1 THE INDEPENDENCE ENTIRPRI8E, INDEPENDENCE, OREGON. PAGE w p"" -"T. .,., -n .!. I tiii.'if-rv ... m m ir viiu wuini, ii'ui uiiuibi ft u ' "V, ' i i I v' -' Astoria Business College A SELECT SCHOOL Impart av broad, unable business training, throwing open wide tlie door to worth while positions. I'roflt by Astoria's Inevitable irn moflluta expansion and multiplying oppor tiinltiAN. ur gi-tttluiilim never need to look for Job. J) oti of thern. Start now. CaU luguo on reijuest. Antfirln, Or. it vim Munt IioiuIn - null to u. If yu ran buy mor. r VIC I UUT ihmhw injy irtuii u. ... il... W,.u Vt.rli murk i-1 ;0V ERNMENT AND MUNICIPAL (Irtulnri unti btnAm. VICTORY . IlLlfTV BONUS DNDS ft TonKlS BROTHERS, Inc., UNDER GRINDING FRED DUNDEE Motor Car Repairing & Machine Portland. Oregon. (JteT Alder f 5K.v was swiL , -v NMrKWar ''. --w T ! Ill "iTIte iST1 Perfection Milking Machines ANKER-BOLTII CREAM SEPARATORS Wrlto us for Catalog. Wo Imvti nearly nil makes of Mirroml Imiul milking luuchlnes that wi Imvo takrm In on Perfections, Wrlto tm what you would liko, The J. C. Robinson Company 43 11 St. Tort la ml, Ore. I&outnl II um ilr "! up. Spnrlal motitMr fates, Out-OI -Uwn vtilor atNtl tu (ai at bulr. fkratharn lcin (Iwfrle 1nlri In um amiktm J. w, mjuhono, Hnivw ?AUI-r HI . eo. 41h . H iH I I.ANI). OUK ()t AM, MA K l',H Of CAItrt, A. J. WINTKHS CO. i hhthihi riohrt e? MUlh HI., I'uitlitn.l t Wo tun u uiil!mit-(l nmountH of UltrVniCIl Strictly Fresh, full size White Eggs " nt I tircniium o t nmrki t tjuoUittoni. Write .... - I. i t. .. ..r.. ....u ninjf mJtjnt yu have Ut offer ach tteiltlOni MUTUAL CRKAMKRY CO., i I a Ik IN VMM tVlrtinrnl, H)l(t1JNt). OKr-CON Ground Gripper Shoes are made tod carried in stock lor men, women aod children, and can be fit bj mail SEND FOR LITERATURE GROUND GRIPPER SHOE S10RES ' TM HL lllM Art., Thb. Wafcllto ij VAUOIVILLI lr. Moar. TmmUit NUbi Iw Maw. Tm. W4. Alaraa. at IIEILIG IM IS. k II , ;r ITJO C TONSETU FLORAL CO, J L U W xlV O Th How ( Fltweri FOR ALL OCCASIONS m Waikbmttm St INFORMATION DEPARTMENT r.nmmrrll Information furnlahcd fra of chirga. Catalogues lupplled and com marclal Inqulrlm cheerfully newarad. Writ ny firm belowl Do It nowl ARTIFICIAL TEET H SPECIALIST (r7"Brc,liiiiiiiaiir'a'if Joiirnal iljdg. Bker, Confectlonere, Fountain Supplies flmy, W' I.-nn & l'eroy, 4th tk. Ollwin 8U. DS.N T 1 8T, L At E "U 8. N AVY hf""V. r Itrown, il Htvri iil, fortfaiKl DENTIST ' "" -H. B. Wright. o ttl!l.h illdg., it Wn. ELECTRIC 4 ADVERTISING 8I0NS Union Hlicn (Jii., 7 Wt 1'ark at Oak. EN&RA V E D WEDDI NO INVITATIOnI lrwlri"ll(lon, Klttt!oniM7 I'or'tfaiia, fafel FARM LIGHTING PLANT I Alley" Light; "M lt Bt. HAVE YOUR EYES EXAM I NED A. B. Ilurwitc, Qptometriit." 226 first Bit. IIKMS'I TI'CI UNO 8 CENTS. M. Htci vena, 2nd fir, i&0 Morrtaon. KODAKS AND FOUNTAIN PENS Unruly I'orUand'i Kodftk and Pen man. MILLINERY & B A RCLEY CORSET jom-H Mtltlneryr Orand"Ave. OIL BHAMPOOINQ A MANICURING. Wyrt! Cla-rkB, 733 ilorgari Bldg, Portland PLASTER DOLLS AND NOVELTIES iloae City Novelty Wka., 10S Oraod ATe. PYORRHEA DENTISTS t!mlth Long Brvlce. 