Independence enterprise. (Independence, Or.) 1908-1969, July 21, 1922, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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    rJuft 21, 1922
Page Fire
; vyn
Tested ccd and fertilizer.
maihlnrrv ami
kern lann .......-.,
,,h(xls, all i"rc l"V,l ,l7k
lblc crop success, both In
ityond la the yield r ncrc.
The wise farmer ply itiafcall
.'..,, threnmh. nnd when the
jn b ready to cut he uics
,ich hns been contlnuouly
,,,d and r't,vcn 6l,uc ,hc
,ltu , r-..M
,Jcr wan lirsr tnvcnicu. run
)gth and strength; sauwacuon
J economy insured,
OrJer your requirements i early
illard E. Craven
Mr. and Mm, John Dickinson nnt
Sunday with William Foster and
family of Portland.
Frank S. Junrs o Iloakin stopped
Ijn Independence Friday while on his
way to Nuakowln.
C. U. Smith and wlfo visited with
their son and family at Portland
from Saturday until Wudnemhy.
Mrs, W, N, Sharp of Portland
spent Tuesday at tho horn of her
daughter, Mn. Arthur E. Horton.
Mrs. J. II. Chapman leaven to
morrow for several weeks' visit with
relative at Portlund and other point.
ireiir, oi Ainio, spent weunesduy
with Mm. Cooper's mother, Mrs. Cole.
Mr. and Mm, C. W. Jlenkle, Roas
H, Nelson, A. C. Williams and
daughter, Minn Thelma, went to Port
land lust Saturday morning in Mr.
Henkle'a car, upending the duy there.
Mr. Moore, mother of A. C. Moore,
la critically ill at a Portland hospital.
Mm. Moore's health has been poor for
Home time and an operation wan re
cently performed In the hope of bring
ing relief.
Mra. Jo Walton of Salitibury, Mo.,
Mm. T 11. Walton and daughter of
Portlund, Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Walto-.i
of Wurrington. Ore., returned home
hint week, after a ten days' visit with
Mr. and Mra. J. M. Virgin.
spent the weekend at the G. 0. God
frey home. The Millera were enroute
from Lakeview, Oregon, to Seattle,
where they expect to remain perma
nently. Mr. and Mra. Larry Fitz-Gerald of
Portland were visitors the firat of
the week at the home of Mr. Fitz
Gerald'a parenta, Mr. and Mra. L. E.
Fitz-Gerald. They were accompanied
by Mian Emma Hcnklc, who la visit
ing the W. II. Walker home.
The summer achool pupila under
Misses Arluthnot and IIoux enjoyed
a half day at the Normal school re
cently. The good time included
games In the gymnaalum, a picnic
supper on the campus and a visit to
the picture show in the evening.
F. S. Crowley, a former principal
of the Independence high school and
for a time county achool superinten
dent, was in Independence Tuesday
greeting old friends. For the past
couple of years Mr. Crowley has been
at Prairie City as principal of the
school there.
Joe Hayes of McMinnville has been
in Independence for a few days. lie
has been engaged by the Wigrith
ranch to act as hop picker scout, u
position he has filled for a number of
years for the ranch with the ex
ception of last year.
Mrs. Murray Owen of Seattle is
viK-tir:tr at the home of her sister,
Mrs, W. T. House. Mr. and Mrs
j House and daughter, Helen, accompa
nied by Mrs. Owen, went Thursday
ito the Tillamook beach for a several
J days' sojourn.
Iir. II. Charles Dunsmorc spent the
licnd with the Mareys in Port-
Mint Irene Eddy of
itirifr at the home of
x I. B. Violette.
Portland Is
her mother,
Prof, and Mrs. 0. U. liver and
jjfhter Gwendolyn, spent Sunday
Pacific City.
Uiwi Thelma Williama went to
rtlind yesterday, where she will
:tt a rest cure sanitarium and
nain for three weeks. She was
umpanied by her mother, Mrs. M.
