Independence enterprise. (Independence, Or.) 1908-1969, June 16, 1922, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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Page Five
'ford & Fordson Service
f '?, i,y that thorn are no iimmII i.f can that Mr. Ford
H n tho hand of owners, for which they cannot get
rvcri- ,mrt In ease i'1'1 ofU w,'nr" ut'
Upf 1 ' j (ruo of th Ford truck and tha Fordson tractor,
I ill Ford Motor Company never loe night of tho fact that
I T ' uri,M-r of one of their motor units hi a right to expect
"hat'tho cotnl'wy hu11 Blw,,',, 1,0 ,n lmiti,,'l t k-p them
F'jihln assurance- thnt hm put Ford product in a class by
lhfT,v(m' notice now tho confidence, of tho automobile buyinic
I !. f.i the Uwoln ear returned tm noon as It was known that
feW h.l bought It?
i w announcement meant thnt every buyer of a Lincoln car
I Lured of full value by never finding himself unable to get
I"" I on H at reasonable price.
f 'it l tho service that has helped to make tin Fordson tractor
imd'rVrd enr ntnmi first all over tho world. We make good all
t.rvk'0 proniim-n.
Stewart Motor Co.
C. A. ELLIOTT, Owner ad Manager
Independence ,Orcgon
iloCAL .1
V. IJut'ts and family were wcek
f,T.pcri ut I'ucific City.
il in. Coster una Louis Sorg
jpurtland vitttorn, yesterday.
i . ihinir 10 pounds, was
Wednesday t n, "
I Archibald wjoyln visit
her mother, Mr, nummrr oi
1 S. Moore of I'ortland spent
ikend at the home oi .nr. nmi
A. L Keency.
Charles Carter and daughter j
r visiting for two weeks In
I the guests of relative.
md Mm. K. C. Bradner drove
iftc City, Sunday morning, and
the day on the beach.
II, Wpllhhcr and wife of Cur-
have been visiting their dauh-
Rr. F. E. Hutu in this city.
ind Mrs. T. C. Campbell of
,th Fall are the guests of
fCsmpboll'a father, T. J. Fryer.
and Mrs. Fred Young and
sin of Nvaaa. Oreeon. are visit
friends and relative in tho city.
Jessie StuffUbean submitted
t eperntion for appendicitis ot
fSconcai hospital in Salem last
"iJajr. :
Compton, who ha been attend
McMinnvillo coIIcrp, has
wl to Independoncc for tlio
K. Pankalla returned last Sat-
from Tillamook, where he spent
ay mrentinir and incidcntallj'
an fntisfied his appetite for
and other sen food. He was nc-
by Mr. MacCollina.''"
Frank Addiaon of Vaketi ba been
Inainjr tho juiht week in Independ
ence. Hoy isinemiin him tronu t (or'iilli.t,
wbiTe he hna employment ut carpen
ter work am! will move hi family
there to rvaide next week.
A aon wa horn Sunday to Mr. and
Mr. James Cquillette, and rontcrau
lationa are being: offered by their
numerous frienls.
rejoicing over the arrival of a daugh
ter ta their home in the north part!
of town Saturday.
Lvnn Huntley, who has been at
Corviilli during the past winter, has
returned to Independence for the
summer and i being employed at th
Windmill barber shop.
Frank Millir has filed suit in cir
cuit court for a divorce from Vera E.
Miller, on the ground of desertion.
Mrs. Miller has been living at Seattle
for some little time.
The Enterprinc is indebted to Mrs.
Oren McElmurry for bouquets of the
choicest of aweet peas. Mrs. Mc
Flmurry is having excellent success
in sweet pea culture.
Mrs. Glenn Oakey returned to Port
land, Tuesday, after spending several
days at the home of her sister, Mrs.
A.,E. Horton.
II. F. BirkhoU has taken a con
tract for hauling logs from the George
Williamson place near Airlie to the
mill, a distance of about a mile. The
trm k is being rigged up and work
will he started in a day or two -with
Imis Sorg as operator.
: ' t
The Ib.pville district had a much
appreciated soaking rain last Friday.
U wna a local shower, extending with
in a eounle of miles of town, doing a
lot of good. It gives assurance of a
heavy hop crop in that district.
Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Horton and
family, accompanied by Mrs. Norton's
sisters, Mrs. Madge Ga.ston of Tort-
i Mm
mm 'Hits i
land and Mrs. Glenn Oakey of Roa
noke, Vir., returned Monday evening
from Pacific City, where they spent
the weekend.
R. J. Wright will leave tomorrow on
a three or four months' visit to his
old home near Galesburg, Illinois,
and other poiits In the middle west.
