Independence enterprise. (Independence, Or.) 1908-1969, June 03, 1921, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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    & SWOPE
hooper Building
1 Attorney
fwRlCHT, M. D. C
j Veterinarian
LP. "Uncle BillvV'
j Mill Barber Shop
Ihere service
Oregon General News Notes
Page Seven
McMlnnvllle'i new notary club has
received Its new chart or.
IUmiiiioihI will
lander &Kullander
Small Ones
Jtimates Cheerfully
Phone Main 8421
lependence, Oregon J
Idway 2278
eer Employment Co.
Ac Oldcit in Oregon
i HURLEY, Manager
14 North secona &u
Iley & Siletz Railroad
Effective Feb. 6, 1921
Leaves Independence Daily
10.60 a. m.
Leaves Independence Daily
apt Sunday 4.10 p. m.
Arrives Independence, Daily
9.50 a. m.
Arrives Independence, Daily
nt Sunriav 8.50 T. m.
Jit lervico daily except Sunday,
Ave Independence .... 7.30 a. m.
1 L. E. WATSON, Supt.
, Join whit ii, ..wi
j -C"ti4
celebrating the Fourth of July
Hulem Cherrlans have voted to at
lml the Portland Ilos Festival in a
Corvallla will ,Uve a new $50,000
general hospital according to plan of
physicians und btiMlncsH men.
Hrownsvillo has voted a Uond ,Hgu,
of'$2B,W)0 to purchase the plant that
uppllus that city with water.
The Hessian fly, tulri to bo the wont
grain peat that haw appeared In Ore
gon, haa been found In Lane county.
The poatofflce clerks, rural carrier
and city carrion of the state will hold
their separate conventions In Kugoue,
June 25.
More than 200,000 pounds of iplnach
grown In Wasco county haa been de
stroyed by the flood water of the
Columbia river,
An award haa been Riven to a Port
land firm for the erection of u new
twostory grade achool at Hood Itlver
to coal 127,611,
l'rofeaaor 8. M. Da brock, principal
of the Prlnevllle Krae schools, and
all teacher unto blrn have been re
tained for next year.
K. II. Hughes, funeral director of
Astoria, waa named by Governor Ol
cott a member of the state embalm
era' examining board.
A survey of the prune crop In the
prlnslpal counties of the state indi
cate that Doui?lae will be the banner
prune section this year.
Growers representing 32 acres of
strawberries adjucent to Oregon City
agreed to pool their products and to
stand together for a fair price.
An Oregon Products exposition un
der the auspices of the Astoria Cham
ber of Commerce and Ad club will be
held at that city July 14, 16 and 16.
Sulera plumbers have announced a
donation of two free shower bathi for
the Balem automobile tourist camp
ing grounds, one for mea and one for
According to action taken by Ump-
qua post of the American legion, the
Hanna Held south of Roseburg will be
leased and fitted up for an aviation
landing field.
The proprietors of three restaurants
and one hotel in Eugene were fined
sums ranging from $10 to $20 each for
serving milk not up to the standard
provided by law.
Mrs. Kdna C. Brewnton of La
Grande waa elected president of the
Oregon chapter of the P. E. O. Sister
hood at the tenth annual convention
held In Woodburn.
C. C. Page was appointed by the
state Industrial accident commission
to have charge of the collection of
all claims of this department that
necesaltate litigation.
No referendums on any state-wide
measures passed at the 1921 session
of the legislature had been filed with
the secretary of state when the time
for auch action expired.
t I
a ryniuiwnymf W m
B TS your kitchen uncomfort- fe I
1 ab v warm and does it re- rT
ablv warm and does it re
quire constant effort to keep it
clean and tidy?
Or are you one of the thou
sands of happy women who
delight to work in a cool, shin
ing kitchen with a good oil
cookstove ?
A good oil cookstove is esflTy
to operate brings a steady in
tense heat concentrated direct
ly on the cooking.
For best results use Pearl
Oil the clean economical ker
osene that is refined and, re
refined by a special process.
Sold by dealers everywhere.
Order by name Pearl Oil.
Punch boards are lotteries under the
Oregon statutes, according to an opin
ion by Attorney General Van Winkle
for the information of Robert D.
Iytin, district attorney for Malheur
The Tillamook Consolidated Indus
tries, with a capital of $100,000, has
b!n organized at Wheclc- in Tilla
mook county to handle dairy products
and preserve fruits, vegetables and
sea foods.
