $1500. These will be distributed to the men 1)V Cnnfc. P!mrrnri Cmvait hnt will Thov nfluo 1 not i frnrwt in o Uvaro . .. - Un,l in ih..r imrt f th I . . - .. . r " .7 te withheld Irom those who have r Juwiay at a o'clock. The Iirst bell" t -h,m1 rings at z:.;u and the lant at three. Ira Mix is back from an automobile journey to Victoria and Vancouver, TimH)i rViliimhici TTa urn a ofmmn,. mook business men, according to nied by a party of friends and the trip Capt. Milner. wgg a peagant one no disagree- ...... rete.veu.abo contingencie8. "Canada LL CHAIN YIELD BETTER THAN EXPECTED "fall grain is vteldinir hovicr "i was anticipated," is the stato- fnt of one who is in close touch " conditions in this vicinty. "The PW is light, but in spite of the con- '"d dry weather, the lud aro I'll filled and the grain is of good pity. With tho snrino" era in it another matter. Farmers were ' iable to got their sowing done until (e and there has been scarcely no " to keep it going." 'nreshinir of fall orain is wi11 f,ler way. Two new separators have'over ther departure. T-n added to the district. One is a fill Case. Durchnsprf hv PrnnW rtnsh f Will Morrison, and the other is 18x24 Ruwsell, Jr., bought by srs. Farmer and Ross of the Penwood district. all state property In You don't have to be a Methodist to belong to the L. T. L.; not all of them are, I'm aure. They hold their meetings for an hour. There are girls and boy in their meetings that are from little tots up to a fifteen year old girl. Aunt Lucy Whiteaker is tho leader of the meetings. Will you please come next Sunday and see how you like it? They would be glad to welcome new and old members again. You're not too old to come. So come. Secretary. K. C. ELDRIDGES ARE MOVING TO PORTLAND After a residence here for 22 years, K. C. Eldridge and family are moving to Portland, where a home has been acquired. The household effects were taken to the Rose City yesterday by auto vans. Mr. Eldridge started the Independ ence creamery, which has developed into a highly successful industry. He disposed of it about three years ago and since that time he has spent a good part of his time in Portland, where he ha business interests, the family home being maintained here. Tho Eldridge residence, the finest in tho city, and built by Mr. Eldridge, passed into the hands of Dr. Rosen balm of Portland in a realty deal consummated several months ago. The Eldridges have taken a prom inent place in business and social affairs of Independence for more than a score of years and there is regret their possession. MINISTERS PROTEST DALLAS ROUNDUP Dallas A protest against the hold ing of the roundup on Sunday, class ing it as a "brute strength on the part of men and of brutality against dumb animals" has been filed against the promoters of the .three days Dallas roundup, starting Friday, by the Pallas Mnisterial association. This protest has been Bent to the county fair board asking that the grounds be not used on that day and also to the city council asking that a license be not granted. Those having the affair in charge have secured a two years' lease of the grounds and the necessary permit has been granted by the Dallas city council. SUMMER SESSION OF TRAINING SCHOOL CLOSES 13 A mecca for those with a thirst and people from the states are flocking there in great numbers. Whiskey and beer are sold only at liquor stores and they are doing a flourishing busi ness. Patrons lineup before these places in just the same manner as Is necessary to gain entrance to a popu lar show house and are served in turn, but they must lug it away with them. In crossing the border into Canada, revenue officers make careful search of your car, take the identification marks of your machine, and appear to be quite particular that you are not trying to 'put one over on the Cana dian government. It was quite notic eable, however, that the same pre caution was not taken in crossing the border into the states. There was an inspection, but a very casual one. Of course, we were not trying to get by with contraband, but it would apparently have been an easy matter." TWO AFTERNOONS FOR LADIES EXCLUSIVELY The training school closes today after a most successful session of six weeks. The summer school has Droved esDeciallv beneficial to pupils who have wished to bring up studies dents are to become members in which they might feel some what tne association. Two afternoons, from 2 until 4 Tuesday and Thursday have been reserved for ladies only at the swim ming tank. This arrangement is made by the Swimming Tank associa tion in compliance with a request of the student body of the Oregon Nor mal. About 50 of the Normal stu- of FDELL BROS. BUY NEW HOLT TRACTOR K'ddell Bros.. extensiv farmers "r Monmouth. fctr to their outfit, replacing a .se power machine of this type "-'h they have linon l.oinr, fni. fho years. fie. but. ,i Jons to "Ck llnl the good kinds farm on an