Independence enterprise. (Independence, Or.) 1908-1969, April 07, 1922, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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iMjav. April 7, 1922.
principal Events oMhe Week
Briefly Sketched for Infor
mation of Our Readers.
Senator BianfMd hit returned to
inland to spend at l-Mt two wctk
Central Point claim to l the only
. ..... i.. ihii tt where on can buy
i,ifaihlniied tty.
Th Dalle municipal auditorium
,n .... u
-HI be fornmny npm"i u r
i,h frt-n entertainment.
u'mIIit M. Plrce of I Grande
..miniy. In candidate for th
iocratlc nomination for governor.
President Harding ha ! to the
HMtt lh nomination or jonn a. mc-
Cll to be poatmaaier at nmmm
Dunham Wright of Mfdttail Bprlnga
H to be a candidate for governor of
Owon In the primaries u n an
4 fire In Medford which itartH
iron a fcrttle of doughnuts boiling
Tr, cauard a total loaa rati mated at
Tha Bpwortb league of the southern
tiitrlct of lb Oregon conference will
nt la convention In Roseburg April
Jl, tt and 23.
W. B. Harratt of Heppner wa re
appointed a member of the stat high-
ttr cowmumlon when nls trm ei
plrod Saturday.
Thit tbe backward H'tion la of bene
fit to bopa li the opinion of John
DMlaty. ona of tha leading grow.
n Id lb Brook a section.
J A Waaco county pioneers' aasocla
'tloi will b formal May 2 at a meet
ling of reldnu of- tha county up to
Ltd Including the year 1112.
I Tba annual rllmb of the Maiamaa
jihii year will le to tbe top of the
hint Blatera, 100 inllea eat of Ku
Vse In the Cascade mountain.
!A aummr school and camp for
t.l. 1A . ..... A .i A m I. V
inn. IV jfmiw mi "pi'p mitv .M,.r, i
lfi planned for central Oregon thle
W with Klk lake aa tbe location.
Japan-' lumbermen are now eon
String the advisability of rafting
irt(on log arrose the Pacific to be j
jl and made up In I h 1 r own mill.
Thre wi-re 871 Industrial accident
In 0rgon In the we k ending March
i, irrording to a report prpMr"d ly
it Hate Imliihtrlal ix cl'l'-nt cnmrnla-
Th atate Industrial accident com
rliilnn baa mallil out aeverul thou-
lfid prnptillii showing the value of
tt workmen'! compensation act to
Or. R. A. Parsons, government vet
inartao In charge of the anil-scab
liopiilKn in central Oregon, will atnrt
F aaon'a work at Powell Untie
id Alfalfa early tela month.
Chrle von dcr Ah waa Indicted by
p crand Jury at Pendleton on a flret
"ree murder charge ua a rfault of
F killing of Mathlaa Jepaon. aged
'irtrnmi'nt mountain rerlimo.
ion volume of building permits la
pi'd In Portland for March will n-
J""d the $.1,000,000 mark and thua
rwk all record In tho hUtory of
"'ding conatrurtlon In that city.
0ov(rnor Olcott hue announced that
fl will reapjiolnt It. C. Itrowno of
"ftlnnd aa a member of lbt Injnrd
'Ute fair examlnora. Mr. Browne'a
nt tfrm will exnlre tblH month.
Attorneya for tllem wbobe laitda
h undr the Pilot butt oanul have
M noUce of appeal from tho ruling
the circuit court approving bond
tollon and diWlet organ teat ion pro-
''lining ond hunting on the Kin
"th Indian HeHervatlou by aporta-
n In general would bo prohibited
"dor the terms of tt reaolutlon ndopt
11 " a tribal council of the Klumath
plana recently.
Building ,r,its )u Snlem for the
"'"Hi of March this yeur exceeded by
l'('r cent tho permits Innued rlur
'the same month in 1921. During
ie month new roHblenc.-o nt-rmlta uk-
reK;'t"d ?5n,?(!(.
