Friday, Februaryi' 2 - TvTrvnnrTnnTiri TTnnTsT"TrTC.Y71 JL Bp XJlfrllfc ... -- J.-- . , : i 1 t . i FOR SALE Jersey-Guernsey cow, fresh March 6th, $125. I need the Chas. Harmon, I. - IStf money. Phone 2221 MONMOUTH HEIGHTS Hopville Notes FOR SALE O. A. C. Barred Rock day old chicks and White Leghorn. Dr E E. Puganne, Independence, Ore. W-tf. FOR SALE CHEAF One second hand two-ton Nash truck, fully equipped. Also one second-hand Overland delivery car, almost new. F. E. Loose, 226 State St., Salem. 18-2t FOR SALE Maxwell at the Ace Garage. touring ?325.0O lS-2t. If you want a good photograph call at the Independence Studio. You will be pleased. 18-4t CERTIFIED WHEAT SEED FOR SALE Certified seed of the Red Huston variety spring wheat for sale. Mrs. F. 0. Harris.Corvallis, tjon Oregon. R. F. D. I. Phone 39F24. 18-4t. Russell Alsip is busy cutting wood. V. A .Fishback was in Dallas on. business Tuesday. Lloyd Miller spent Saturday and Sunday in Salem. Willie Harvey of Cochrane was seen in our midst Thursday. P. Fishback was a business visitor at Orville station Wednesday. Walter Strain of Monmouth was on the Heights on business last Fri day. Clare Eggleston of Monmouth was out here nnd got a load of wood last Wednesday. George Cheseboro of Monmouth was out to his farm here the first of the week. "Frank Swearingen and son, Law rence were trading in Monmouth one day last week. Allie Griffith of McMinnville was a visitor with Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Shipley last week. Mrs. Herman W'under was a jtne 11 guest of her son, Ed and family of:Part' Tndenpndence. Fridav and Saturday. I sbaped Frank Skeen of Monmouth is car rying our mail while James Henkle our mail carrier, is taking his vaca- W'e aro observing "Prune Week" at our school. Each day we have a new recipe of some prune dish. Last week we thought we might lose some school on account of the high water, but the water soon be gan to fa!!. Friday, the 18th in the date et for the next Parent-Teachers' meet ing. The mothers will serve a delicious luncheon in keeping with prune week. Tho school celebrated Abraham Lincoln's birthday last Friday. Both rooms had the same program. Two of the seventh grade girls gave sketches of his life and Miss Wats- ling read"A Perfect Tribute," which was enjoyed by all. As Monday was St. Valentine's day we had a valentine box. The little room came into the big room and the valentines were distributed to the boys and girls. In the afternoon "little room." nal a valentine Oregon Normal The new heating plant was fired up for the first time last week ami works very satisfactorily. Friday evening at xeven-thirty the Petphians will give their regular literary program. The entertain ment is planned around St. Valen tine's day mm a niotiff. The public is welcome to this program, (Continued from Pago 1) inson that the result of the election became i little later in the evening reports from I)ai apparent that Kobinson had a walkaway and .subsequent confirmation upon the completion illation of the Independence precincts There was jrencral rejoicing over the ivxu-1 eral venturesome ones went to Monmouth amp Prof, (lilmoro he of tho load of gravel notolO MiiiUeii McPoiialJ, Mm.Wii nnd ' Spitxharl oleitsimrly the thrw-pnrt suing Mwu AfuKol Wnstt ami FMrut Mill- gus attended tho monthly luncheon ! "Hremny Town" by Clifford Chum- and ineetincr of tho Association of bets. Collegiate Alumni an organization 'of which they are niembers- land on February fth. Port- FOR SALE 15 acres, one-half mile from station, 25 miles from Port' land, partly cleared, enough tim ber on place to pay for it. $500 will handle it. Will make good berry ranch. Inquire Enterprise Office. 