extensiv9 not confine their oper- grain entirely, handlincr extensively. JIERRY TREE Vlna More than fifty dollars une chorrv trPO in tv, 1 ? Baldwin at t.h mm nf C , ird streets, has yielded a gold narvefit .i. ... , , . - e man ?ou Demg i ed from this season's cron. It am , ! An" flnd is said t0 be 40 arS nlH i . em , "r oiaer. The cherries Lo Dirt ml i ... RED SPIDER CAUSING TROUBLE FOR HOP MEN Hop growers are fighting the red spider with a vengeance. Additional spraying outfits have been purchased and there is activity in all of the yards. So far, the damage has not been heavy! but the growers do not propose to take undue chances. Tho red spider makes' its appear once only during extreme dry periods. It saps the vitality ' of the under nourished vine, causing it, to turn yellow, but does not kill the plant. A good soaking rain would put the spider out of business. POLK NATIVE SON DIES IN DAI LAS HOSPITAL Julius Hannum died at the Dallas hospital last Friday and burial was made in the Edwards cemetery near Pedee Sunday forenoon at 11 o clock, Dr. II. Charles Dunsmore of Inde pendence officiating. Mr. Hannum was 60 years old and Tlli- j-nlintV. He is native son one brother anu one deficient, as with an attendance of about 100 and with a full force of student teachers, individual atten tion could be given those who espec ially needed help. The pupils of the four lower grades, under Misses DeVore and Burrough are enjoying a picnic in the park this J afternoon, as a closing feature of the session. v The new regulations went into ef fect Tuesday, and are working, quite satisfactorily. OLD DRINKING FOUNTAIN IS REPLACED BY NEW ONE Arthur Smith has been spending a few days at Toledo. The drinking fountain in front of the Williams Drug company has been replaced with a new one. The change was made through the instrumentality of Mayor Walker and it will be a community expense. , j u R 'member HOW THE fOUCS MED ID MVE ABOOr VDUR WONPERftM- 60UJEN LOCKS-AND a survived sister. by N0W!!IMfMjn gg j ''I1, Dallas Tuesday was a red-letter day at the marriage license counter at the county court house at Dallas, when three young couples procured the necessary documents to entitle them to entrench upon the matri monial sea and two of the would-be were from the school teacher ranks. Those most concerned in the events of Tuesday were: Ralph L. Rowland, an accountant of Falls City, age 21, to Miss Flora M. Foikk age 19, a school teacher of Falls City Victor L. Olson, a fanner of Salem route 1, age 25, to Helen Eva Schind ler, a farmerette, age 19, living on route 1, Salem. James Denzel Moore, a clerk of Monmouth, age 22, to Bessie May Jones, a school teacher of Monmouth, age 20. The marriage ox Mr. Moore and Miss Jones came as a surprise to their many friends and was sol emnized without the knowledge of friends or relatives, by Rev. L. V. Lewis at the Evangelical parsonage Tuesday evening at 7 o'clock. Mrs. Moore, nee Jones, ia the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George W. Jones of Baker, Oregon, and is a senior at the Oregon Normal school. She received her earlier education in the Baker public and high schools and is now completing her Normal training in the Independence .training "school. Mr. Moore is the son of Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Moore of Monmouth and a brother of County Clerk Floyd D. Moore. He has been a resident of Monmouth many years and received his education in the public, high and Normal schools of that place. He is a member of the Masonic and Mod ern Woodmen lodges of Dallas and is at present employed at the Miller Merchantile store at Monmouth. Though the young couple attempted to keep the marriage a secret they were greeted with old shoes and rice in great quantities as they left the parsonage and later in the evening their popularity among the Monmouth younger set brought a large crowd of merry makers to the Moore residence south of Monmouth where a charivari was enjoyed by all and the young couple bestowed with many wishes for the future. STUDENTS BOOST NORMAL SCHOOL Need of Additional Equip ment Is Pointed Out in Meeting WALTER TOOZE, JR., TO TOUR STATE FOR PARTY McMinnville, To confer with va rious county central committees ard party leaders of the state, Walter L. Tooze, Jr., republican state chairman, will tour the state soon in the inter ests of the republican organization. This will be the first time in the history of party politics that the state chairman has ever made such a trip. "I believe that proper attention to the politics of our country is one of the- most important duties of citi zenship," said Mr. Tooze, "and inas much as under our form of govern ment political parties are necessary, I am a firm believer in the existence of two great political organizations, both strong and virtfe, one a check upon the other- As citizens, we nec essarily differ in our opinions upon public