0lt IlaiiHen. C2. and nrosldm.t of
16 Salem Tiiio r. m n
- 4iu n tun lit' l iiiir
nJ wna killed at Hulom when an
''oniobll,. wi.i,.,, 'h was rl.IIrR
18 "truck by Houthliouml Southern
',r,c PttHBongor train No. 17. i
-"'"inuil COUntv hH im nti.
""'ty t() Bel to lirlvilln h.,ru.,n. rnr-la
Jelled by tbo countv MiHminnra at.
" ri)r public
lm f,,'l,li" ly I. 11. Van Winkle,
"d'.vard Masono. 7(1 vira tun.
IOWl! llutlve of CliicknmaH couu-
alla tamllinpiv b,. t... .....
"an ft3 "captain" Magone waa
"""dear! In hi. h. - ...
r.ui, . ' ""Uic; IIV.'UI llltKUIlU 0
Hi., ,11. . ' .
i upuuriiiiuy Was cnuHed
!"rt iron til
II wr h;
luv't opposed any appropria
!1 ,inw doi t iRory for boyB at
'-'"' wa IiuHa., school.-1 lie houno
WenH 01, y j,lur(,i.. ,lnrmn
""'P'iiitlou bill ,.,.
71 of lk.T' V 11
- - n'jins.
The 0.-V. tt. A N. will mnt n,
800,000 of the $6,000,000 to be apent
on Improvement thl y(IBr , d.
vlalcn betaoi PeMIeton titui ,)t(t.
nrlon. The work t bfl undertaken
I" mainly rmlla.t mff , rep(;llK the
old rail In riuitiy plm s.
There are between 25 and 30 yotitha
In the auta training achool for boya
at Halern who .re Hlglble to parole,
but under preawnt condltlona they can-
not l, rled because they have uo
homea and tbe atate bun m..i.
provmion for their after care.
r - ....... V MV
n ncniMiine or payment for pleee
wora in ttnn(,rla of the atute, which
naa nenn druwh up at prevloua con
ference of employer, employe and
rfpr-aentutive of the public, waa
adopted at a meeting of the luduatrlal
welfare commlealori at Portland.
Senator McNary and Hlanfleld have
telegraphed to Individual and organ
liattona In Roaeburg that they will
lend their aupport to the effort to
obtain an amendment of the river
and barbora bill to make provlalona
for work on tba Umpqua harbor.
No reduction In the number of unit,
or withdrawal of federal allotment
for the Oregon national guard will re-
ault from the annual Inapectlona by
tba government. Juat completed, ac
cording to Information recclrd by
George A. White, adJuUnt general.
Tha Oregon public aervlce commla-
alon ha denied the petition of the
Oregon Short Line Railroad company
to aatablleb Irl-weeklyTraln arfrvlce On
Ita ao-called Crane and Nrogan
brwnchMi In eaatern Oregon In place
of the preaent dally mixed train aerv-
J. O. Ileeha. engineer for the public
eervlca rommlaalon, baa been employ
ed by the city of Canby to make a
aurvey of the lighting ayatem of tba
Molaila Kim trie company and place a
valuation upon It, following a dead
lock In negollatlona for the purchaae
of the plant
Dr. N. E. Wayam. bead of tbe Port-
and United Bute public bealtb aerv
lce. agajnat whom cbargea of mla-
treatment of eaervlc men were
beard recently, baa been tranaferred
to Ban FYanctaco, wbere he will be
aaalgned to laboratory work, accord-
ng to word received from Washing
Officer of H. E. Wllla Company, of
Portland, dealers In atocka and bonds.
wera taken In charge by State Corpor
ation Commlaaloner T. I). Handle)'.' An
eipert accountant waa put at work
on the company'a book. Pending hi
report Handley aatd he would be un
able to eatlmate Inventor' poaalble
Hobi-rt L. Scutt, about 24 yeara of
age, committed lulclde at Aatorla by
banging hlmaclf with hla belt to a bed
poat In bla room. The man, a few
monthe ago, waa endeavoring to float
a million dollar In bonda in Portland
and Astoria to eatabllah a "Coney la
land" Juat weet of th Aatorla ter
ra I nala.