18-tf FOR SALE Cluster Bop Roots at $8 per thousand. Good vigorous roots. Inquire Enterprise office. 14-tf. SEE Independence Realty company for bargains in farms, city prop erty, insurance, loans and rent als. Office Beaver Hotel, Main street. Phone 1811. 5-tf FOR SALE House and lot on Main street, $1200; old house and lot on Main street, $500; J. R. Cooper home at about half cost. All these properties are two blocks south from Independ . ence Post Office. J. R. Cooper Est. 14-tf. Buena Vista They had made baskets, which little heart were filled The Normal was pleased to enter tain on lust Friday afternoon nnd evening Mrs. Heiin, Mrs. Carter, Mrs. Gallagher, Mrs. Mosier, and little Louis Bean. These ladies aro wives of members of the legislature now in session in Salem. The winner of the preliminary contest held at the Normal last week I was Miss Jennie Carroll, who spoke on "The Stranger Within Our Gates." Miss Carroll will represent the Nor mal in the State Oratorial Contest Mr. Monteith himself mi tig n vvell- i balanced program in addition to th o work in "The Highwayman." Hi is a fiivorite with Monmouth audi ences and the rich eiuooth beauty of bis tones and his charming delivery during the evening brought Mm much applause. His itri-oriipiinUt was Miss Mm May Cooke. The school orchestra played as if Inspired ami have never this year showed to better advantage. MiS Zelmn Sail vain, (Veil Hughes, Ger trude Rogers, Helen Cornelius, Mary Ivlith Driver. .r f addud much to the -concert. f Hi Mb.!, fl All Irislunmi mud,, f country jail and au i; to nee the governor, & On being Urdlercl i Y ioiinry's pirsetK,. .0 fuvur of an int-i vi, , ' er wIhj w t iuf;K penalty of tho tw m the morning. mi "So, my man," 'you cannot , th with home-made candy. They ateu0 be held in Eugene early in March. the candy while Miss Watzling told stories about St. Valentine's FOR SALE 1918 .Ford wagon body, good tires Inquire at Enterprise. Roadster, ?340. 4-tf. Wilbur Devine was a weekend visitor with home folks near Lebanon. W. H. Murphy combined business with pleasure in Portland several days last week. W. H. Morgan, our congenial mer chant transacted business in Dallas Wednesday of last week. Miss Alma Wells returned to her school in Salem after several days stay at the parental home. Wayne Moe, who is employed near Lebanon was an over Sunday visitor with his sister and father here. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Lichty visi ted with friends in McMinnville and I Bellview from Saturday till Monday. Miss Gladys Reynolds, who (s teaching in the Albany schools was l a weekend visitor with home folks. Mrs. J. JJ. Prather came down n ' ir 3 r i ! iium vervains .uonaay lor several aIj of these servic(.s aay s visit among relatives here. them day. Last Monday morning the teachers of Hopville had the misfortune to get stuck in the mud on tho way to school. When they arrived at the schoolhouse everything was quiet. On entering the building they found that the president of the student body, Wade Carter, had called the Miss West gave an excellent talk at the chapel hour on Wednesday. She spoke on cultural reading, calling attention to many recent books on various subjects, hooks which every well-informed reader should know and enjoy. Cole, Mildred Scott, Dorothy Clarke,! to be executed in fc!' Mr. and Mrs. Loe and PtmlL Skren j visitor are not p,.rt were cluwen to give the on -neutral j prisoner on the day 0j numbers. Very commendable wan j what might be