10 liuah tk Lane Bl REALTORS Interittttte "Land" Co.. 248 Stark Bt REAL ESTATE AND LOANS M. V. Hurridon, 612 Gerllriger Bldg. SHEET METAL . RETINNINQ WKS. PAINT8 AND WALL PAPER Write um for jprlcoa. Fioneer I'aJiit Co., 188 Klrat St., ForUand. PLAT I NO N iC KEANDSJILyEn "VrTte Kiliiyifor prlfea w pay rrturn pfmtage on arnall parcels. California rlat- ing Works, 214 2nd Bt. Portland. PLUMBING ALJJMi'!JyilP.ll "nsiiyirwuto. wy kind of plumbing supplies at wholesale prices. W will gladly estimate cost of any Job. Write for prices. k, HTAKfC-DAVia CO., Iftk-lftO 4th Bt.. Portland AT LWA V TELEGRA PH I N SjmjTE r..r. min rw! wfimtni bext returns ior am't Invested. Position when quaimeu 434 Hallway Kimhange, Bldjr.tJgr RAZOR8 The famous compound for tempering razors without heat a urmvuig ii(,1lirht. The Btratanum Co., W Chamber of Corn. - SANITARY BEAUTYPARLOR "wrnheTDthe apyeararKe of women. Twenty-two Inch switch or transforma tion, value $7.00, Pri" 2.46. ilepalrs ior an UrornDt attention to mall orders. Kpokane Htove A Furnace Repair Works, Hposane. Tailor for particulareople 410 WelriKtcln. Btlsfatlon guaranteed. Klark Bt., Portland, Ore; TEACHERS' AGENCY.. ut',('UY MfitlNTAlX Teachers' Agency. f.--,.t. V XUa, 1trmpr AHHt Htnte Hupt., mgr NWJtonkjttidortiana At wholeHale and retail. Mail orders promptly filled Bmltn's WH Paper House, 108-110 Becono bl, rorumu. Keep the Northwt rroti-erout by using Nortbwfro MjJc Coodt. ZAN BROS.. Inc m UPPER IDX When in Portland try this RESTAURANT Gxxl Service -Modt'raU Prices. KW tV.i Ui. 108 f rfil U M le K l' bwUt) Wc Make Fluff Rugs From Your Old Carpets Hug rK, all sixes. Mall orders prompt. Itugn iiliil rui-pcts team and dry clfaned. Pli.iiie ut write tor price Hat. Bav Hollc- Itor cotnminion. Nortliwcst IIS K. Klghlh Kt tUilon Ave. Muvl Wks., 411 Union Ai SANITARIUM " Ir. A." V. Uownsr 40 Corbet t Bt TEACHERS AGENCY Y ates-Vlaher, "free "registration, BrdyBlg WATER PRESSURE SYSTEM buro Pumps, 68 let CANCER Lowell M Bt TREATED "jonerM. V., 812 Morgan Bldg. . ..nr-ii a tl n r. 4 T I M fl x.' .. i ",r. ' Y.TT" V7i.a i Tn H mHi 1 tchl n f . YJIHO " ' . , ..-- 10c yd. Buttons covered. Kaetern Novelty Mfg. Co., SBVJi fifth atreet, Fortianq. ARTIFICIAL UMOS Orriroll Artlfllial Limb CO. for Catalog. 425 Wash. Bt.. DENTAL SUPPLIES TiTT.ii VV.-li h Dental Depot piles of all kinds. Rug Co. Kait 8580. E BISSINCER & CO., Wot. P.lL, Tallow. Wool Pullert U,t th.('Ml. 14 IM Nrih l"H. Ht.. f. O, U, JWlUf..!. u ; W .-.I 'IWr y tllwil t,. I'wIUhmI. hip u uur hl(ll l'it- ..mil nt il linw. Homemade Specials, $1.00 per lb. Ml. Hood Chocolates, $1, 2, 3 4 5, hoi. Orrton Ckolatcs, $2.00 per pjund. THK HAZFJAVOOD COM- IXTIONFK & RESTAURANT ;iMM Waihinglon Strctt, rortlmd, Orfon. iWhvood Candy By Parcel Post, Prepaid. vMULTNO i iipji iiiiB.Ba--aws . n..Lit rHiTitll tiiiht Oft 1) f tlffC CI OOII Veal. Iks, Poultry, Fruits, Potatoes, Onions, etc n0.. , , Forty Year In tttc Same I-ocatitm. I f Port laiitl. Ortoti "Where Home Comforts Abound" POHTLAM). CKR. Th pleaaur of your trip to Port land will depend upon the hotsl you aeiect Cosy surroundlrifs. nlel ratri, and the welcome you find In your own horai tow a. await you at tke kWltnomaa. Garage in Connection. tin Ml-'- ,nM A JOB WITH A FUTURE i . f m l rj is j uso men Dot ween iiKt-Htu iou J 1 pay COc ix?r hour as minimum waj?