Independence enterprise. (Independence, Or.) 1908-1969, July 30, 1920, Image 1

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. . .. ..iwi.'i.'ii
t,.r WITH
F19.! vii'iMES.
fwii- went over
A. Hew-
b0ut three nu '
;Mr(. Bew.ey .their
d Gladys llwl(,y J
lr, E. K. Tripp of
The car wi-kwl.
occupant. wm -Hhlly
- ...rlollHl v in-
I none w" "
i ..... rnilit Oil II
H an.
mcountcmi. m wrv
Kl!i,ion the Dim r
to the nK' Bnu
At warning the th,r
ik to the road and push-
car off the grum-.
.. iuit no one
0 niauciuj
,,1 what wan hrit'",nK
.nr wait down, and
U iU first turn over, an
rati were ipiiu'o 0Ul' ",,u
jned on down the grade
Ldwked by a in--
q1 the other car,
,(tom HosklnK, rendered
k could. Mr. lU-wlcy
i neiKhtwr here, Mr.
stent out and brought
Lj party here.
,j i g locomotive en
u for years run on the
Lific and the Independ-
imouth lined, lie naa
m of railroad accidents
4k first time he whs ever
simp. He is regarded as
bly careful driver. The
3akk Six and if tt i not
mVti Mr. Bewley will
Buena Vista
. i
rt, ton of Mr. imd Mrs.
.?, who live on the Ralph
place, had a narrow
jKrioui injury luesiny.
misting his mother in
It power washing nutchine.
pped off and the boy
r.ron the belt and the
: lick it back on. Tho
on the pulley, ruining
k nd when it fi ll hack
lef was caught beneath
f? it just above the knee.
at once taken to Salem,
X-ray picture was taken
Nlei?. It revealed that
:'n, atrnight Imik, anil
robable that any bad ef-
h felt The leg; was placed
wd it will be necessary
P remain in bed for some
"d if a fiiviiriti- ninonir
v" n
'tancca and his ninny
f are helping to make
F Pleasant as met: iblc for
making fine record
L L'chty of Buena Vista
n Lpghom pullet which
to say the least. It
)t4s months and is turn-
eEg as large an is usu
ced a matured hen.
wuld like to m.llrh
i(t mack in.
or strain.
lie against
'3B "ft 1
iwclntyre was here
H a brief to a
r , '"mils. A former
f Independence, Dr.
7n somniriw n medi
m fw United Stat.. nv
Watn, J
I , "-"-years' uave of
.7 devoted to hos-
" inc eastern cities rir
7 4Kned to the navy
Jfj and ha, visited
Howard Murphey, who hng been
critically 111 for the punt two weekH,
turned for tho woro WcdncMduy. Dr!
Uutler wn called and worked with
the llttlo felow all nlifht and Thura
du he wu ruHhed to u l'ortland hoa
pital, whtiro word cornea ainee he it
making uplendld proifrcMB toward re
covery land will be able to be brought
homo in few duy,H. Uo ha dia
betes . 't worst form and for a
whilo littlo hopea wero held out for
the littlo fellow'a recovery.
Chas. McClain of Astoria upent
Wednesday "of last wV"k with his
mother, Mrs. Margarita McClain.
Mrs. Otho McClain returned to her
home here after a week's atay with
relatives in Salem.
Mrs. W. I). Simons was a week end
:fcllor with relative and friend: in
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Lhhty, Mrs.
C. E. Harmon, Blanche Harmon and
Lloyd DuVall were in Salem Tro'uy
niuht, tho lutter attend-n thj pri.e
f ;ifl t as he was acquainvid witn a
couplo of the boxers in the'e former
home in California.
Clifford Wells and Mr. and Mrs.
George Crounds were in Salem
Thursday night attending the Elks
doings. Mr. Grounds in a member of
the Antler henl in his home town,
Modesto, Cal.
' Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hale spent
Sunday with relatives in Salem.
Will Wells and family of Halney
were visitors with relatives here Sun
day. Geo. Grounds, wife and little
daughter left for their home in Mo
desto, Cal., after a week's visit here
with his parents, where Mrs. Grounds
and child had been for some time.
N. C. Anderson and wife, Jesse
Tann and wife transacted business in
the Capital City Saturday.