Certification of $75,000 in bonds of
the Grants Phhs Irrigation district and
$125,000 in bonds of the Wallowa Val
ley Improvement district was approv
ed by the state irrigation securities
Lower insurance rates under the
Workmen's compensation act were de
nier employers engaged in lumber op
erations In eastern Oregon in an order
Issued by the state Industrial accident
Robert I-Mlard, post commander of
the Marshfield American legion body,
on behalf of the post, presented a fully
equipped children's playground to the
city of Marshfield. The apparatus
cost about $1000.
As a result of the heavy rains of the
past month, Silver lake in Deschutes
county, dry for years, has four feet of
water und settlers, who homesteaded
the flat only a few years ago, have
been driven from their homes.
The case brought by Colonel E.
Hofer of Balem against John Carson,
district attorney of Marion county, to
test the validity of the state law Im
posing a license on dogs, was appealed
to the Oregon supreme court for final
detennlnation. Hofer alleged that
dogs were personal property and as
such were subject to being placed on
the tax rolls. As a result, he con
tended that the state law Imposing a
license on dogs was equivalent to
double taxation.
Under an act of the 1921 legislature,
! State Treasurer Hoff has turned over
to the clerk of the state land board,
O. O. Brown, securities In which the
state Irreducible school fund are in
veBted, aggregating between $6,000,00 0
and 17.000.000.
Commercial and civic organisations i
of the state, headed by the Portland
Chamber of Commerce, are preparing
to make a concerted drive to bring the
battleship Oregon to the Willamette
river as a training ship for the Ore
gon naval reserves.
Nine persons were injured, one fa
tally, when an automobile stage en
route to Grants Pass from Klamath
Falls struck a cow and upset in a
ditch three miles east of the Grants
Pass cky limits on the Medford road.
Reductions aggregating an annual
saving of approximately $300,000 to
gas customers of the Portland Gaa
A Coke company will be made effec
tive June 6 through an order issued
by the Oregon public service com
mission. Editar B. Piper, editor of The Ore-
gonlan, will deliver the commencement
'address at the university of Oregon
June 30. Commencement will be cele
brated this year by a reunion of the
class of 1896, which will be its 25t&
anniversary. '
The schools of Sherman county rank
first in efficiency in a comparison of
educational and financial factors cov
ering a period of six years, compiled
bv J A. Churchill, state superintenl-
' ent of public instruction. Multnonfah
county ranks second and Morrow third.
Sheriff Terrill of Jackson county, in
a public statement, demanded that Dr.
E. J. Bulgin, who is holding evangel
istic meetings in Medford be called
before the grand Jury and give evi
dence to support his recent charges
that Jackson county has a "no-account"
The New berg Berrians, comprising
60 representative business men of New
berg and berry raisers of the sur
rounding territory has been organized.
The organization is formed primarily
to give publicity to Newberg and adver
se it nnssiblllties from the stand
point of general farming and berry
The opening of a permanent office
by the state legion convention com
mittee for the purpose of handling the
immense amount of business and ar
rangements to be made ror me An r
rifln Lecion state convention, which
convenes in Eugene on July 1 and 2,
was authorized at' the meeting oi mo
exscutive committee of Lane county
post No. 3.
Because a reorganize"
Crook county bank, which failed at
prlnevllle several mouths ago, offered
difficulty and did not appear to be
feasible, Frank C, Bramwell, state su
perintendent of banks, issued a charter
for the new Bank of Prlnevllle, winch
will open for business about June 1.
The old bank suspended business De
cember 27, last.
At the annual meeting in Canyon
Citv Enterprise was successful in se
curing the convention of the cattle
and horse raisers' association for next
!ear William Pollman of Baker was
Selected president over his vigor-
I8 protest; Fred Phillips of Baker.
St vice" president; George Russe U.
Pr,nev.l.e, second vice president.; WU
liam Duby, treasurer, and S. O. ior
ST senary, both of Baker, were
unanimously, re-elocted.
A pipe won't burn your V
tongue if you smoke P. A.!
frlnet Albtrt l
oM in tppr f
bmt, tidy Ti tins,
hmniftnm ptnnA
ml halt pound Hit
humiiorm andinlhm
pmunt erymtti f (ua
hmtnlmt with
pnf mmitttntr
n.f that niriA.nartv.hfte huzrinp- in vout smoke-
section! Know for a fact what a joy'us jimmy pipe
can and will do for your peace and content I Just
check up the men in. all walks of life you meet daily
who certainly get top sport out of their pipes all
aglow with fragrant, delightful, friendly Prince
And, you can wager your week's wad that Prince
Albert's quality and uavor and coolness and its
freedom from bite and parch (cut out by our exclu
sive patented process) will ring up records in your
little old smbkemeter the likes of which you never
before could believe possible!
