i J AMTT A t) v INDEPENDENCE ENTERPRISE age Four I 1 1. i -1 Independence Enterpirse jvery riaay oy Published Z. C. One Year Six Months Subscription Rates WITHOUT NAILS OR RIVETS New Scientific) Method of Shipbuilding Seen In Construction of Vessel at Liverpool. DEHYDRATION A GREAT STATE INDUSTRIAL ASSET and of The dehydration of fruits vegetables has Imcome one Oregon's most important industries. Today, through the development of the process, millions of vegetables are converted into a highly concentra ted and sanitary product, which re auires the addition of water onlv to restore it to its origmal form and flavor. Dehydration, as practiced in Oregon, simply means the removal of the water or moisture content of the original fruit or vegetable. Oregon is really the home of the modern practice, of dehydration in the Unitpd Stamps, fnr it m in this state that the process was first used on a large commercial scale. The principal dehydrating company in this state, and in the Un,ted State's for that matter, is the King's Food Products Company, which operates large plants at The Dalles and at, oaiem, tne latter being the more important, because of its proximity to the great fruit and vegetable growing areas of the Willamette Valley. The dehydration process was first developed in Oregon about ten years ago, but the operating comp any was poorly organized and not well financed, and was unable to perfect the process, with the result that its products found a very limited market. Later, after a series of reorganizations, the King's Food Products comtwinv wns nwan. ized, when some of the most sub rtantial business men of the state took an active interest both as to the financing and management of the company. The company was getting well started when the United States entered the great European War. Its products were being handled by thousands of jobbers throughout the it. - i . . . nie country, and housewives were being educated to the value of de hydrated fruits and vegetables over the old fashioned eannpd nrndu,. , - 1 iniougn an .extensive campaign or advertising, when suddenly the great King's plants were called on by the government to supply thousands oi tons ot dehydrated potatoes, and hundreds of thousands of cartons of fruits processed under the King method. The result of the government's de mands was tVinf lia .. c -uiujjany lost I considerable ground; it had to again up its eastern jobbing connect ions and re-establish its retail trade. However, the first year following the war witnessed such a great demand for King's dehydrated fruits and vegetables .that the Oregon plants simply could not kPPn 1- f the orders. The result was that new capital was brought into the Dusmess, and new plans for the en largement of th'e company's oper ations are being made. That th" plans of the company might ber- hp ear-ied out, it was determined some time ago to in crease its capitalization to $10,000.. vw, making it one of the most heavily capitalized food industries m the United States. The additional capital will permit the company to enlarge its dehvdrari !""... that the output will keep even with V AJ i i . w ueir.-na, ana to make other im. provements preliminary to the rapid extension of its business. At Salem a large cold-storage plant will be erected, which will permit the opera tion of the Salem plant for practi cally twelve months in the year. a he company has made arrange ments for the financing of its enlarged "'hi uie jjunaas-i Martin Company, whose head office is m Portland, throno .v,iu - 5 wj AXitii uue t o au munon dollars worth of preierred and common stock will be oia to ,the public, a permit for the w saving oeen granted by the corporation Commissioner of Ore gon. $1.50 nail or rivet in nil Its hull? Do you .75 recollect the visit to the shipyards nml the army of men milling huge timbers to tne sKeioton rruiiie ot a snip? ami, over In the next yard, the swarm of men hammering (lie white hot rivets In the great plates of a hattle ship? erubly to conjure a method by which all these workmen tuny have their toil reduced or eliminated. Yet this is today's development In the science