Miss Clara Snyder of l'ortland was
an over Sondny visitor with friends
Mr. Moo was called to McMinn
ville Saturday by the serious illness
of h.L tiacf liter, Miss Alke, wh Ins
bee.' in failing health for some time.
Guy Trather, one of Ii'ietia Vista's
most promising young men, who has
been playinjr in an orchestra in a
cabaret in Salem, had a severe
vous breakdown and is in the Salem
hospital under the care of three doc
tors and a trained nume. His par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. It. E. Prathcr.areat
his bedside. It is thought the extra
lontf hours durinpr the Elks' doings
was tho cause as he had not fully
regained his strength from hav
'injr the flu last winter
Mr. and Mrs. J. U. Eoy n,
Clarence and Leslie Loy motored to
Portland Saturday and visited over
Sunday with friends.
The remains of Will Hall, who died
In the Dallas hospite.l Friday night,
k.,,if tinro for burial. The
funeral was held at the home of his
brother, Jack Hall, ont intermem
was made in ine uuu
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Tyler and lamny
-i 1
of Woodburn were Here nummy
tho home of his father, Norman Iy
er. Mrs. Tyler is a niece of w
lnte Will Hall.
Marion county cherry growers have
nothing on Polk county.
Porterficld had ono Royal Ann tree
which netted him the fine sum of
Sy5.Y!. The cherries wero smaller
than last year but there were many
more of them.
Mr. and Mrs. John Loy received
a telegram from the headquarters
San Diego, Cnl., that their win, Al
fred, who was critically 111, me. u
dergone an operation ana who .
complications, woul.I got along all
Edgar Lichty and wife Sundi.ycd
with Mr. and Mrs. W. P. NichoK
Ed Harmon has returned from
Bclknnp Springs where ho was
seeking relief from inflammatory
t.i t ... onmmoend to San
Diego, Cal., Tuesdny by 'Ppnt 0''1
xi wic con. Alfred 1jo,
Aiiiiounceinent was received here
this morning from l'ortland that the
carload of gasoline ordered by the
HuHineHs Men's association will ar
rive in Independence in a few days.
It will contain a little over 8000 gal
'ns and i8 a part of a trainload
which is being shipped from Tulsa,
Oklahoma to Portland.
Much trouble was experienced in
getting this gasoline. It was first
purchased in Texas, and was sche
duled to arrive here more than a
week ago, but there was some hitch
in the final transaction, necesstat
ing considerable delay before an
other train load could be rounded up.
As soon as the gasoline arrives
here an effort will be made to notify
as many people as possible, in order
to secure a wide distribution. The
probable cost of the gasoline cannot
be determined until the receipt of
car. It is bought f. 0. b., Oklahoma,
freight and cost of unloading will
have to be added. It will be sold as
near actual cost as it will be possible
to determine, as the association has
no desire to make any profit on the
its flu,,,
u 7 ge returned
;ti rumiily after
M(rd bv
was nccom
Mrs. K. C.
Sloper Bros, have commenced
planting brocoli on an extensive scale.
Last year they raised the first big
commercial crop ever grown here,
making it a supplementary crop in
their baby hop yards. They will try
it again this season. Plants are
grown in cold frames, similar to kale,
and then transplanted.
Sloper Bros, raised a fine crop last
year, marketing it this spring. They
were unfortunate in that the rail
road strike was on when the crop was
ready for shipment. Instead of ship
ping it by freight much of it was
sent to Seattle and Chicago by ex
press. This greatly reduced the pro
fit, but in spite of this return was
quite satisfactory.
Sloper Bros, were the first to start
growing brocoli on a commercial
scale in this locality.' Others are
trying it this season.
Independence's chance of winning
the championship of Polk couty went
a glimmering last Sunday, when
Falls City defeated the locals on the
Falls City grounds by a score of two
to three.
In many respects it was a very
pretty contest, and had it not been for
a few errors on the part of Independ
ence, there would have been a differ
ent outcome.
Falls City made one run in the first,
one in the third and another in the
fourth. Independence made its two
runs in the eighth.
This made the third contest with
Falls City, Independence getting one
decision and Falls City the other
Had Independence come out vic
torious in this game, the chances of
carrying off the county pennant
would have been exceedingly good,
with Perrydale as the only real con
tender. The "Colts" will take a vacation for
a couple of weeks, as some of the
members of the team have outing
plans which would conflict with
games during this time.
Work was actually started on the
rebuilding of the sawmill of the Wil
lamette Valley Lumber Company in
this- city Monday morning, says the
Dallas Itemizer. The company has
been exceptionally fortunate in being
able to secure machinery with which
to equip the new mill without un
reasonable delay. As it is known, it
is almost impossible nowadays to se
cure any kind of new machinery for
immediate delivery. The local com
pany, however, will have part of
its new plant here this week and the
remainder is already in transit from
the eastern manufacturers. This was
made possible by the fact that the
owners of large mill in Portland that
was burned several months ago de
cided not to rebuild after their ma
chinery had been ordered. It was a
portion of tihs equipment that the
Willamette Valley Lumber company
has secured for their new mill here.
It is expected that all will be here
by the time the new buildings are
ready to house it, and that the mill
will again be in operation . within a
few weeks.
BOND FOit $10,000 PUT UP
Normal School
Announcements have been received
here of the marriage of Miss Eliza
beth Cosper to Charles Guy Wever,
which was celebrated in Portland on
Wednesday of this week. The bride
is a daughter of O. F. Cosper, owner
of the telephone Bystem until a few
years ago. Upon the sale of the
plant here the family moved to
Lebanon, where Mr. Cosper was en
gaged in the same business. Recent
ly selling his interests there he has
purchased an apple orchard at Yaki
ma, Wash.
Mr. and Mrs. Wever will make
their home in Yakima. The bride
took an exceedingly active part in the
social affairs of Independence for
many years. She was president of
the Civic Club for a time and was
identified in other welfare move
ments. She was deservedly popular.
The announcement of her marriage
came as a pleasant surprise to an
exceedingly large circle of admiring
friends here.
Miller & Smith have purchased
about 80 head of fine beef cattle at
Lebanon for their market here. They
Shnrt horns and Herefords.
Twentv head are being brought here, the election in June of that year,
. t 1 ... ! 1 1 h irof rlinMr
t m mid tne naiance wiui --
Polk county will receive $8,694.84
of good roads money under the in
itial disbursement of market road
funds as made by Secretary of State
Kozer Monday. A total of $336,099.
72 is included in the disbursement,
which is made under the direction of
the state highway commission in
conformity of the act of 1919, ap
proved by the vote of the people at
pates in the
in tne state partici-disbuisement.
for app
rv. thorn that his son, Alfi
is in a Critical condition as the re
sult of an operation
nn officers' training
past few weeks.
. v.. in
The young man nns '""
camp I"1
t.j Pnt- American Lev
-inn Ws arranged to givo another
L in the opera house
Superintendents J. O. McLaughlin
of Corvallis and A. C. Strange of
Astoria visited the Normal this week
interviewing candidates for teaching
in their respective counties.
The Normal is very appreciative of
the efforts of the Southern Pacific to
provide for the comfort of students
returning to their homes on .Friday
of this week. Provisions have been
made for a special train to leave
Monmouth at one-thirty Friday after
noon for Portland by way of Salem.
The bus company has also been very
kind in providing special convey
ances for those who wish to start
from Independence.
Governor Olcott visited the Nor
mal Tuesday and spoke to the stu
dents at the chapel hour.' The gov
ernor is always a very welcome
guest and his talk Tuesdays "A Day
in the Governor's Office" was a
particularly interesting and instruc
tive one.
Miss Mingus entertained Miss
Martha G. Lane, who is a teacher
in the high school at Walla Walla,
Miss Mary Williams, Critic of the
Third and Fourth Grades in the In
dependence Training School, leaves
Saturday for her home in Oak Park,
111. Her numerous friends among
students and faculty regret exceed
ingly that she is leaving the Nor
mal permanently. Her work has
been much appreciated and all hope
that the lure of the West will bring
her back 1 to Monmouth Normal
Simple exercises in honor of the
graduates were held at chapel hour
Friday mornin.g Those completing
the course are: Tina L. Roberts.of
Dallas; Irene Williams, of Ed
monds, Washington; Mertie Chan
berlain, Eugene; Ilda May Hayes, of
Burns; and Minnie M. Johnson, of
Portland. The program began at
10:15 a. m., and is as follows:
Enter by groups.