your the work of the nchool accompanist, SIMMONS him?" "Shure, nor," miw, CO, Rt ten pan 16 t et ion, earn The Normal men's basketball team played Philomath last Saturday eve ning. The game must have been school to order. He took charge of exciting as the score was 28 to 33 the bie room and one f the lder eirls in faver of Philomath. The Normal- took charge of the little room. The ites are good losers, however, and teachers were delighted to find that promise to reverse the score when a the pupils were so thoughtful. return game is played in Monmouth. 1 Next week is National Week of R,no nnrl tht fln)imn imrmnl nKrwl -ni -'.v ........... 2 f flQ KstllirCflGS wi'l endorse this nation-wide move ment by singing each morning in the Christian Church chapel the good old songs which B'ble school at 10 a. m. Mrs. S. reflect the great heart of the people. Tay'or Jones, superintendent A talk "Pen Bolt," "Robin Adair," "Music in will be given on America's first hero, the Air," Minstrel Boy," "All George Washington. Thru the Night," "How Can I L-ave m. FOR SALE 210 McCloud Incubator, cheap, Fred Draeger, Route 1, Independence, ll-2t. FOR SALE Singer sewing machine, oak library table, three burner Windsor oil range, carpet sweeper, vacuum, 3-4 bedstead, spring and mattress and refrigerator. J. C. Collins, Phone Farm 5124. 3t. SEE F. M. Brown for loganberry plants. Precchirg at 11 a Great Salvation." Evening services at 7 mon, which will be of interest to all is: "If the Dead Could Talk to Us What Then?" FOR SALE One heavy work mare, 25 acres river - bottom land close in, to rent. Light wagon for sale. Phone. M8012. 18-tf. Mr. and MVs. Nelson Anderson of McMinnville were visitors at the N. C. and E. J. Anderson home Thursday and Friday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Wilks and little son of Tillamook are making an extended visit with Mrs. Wilks' moth er, Mrs. P. T. Christenson and family. G. E. Harmon and N. C. Anderson delivered a load of fat hogs and veal- ers to Albany Monday, and Frank Fisher to the Independence butchers the same day. extra fine The Ladies Rural club met at the ii-cx.- nuine oi .urs. r. i, unnstenson on Tuesday afternoon and eight mem bers answered to roll call. A social afternoon was spent and dainty re freshments were served. Subject "The Thee," are a few of the many songs to be enjoyed. 30 The ser-' ine case oi me play, "i,reen .stock ings," to be given by the Juniors in ' March has been selected as follows: i U A m :.... tm.. c-i . li ii iou are cordially invited to attend T .. ' ,, . .i.i.... .Leone Raruer. Ruth-Anne Hoffman. Fannie Steinberge, nnd Messrs. Mark Conklin. Joe Stover, Chester L. Ward, Glen P. Turner, W. L. Van Ian, W. J. Mulkey, und A. W. Johnson. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Polk County. J. E. TAYLOR, 1'Uintiff. vs. MAGGIE PEEK, (i. r. Pr.r.h, Juux tired," i a win rna the A?..1 ... . i .'''"' Madame Mont.ri by his birthday, nnd I (mlI ing him many happy j . 4t h "P not work Itovlnd liku of work, that intf Harold Hull, Pastor. POULTRY .MEETING AT MONMOUTH, FEBRUARY SHEEP SHEARERS will soon a- gain make their continuous round, beginning with goats. Hilmar Olson. Temporary address in care of J. F. Miller, Independence. 18-2t !Y0U do not need raise bigger crops. C. C. P. more land Co. to LOST Plain band wedding ring. Grace Yeater, Independence. 