questions, and it is this dif ference of opinion which gives rise to political parties As there can be but two sides to any public question, it necessarily follows that we have room for but two great organizations rep resenting the respective differences of opinion. Political parties offer us the only instruments through which we, as individuals, may apply our patriotism in times of peace," The student body had charge of chapel exercises Wednesday morn ing and held a booster meeting for the Oregon Normal school. Each of the student body officers made a talk and each emphasized one particular way in which the school may be favor ably , advertised. Additional talks were made by other members of the student body and the meeting was marked by a real enthusiasm. Mrs. Cox, a graduate of the Eugene Bible university and a missionary la Alaska for many years, advocated that the Oregon Normal school should formulate the course of study for Oregon schools. It was brought out by the various speakers that the Normal school has urgent need of more room and a larger and stronger faculty to care for the constantly increasing number who come to prepare themselves for the teaching profession. Attention was called to one class in the present summer session with 175 members. Particular attention was called to the urgent need of a new training school building in Independence. Stu dents were urged to advertise the merits of the school in their home communities and help create a senti ment that will obtain the support of the representatives to the legislature. President Landers made a short talk and outlined some of the plans for the institution. The Ackerman memorial student loan fund is entirely exhausted and several students will be obliged to discontinue their work at the Normal in consequence, according to an an nouncement by President Landers. There are also a number of applica tions for loans from prospective stu dents. The loan fund was started last fall as a memorial to Mr. Acker man, but the contributions to the fund have not kept pace with the calls for loans. The first six weeks of the summer session will close Friday and about 350 students will leave for their homes. Next week additional stu dents are expected to arrive from Ashland and Pendleton as the term at those places lasted only six weeks. The Monmouth and Independence training schools and the Mountain View rural center will be discontinued! Friday also. During the last five weeks of the session school was held every Satur day. The last half of the summer term will be shortened to five weeks by holding classes every Saturday and the session will close Friday Septem ber 1. Dean Jessica Todd has made an arrangement with t the regents whereby the dormitory will be closed during the last five weeks, and stu dents and faculty members will be obliged to find living accommodations elsewhere. PARKER FIGHTS $200 SILVERTON LICENSE POLK WELL REPRESENTED AT LEGION GATHERING " Polk county is well represented at the annual convention of the Ameri can Legion, which opened yesterday at The Dalles and will be continued today and Saturday. From Dallas there is Ed. Hamilton, Lloyd Plaister, R. S. Kreason, Joe Helgerson, Tracy Savery, and Wiley Gardner, and from Independence, Harry Ord. . , ; It is the fourth annual event and is in reality a three fold convention in that the Woman's auxiliary and the "La Cociete des 49 Mommes et 8 Chevaux" meet at the same time. TRENT IS FINISHING ROAD GRADING CONTRACT In a few days, Mr. Trent will finish his contract on the highway south, from Monmouth. The road has not yet been opened to general 'traffic, although it is being used by those liying , upon it. f In view of the fact that Independ ence city council has the auto stage franchise in . the- process of making, the following from the Salem States man will be of particular interest: J. W. Praker, owner' and general manager of the Parker stage lines, yesterday filed suit in the Marion county circuit court asking for a tem porary restraining order against the city of Silverton to prevent it from enforcing an ordinance passed by the common council of that place on July 19, in which Parker was granted a franchise to operate his stages through that city upon the payment of the $200 license fee set by the council. . In his petition for the restraining order Parker sets forth that the fee imposed upon him by the city is discrimnatory, confiscatory and pro hibitive in that other bus and stag lines, operating in that city are as sessed a fee of only $150 per yef.r. It is the contention of the petition er that the city ordinance as passed, is not legal in that it nullifies all orders and acts of the public service commission, under whose supervision he operates because the franchise would be profit making to the city of Silverton. Hearing of the petition will be held in circuit court at 10 o'clock this morning. . - --u na sold by M. Biirch.