( j - give best of meals at 40c each. Pi Bupiily bctls for 15c, 2Tc and 3.rc. I have FHKK hot and cold water baths. . advance employes rapidly. Kive positions l-'REK on application. . have Employment oflices at West 'Linn, Camas, Washington, and 210 Commonwealth Sixth and Hurnside, I'ortianu, jrvK. Oregon, i i i ouiiiiinir, Crown Willamette Paper Co. a MnH.r.telv Prlcaa Hotel of Mtrlt HOTEL CLIFFORD IT'" listanlisticil 20 Years In Portland, Or. C. GEE WO'S root and iii:iu) ri:mi:diks Civc Wonderful lU'ftults. Ifl-"i Flrnt Slml pcillanil, (he. Eveiendy Storage Bntterlea Car and Tractor Mag netoi, Generator and Starting Motor. Re paired. lifMt Hank TtnfnrencttM. Alall us rtiiiK'i'' ton. Quick aorvlco. EleclricScrvice Auto Co 391 Oak, bet ParkiBth trIFsses W iiMclallr.e In flttlna trunMMi. Bend for measor Inar blank ami circular. We carry avarythinir In Drnars, UabtMrUooda. KI.Hlc lloa Itirr, Ut., and pay nnntava. LALK IIAV1H DIIIIU CO.. Trnaa Kipfrts ORECON f Dlltrll)ut',r Ip0HTLAND RHEUMATISM-PILES-CONSTIPATION hill?. P0eo" Sprlnqa Mineral Water iure H own rm.lv from tha Hock. t'rlak It arnl snt well. , n llottled by 'twntRemedy Co., 7 let Bt. Portland. Or. PORTLAND, ORE. Wt Pit Culi ftr DAIRY BUTTER, Cream, Eggs, Live POULTRY. Writ, lor Prices and Tan EVERYTHING FOR THE OrFICE DrTICE FURNITURE & APPLIANCES 3ll,TyW -FNGRAVING :: BOOKBINDING UMHAU 0W 0 0 j coMf'icre LINE OF STEL JONES LUMBER CO. ICS ! Altl.lSlll I lH.r.! Lumber, Lai,Shinfj1cs, Mouldings Fourth & Columbia St.. I'ortland, Ore. V QUEEN CITY Q we make ynnr wom h"ip IS "n.n-ATa.. TortlaHdl , Havoc of Education. 1 "'"I agaliiHt till education. It mattes women conccitci and unkind. And It n,l0H I,,,,,, (lnI1 an(J p0(iantic.-Fred-t ,lun lHon In 1904 to Lady Dorothy The Wise Sex. n 01(1 liadiolor remarks that all OIon Loiiovo in their hearts that t,Hnmu i3 BUhfirtor toman, but few 'of m caro to irag about it till after ll,y nro married. Too Deep for Him. An Irish Bailor, after pulling In 50 , lino nuitterod to himself, fathoms of lino, mulU. Suro, It's as iohh morrow! IfB a good wcuan nf It VCti any flvo men. ; , "',Kl!ty ;r and, Sined: "Bad luck to . mo , ,irtt iiiilave somoDouyn iu. . other end of this lino! tlonallst, The Then look- -Congrcga- -h 1 ! I 1 4 f , if', -a ; t ; : r I. . 3 i 7 ,..f e.f.'r.'-t-it.i, (.(('if-'to. j.; ! 1 - Bark-Root ( TONIC A Mild Laxa tive; An Ap petizer. i Real Good Tonic lor Spring Time Ailments What II Has Done lor Oth ers li Will Do for You Be Convinced, Try a Bottle Today. Sold at All Relia ble Druggists Mfgd by Celro-Kola Co PORTLAND, ORE lellLfLi 8UO- M organ Bid ay Portland, AUTO ACCESSORIES Classy Bug Bodies rncae S9 aaa ap. Burneaa & Martin ISth k Alder sta., Portland BEAUTY PARLOR nTrIrnTrCosm I'snnauent ......... iLfout miulb.ii i.n 1 1 f rtrif.fi rrM4mt- Ic shop in city, zua iirqy m., mar- itvi CLEANING AND DYEIN Q V.,i- WiluWn ("'Ifitriiiiif nail Dvelnn serv postuee. lnformatton and prices given upon requpsi. ... .,. . ... n. . w . n n KalBhllihed 1890 Portland ntiiTi O-V D ' u A I KJ I ETC ft AbsoluieTyrforrned by nerve-blocking method without after effects. Let us prove It to you. we mane jk.-ray exam inations and specialize In flrst-cliiss dent- .. . .. . UDnnn , . r.Ai i ir a. w. ipinH. Dr. E. W. I'rehn, Majeitio Theatre Bldg., S5H4, Washington SI., roruana, wreuuu DIAMONDS A JEWELRY BOUGHT Xirklndadiamoada'and Jewelry bought; - ...... .,rlr.a ll.nn rlniy A Rliet'ltlltV. Itelner Jewelry Co.. 44Vfc W n St. Portlnd DOORS AND WINDOWS X!Wn?nitM vou Doors. V lndows.. Koo n..i.. r:na nnii lnt1df.rM HHrdware. .llr,wl nt whnlpRAiA Drk'eS. Write IOr irlces before buying, aeacoca ou.au )oor Co.. 212 First St., Portland. HAIR DRESSING. Mine. CJreriell relieves ttchlng scalp Moles, superfluous hair removed. 230 Kliedner Uulldlng. Q)RS RAWJXJRS "TfrftrOtiTceli lnnd Bldir.. upstairs. HEMSTITCHING AND PLEATING Arcordlan und Cox Pleating. Button and Pleating Shop, 609 R yal Bldir. a"..,C.",i inniiaiirtriir llnmnti tchiDa. But tnna xi.voreil PiiHtiun made shirts. Art Embroidery & tsuiion to., aiorau umi., Fortiana. . DES. WOOLS & CASCARA BAH. MftTksTPrTee for quotation Kuhn Bros., 195Front BV KODAKS AJOUNTAJNPEb MoTT7our films toSandy. 329 Wash. St Tort land. Ore. In nt 1 at 6 they're done "DIAMOND DYES" DON'T RUIN YOUR MATERIAL Women! Don't Buy a Poor Dye That Fades, Streaks, or Rum. Each package of "Diamond Dyes" contains directions so simple that aoy woman can diamond-dye a new, rich, fadeless color into worn, ehabby gar ments, draperies, coverings, whether wool, silk, linen, cotton or mixed goods. Buy "Diamond Dyes" no other kind then perfect results are guaranteed even If you have never dyed before. Druggist has color card. Cuticura Soothes Itching Scalp On retiring gently rub spots of dan druff and Itching with Cuticura Oint ment. Next morning Bhampoo with Cuticura Soao and hot water. Make i . . s- ' -. r. ,1.,.. ..f.iiw f.vr,rp.i ri v mi fr nrpn rH ii,ri I? vou want up-to-date suits see m,i"-i,' r . . and have a clear tskln and soft, white liund.f. Adv. Ostriches Biggest Birds. Ostriches are the largest feathered creatures existing and one of uiese birds will sometimes measure eight feet in height and weigh 300 pounds. THOUSANDS JOIN BOY SCOUT8. Thniii)nrlH of anntlcatlons for asso ciate membership In the national coun cil continue to. pour into tne onice or thP rtrtv Rcouts of America, zou irui Avenue, New York, since boy scout week came to a close. flheeks ransrlnir from fl to others running into several figures continue to pile up the results of the nation wide drive, which has already enlisted 1,000,000 men and women. Tho nun flnancal auxiliary tnus created brings the total membership of the Boy Scouts of America tip to a million and a half, which Includes ap proximately 400,000 active scouts and 100,000 leaders. Notwithstanding the tremendous nf this organization, it Is con ducted with a professional iorce oi hut HOO nald workers, mostly scout ex ecutlve hired by the business men of the larger cities. The rest are volun teers, and according to James E. West, the chief scout executive, "they give from three to thirty hours a wee to eponttner. flndine In the Joy ot. the work alone more than sufficient com pensation.' SCOUTING CURES LAWBREAKING, "The constant reports of young men from sixteen to eighteen breaking the laws In various parts of the country seem to 'tell the story, and show that there must be an intensive campaign onrriod on to teach our young folks loyalty, patriotism and respect for the laws of their country, says w nitman K. Smith, who has recently taken up the work in Portland, Me., of a boy scout executive. "From my experience In the work for the last four years, it seems to me that the community never