Independence enterprise. (Independence, Or.) 1908-1969, June 30, 1922, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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    fvMflV. June 30, 1922
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" ""fir.
An Important Purchase
Tlio atdeitlon of a watch is a mat
ter of wmo Importance, Jt call for
due- consideration If the pun-hums to
There are, you know, watches and
watt-hea. Some are worth all 0110 pays
for them, irrespective of how much
they cost; whllo of other the less
hiiIiI the better.
We are wonderfully proud of the
fast that our election of good watch
es, from tho leant expensive up, ar
tho best value obtainable at their
respective price.
May we have tho pleasure of show
ing you ? j
A. L. Kullandcr
U. Wiliton ha been aent to th
,. hopitl for treatment.
rank Elliot ft'4! wif Selma,
f, arc visiting their cousin, Mr.
Mm. Francia Brown.
. C. Irvine and family passed theg
kend at the Irvine ranch near
lit Vera Dynge of Seattle ia vlwit-
it the home of Mr. and Mr. II.
A. Stout, Earl Terry and Jamea
ol Alng v auey wrrr vmiwirs
this city Wednesday.
r. and Mr. Carl Anderson a pent
Jay with relative near Forest
latUT plans they viiiited at the home
of Mr. and Mm. W .J. Clark.
Mr. A. L. Keeney and her sister,
?Ii Nellie Moore, motored to Eu
uene, Wednesday, returning last eve
ning. Mr. K. C. Bradncr hua gone to
Seattle where ahe will remain for
several week visiting with old
II, Hinuhberg returned laitt Satur
day night from a two week' trip to
an Francisco and other noints in
t. and Jim. A. iu. twenty, ae-
binied by Dr. Dunsmore were
Jay caller in McMinnville.
and Mr. Will Bloch motored
Portland Monday, and apent a
! of day there.
rof. 0. I). liyera of the Independ-
hijph school i spending portion
h vacation period attending Wilj irturncd from a
ue umvmity. , apent largely at
M. B. Cooper, who i in the coaat
Ifuafd acrvicc at Westport, Wash.,
waa here lat Saturday for a visit
with hi father.
M S. Pengra and Grover Mattion
(nav returned from everal day fish
ing rip at Valsetz. They report not
many f ih but lots of fun.
('apt. and Mr. A. J. Spong of
Spong' Landing, aix mile north of
Salem, apent yesterday at tho home of
Mr, and Mr. A. C. Moore.
Mr. and Mr. John Donaldson and
Homer Wood and wife drove to
Pacific City Sunday morning and
apent the day on the beach.
Mr. and Mr. Arthur Ward have
two week outing
King Valley and
nd Mr. George Carbray re
nd Friday evening from a visit at
Itland and Foreat Grove. At the
Falls City, and Mr. Ward will resume
his work at the
Fanners State Bank
IFS rework
Over the 4th Needs
For Your Picnic Lunch
jdnci ay hot weather meal, our cold meats are un
excelled. We have a fine assortment of wholesoome,
Vicious and satisfvinir meats. Phone your order.
;0ur dpi
v,"j' service is eiiit'ieiiu
City Meat MarKet
GUS MILLER, Proprietor.
Independence, Oregon.
T. G. Ogleabce ha moved hi family
fi'om Alrlie to Suver. He went to
Airlie aeveral months ago and started
a blacksmith shop and is now en
KWod in nimllnr business at Suver.
Mr. and Mrs. V. E. Ik-nnigin and
Mr. and Mrs. Grant McLaughlin
motored to Corvallis Wednesday on
business connected with the poultry
Mr. and Mrs, M, C, Willinms and
daughter ThcJma, Phillis liush, Mr.
and Mrs. p. It. Hodges and Mr. and
Mrs. Guy Walker have gone to
Tillamook for a weeks' vacation.
Isaac Compton spent Saturday with
his mother at RcJo and on Sunday ai
tended tho . ecremoi'iefi which were
held at old Providence church. He
made the trip on horseback.
Mrs. Margarrt Fitchard and son,
"Bobbie", who have been spending
the past year at Utica, N. Y., hava
returned to Independence for a visit
with friends and may remain in Port
land permanently.
Weekend visitors at the E. K.