Mrs. Floyd Bewlcy, a daughter of
Mrs, t). I). Davis, has gone to Rosc
burg, to reside, Mr, Bewlcy belnj?
stationed at that point while in tho
employ of tho Southern Pacific.
Members of Independence home
stead of Yeomen will take part in a
banket picnic nnd outdoor class in
itiation which will be given at Colo
rado amusement park, two miles
east and one mile north of Corvallis
on Sunday, July Oth.
David Foulkea of the Portland Ore
gonian force, accompanied by his
wife and son, Mrs. M. A. Ford and
Mrs. Sarah Jane Ground of Port
land, attended commencement at
Monmouth and called upon Independ
ence friends thiH week.
Ira C. Mehrling of Falls City, demo
cratic nominee for county commis
sioner, was in Independence, Tuesday,
doing a little missionary work in the
interest of his candidacy. Mr. Mehr
ling is not a stranger here, having
made the fill when the highway north
cf town was straightened.
Mr. and Mrs. J. If. Wood of Port
land, accompanied by their daughter,
?lrs. Childs of Arlington, have been
spending a few days at the home of
Postmaster Homer S. Wood. They
came here particularly to be present
at the graduation from the Oregon
Normal of their granddaughter, Miss
Winona Wood.
Dr. and Mrs. M. J. Butler, Mrs. J.
E Hubbard and Dr H. Charles Duns
more have been at Portland during
the past three days attending the an
nual sessions of the grand chapter,
Order of the Eastern Star, and the
grand lodge of Ancient, Free and
Accepted Masons, as representatives'
from the local chapter and lodge.
Miss Norma Calbrcath and Miss
Hazel Calbreath are at the home of
their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles
D. Calbreath, for the summer vaca
tion. Miss Norma is a public school
instructor at La Grande and Miss
Hazel has been teaching in the Marsh
field schools during the past year.
J. A. Ormandy, assistant general
passenger agent of the Southern
Pacific lines, and W. F. Miller, as
sistant general freight agent, both of
Portland, were in Independence Mon
day and in company with agent, S.
Taylor Jones, interviewed local busi
ness men on matters of import- to
the company.
A proposition to give away a Ford
car as a trading inducement is being
submitted to local business men by
C. A. Elliott, owner and manager of
the Stewart Motor, company, ,Mr.
Elliott says that he has reasons to
remember with much pleasure a
similar undertaking at Oregon City
a few years ago, as his mother cap
tured tbe capital pHzs, which ' was
likewise a Ford.
Crossing the plains with mule
teams in 1868 and settling in Polk
county, the survivors of the Bohannon
family assembled in Corvallis- last
Sunday. It was a reunion of he
three brothers J, S. of Independence,
.1.' D. of Albany :and W.; T. of Cor-v-lli-wiinil,
. their families. A , fire,
which ' 'V troy cd a ''.large " , livery
nrn in the outskirts of the business
rtnet of Corvnilfs during the day,
furnifhed a thrill of excitement.
The annual encampment of the G.
A. R. and convention of the Woman'a
Relief Corps will be held at Newport
June 27, 28 and 29. The regular
meeting of the local W. R. C. will be
held at the hall Saturday, June 17th,
and all members who are contemplat
ing attendance at the annual gather
ing should make it a point to be
present and secure the necessary ere- j
In The Churches
M. K. Church
Services next Sunday as follows:
Sunday school at 10 a. m.
Epworth League at 7:15 p. m.
Preaching services at 11 and 8
o'clock. Everybody welcome.
Prayer meeting on Wednesday eve
ning at 7:30.
Baptiat Church
Our Bible school meets Sunday
mornings at 10 a. m., Archie Justin
is the superintendent. He is assis
ted by a splendid group of teachers.
We have classes for all ages. At 11
a. m., Rev. Proppe preaches on "Tn
Theme of a Great Life." Our young
people's society meets at 7 p. m.
There will be something new next
Sunday night. Come out and see. At
8 p. m., Rev. Proppe preaches on
"Other Foundations." Our male quar
tet will sing. We invite you to come
and worship with us.
Christian Church
' The services for next Sunday will
follow the regular program.
The subject for the morning, "The
Path Christ Blazed."
In the afternoon there will be
Baptismal services at the river at
3 o'clock. C. E. at 6:30, and at 7:30
the Filipinos will give a concert
like the one we enjoyed last Sunday
evening. Then at 8 there will be h
patriotic address by the evangelist
and some special music will be given
by Mrs. Barnell. This is the American
Legion night and also we shall in
vite all the boys of '61, as special
friends. Since the evenings are so
cold we better hold it in the church.
We will put in a lot of extra chairs.