of shipbuilding. The steamship Fulla gar has Just slid down the Liverpool .' niiHtmi it nan or a rivet in its hull. From stem to stem the plates are electrically welded. The Fullagar is n nil driven fni.,r, ctdomui. ..I r.iVl - " " v.. . . V . .M.p, .,ttlll l V' ''V tons. She Is now undergoing final tests. Experts declare that she will not only stand all the tests required, but her success as an ocean carrier will revolutionize shipping. We may now calculate what a boon the elec trical welding process will be If great armies of men have to be transported on the "bridge across the seas." Not only does this method release man power for other tasks, but It enables n,iw'ua io mm out nugnty steel ollt.-vn - - 1 . ... . . . oiuis uuni h snort space or uine. COULD USE TOMATO SEEDS Department of Agriculture Points Out LJ -. . . r-1 . . nuv iney may tse Made a Source of Revenue. HERE'S NEW FREAK IN ART Painter Said to Be "Doing" the Faces of Hl Patrons In Green Color, That much valuable material Is be ing wasted annually by throwing away tomato seeds extracted in pulping, soup, catsup and canulng plants Is in dicated by Investigations made by the United States Department of Agricul ture. Department Investigators have found that more than OOP MlMlK'lTwl fnno tt seed are thrown away annually in northern tomato-pulping plants, with large enough output of swit tn nv .. shipping, and that they mnv be made ",lu ewii'ie mi ami stock food worth about $80,000 (December. 1919). Cost of collecting and preparing the seed Is estimated nt about $35,000, including all proper charges, and the cost of the necessary equipment is given nt not to exceed $30,000. In addition the snniP nh.nt- i,ii. would run not more than five months in the year, could be used for the han dling of grape seeds and pumpkin seeds, which would distribute the over head and cut down tho mc t , racture of the tomato-seed products. I understand that an artist hns fxvept all the otJior Idol of the rt forld Into (ho gutter, lie has p:o Vldod i lie many people who depend ."or social success on the gush of 'ho psoudu enthusiast wllh a new lease of :tle. sn.vs a writer in l.onilnn Kknteh I It seems easier to attain a success ot tins sort lu tho picture world than In niusle or literature. All have tbtr iUinttiomos, of course, but siudios mul pic-iure gnuenes are stuffed with est thi'tle shams. This man hit upon n very simple no- ''" "o painted the faces of his n..r. traits green. Nobody In this world, so i n i Know, ever yet painted nor inuisni living peoolew th ereen fnew Why not? Were thev nfmid ti ui jeots might not like It? liut they ha,1 merely to choose the right subjects. tll they suppose there would be uo j'uhh; me ineuires with green faces? fu, mere is now, nt any rate. Ioople stand In front wondering iini uioy are nil nhout. " This reminds me of a young woman who protested that the only author she ..,litml as tienry James. To "stand" and to "tinderstntul," vou see are very .llflferent things. This class of enthusiast th.es not want to under stand. They love to teon.ior what it is all .about, like a small child peering at the works of n watch. You would ""i v-M-cct a imt.y to discuss the merits of a watch. Lives of Great Men AH Remind (J It: It. urjmxnwuniiHUBMMHMM v.-ituhM-hilf fii'st of that Inmoiw lnmiiy 1 plied a ferrv boat between Stilton Island and Mm York Citv. Some years later, he owned or eontrollet practically every railroad line in the United States. FARMERS' STATE BANK A beginning j mutt Le made be ucccifui The best way j, open a Saving, j Account w-ithmj Independ 2fe MONMOUTH ASSOCIATION HAS PKOSPKHOUS YK.VK LET THEM START IPJ EARLY Here's a Writer Who AHw,.. u.. Irtfl the Children Select Their Vocations When Younfl. Cavalrymen's Splendid Ride. Col. Ezra R. Fuller. th nik r . riding "anthology," has himself a notable aehievenient of endurance and horsemanship to his credit. During the Xez Perces eampalpn of 1877 Ful ler, then second lieutenant of the Sev enth cavalry, stationed on the north bank of the Yellowstone river, near -unes UltV. wna nrrlorn,! l, n MlleS tO tnk'P fivo trnw.c, ...tiu u,... ""i;3 liliu I11IU and carry dispatches to General Sher man at Fort Ellis. Mnnt Af urti, r . uv.il ui IIIW trip had tO bft mnria running i side of the horses, owing to the moun tainous character of the country trav ersed and the almost Impassable con dition of the trails. The total dis tance covered was over 350 miles, which was mad in fn..- a nineteen hours, without changing mounts. "VVe heard the othi-r dv ....i wno had heKun to write iwtrv at ti, axe t' five. It miut i t. ... , to tlie parents to n-nli.i ...... their hope and prido vvili runvi. I,v.. to worry over an In-oiuo tux blank On the other Imml, Ihulin- out the truth early h, lire will save them manv fllsappointments and considerable ex pense. They can he-it, at once to save K'ey hy sending "ii,,. child to the barber's. Tl... .1. ti .1 uuu. ongnt to he verv eny to amuse. Give it piece of paper and a pencil, and let It rave. For if child he-ins to be a i,oet nt !,, of five, it stanza reason that the child PO. had to verse. There is nothing that parents cun do with a born poet but admit it la some respects It would he an ad vantage to the human race If oil children Indicated their future career at the uge of five. There would be lower plumbers trv!nr m !.,.. . -.----i- j'iti. imr hi- ano, and fewer ribbon clerks trying to A child who. thing in sight ought to be trained for all street, and one that se(Med In clined to swallow everything should make a good congressmun.-Chi(,1Ko Jlerald and Examiner. The Co-operative shipping associ ation which held its annual meeting in Monmouth Monday reports a prosperous year. Over S55,(Ht) worth o f live stork were Hold through tho association during the year. The association is planning to buy a trailer to help in trims porting its product to market. The co-operativo shipping idea is strong with Stock irrowers in thi vieinitv ! and Manager W. J. Stockholm, who ' w(is re-elected for another war. has worked hard to place the business j you ha of tho group on tt profitable hmln, I.tt' t year's officer of the ikocU tiou were reelected for the renting year as follows: Win, Kidded, Jr. chairman; K. A. Ted row, Keeretary; Albeit Tctheiow, A. J. Haley, C. K, Hindi, directors. -MViimtouth Her ald. It is in the home that the growing mind receives its mo,l latilitiL' Im- ! pre.tsiotis. Surround it child with good reading imd you surround him with friends. An attractive title and gixxl illustrations are no giuminty th.'it the book contain good rr.-ohi l' If encf. yourself, commit your iijf,.!i let your choirs nt K" 1II fttimulntff the Itnujln,. nlx'vo nil something t0 t- henrt mid imnrrn th f lifv. Youth' Compuniot The wlno man tthvn i in nothing m much a, and frtointing Um foolihh in him us H n m m .n r- Th proper time to tp r in n KlM,d rmint junt opIMineiit uU. -You! I)' (".;'' It not tune to read books get In Letter to pay a . 4. l plCtfit, M . . Hi - ... It; I la LEARN THE JOYS OF FOOT COMFORT in fv HOTEL t; lv ht BE A VER The tometie Optimist at Work. "My husband has never spoken a cross word to me." "Daughter Is always at the head of her class, and she doesn't have to study a bit hard. She really seems to nave more time to play than any of the other girls." "I'm SO L'lad VOll oama T no,,,.. One extra for dinner doesn't matter." smu you caned ! I didn't care to go to the matinee, anyway" "My husband could get a much larg er salary by going with another houw 7-1 ? Cl,they are beeeinS hIr" to do 't but his present employers' have treated him so nicely that he just won't leave them." "Never mind hrp.ntino. o, r-FronrLitfe!t ' Cheap Building Material. The making of houses chiefly fpo, Males builders. Is n.. .vn.. , ' v -M" 1 ooeill or much interest. The waste has been accumulating in anai-rles for three centuries, and Is adapted for use in paints, putty, bricks, blocks, slabs tiles, flooring, mortar, rubber nd 7""' Products, but hitherto the cost of manufacture seems to have kept It from competition with nth,.. - Tried for roads, the slate has proven 100 airty in wet weather. It 1H ug- fccnu as a promising binder In gran ite macadam - onH i,,i,.i, - . '"".n.