18-2t" There will be a meeting of the Farm Bureau Poultrymen at the Community House in Monmouth. rriday evening, I-ebruary 25th nt 8 o'clock r. m. Prof. Cosby of the Poultry partment, O. A. C. will give instruc tion on incubation and brooding cHicks, etc. The poultrymen of Ind 1 . ir . . . . , jjenuenee, .nonmouin, r.:kins an iunity are requested to be pi isent of t!' RUBY TAYI.OK, RI1.LA I.ITC1I- TF.NTIIALKK. K. (2. I.ITCH TEN- THALER, GRACE HKUMKIKLP, CHARLES UKUMFIKLP, ELLA KIGEK, HULDA HAMMERS!. KY. SETH TAYLOR, MRS. SKTJI TAYLOR. W. W. NEWTON, and J. E. TAYLOR, as dminittr. tor of the Estate of CHARLOTTE IOLLEY, deceased, clrfetiiianta To Ella Kiger, Hulda Hanimerby, Seth Taylor, and Mm. Seth Taylor, Pefenilant aNive named: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON: You, and each of you, are hereby summoned and rcquiri-d to appear and answer to the complaint of the plaintiff in the above entitled suit, now on file with the Clerk of the above entitled Court, and vou. and each of you, are hereby notified that if you fail so to appear and answer saiil complaint on or In fore the 2nd day of April, A. U. l'J'Jtl. the plain tiff will apply to the Court for the I relief demanded in the complaint,! namely: for a decree of said Court fixing and determining the right and .interests of all part in! ink-rested in the following de-! scribed real estm.., arid for a de. i tree of said Court partitioning twul real propel ty among the parties -n-i titled thereto, and for an in-counting ! of the rents and profits of mild rt-al (Property, Mlbxciuwit to the ."!rd day or June. A, I) i:n. and if it iiplx-nr I . i. .. . i . i ' , bur rnc- rem proper ly cnniioi ie dice'a "The New Chll.Uck or believe that the Mli d i not only an e.h.1 n but a philosophy of lif;Kd ' Capital Cityfi n pi AGENC.rBl Df by of Salcfcte si laundry will U nd Frid ,n All Work Gu. Wind Mil! Baikal Where Service u ? t Williams & horr i Coo rn 0 "It-1U"T!',J ".!" "iFa- i year t bus l c t ., the L man- I of Mrs. Lottie II. Mcintosh, teache of voice and piano, has received i . iv . , i-ei ..lucaie irom me state supenn tendent of public instruction, whit qualifies her to grant credits to hi- school students who desire to study music outside of their regular school work. She is also a member of tho Oregon state teachers' association. LAST WEEK OF OUR FEBRUARY &UBBuu iri 11 JfJf Our Mrs. Solof has returned and has brought with her unheard-of bargains; but so many of these are vanishing before we get started that we advise you to call early and take advantage. Sale Closes on Monday Bring your whole family; they are all wel come; and on Saturday we always have a hot cup of coffee to serve free. People's a h St Salem, Oregon Get and save our Premium Coupons We pay your fare within a radius of 30 miles on purchases of over .$25 in Dry Goods tl i ! me i 1 1 li aid, be di itrihu'.- ; parties entitled Ibrr.-t.j ere- im-i.r'se aiiiit(f the after li.iv. "The Penalty." one tures of the v.-ar. in s h.duled toC''1""1 and partition,.,! ,,uv ,ng i 1 . , , . ,. . , parties entitled thereto without " ' "'".'ll'est prejudice to their Itlfercitl evening, I-ebruary lft. .The story , therein, then that -mid real property i.-i one ; f tn-inen-.i power, fire,. : '" iJ and nil moneys derived tt: full-.' Khowinr b-.v food immiU fr"'n. fd fn. in the r rit hi 11 , . , .. .1 I'for iiiiany (ivcroiii. ;.;;u 100K tliu plat ' " ' '"' 'i course ; ii, ei-.t f attorney's f..,., ;! ,...( w , f this sort r.f jlay requires skillful pre. ; this smf, which s-iid t.-nl proo-itv am the actors nr.. nu s," ' i .i.e.i n tj!o-, t--w tt : 1. . ti. 7, !.f!. the K:i--t- 'v fwo-third.K of Lot . h. nil in ihnt A motion picture showin.' H,a ,''.,',.'k "!U'.' "r "f H'-f-a "h! are .iSaCe W-.iK ,,M ft.,, t shown a tho ch.-i t.el tinn,- r,,,i., f the children form the trninle.r . J 4 dent ;it. g. fu::-. 