naa greater need for the scout program for bovs than it has today. "I find In communities where no par ticular attempt has been made to give publicity to the work that people are awake to the possibilities of the scout program and believe that the future of the movement Is greater tnan it nas hppn since its InceDtion." Mr. Smith Is the first scout execu tive to be employed in the state of Maine. rr nnvthinir Iron or Woodworking Machinery, Logging, Sawmill, uoiuraciora iuiiiiiii, ii motives, Hollers, Kngines, Crushers, Kail, Cable, Belting, etc. Burke Machinery Co., 528 Hallway Exchange Bid-.. Portland, Or. M A Kl 1 j P ACT U RING JEWELERS Rosa & Co., Inc. Special order worK. Fine workmanship. Prompt mall service. Mohawk Bldg..Pgrt)and, Ore, jmThti.a nd marble works 264-2U0 Fourth St. Neu Bros. N ATI) RO PATH . 'TjfGeTwrCrockwell, Specialist In Female- Ulsensea 704-6 Dekum Bldg. P E R SO NAL fv, AlurrTFXOrSELTTT or results, try me- best and most successful HOME MAKER": hundreds rich wish marriage soon; strictly confidential; most reliable; years of experience; description free, ft. Successful Club." Mrs. Ball, Box 66B, Oak land, JaJlfornla Scientific Examina tion 1 1 FOR LESS MONEY Sixth Floor Baliegir.BIdit. SCOUTS DETER "HICK WALKERS." "Protect the 'jay-walkers' despite themselves," Is the slogan adopted by the bov scouts of Philadelphia, who have been working in conjunction with the Rotary club In the "cross at cross ings" campaign. When the scouts covered me ousi iiess part of the city m mass iorm several irate shoppers protested when advised for safety's suck to cross at the crossinir. Despite the protests or the "jays" and "hick-walkers," Iscout Executive Goodman said the scouts were determined to help that element. UurleV 1 1 FOR LESS MONEY Modern Dr. C. A. Hurley $lfl0 will be pnld for any case of Had Smellinsr Feet that the K M. K. Foot Kemedy will not PREPAID t ''- '$100 will be paid for any txMrna oeiwtsvii um -v" ----- - . will not remove without pain C knife. PREPAID $1.00 AGENTS WANTED. Robta-Marr RemeJ, Co., 314 Slk Exchange mm R.M.R4 FOOT; REME DY' Proprietary Chemists want to reach ' IB we 1 -"t $ I I V sufferers of appen I i If iNj dicltls- before It is V' v4j tK '00 lat6' Hl" trseaave XSCtjyr I I yf,?f llfT.3 Instruc- s, tive literature win J he mailed free upon I A W Send your name today. Western office 705 swetiana iting., i-oriwim, Have Same Speech. The old Gaelic or Celtic languages of tho people of Scotland and Ireland re still spoksn in place of English In U,o south and west of Scotland, in parts of Wales and other places, but l,o great majority of the people of both Scotland and Ireland speak Eng lish They have their variations of speech duo to brogue or dialect, just a- different sections of England and America Have, but in all essentials their languago is ours. Utilizing Waste. A new Industry just Introduced at Milan, Italy, consists of the manufac ture from waste leather cuttings, of boxes for collars, cuffs and carpets, furniture coverings and wallpaper. Event Worth Remembering. In 1838, on the twenty-fourth of January. Samuel P. B. Morse gave his first demonstration of the code of dots and dashes used in telegraphy and now known as the Morso code. NAME 'BAYER' MEANS ASPIRIN IS GENUINE For Pain, Colds, Neuralgia, