4 fini$fri(&1rtihTfr1rtrrtTK nmmtm id. if 40th IKATIK o.4G INTERMENT TO BE IN MISSOURI INDEPENDENCE, OREGON, FRIDAY, JUNE 30, 1922 After spending month In Minn,.. wrt, South Dakota and Montana, . . .a . 1 . i-.IIl.ll ,11'lfmh n ..,..11 I Mr. Marcarct L. Jones Dieai, . " nK" l - .larnior, imn 10MK COUNTRY LOOKS '" SKIPWORTH HOLDS ILAD'S IOTA MAKES WITH JUDGE KELLY LAST CHAMP TEST at Home of Son in Independence Mrs. Margaret I Joint, erilicnlly ill for more than two numum, aw at tho homo of her n, S, Taylor June, uth Fourth (street, June 2?th ut 10:15 . m. She was atrkken with paralysis April 12th Mid hrr condition hud been critical nlnve that time. Funeral wcrviees were held at tho it n:l much Mr.j returned hnnm Ttl rm.y. convinced than ever that the Wilurnetto valley in the mont desirable ' u? w "ve that ho has found that farm possibilities 8ro letter hero than elsewhere. Ziulescli nays: "To accomplish. t row moro Iruit mako it our busi no Instead of trying to ralne o-r..!n Montana can produce wheat cheaper mini wo tun. less . valuable SOIL SURVEY OF ( ' GREAT IMPORTANCE Decision in Lane Court En-(World Champion Jersey De joins Ue of Market Fund on State Highways Judge Skipworth of the Lane livers Fine Healthy Heifer Calf "The detailed soil survey work for Polk county conducted by the stato agricultural college soils department and the federal bureau of soils Is ' AutO rapimy neanng completion," said C. GRIFFIN KILLED; LIQUOR IS CAUSE J. Mcintosh, agricultural press editor for the college, who made a brief call i !at the Enterprise office Wednesday Fulfilling the final requirement by (morning1. I county court apparently takes Inearth of a living calf, Wednesday j Representatives of the federal and most wo should Hamc view of market road funds as ' morning, Lad's Iota, owned by Sam j the state offices cooperating: in the home Thursday inoniinir at 0;U0, Rev. C. C. Curtis of Vancouver, jvl''KO i better there. Seventeen Wash., and n former Chrlatiun church J ur atf0 1 "o!J my ranch in Soutn miHU)r of Dallas, officiating. Muny I"ot "J to the Willamette Jricnils of the family from Dal!n, does Judge Kelly, lie has enjoined J. McKee, has a string of titles which the Lane county court from using j makes her the outstanding cow in (23,000 of market road funds on the; world Jerseydom. Tho land is so much ', Pacific highway. Here's the storv as As a four-year-old she picked up and tho yield on an I'Ublished in the Oregonian under the ' Kld and silver medals, and as a rna- Accident Fatal Dallas Instructor on Salem Road to survey met at Dallas that morning to j inspect the work as conducted by! Professor Torgerson and Douglas ) Joseph. A. Griffin, instructor in manual training and athletic director in the Dallas high school, 13 dead, and John Friesen, also of Dallas, is CiUite seriously injured as the result I of an auto accident about three mile fialem and other places vero in attendance- at tho service and there were flowers in profusion. Under the di rection of Funeral Director A. L. Kcciiey, the body was taken to Salt-m and shipped to I-amar, Missouri, tho ld home of tho venerable woman, ac companied by Mrs. S. Taylor Jones. Mr. Jones went as far as Portland. Mrs. Jones' maiden name was Mar garet L. Johnson. Bhti was born in Ohio December 1, I Ma. When Mrs. Jones was about five years old, the family moved to Johnson county, Iowa, where he was married to W. K. Maxwell. July 14. 1-37. To thit union, wa born March 0, 1HVJ, 1 daughter, Ida E. Karp, who now re hides at I-aniar, Missouri. May 4, iWJfi, she was married to Henry C. Jon at Iowa City, Iowa, and moved to a farm in Barton county, Missouri To this union four children were boil., of which two survive: W. II. Jorm of Lamar, .Missouri, and S. Taylor June of Independence. Mr. Jor.i died July 7, IM3, having her wi,h three sous, ages nwigu.g from 8 ll yea ts. One year later nhe StiV the farm and moved to l.ar:inr, where h.! bail sime resided continuously, with the exception of the paot two years, during which lime she mud hr home with her son here. Mrs. Jones was a woman of rare fortitude and judgment, and the lessons which she impressed upon her sons during tho time she was vK'ir sole guidance to manhood left a lasting imprint with them. In early life she was baptized in the Iowa river, at a time when it was bitter cold and ice was three feet thick, anJ he lived a consistent, christian life, Wing been an active member of the Christum church for many years. valley. 1 received $.r0 an acre for it. This same ranch has changed hands at flAI an acre since that, and yet there is really a question ns to wheth er it has really increased in value. The product of that farm is less now than it used to be. I would not trade my Porker farm for three times as many acres in the Dakotas, and yet according to the present schedule of prices it would bring only about half as much. "If wo would only forget grain en tirely, and grow fruit and establish markets throughout the middle west so that we could make carload ship ments, our runchers would be much moro successful than they ore now. 'To appreciate the advantages of date Juno 28 Eugene The Lane county court to day was enjoined by Judge G. V. Skipworth of the circuit court from spending $23,000 of market road money on the Pacific highway in the construction of a bridge at the north ern outskirts of Cottage Grove, the judge having handed down a decision in the case of S. M. Calkins againssc the county court and the state high way commission. The case was In stituted to test tho right of counties to use such money for state highway. It v;as announced that the case will be eppealed immediately to the supreme court and that a decision is expectea about July 11. The decision not only affects $43,000 budgeted in I-ane county in tho market road funds to be used in! co-operation with the state on stale mik itiuiniene vaney irom a living u- uul "m u'tuj.-i uie wno.ej standpoint, all that is necessary is8tate routl program, as many county 10 spend a month in tho middle went ' ct'u" nave aciea on me theory tnat ture cow, the medal of merit, presi dent's cup, challange cup, state, class and national championship. There are numerous requirements attached to a champion cow, but Lad-s Iota has come through all in fiytng colors. One of these is that to gain the highest honors it is necessary thai during at least 150 days of the milk test, the cow shall have carried a living calf. By delivering 1043 pounds of butterfat during a year Lad's Iota smashed to smithereens the Jersey production record, and now with the addition to her family, she 13 in un disputed possession of all honors. The calf is a heifer, strong ana healthy, and is worth nearly its weight in gold from a monetary standpoint although Mr. McKee has r.o intent to sell her, believing that she will mako a very valuable addition to his here. On display at the Williams Drug titcnie. Mr. Lanham of tho wesfevn . . ,iiv;c; TT,f,i e4 lh,s "de of Salem on the Salem- soils bureau and W. L. Powers, chief ol soils at the college, are making the inspection. Field work has been con tinued since the end of the college year released men to care for it. On completion of field work the various important soil types, whic'a constitute the backbone of agriculture in the county, will be taken to the college laboratories and given com plete physical and chemical analyses. The plant food content will be made matters of record for each type, and the general areas vhere it predomi nates will be mapped. The report usually also contains information oh climatic and other conditions deter mining the farming policy, and Is an excellent guide to practicing farmers end to prospective investors in rea- estate in the community. "City business men as well a farmers are always interested jn these reports," says Mr. Mcintosh, country at this season of the year. It is hot days and hot nights with nothing to relieve tho monotony. "With more rain than usual, crops are going to be good in Montana, and market money could be so expended Judge Skipworth declares that the state highway and market roads are two separate and distinct systems and "it was never the intention of the the prospects in the Dakotas Minnesota arc also good. "I had a pleasant trip, mectinsr expense of and I legislature that any part of the state highway should be constructed at the the market road fund." many old friends, and a profitable onu too, in that it made me sense more fully the possibilities of the valley." ALL IS READY FOR MONMOUTH CHAUTAUQUA 1I0TOR CARAVAN TO COME ilERE NEXT MONTH F. J. Brennan and Mr. McQuister of the Portland office of tho Ford Motor company were in Independence Wednesday arranging for a car-truck caravan which will come here about July 25th. Ten of tho largest automotive man ufacturers will be represented in the camvun, including the Ford, and also the Standard Oil company, will take Prt In tho exhibit There are to bo demonstrations of tractor, truck and tar work, radio concerts, movie shows in the open, etc. The purpose of the trek, which "vein tho valley, is to stimulate busi s for motor driven vehicles by finishing instructive demonstrations nd entertainmet features. ONE LEG BROKEN. OTIIEIt BRUIESD BY TRACTOR Annual chautauqua at Monmouth will open Wednesday, July 6 and will continue for five days, with after noon and evening performances. It is what is known as the de luxe Cad man chautauqua and the program will be:. Wednesday afternoon A Trip to the Land of Magic and Art, Staples and Company. Wedneaday evening Magic and Mystery, Staples and Company; Lec ture "The Whir of the Newspaper Prass", Albert L. Blair Thursday afternoon Artists' Re cital, Haseltine opera singers Thursday evening Operetta "Tha Gypsy Maiden", Haseltine opera sing ers: Poetic lecture "The House of Man", "Bill" Bone Friday afternoon Six Bonnie Las sies Entertaining, Maids O' Dundee Friday evening A Joyous Eve of Fun and Frolic, Maids 0' Dundee Saturday afternoon Comedy and Drama, Maurice Drew players; Tra velogue "Through India with Me", Solomon Ramalingan Saturday evening An All-Star Cast Tlaying, "Cappy Ricks" Sunday afternoon Musical Extra vaganza, Loseff'a Russian orchestral quartet He further declared that any resolu tion the county court may adopt tie- company is a picture of Lad's Iota and "as they serve as guides in establish the numerous medals which have beers j ir.g big community enterprises tha awarded to her. j in turn back the city interests. The I results will be published and the var- F. A. Eoyington is establishing on ious soil types with notes n farm the second floor of the Cooper buil t- j crops and soils management shown in ing the Independence Credit Bureau Attending the Oregon Normal and with his class periods coming during the forenoon, he is at his office here from 1 until 6 in the afternoon. A ... daring the state highway a market ' grfauate of the fcalem law school, he road," as was done in Lane county, Pf some time practicing his pro does no tef feet the status of the road. sn in Montana, where he owns a colors. The whole thing is intensely interesting and practical." Mr. Mcintosh is also boosting for the state editorial association which meets at Corvallis this year July 21-23. He declares that the associa tion has done a lot to put the news paper business on its feet in Oregon, The fact that the state highway hu-ge ranch. Entering the Monmouth and that the business would not be commission's and county court's I school at the opening of the summe "hands are tied" by the decision Is I session he intends to remain there for entirely beside the question. If the!a year for the purpose of gaining a hands of these bodies are tied on ac-'hfe certificate. Mrs. Boyington is count of adverse decision they must' 1'kewise an accredited lawyer, finish look to the legislature for relief and inK hcr course at the same time that not to the courts." reads the order iIr- boyington did and is also regis- of Judge Skipworth. His decree further reads "In the instant case the county court proposes to do exactly what the law says it cannot do. It is begging the question to say that because the county court has by resolution estab lished a portion of the Pacific high way in question, a market road, that therefore they have a right to con struct the same out of the market road funds. The Pacific highway is established by law as such, and no designation which the defendant's county court may attempt to give tered at the Normal. Mr. and Mrs. Boyington have two children and they are living in Monmouth. nearly where it now is if the progres sive publishers had not maintained the association. "I also want to see the Enterprise in the contest for best rural news service, which will be decided this year at editoria! convention," ex plained the college man. "The better this service, as former contests have proved, the larger the circulation in R. W. Travener numbering among the country and the better the paper his friends many Independence people, . is for. advertising. The best papers having been for two years principal of the Monmouth high school has been a guest in the city of his sister, Mrs. C. D. Calbreath. Mr. Travener has been passing a part of his vacation on a fishing trip to Elk Lake in the Cascade mountains. Mr. Travener was accompanied on "his trip by George Poole of Portland and Charles and Elvin Calbreath and the by resolution changes the legal status I Vomg men say that, while perhaps of the road. The market road fund Is established for a specific purpose, and the money cannot be used for any other purpose than that provided by statute." LEBANON WILL PLAT HERE SUNDAY AFTERNOON Lebanon is scheduled to meet the Independence team on the local ground next Sunday afternoon, start- Sunday evening Joy Night Con-j jng at 2 o'clock. the number of fish captured did not quite meet their expectations the scenery and the bacon and eggs cooked over the camp fire was what they went after anyway, and along these lines at least, the camping trip was a complete success. carry rully half their news space In rural items, and more than half their total space in advertising. This con test is to encourage the best rural service for the good of the communi ties and also of the advertiser and publisher." SEPARATED 40 YEARS; BROTHER-SISTER MEET Reed Wattebarger, son of Mr. and . Felix Wattcnbarger, had one leg woken and the other wn cert De Luxe, Loseff's Russian orches tral quartet; Humerous lecture . MnlfA.nn Fun Ouicklv Done". C. L. Burgderfer A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Mike Parsigian at the Eoff hop ,yard, last Friday. After being separated for 40 years and virtually losing track of eacti other, Mrs. George Reuf was very much surprised last Friday by a visit from a brother, Tom Garr. Ke came here from Los Angeles and when he put in an appearance at the Reuf home on south Main street, he was not recognized by his sister, but was later received with open arms after his identity had been established. Virginia was the home of the Garrs (Dallas highway, last Sunday night. (The car went into the ditch, and Griffin suffered a fracture at the ibase of the brain. He was taken to the Salem hospital where he died a few hours later. Friesen was taken ;to the Dallas hospital. j Intoxicating liquor is deemed a.- ! contributing cause to the accident. After due investigation a coroner's; jury impanelled by L. R. Chapman, composed cf E. C. Kirkpatrick, J. R. Sibley, Tracey Staats, J R. Algood, O. C. Smith and Walter Wing issued this significant report: "Inasmuch as the evidence shows that intoxicating liquor contributed to the probable cause of the accident the jury recommends that the owner of said automobile, John Friesen, have his driver's license revoked for a period of one year from the date of revocation." It was brought out at the hearing that Griffin, Friesen, and another Dallas young man, Verne Friar, ha been riding around Dallas in a cat Sunday evening, and that at about 11 o'clock the trio started for Salem. Dissatisfied with the manner in which the car was being handled, Friar gc out of the machine near Rickreall and returned to Dallas. Friar testified that he believed the two men had been drinking. Friesen makes the statement that Griffin wa piloting the car at the time of the accident, and claims that he turned the wheel over to him at Brunk's corner, after repeated requests had been made by Griffin. The cause of the accident appears to be hazy in- Friesen's mind. From all that can be pieced together, Grif fin was driving and stepping on her and was unable to make the turn on what is known as Hogg hill and the machine plunged into the ditch, de molishing the two rear wheels, but landing upright. Griffin was 32 years old. He came to Dallas last September from Blaine, Wash., and after serving during the school year as manual training in structor and athletic director, in the Dallas high school, had accepted em ployment for the summer in the Dallas planing mill, which is owned by young Friesen's father. He is survived by a widow living at Belling-. ham, Wash., and a mother living at Morton, Wash. LOCAL MASONS WILL HOLD