1 i a I to the Ma are tasks. t he .M-.-ei ill: : Meridian "ir!v. Or, i-o(1, ,rt ).'. S-,,,i: , ,.f ".!.,; !iie ee.,,,,1 ,l p. ... ,.f Mre..: tl.. as well as the normal .students. This film was used to illustrate v,i-. w,,,u leirur done in the elasses in Library methods nnd some model lessons on the use of the library being worked out in the training school. The mV- ture was secured from the free col lection of films loaned by the Univer sity of Oregon. a. i tour, or villas- ,,f pll)r.r,M :."M tnat ju.lgm..nt wi'! be ip,.ri -i"air:-t yu fr (!. ,,.;;,.f . 14 , . t r , . J , . , I :ln the complaint, hs l:ereilial..,ve r, t. ; forth in,, ,,.si-nl.e, j This Summon.! ; ,,.,! ii,e, i tp... j Indeperidenee Knt -i pr,,e for ix ::iic- i , c:-MVe ami consecutive week. -'en siicccsMve nn WeeKIV pill, licTitj,, us lh Ann U 14 H IZ. at ft THEATfeu, 1 Slfitf. A -1 for Orit 1? I NIGHT . re The Pig Mud, then he Ii I mens wan and fellow Lodge nee, ti endenc "Tlie Kife t nctive Of LGVi- (JKEATKST SM K Ok and DSL in Hit of The STUNNING ( I ens. hereo! i.iptr titive corn- KLAIiOUATK V' SPKCU Ir. Albert Leughridge of Salem will speak at the chapel hour FrM.jv morning, I-ebruary 18. Mr. Lough ridge is a distinguished veteran 'of the Civil War; a man who was identified for many years with tin. educational history of Iowa, being a teacher in the State Normal, and di- I reding the first summer school ever eld in that state. Ho has led a n active, varied life and assuredly has meseage of worth for his heave The townspeople are invited to eom w this chapel exercise. The choral work chosen for the annunal concert of the Oregon Nor mal School muHic forces was one of the most ambitious ever attempt- t nere. Deems Taylor's cantata "The Highwayman" was the offering this aeas-tn. It i8 an interesting fact that the young American corner wrote this especially for the fifth uvai oi the MacDowell Memorial assoemtion held at Peterboro, New r'"1"11'"-' Jn august, 1014. Miss ocnueue, me head of the Mie ,l partment, had, fr its intelligent an. prec.ation, a lecture-recital in the monuay morning chanel rm-;,i wi.l the-admirable Rupport of John Claire Monteith, dramatic hnritnn ,.e n... i . . .i i on- land, and Mrs. Rvchard. ih of Alfred Noyes' poem, the Oregon Normal Glee Club gave an . ,.. j ft , . ""MiHKU V "iierprctntion of tho enn- tata. i The Misses Wilson, Berg, London, L Pridav. and endintr April 1st, leencmg with the I-'ehrtJ.'iry lth, J with the ism,,. ,f yr-ua i in niir'i-f I.. .. i . -n the l;ih .lay of February l'l'M bv the Honorable , ,t. Hoi.i,,,",; Judge of the founly Court of th State of Oregon for Polk County. HKNMAN & SWITZKlt I',.-t, rr ' tonieys fur plaint if f. Xostoffue addresH, Coi-vallis, Oregon he he! Good lie v r and 1 A Piece Jan sed a " 0l'CfeVnRkln .A . A Uwer J.,r .. mw Ut : Haws ',,k'h con I-nst 2 Kowh llal Ga.'i-y War lax 10 Mail orders Seat .Sale 5! EARS : hones r lings, a w to m WHA T IS BETTB jversity Reyno after : J X . - . ii . , jive isai inan making two blades grow where owi t last before? again. Uram your farm with Everlasting Claj "ft f from t aunt 4u Monmouth, K he ha MmrJ known -in a le la no I this y for good, LOCOMOBILE 38-6 CYLINDER TOURING CAR Befit s: In perfect condition shock Absorbers, New ?2G0 to,,. good th-en and battery, We) P.ngine overhauled and brake!' .silver tt Will stand I'mMnuf invftt tru Kill, ttina bal en & W; to bo proud of. Wj,y ,,u . .,,,., vn this high grade rnv f,. i, . , rday, Mi fe y' cni for 'a iny and on terms iffj" Te 1'UKI) KIRK WOOD M and SALEM, f f'1 to at it J. 210 STATE ST, T I