Gosser home on south Seventh street
were Mrs. Norwood and son Clark of
Eugene, Mrs. L. Perry and son Arthur
and daughter Alma of Eugene, and
John McCracken of Portland.
Misses Irene and Ethel Beckon have
been visiting for several day at the
home of their sister, Mrs. E. T. John
son of Salem. Miss Irene returned
home Wednesday while Ethel wijl re
main for several days longer.
Mr. and Mr. E. II. James and
son Edwin Hugh Jr., Mrs. Kelley and
Perry Kelley left Wednesday morn
ing for Lo Angeles, where they have
purchased property and will make
their future home. The trip is being
made by auto.
Mr. and Mr. A. C. Moore, accom
panied by Ramona and Dan, will leave
tomorrow morning on a month's out
ing. With order sealed they will
go whither the spirit moves, other
than that the general direction will
be toward the southern part of the
George Cooper and Buell Jordan
are home from a three weeks' ttip
in a flivver to southern California
and over the border into Mexico. They
had an uneventful outing and aside
from some inconvenience from heat,
had a very pleasant time.
Misses Dorothy Ray and Luetta
Baker were the guests of Mrs. Laura
Ebbe in Dallas last week. While
there they attended a reception at
which Miss Luetta played a piano
solo. MiBS Baker is quite an accom
plished musician. ,
Rev. George W. Swope, pastor of
the Fifth BaptiBt church, Philadel
phia, Pa., has been spending a few
days at the home of his brother, At
torney B. F. Swope and visiting with
a sister at Salem. Rev. Swope occu
pied the pulpit of the Baptist church
here Sunday night.
D. E. Turnridge of Buena Vista,
Mr. Buchanan of Rickreall and Wil
liam Shafer, Irvine Baun and Sam
Muhleman of Independence have pur
chased Ford touring cars of the Stew
art Motor company during the past
week. William Addison has a new
Ford sedan.
Reports from Mrs. II. N. Mattison,
who underwent a major operation at
St. Vincents hospital ten days ago,
are to the effect that she is gaining
very nicely end was taken to the
home of Mrs. E. B. Arthur, Vancou
ver, on Monday. Mr. Mattison has
gone to Portland to accompany her
home today.
Miss Eva La Libertie, a former resi
dent of Independence, who has been
teaching at Roseburg the past year,
is attending summer school at Mon
mouth and renewing friendships her
between times. Miss La Libertie is
rt Hking her home with Mrs. Rich
during her stay here.
Don Barton and Glenn Burright re-
1 1 ti,.-n..rl lAt Fridav from Valsetz.
where they have been spending seve
ral days fishing on the Siletz below
the mill pond. They made a very
nice catch of cutthroats, bringing
home with them 15 which weighed
dressed an average of three-quarters
of a pound.
Mrs. Edgar Stevens of Portland has
been the guest for several days ot
Mrs. Hattie Townsend. The tw
ladies have been friends for man
years and Mrs. Steven's visit was for
the express purpose of being present
at the initiation of Mrs. Townsend into
the Eastern Star.
Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Groves re
turned from a honeymoon trip Wed
nesday. They visited different points
in northern California, Klamath Falls,
returning by the way of Bend and
Portland. At the time they were
there it required a hike of nearly two
miles over snow banks to reach Crater
Lake and they passed it up.
Accepting the invitation of Mrs.
Arthur Bullis of Hoskins, Eleanor
Calbreath, Anna Johnson and Lida
Bullis passed several pleasant days as
her guests. Mrs. cuius look ner
young friends on a camping trip, the
girls thoroughly enjoying the few
days of camp life in the woods.
Tom Hart is laying claim to ine
lortrflst strawberry of the season.
two and two-thirds inches in diameter
and two inches in length. It was
aent to Roy Irvino at La Crosse,
Wash. Mr. Hart, who is employed
by the Salt Creek Sawmill company,
spent tho weekend at his home here.
While working with a donkey en
gine outfit at Valsetz, Harry Blocn. :
had his right shoulder sprained and I
was somewhat bruised about the head, j
Monday morning. A friction pulley!
had stuck and he was usincr a bar
to get it going when he was thrown I
about 20 feet landing on his head and
shoulders. He is spending a few days
here recuperating.
Committees representing the Wo
man's club, Parent-Teacher associa
tion and Retail Merchants' associa
tion met in the club room in the city
ball Monday night and went on record
as being in favor of having a chau
tauqua here next year, and should the
three organizations sanction the
action of the committees, it is prob
able that steps will be taken for tha
organization of a permanent Chautau
qua association.
Meidcai men of Polk and Marion
counties were quite well represented
at the monthly meeting of the Marion-
Polk-Yamhill Medical association, at
Hotel Beaver, Tuesday night. Dr.
Nuth of Philomath was also present.
Will T. Kirk of the state industrial
accident commission was in attend
ance and gave a talk on the project
of making state industrial insurance
competitive with private concerns.
This talk and the discussion which
followed occuped the greater part of
the evening.
At the C. B. Smith home there was
a family gathering over the weekend.
Iiomer Smith, a son, of Portland, ac
companied by his wife and children
and Mr. and Mrs. Dixon was present,
as also were: Thomas Smith and
family of Airlie, and' Arthur Smith
and family, who reside here. The
gathering was a very pleasant one,
8nd Mr. Smith is happy over the fact
of having a healthy increase in num
bers in his family.
Howard Morlan of Monmouth was
here Monday in the interest or
the chautauqua which will
open there next Wednesday and con
tinue afternoon and evening to and in
cluding Sunday. Due to activity on
the part of the chautauqua associa
tion, Monmouth has made a note
worthy success with its chautauquas
during the past two years. The
dates this year are a little unfortu
nate in that they conflict with the
vacation period at the Normal when
many pf i,he. pupils will be home for
the 4th of July relaxation. However,
the chautauqua program this year is
regarded as an excellent one, and
deserves liberal patronage.
Your Outmg
In The Churches
Baptist Church
Something has happened to the
Ford which was in the lead in t:
Sunday school race at the Baptist
church for the Pierce-Arrow is now
in the ead. Our Sunday school with
classes and teachers for all ages meets
at 10 a. m., Archie Justin, superin
tendent. At 11 Rev. Proppe will
preach on "A message to all classes
of unbelievers." This sermon was to
have been delivered last Sunday
night, but Rev. George Swope of
Philadelphia preached and gave ua
a great message. At 7 p. m. Young
peoples' society meets. At 8 Rev.
Proppe preaches on "Baptism antl
Communion, What place do you oc
cupy in the church and the Christian's
life." ' Our services are inspirational
and helpful. We invite you to come
and worship with us.
A Tire of quality 30x3
weather Goodyear $13.50.
Independent Garage. J16-4t
For that camping trip you are going to take,
let us fit you out in the right kind of togs.
We have a fine assortment for the boys and
girls and the grown folks. .In fact, attrac
tive summer things are featured heavily in
our place.
Our sale of bathing suits has been heavy.
We still have a good assortment from the
cheaper ones to the better grades.
Buy a suit now and join the bunch on the
Eddy & Carbray
Independence, Oregon.
niV. j
it was eight inches in circumference,
Card -of Thanks
We wish to express our thanks to
the kind friends for their sympathy
during our mother's illness and death.
Also for the beautiful floral - offer
Mrs. Katherine Fredericks
Mrs. Margaret Quinby
Earl McIIenry
A Tire ' of quality 30x3 All-
weather Goodyear $13.50.
Independence Garage.
1 ftrtui Inn rtr 1 r uri
is what you make it.
A well painted, well kept
residence pleases its owner,
same as a shiny automobile, :
a sleek horse or a well
dressed son or daughter.
Is your home this kind?
Trade $20,000 new brick store build
ing and fine modern residence In
good town, to trade for good farm.
$110,000 modern rooming house in
Portland, to trade for good farm
up to $60,000, good terms on balance
4 acres joins Monmouth, 6 room
house, one acre fruit, $1750 terms.
Money' to loan on improved farms,
6 percent on 5 year loans.
We handle the Foster-Winn Thistle
death. Get rid of your Canada
thistle. Independence Realty Co.
J. E. Hubbard. C. B. Smith.
I Sherwin-Williams Products
l You wouldn't put your money in an unsafe
I bank nor would you be without fire insurance
But how about insurance against the weather'
You need the Best Protection you can buy
against the weather.
are manufacture first of all to protect your
property against Decay
We have that protection here for you
. D. -IS BBS & CO.
Sherwin-Williams Paint Store