The firat high achool glrla' confer
ence ever held In aouthern Oregon waa
held at Medford under the auaplcea of
the atudent club of girl reaervea of
the Y, W. C. A. About 75 delegate
were preaent from Glendale, Grants
iPaaa, Aahland. Gold Hill, Rogue
River. Phoenix, Talent, Central Point
and Medford.
The Klamath Forcat Protective asso
ciation announcea receipt of telcRrama
from Senator McNary and Representa
tive Slnnott aniwunclng that Secretary
of the Interior Fall baa signed tho
agreement between" the government
and the private timber owners for tho
pine beetle eradication campaign In
the Klamath district.
An effort on the part of the state
highway commission to divert any of
the $2,500,000 voted by the people
of Oregon at a special election In May,
1919, for the construction of the Roose
velt military highway, to the general
hlghwuy fund, will meet with stren
uous opposition, according to B. F.
Jones, resident of Newport and officer
of the Roosevelt Memorial highway
The Roosevelt Memorial Coast High
way association holds ont strong hopeB
that It will win out In tho fight for
tho coiisft counties In ita efforts to
have tho Roosevelt highway designat
ed aa n road of primary importance.
It Is in receipt of Information trom
Washington etatiug that the designa
tion of tho Roonevelt highway is held
up pending turner Investigation, and
that the secretary of agriculture will
not net In tho matter until a runner
report la made.
Tho navy department la preparing"
for national bonuH action, according to
a letter received by George A. White,
adjutant-general, from the bureau of
navigation at Washington, D. C, which
announcea a policy of expediting pay
ments should congress paBB the bonus
law at Ita present sesaion. A complete
statement of the plan used by Oregon
In setting up Its state bonus machinery
la naked for by the navy department.
Bids will bo opened In Portland.
April 14 and 15, for tho construction
of approximately 215 miles of highway
and eight bridges, according to
nonneemont amde by tho state high-
v rinnartmont. The cost of the pro-
estimated by the commission
J moo
at several millions of dollars.
Union Officials Claim at Least
600.00Q Workers Will Be
in Walkout.
Indianapolis, Ind. Coal production
was stopped by the union coal mlnera,
who quit In the mine of 20 atate
with the avowed policy of remaining
Idle Indefinitely In an effort to forca
tho operator to accept the miner'
term for new wage contract.
Officials at the headquarter here
of the United Mine Worker of Amer
ica declared that tbe usperiMlon would
not only Include a half nfllllon work
ers, but also that at least 100,000 non
union men would Join lp the walkout.
No lAat-mlnute Inatructlon were la
sued from headquarters and the only
significant conference held by John h.
Lewis," president, waa with Lonnle
Jackson, president of tbe Kentucky
union dlatrlct, wbere S000 union men
will continue at work because their
contract with operatora has another
year to run.
In a formal atatement Mr. Lewi
daclared tha nation-wide walkout
would affect "hundreda of thousands
of citlzeba" not directly engaged In
the coal Industry, and he reiterated
his charge that the operators had
"forced tbe strike upon the miners."
Union men In Nova Scotia will re
main at work but those In the western
Canadian province were expected toj
Join tbe uspenlon.
Seattle, Wash. Complete auapen
alon of unionized coal mines In Wash
Ington and British Columbia was re-
ported at the close of the first day
r ih n(inn.Ma irik nf th iTniterf
. "
Mine Workers of America.
For Washington official estimates
placed the number of men who joined
tbe walkout at 2600. In British Colum
bia between 2500 and 3000 men went
t Tho .irikin wiiaMturtnn minor
v. . m i.....e, , - -
were largely employed In mines sup-!
plying railroad fuel. ,
The principal fields In Washington,
where shutdowns resulted from their! V" tZ" " .7- "
tHk ro tii TioHivn-rio Klum rail -
strike, were the Roslyn-tle Klum rail
road field, largest In the state, where
approximately 2100 men quit work;
were reported out ad the Belling-, 80n, described therein' are
ham district, with 240 union men on:to take notice thereof.
strike. In the Roslyn-Cle Elum field
maintenance men also Joined the
walkout and some of the mines were
said to be in danger of flooding.
Vote of Confidence Given By House
of Commons.
London. The house of commons,
after an unexciting debate, adopted
by the substantial majority of 278
Premier Lloyd George's resolution
calling for confidence In the govern
ment's policy on the coming economic
conference at Genoa. Tbe vote was
372 to 94.
In the earlier part of the session
the house passed an hour and 20 min
utes of such tenseness as it had not
experienced for many months, when
the prime minister, fresh from his re
tirement In the country, threw down
the gauntlet to his opponents and de
clared that a vote on the hitherto
innocuous Genoa resolution was tanta
mount to a vote of confidence or lack
of confidence in the government.
House Won't Pay Anybody $35,000.
Washington, I). C. The house put
Its foot down f'.rmly on a proposal to
pay salaries of $35,000 to four ship
ping board officials, refusing by a
unanimous vote to approve the con
ference report on the indepelfcent of
ficers' appropriation bill, which would
have authorized payment during the
coming ' fiscal year of salaries of be
tween ?11,000 and $25,000 to six em
ployes, in addition to the four who
could receive $33,000.
Little Willie, taking a long walk
with his dad one day saw a sign
'Tainless Dentist." .
Said Willie: "Dad, what is a pain
less dentist?"
"A painless dentist, my son, is a
Every person, firm, co-partnership,
company or corporation resid
ing on. owninsr. leasing, occupying,
possessing or having charge of or
dominion over any land, Duiidmg,
wharf or dock infested with ground
digger 'squirrels in Polk. County,
Oregon, is hereby notified to begin
at once to effectively exterminate
and destroy afl such Digger Ground
The following poison for mixing
and .instructions for use thereof is
the method most expedient and ef-
fective to be used for the extermi
nation and destruction of auch
ground squirrels, and is hereby
recommended, to-wit: Alkaloid
Strychnine usod on either barley or
wheat, barley preferred, mixed ac
cording to the following formula and
manner, to-wits
Barley, clean grain, 16 quart j
Strychnine (powdered alkaloid;. 1 oas.
Bicarbonate of soda
(baking- noda) 1 ounce
Thin starch paste . pint
Heavy eorn syrup , p!nt
Glycerine 1 tablespoonful
Saccharine 1-10 ounce
This materia chould be mixed as
follows: Mix thoroughly one ounce
of powdered strychnine (alkaloid)
and one ounce of common baking
soda. Sift this into three-fourths
pint of thin hot paste, and stir to
a smooth, creamy mass. (The starch
paste is made by dissolin? 1 heap
ing tablespoonful of dry gloss starch
In a little cold water, which is then
added to three-fourths pint of boiling
water. Boil and stir constantly un
til a clear, thin paste is formed.)
Add one-fourth pint of heavy corn
syrup and one tablespoonful of gly
cerine and btir thoroughly. Add one
tenth ounce of saccharine and stir
thoroughly. Pour this mixture over
16 quarts of clean barley, and mix
well so that each grain is coated.
One quart of the poisoned grain
mixed aa aforesaid ia sufficient for
forty or fifty baita, and this quan
tity scattered along squirrel trail
or on clean, hard place on the sur
face about the holes will not endan
ger stock. Strychnine in any form
other than the powdered strychnine
(alkaloid) is not effective in the
above formula.
From the date hereof until May
1st is the most effective time to
poison and destroy the digger squir
rels, as they are just emerging from
their hibernation. They are hunery
The County Court of Polk Countr.