SPECIAL COMMUNICATIONS Two special communications are to be held by Lyon lodge, A. F. & A. M. for conferring degrees. On Saturday night of this week, the master's de gree wlil, be conferred on one candi date. July 12th, three are to receive the master Mason's degree. A special Charles W. Leonard has returned to Monmouth for a short stay after spending five months in Portland re ceivine treatment. Mr. Leonard was in Independence, Tuesday, greeting : and was there that the brother and , communication of the lodge will be old friends. His stay in Portland has sister bade goodbye two score years Pened 2 o'clock in the afternoon been beneficial and he will return aS- and 11 be continued through the there shortlv to continua the treat-1 Mr. Garr is so taken with the Ore- evening. The work is to be conferred ments. hile operating a tractor at Gates one "V last week. The machine was a in log hauling, and while the man was endeavoring to hook "ain, it started backward, jamming wtenbarger against a log. Ho was kc to tho hospital at Albany, and ,. afl sports he was getting along a" right. ?ISTEROUS LANGUAGE COST YOUNG MAN $40 Up, ho Indepi lon complaint of J. T. Elmore, resides a few miles south of llarvo and William endence Ut-,1 .. on ?,?rofano and obscene language highway, last Saturday night, act! Attorney Lot Brown of Dallas ran 08 d'8trict attorney an ar WarH fnt Was mado wnerely Harve fore t gailty to the charffa be" ndaice R W- Baker Tuesday the charge against William Ward "flronneil. a nn - iuia vi wao no- which was paid. NORTH DAKOTANS WILL PICNIC AT M'MINNVILLE A north Dakota picnic will be held in the ctiy park at McMinnville, Sunday, July 9th, according to an nouncement received by L. W. Fuller of Farker. All North Dakotans are requested to prepare a basket of lunch and attend. It is expected that a largo number will assemble for tho event and a pleasant day is anticipted. BOYS HELP THEMSELVES TO SAM IRVINE'S PROPERTY R. W. Hampton of Canby and Don- aid Dilley. of uaiias, empioyeu Homer Hill, were charged with help ing themselves to numerous articles belonging to Sam Irvine. They were given a hearing before Justice Baker, and as both were 17 years old, they were turned over to the jwenile court and later discharged, They appropriated from Mr. Irvine a tent,; knives, shirts and other articles. On the Road of Good Intentions 1M WIFE rw 2? f LOOKS BETTER. . SHUCKS fffi. Mow Aiutour wr-7J feet' THERE ARE M Ht & , MORE WEtPi MJk'J y DBftOVEf gon country, that he wants to remain by a team made up of Standard Oil here. He is a single man and will en- employes of Portland. deavor to find a small ranch which ' Wednesday night, Rev. E. B. Pace suits him. He sizes ud the vallev n i of Monmouth became a master Mason similar n chmaic conditions to the old home land in Virginia. BUENA VISTA GIRL MARRIED AT SUVER Miss Enid Maria Carlson, daughter of Mrs Sylvia E. Richardson of Buena Vista, was married Wednesday noon to Frederick H. Schliemann of Port land at the home of the bride's uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. James, at Suver. The ceremony was performed by Dr H. Charles Dunsmore of Independ ence and was witnessed by immediate members of the family. The bride was attended by her sister, Miss Carl son and Miss Edna Miller and the groom by' Mr. Durbin. Mr. Schliemann is foreman for the Brown-McCabe company of Portland. After spending some time in honey mooning will take Johns. the newly, married couple up their residence at St. in the last regular communication until Stptember. The meeting was well attended. A lunch was served. Sunday, July 2nd, local Masons ac cempanied by their families, will go to Forest Grove to visit the Masonic and Eastern Star home which has been opened there. They are to meet in front of the Masonic hall at about 9 o'clock, provided with a basket ot lunch for a picnic dinner which is to be served there.. MRS. BRADEN IS EXHIBIT SPECIALIST IN WASHINGTON Mrs. Winnie Braden well-known throughout Polk county through her connection with agricultural work, is now with the extension service of Washington state college as exhibit specialist. Mrs, Braden is to have charge of the second annual north west fruit exposition, conducted by the growers themselves, at Seattle from October 28 to November 5th.