Songs .by groups.
Opening song by school.
Diplomas pi-esented.
Vocal solo Mrs. Parrish.
Announcement of winning group
in Stunt Program. .
Talk President Ackerman.
Last song.
The student and faculty members
of the Eastern Star enjoyed a picnic
on the banks of the Luckiamute last
Rather extensive plans for en
larging the library are under con
sideration. Many members of the faculty are
leaving Friday and Saturday to
spend the vacation period at their
respective homes.
About forty students will register
for the second weeks' session of the
Summer School, which will begin
August 2. This work is given only
for those taking the Elementary
Teachers' Training Course. Presi
dent Ackerman, Mr. Gentle, Mr. But
ler and Mr. Ostien will conduct the
work. -
: The members of the faculty gave
a m'enic Monday evening on the
Luckiamute. The affair was in the
nature of a farewell party for Miss
Mary Williams.
Dallas and Independence have
again scored in the highway con
troversy. A restraining order against
the continuance of paving opera
tions between McCoy and Monmouth
has been issued by Judge John Mc
Court in the Multnomah county cir
cuit court. Upon the filing of a ,
$10,000 bond, which has been signed
by approximately 100 Dallas and
Independence business men, paving
will be stopped with the exception of
10OO feet at each end of which is
rocked and ready for the top dress-.
This restraining order will con
tinue until August 30, when the mat
ter is scheduled to come up for final
consideration. It will then either
be made pemanent or dismissed.
This affects two contracts. The
Warren Construction company be
tween Monmouth and Rickreall, up
on which there is about a mile of the
highway still to pave, and Con- !
tractor Kern who has been operating
between McCoy and Holmes' Gap.
Concerning this new angle to the
highway muddle, the Oregonian says:
The Pacific highway must pass
through the cities of Dallas and In
dependence and state highway com
mission funds cannot be spent for
the completion of a link in Polk
county now under construction which
connects these towns only through
spurs out from the main highway,
ruled Citfcuit Judge John McCourt
Monday when he signed an order re
straining the commission from fur
ther operations along present lines. Jr
In a previous tentative ruling,
Judge McCourt has held that the Pa
cific highway proper had to pass
through Dallas and Independence,
but that the commission might go a
head with the work on a short cut,
if money spent thereon came from
gasoline or automobile taxes and not
from the bonds floated for the build
ing of the Pacific highway. Argu
ment by John W. Kaste last week
succeeded in changing the mind of
the judge regarding the possibility
of any further work on the short-cut.
Under his decision further construc
tion must be v done, if at aU with
county funds.
The Injunction proceeding was
brought by Dallas, Independence,
Edward E. Piasecki, district attor
ney of Polk county, and others,
against S. Benson, E. E. Kiddle and
R. A. Booth of the state highway
commission and others. The deci
sion was in a hearing on a demurrer
to the amended complaint.
The restraining order, which will
become effective as soon as a $10,
000 bond is filed and approved by the
court, prevents the commission from
continuing the work south from Mc
Coy towards Holmes' Gap or from
Rickreall to Monmouth, except for
approximately 1000 feet at each end
which is already rocked and rendy for
the top dressing.
Though it is expected that an im-
mediate appeal will be taken to the
supreme court, the decision settles
for the time being the question as to
the right of the state highway com
mission to ignore the wish of the
legislature as to the route of high
ways through the state. The high
way commission is considered a better
judge of advisable routes than the
legislature ' by Judge McCourt, who
held, nevertheless, that the law
makers had the right to fix the route
and, having done so, that the route
could not be changed.
Mr. and Mrs. Waldo A. Hougham
are rejoicing over the arrival of a
daughter, last Sunday. Mr. Hougham
is with the Independence Steam
A " daughter was likewise born
Sunday to Mr. and Mrs. James
Tuesday a son came to Mr. and
Mrs. Earl Hereford.
A son was born. to Mr. and Mrs.
David Tumidge of Buena Vista, last
80. Delos, and
u"""' . i it Tho music
hA ai0 cxPi!eted to
next weaneHiiay -
will be by the Imperial orchestia.