Oregon, has secured a large amount
I of strychnine, and the other inered-
ients necessary for the mixture, and
a quantity thereof has been mixed,
and is now on sale to the farmers
or persons interested at actual cost,
and ma had b? ppa to the
undersigned at his office in the Im-
.perial Hotel Building, Dallas Ore-
a" biiu uincr puiina in trvin.
County, State of Oregon.
If any person herein designated
shall, within
thirty days from the
'first publication of this notice, fail
to begin in good faith to exterminate,
U,i - .t - ortrl ,W-,, -A
;r "ZZ:Za . t " " 1 " !
IT Zt TZl ,Z .2 yA ry a
er effective means said Ground J
Squirrels 'herein designated, the ,
County Court of Polk County, Ore-I
fTfin will onnnint nnrttsr a na. I
gon, will appoint person or
. . t .. .. . .
;iion ana eradication oi such ground
squirrels, and the cost thereof incurr-1
!fd..7u be assessed such land,!north Hne o HenrV HU1 and Martha
; 1,11 1'"' "If' wnarr, or docK, and unless
influl. will hwnmp a liAn ntrainef tha
7 - a c , ui Baiu
Ground Squirrels.
This notice is published pursuant !
to the statute in such case made, and iBlock Henry jnils Town of Inde
provided and for two consecutive t j '
u.',.(. u Q n r t h rnfl tssitaa snH all tiot-
. ,
Dated and first published this 31st
aay oi itiarcn, iva.
j . . . i .aaa ,
n .. a t. rn. n i..
vAujn.jr rtgem. iur rum KMuuiy, i
Statement of the ownership, man
agement, circulation, etc., requir
ed by the act of Congress of Aug
ust 24, 1912, of Independence En
terprise, published weekly at In
dependence, Oregon, for April,
State of Oregon, County of Polk, ss.
Before me, a notary public in and
for the state and county aforesaid,
personally appeared Z. C. Kimball,
who, having been duly sworn ac
cording to law, deposes and says that
he is the owner of the Independence
Enterprise, and that the following is,
to the best of his knowledge and be
lief, a true statement of the owner
ship, management, etc., of the afore
said publication for the date shovn
in the above caption, required by the
act of Auerust 24, 1912, embodied in
section 443, Postal Laws and Regu
lations, printed on trie reverse side
of this form, to-wit:
1. That the names and addresses
of the publisher, editor, managing
editor, and business manager are:
Publisher, Z. C. Kimball, Indepen
dence, Orepon.
Editor, Z. C. Kimball, Indepen
dence, Oregon.
Managing editor, none.
Business nianasrer. none.
2. That the owners are: (Give
names and addresses of individual
owners, or, if a corporation, give its
name and the names and addresses
of stockholders owning or holding 1
percent or more of the total amount
of stock.)
Z. C. Kimball, Independence, Ore.
3. That the known bond holders,
mortgagees, and other security
holders owning or holding 1 percent
or more of total amount of bonds,
mortgages, or other securities are:
W. J. Clark, Independence, Ore.
4. That the two paragraphs next
above, giving the names of the own
ers, if any, contain not only the list
of stockholders and security holders
as they appear upon the books of the
company as trustee or in any other
fiduciary relation, the name of the
person or corporation for whom such
trusteo is acting, is given; also that
thej said two paragraphs contain
statements embracing affiant's full
knowledge and belief as to the cir
cumstances and conditions under
which stockholders an security hold
ers who do not appear upon the books
of the company as trustees, hold
stock and security in a capacity
other than a bona fide owner; and
this affiant has no reason to believe
that any other person, association
or corporation has any interest di
rect or indirect in , the said stock,
bonds, or other securities than as so
stated by him.