An auto party which includes Verd
Hill, Wendal Denlinger, Martha Hill
and Vera Johnson left Thursday for
Cratt-r I-ake, Klamath rails, Uend r t noweii arKi ton Emerson, of
and other interesting places. They I $mti(1) visited for a few hours Sat
expect to be away about two weeks jurjay ttt the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Mila Wmi v Mr. Unwell and son
were enroute to their home after
Isnveral weeks' trio throuerh Cali-
I ff.rnin thn rlittttinre bliintf covered On
A. L Kullander has a new Hup
touring car which he purchased in
Portland a few days ago. It is a
this year's model, and has been used
long enough as a demonstrator to
get it nicely broken in.
Charles Harman expects to move
to Portland in a few days and follow
his trade as a carpenter. He was in
Portland one day thih week and se
cured a desirable place in which to
Irving S. Miller, accompanied by
Mrs. Miller and daughter, llattie,
(Damics Sp
a motorcycle.
J. W. Kelley, Frank 13. Kelley and
wife and C. I). Smiley and wife re
turned last night from a two day
trip to Nehalem and Barview. At the
latter place they found the D. David
sons taking life easy in heir cottage,
"Fern Cliff," and they were royally
entertained there.
Mr. and Mrs. Harris Ebbe of Dallas
have been spending the past week at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jr. K.
Arrell. They spent last week at
Newport. In the employ of the
Mountain States Power company at
Dallas. Mr. Ebbe has been having
two weeks' vacation.
Lonesome Mama Fox Trot
The Virginians
Memphis Blues Fox Trot
The Virginians
Soothing Fox Trot
' All Star Trio and Orch.
Night Fox Trot
Club Royal Orchestra
It's Up to You Fox Trot
Whitman and His Orch.
'Neath The South Sea Moon Fox Trot
Whitman and His Orch.
These selections are listed in the Aug
ust Supplement, but due to their in
creasing popularity the Victor Com-
pany has converted them into mid
summer "specials."
Victrolas $25 to $350
A T LM B 7 1
FOR A 30x3a NON SKID and
S7 r
For a 30x3 NON SKID
Stewart Motor Co.
C. A. ELLIOTT, Owner and Manager
Independence ,Oregon
T?ivj.nt visitors at the home of
F. E. Butts were Mr. and Mrs. Ed
r.nmminirs of Corvallis. who own
and operate large greenhouses and
florist shop in that city. Mr. and
Mrs. CummLngs have been making
an extended auto tour through Cana
da, and stopped for a call on relatives
while on their way home.
F. L. Price of Hoakins was here
Sunday and spent a few hours with
Mrs. Price who is temporarily re
ceiving treatment at the Independence
hospital. Mr. Price is in the midst of
haying on his stock ranch and says
that he has an exceptionally , fine
rrnn of oats and vetch. Due to
subirrigation, the crop has not suf
fered from a lack of moarture.
Sam J. McKee, accompanied by
Mrs. McKee and their children, left
W..1npsdav for a month's outing at
his old stamping ground at Lakeview,
Lake county, Ore. Owner of the
world Jersey, Mr. McKee stated
while in town Tuesday, that the con
tinued hot weather is affecting quite
materially the production of his cows.
"It's too hot for 'em, that's all."
G. L. Rathbun went to Portland
Wednesday and after spending a few
days there he will return to his home
in Anoke, Minn. Mr.Rathbun spent
about a month at the home of his
sister, Mrs. F. R. Arrell and with
other relatives in this part of the
valley. Mr. Rathbun expressed him
self as having been delighted with the
Willamette country.
Mrs. M. J. Bulloch has sent a box
of Bings and Royal Ann cherries to
her father, John T. Adams at Pond
Creek, Oklahoma. Mr. Adams has
been a frequent visitor here. He is
past 83 years old, and is in perfect
health. In January, he had an opera
tion for appendicitis but has fully re
covered from its effects.
Herb Reuf is at Gates operating
the Grover Mattison logging truck,
due to Al. Whitney receiving a very
serious injury to his eye last week.
Accompanied by his wife, Mr. Whit
ney has been spending several days
t TnrfoDendence. It was at first
thought that he would lose the sigh,
in one eye, bu fortunately this is not
ha msA and Mr. Whitney is confi-i
dent that he will regain the full use
of it
Francis Craber haa been spending
a few days at the home of his mother,
Mra. M.'. II. Craber, who resides in
the north part of the city. Mr.