You don't get tired of a pipe when it's packed with
Prince Albert! Paste that in your hat!
And, just between ourselves! Ever dip into the
sport of rolling 'em? Get some Prince Albert and
the makin's papers quick and cash in on a ciga
rette that will prove a revelation!
, Conrris-bt 1SZ1
Tbcc C.
sm - v , a
is mm
the national joy tmoke
Ford is building cars at full speed.
And, according to an official aT4ite
and three shifts a day. in some sections. In case many are
"We were never in a better con- seen on the fruit spurs the trees
dition, than we are right now." said should be sprayed with black leaf
Henry Ford recently. 40, one and a third pints to 200 gal-
' ions of water. The application
cV,niH h made with a spray gun
O. A. C. EXPERIMENT STATION J, "T. t drive the spray into
the curled leaves.
The black leaf 40 may be applied
with the "10 day" apple spray r
ment from the factory at Detroit, the FARM POINTERS FROM
demand for Ford cars and trucks ,
still exceeds the outout. despite the!
fact that a new high level of Fro-! The rose mildew can be stopped
duction has been reached. with the finest grade of dusting sul-
By the first of May the figures rep- fur. v H may be put on by itself,
representing daily production were in Cherry and prune growers who
the neighborhood of 40OO a day, so noticed any leaf spot last year should
... . n -a nr . ... 1 I i A A
the May schedule was set at iuj.,io
cars and trucks, not including the
output of the Ford Canadian plant
or any of the foreign assembling
plants. The output mounted daily;
May 12th brought forth 4092, the
greatest number that have been pro
duced in one day so far this year.
Since the month has 25 working
days, present indications point to a
new high ' record.
A comparison of Ford production
spray promptly with bordeau 4-4-50,
and repeat in one month.
Apple scab and mildew fehould be
sprayed for in western Oregon 15 appraiser for the federal
days after the petals have dropped. m polk C0Jmty was
Lime sulfur-l to 50-or dry nme p., f a short
Dallas F, J. Ulrich of Airlie,
sulfur, eight pounds to 100 gallons
of water should be thorougniy ap
plied. Prune off mildewed twig tips.
Tb. livestock disease known as
hemorrhagic septicemia is likely to
time. Mr. Ulrich says that the appli
cations for federal loans are quite
numerous at the present time, and
tkof v, Vina rennrted on. or has in
hemorrhagic septicemia is likely to hfa ssion a total of 22 applica
kbreak out at this time of year and gix week8 For
acain in the fall. If an outbreak is . j-0i hnnka were
figures for 1920 and 1921 discloses 1 again in the fall. If an outbreak is the federal banka were
the fact that for April, 1921, the out- properly , diagnosed and the animals making loanS) a3 the case was
nut was greater bv 34.514 than lor .vaccinated me mseas
the corresponding month of a year
. ... ir 4 nm .111
ago. The output ior iuay, isi, win
nrobablv overshadow May, 1920, by
between fifteen and twenty thousand
cars and trucKs.
AnDroximately 43,000 men are at
work in the Detroit plant of the Ford
Motor company. The factory is op
erating on full time, six days a week
Vipino- tried in the supreme court afc
pTV" v,. nafiHiinnalitv of the federal
mals will recover. The animals PWcki is secretary
luauo. a-i
nf ihe federal loan board in Polk
ped and in many cases he fe'cl; en'-
should be vaccinated with the living
attenuated vaccines, which may be
had on application to the bacteriolog
ical department at O. A. U me use
of these vaccines has given excel
lent results in nearly all cases.
Apple aphis are becoming serious
.iM.nir oTiit i now in a position to
bUUUVJ) - - - .
offer loans to farmers desiring to
make applications.
The Enterprise is still $1.50 a year
You'll know
it by the
never failing
jtfgr3 includes every family's
pjjHif , favorite cereal sani-
hSSS:! tarily milled, packed.
B' jjj' p ioravped and sealed.
' 7 - ; 1 M
IN kitchen or camp-kit, OLYMPIC
rancake lour is maisrjensiDie ior gooa
pancakes or waffles. Simply add water
or miiK, mix ana cook.
At Your Grocers
Along With
Olympic Flour
, s-Js ...... i