Z. C. KIMBALL, Owner: .
Sworn to and subscribed before me
this 4th day of April, 1922
D. E. Fletcher, Notary Public.'
My commission expires Oct. 21, 192d
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for Marion County,
Maggie C. Bartch, Plaintiff
George E. Quiggle, Fannie E. Quig
gle, his wife, C. II. Hill, Pearl Hill,
his wife, J. P. Willbanks, M. E.
Willbanks, his wife, B. F. Hart and
Dan J. Malarkey, Defendants,
liy virtue of an alias execution,
and order of sale issued out of the
above entitled Court in the above
entitled cause, to me directed and
dated the 18th day of March, 1922,
upon a judgment and decree entered
in said Court on the 20th day oi uct
ober, 1913, in favor of the above
named defendant, uan j. wiaiaraey,
and aeainst C. H. Hill, and
Pearl Hill. his wife. de
fendants, commanding me to satisfy
the sum of one thousand and tnirty
three and 32-100 dollars ($1033.32),
and the further sum of one hundred
dollars ($100.00) attorneys fees, and
the further sum of ten and 50-100
dollars fS10.6O) costs and disburse
ments, now due on said judgment
with interest at the rate of eight
per cent per annum from the 20th
dav of October. 1913. in United States
Gold Coin, together with the costs of
and upon ttug writ; Ana m ooeaience
to said alias execution I did on the
22nd day of March, 1922, duly levy
upon all of the right, title, interest
and estate which the sam aeienaants,
C. II. Hill and Pearl Hill, husband
and wife, or either of them, now have,
and which they or ither oi them nad
on the 26th day of December, 1915,
or at any time since that date, in
and to the followine described real
property situated in Polk County,
State or Oregon, to-wit: -..,. .
Lot 8, in Block 19; Hills Town of
Independence: West -halves -of Lots 7
and 8, in Block 1, Hills Addition to
Henry Hills Town of Independence:
Lot 2, in Block 1, in Hills Addition to
Henry Hill Town of Independence:
Lots 5, 6, 7 and 8, In Block 20, in
Hills Addition to Henry Hills Town
of Indepedence: Lot 3 in Block 20,
Hills Addition to Henry Hills
Town of Independence: Lots 5,
6 and 7, in Block 9, Hills
Addition to Henry Hills Town of
Independence: Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and
6, in Block 12, in Hilis Addition to
Henry Hills Town of Independence:
all of Block 19, excepting O and C.
Right of Way, in Hills Addition to
Henry Hills Town of Independence:
Lot 5. Block 13, in Hills Addition to
Henry Hills Town of Independence
T x. o a i- mi, ia ; urn.
' " " '.
Addition to Henry Hills Town oi
Independence: Lot 5, in Block 18, in
. ";A6iition to Henry Hills Town
of indender)Ce: Lots 1, 2, 3 and
Bi7ck 17f in Hing 'Addition to
- . .
per-lHenr Hilla of independence
a stTio oi land lying Deiween
lino nf "A" trwt- in Henrv
KS? -i L Jfth
!Ann Hin-g Donation Land Claim, in
i . i ;
rolK uoumy, uregon, saia smp oeuig
about one-half a mile long,
. frin nt 102 foot bv 114 feet
in gjze fyinff eagt of ots i and 2, in
. t- ti tit 1. a
.Hn'Se arl?
;k,i is w inno- nd B feet wide.
ifi nnrtv. f th Miller nronertv.
v.ia, - r
A Dart of the Donation Land Claim
i r.t Hsnn Hill nn4 wifo. Notification
' . .-.
No. 1525, Claim ISO. 4o, in Town
ship 8 South of Range 4 West of the
Willamette Meridian, in Polk County,
Oregon, beginning at a point 146 feet
west of the northeast corner oi tne
John Davidson D.. L. C. No. 44,
thence north 351 feet, thence west
60 feet, thence north 400 feet to an
iron pipe, thence west 16.5 feet to
an iron pipe, thence south 195.8
feet to an iron pipe, thence east 68.2
feet, thence south 2S2.3 feet, thence
east 60 feet to place of beginning.