Craber is working in a sawmill at
Hoquiam, Wash. Forest fires are
greatly interfering with logging and
mill operations in the Hoquiam
country. It has been necessary to
close some of the mills as the fires
have made it necessary to close the
J. C. Syron, democratic nominee
for representative from Polk county,
was in Independence Monday doing a
little missionary work in the interest
of his campaign. Mr. Syron is a fruit
grower, specializing with prunes, with
his ranch located in the extreme
northern part of Polk county. He is
occupying a part of the old home
stead where he was born and has
spent all of his life in the county
with the exception of about a dozen
Thursday night, July 13th, in the
wee, sma hours, the telephone tew
awakened Percy Dickinson from
well earned rest. At the Portland
end of the line was Dorain Dickinson
with the important news that a young
(very young) lady, had arrived at
his home without bag or baggage,
with naught but a name, Dorothy
Irene, and demanded board and lodg
ing, particularly board. Grandpi
and Grandma Dickinson are trying
to wear their newly acquired honors
with becoming dignity.
Tom Fitchard is here from Utica,
N. Y., with the expectation of per
manently remaining. He is visiting
at the home of his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Fitchard, who reside
in the Oak Point community. Mr.
Fitchard has been quite a frequent
visitor in Independence, this making
the twenty-first time he has crossed
the mountains in his journeys to the
coast and back to the "Yorkstate"
city. It has taken quite a long time
to get the call of the west mnocu
lated I:i his system, but he is willing
to 'fess that he has it now. Mr,
Fitchard will be joined by his wife
little later.
Misses Hazel and Norma Calbreath,
accompanying their uncle, K. w,
Travener, principal of the Enterprise
high school, will sail from Seattle on
the steamer Admiral Watson, for
trip thru Alaska. The boat will make
landings at Juneau, Cordova, Valdez
and other smaller points going as
far north as Anchorage. At the
various stops ample time to explore
the towns will be afforded the
tourists and a number of interesting
inland side trips will be taken. Dur
ing the past year Miss Hazel has
been teaching at Marshfield and Miss
Norma at La Grande, and the young
ladies have chosen this way to pass
a part of their vacation.
Your Outing
1 ogs
For that camping trip you are going to take,
let u fit you out in the right kind of togs.
We have a fine assortment for the boys and
girls and the grown folks. . In fact, attrac
tive summer things are featured heavily in
our place.
Our sale of bathing suits has been heavy.
We still have'a good assortment from the
cheaper ones to the better grades.
Buy a suit now and join the bunch on the
Eddy & Carbray
Independence, Oregon.
Vrn ran cnfplv Nimi trt Dr.
IS" Thompson for consultation
and examination, knowing 'that his
years of experience and knowledge
are always at your service. Consult
him about your eyes. iNext visit Sat
urday, July 22, Beaver Hotel all day.
Drs. Hewett & Knott. Glasses
fitted, satisfaction guaranteed. 17-tf
The Woman's Foreign Missionary
society of the M. E. church will hold
a silver tea in the church parlors,
Friday afternoon from 3 till 5.
A special program has been ar
ranged including Mrs. C. E. Powell,
a former missionary in India.
A cordial invitation is extended the
ladies of all churches.
A cooked food sale at Calbreath &
Jones's, Saturday July 29 by the
ladies of the church of Christ.
A Classified Ad
Will bring you a buyer.-
Make $500 today Swell little mod
ern bungalow, 4 rooms, bath lavatory,
lights, concrete walks and paved
street, close in for $1100. Good terms
Fair old house and about 3 acres
ground for rent, $10 per month, plenty
fruit etc.
acre ground, 2 large poultry
fine location, $750, terms.
J. E. Hubbard.
C. B. Smith.
nio. U.S.PAT. OFF.
. . "It -Makes a Difference
Pure Parafine base
Heat resisting
Uniform Quality
i - i ii
n ap-frwtWH, Jl
I Here's
I Your Can of I
I Havoline
Costs very little more
Lasts twice as long
Best Lubricating
Oil Made