Everyone is welcome to all services.
A Tire of quality 30x3
weather Goodyear $13.50.
Independence Garage. J16-4t
The ladies of the Methodist Aid
society will hold a cooked food sale,
Saturday, June 24, at the Mcintosh
grocery. Pd. Adv.
Dr. Thompson has just re
LP" turned from the Western
Congress of Optometry in Los Ange
os, where he has been taking post
graduate work, and will be at your
service with the latest and best metbv
ods of Optometry on Wednesday,
June 28, Beaver Hotel, all day.
INo. 18898
f o. 18900
k 8902
K 18899
COO-COO Fox Trot . . ..... i . . "wn
Whitman and His Orchestra
Green Bros. Manmbo Orehe.tra
KITTEN ON THE KEYS-Fox Trot. . J. . A.
, Ze Confrey and His Orchestra
OLD DIXIELAND rox rroi . . ..
, Club Royal Orchestra
I i-f.i
Club Royal Orchestra
' Zez Confrey and His Orchestra ,
A;Tirc of quality 30x3
weather Goodyear $13.50.
IndeDendence Garage. J16-4t
The large and interesting class of
pupils of Mrs. . Lottie H. Mcintosh
will be presented in public recital at
the First Methodist church next
Thursday evening at 8 o'clock. An
admission of 10 cents will be charged
which will be donated to tthe church.
. .. 16-lt
A- Tire . of : quality 30x3 All
weather Goodyear $13.50. ' " r
Independence Garage. ' J16-4t
fee .Crawford & 'Son 'for' Tinting.' '
Pintintr, Tinting, Paperj
, Hanging;' by; day or, by con-
Some 300 or 400 people were pref-' l fii v- . . i s 1
Estimate, .cheerfully fur-
STUMBL1NG Fox Trot yinXk
, Paul Whitman and His Orchestra
GEORGIA Fox Trot Xut
. ; Paul Whitman and His Orchestra
ing at the WigHcti ranch with Major
W. Lewis Rose officiating; as host.
There was a picnic in the grove, and
other entertainment including a ball
e-ame- with the -Filipinos --arrayed
against local lads ' with Schrunk and
Loy j forming , the : battery ' for the
latter. The Filipinos, were trimmed,
the score being, 17 to, 8, but their
antics during the contest made It 'a
livelv. interesting one ann proving
much amusement.
' pw V. S. Clenio, Mr. and Mrs
Ingermansen, Mrs. Bertha Ferguson,
Mrs Mary Smiley and Mr. and Mrs.
j yjt Kelley were in attendance Wed
nesday at commencement of Willam
Hp university. Eighty-nine degrees
1. 75 beintr bachelor of
were iwuv.iv., - w n j
arts and 14 doctors of law. The doc
tor of divinity degree was also con-
nmon Rev. E. E. Gilbert of Port
land, district superintendent of the
i,.i!.t FniscoDal church. The
H:ttiv'f r .
address was given by Bishop Shepard
of Portland. The service was held In
the First M. E. church.
nished. -' '''' . '
John U. urawiora a oon i
Box 422, Independence Or. 1 1
Finel 4 acre tract, close ' in,' good 5
room house;- fruit, garden, $2100.
Terms. ;' ' .'. ' . ...
'V -
Few; best modern homes in the city
for less than half price if sold soon.
Good 5 room house and
in; $1050. Some terms,
2 lots, close
We have on our list some of the best
farms in the valley. Prices very
reasonable and good terms. Let
us show you what we have. If you
are short of money talk it over with
We may be able to help you
Property is
advance by
moving now ana win
fall. Don't wait too
' ,,, .naranteed. fl7-tf J. E. Hubbard. C. B. Smith. ) 6h
one of 10c
Awaiting your selection is the completest
stock of beautiful new goods we have ever
been able to display at this season. There
are trousseau suggestions galore in our
hosiery and lingerie departments. We were
fortunate in our buying and we are going
to pass along this advantage to our cus
tomers. '
Our showing of bathing suit3 is very com
plete. In a few days you will want to en
joy the privileges of the water, and we
suggest' that you make the selection now.
We1 have them for the kiddies as well as
the grown folks. .
(" Attractive patterns, in silk hosiery,
pumps, gloves and other dainty accessories
for the well dressed girl or woman.
Eddy & Carbray
Independence, Oregon.
Use, Value, Color Paints
Williams Products
- Oils
To every child accompanied by a parent we
will give a souvenir balloon on Saturday,
Come early and get a balloon; ''''v'-
Bring your Paint problems along and
, get an expert's advice
Exclusive Dealers of Sherwin Williams
IlllcUf atti-ioiHvv.v..