All surplus land in Blocks 21, 22,
23, 24, and 25, in Hills Town of Inde
pendence, and in Blocks 5, 6, 15 and
16, in Hills Addition to Henry Hills
Town of Independence, lying between
the east line of 6th street and the
west line of alley in said blocks, ex
cepting only such land as has been
heretofore sold and conveyed.
All of the aforesaid real property
having been formerly owned by Mar
tha Ann Hill at the date of her
death, to-wit, on the 26th day of
December, 1915, on which said date
the defendant, C. H. Hill, became the
owner of an undivided one-tenh in
terest therein as devisee under the
last will and testament of said dece
dent. Now, therefore, by virtue of said
alias execution, judgment order, de
cree and order of sale and in com
pliance with the commands of said
writ, I will, on Saturday, the 29th
Haw nf AnHl. 1022. at 1 o'clock T. m.
at the front door of the County Court I
Hou86 in Danas p0lk County, Ore
gon, sell at public auction (subject to
redemption as provided by law), to
the highest bidder for cash in hand,
all the right, title, interest and estate
which the within named defendants, C.
II. Hill and Pearl Hill, hr.sband and
wife, or either of them now have,
and which they or either of them
had on the 26th day of December, 1915
or since that date had in and to the
above described property or any part
thereof, to satisfy said execution,
judgment order and decree, interest,
costs and accruing costs.
Sheriff of Polk County, Oregon.
Dated this 31st day of March, 1922.
First publication March 31st, 1922.
Last publication, April 28th, 1922.
The Enterprise is still 51.50 a year
oster i
Corn Doctor
All Foot Troubles Cured ?
X 322 State Street Salem, Oregon
N Ahovn Patton's Book Store '
- -
M - tao - eao - a - -c,a
Page Seven
I beg to announce my candidacy on
the Republican ticket for the nomi
nation of representative in the state
legislature from the 11th district
(Polk couny). With the' slogan, "No
interest to serve but the people's
interest," I respectfully ask for the
support of the. Republican voters of
the county.
mlO-tf .
I am a candidate for joint repre
sentative from Lincoln and Polk
counties subject to the will of the'i
Republican electors at the primary
election in May, 1922. 41
24-tf B. F. JONES.
On the basis of my record in the
last session of the legislature, I am
announcing myself as a candidate for
re-election to the office of Repre- J
sentative for Polk county.
Notice is hereby .given that School
District No. 29, Polk County, Oregon, !
has funds upon hand for the retire
ment of Bond No. 4 of the isuse of
school bonds dated April 23, 1910,
and that interest upon same shall ;
cease after April 23, 1922. Said '
bond is payable at the fiscal agency
of the State of Oregon in New York .
City or at the Farmers' State Bank
in the City of Independence, Oregon.
Dated at Independence, Oregon,
this 2nd day of March, 1922. ,
of School District No. 29, Polk
County, Oregon. ; 3-5t
Campbell Building
Cooper Building
Residence, "Uncle BiJlvV
Have Your Piano Tuned
by an Expert
Moore - Dunn Music Store
Masonic Bldg., Salem
Phone .506
Brotherhood of
American Yeomen
Meet in K. P. Hall 2nd and 4th
Wednesday nights. Visiting Mem
bers Always Welcome.
Foreman, Bliss B. Byers.
Luella Walker, Cor.
Efficient Service Courteous
Funeral Director and Licensed
Calls Promptly Answered Day
or Night
Reasonable Prices
Phones 9821; 9822
Independence, Oregon
Wind Mill Barber Shop
We appreciate your trade.
Pioneer Employment Co.
14 North Second St.
Portland, Oregon
Furnishes Hay, Harvest and
Farm Hands
Write for Magazine Em
ployment Service, our publi
cation Free to All.
Phone Broadway 2278
1 Panama, Straw and t
Felt Hats I
I Cleaned and Blocked
A They Look like New
1 ; Style and Service .
2 179 South High Street