-i Hinoe rrom hare been found very strong and as re- ... uler aosorption as other uaon arain plr.s have been made from slate dust. For cement the Si"unu aste is claimed to be especial ly good, and near the quarries a mas- w ui n.ace uust and oil has been used "llcu lt,r repairing leaky roofs. Tti miilUre, wnen it sets, Is Nttld to be miner ana more durable than thp nat nral slate rock. A representative of the Ground dripper Shoe Store of Portland. O,, will U, ... r M pn b, fu I. (l-oth thi ja k No matter etn.t ,1 r . i A ' UF 't'l-' -t,Iig ,,,.. rallouse. l.uniom,, cr w,.k ankl f broken down arches, flat foot, and tired, achhur f...., , ... . th "" ""J'It wui give you (O.NSTA.VT on Welnesday .., Thursday, January , nd 2.with Ur, of (;,,,ud Vrlwr Shoe,, corrective and dress models) for the purpose of fitting and t.kirg order. FOOT COMFORT KKMKMBEK. VK WILL HK in;U: osl x iireii epainm A fetitch in tme will save you nine -and dollars, too, with automobile tires. Retreading, Rebuilding Cas ingsanything from a bicy cle tire to a 5 inch auto tire. Bicycle Repairing and Bicycle Ac cesories. -Try me with your sext tire job All work is guaranteed and my charge are very reasonable. Van's Tire Repairing Shop C Street, Independence Women and Cats. Women are like ruts it . - -- 4.x yum move toward them they run away. p,t if you sit there and say "Puss, puss puss and put a saucer of milk on the floor, in due course they will he moved by curiositv what there is In tho m.. rm... click Lyou'ye got the cat by the back u,c oeen so tnat it can't scratch you. When the cat has struggled enough and discovered that It can't get away, and been tickled behind the ear she'll sit on your lap and purr. And then, ah, then, you no longer need to say, "Puss, nuss. miss i" v, say, "You damn cat I" and she'll go on sitting there, nnrrin nv un... iuu.u uy vy. u. u(orge. Uncle Sam'. Tallest Eastern Mountain. . "any people believe that Mount Washington, in New Hampshire. Is the highest mountain in the eastern pirt of the United States. Mount Wash ington stands 0.2JM feet above wa level, according to the United states survey, out many peaks In the southern Annul hundred feet higher than New Hamp shire's famous mountain. mi . 1. 1 1 xue nignest mountain In tin paiactilan system the highest mc uniuiii states east of formes is .Mount Mitchell, in North Carolina, which stnnria ot . of 6,711 feet. The highest mountain in Tennessee Mount Guyot, stands 0,6,'iO feet above sea level. Geological Survey Bulletin WEDNESDA Y and THURSDA Y January 19th and 20th I - -V'--:-:-m Ao- rfilnt the For Launching Lifeboats RafM The hurried launching of lifeboats from Hfan. , . u.u.Cu vessels is usually at tended hV COnfllSton orwl r, . ' , "auger. Au Eastern shipyard worker has devised a new method of lowering the boats that carries them forty feet away from the ship's side, lays tbem on an even keeL and gives them a forward Im. pulse. The small bom-, tnot hanging In davits, rests In a cradle supported by three parallel Inclined arms, which are plToted near the water line and guyed by caMea at tached above. Porcelain of Great Value. Remarkable nrorwrtlnu ti.n .. . . i;mimeu for a new porcelain. A special glaze "1,oura contracts In exactly the same degree as the mass of porcelain, and chemical and other vessels made from the material not only endure great heat but are net fractured by sudden changes of temperature It is even possible tn fn, - - '""w iu uu; new porcelain using an oxyhydrogen blow pipe, without causing cracking The material, moreover. like glass, and diffWnnt . 4w ",K";s can. Be handle can be fused to a dish. The blow-pipe softened mass can be blown like glass Into bulbs or other S January Clearance Sale At Salem's Greatest WOMEN'S APPAREL STORE Beginning FRIDAY, JANUARY 14th Pursuant to our nolicv nf c w i Pcy ot starting the sDi-inrr with a cnmniftt. , h L -pung Salem. Everv cver known reserved. " th hwBB Nothing season SALEM. CvvnrT OLD WHITE CORNER" M lie iai k he tr, is w th H I a -th Pol urn e 1 'ga br jrei af J. Fn ln hes ree En ile ry St ( Ines fTh. (tms lie i t o f J -Mr. it t. I th da; e. g rTlu (bad the i Of ; it, t dai -Chn wift in u, fci pp i vi iliarn: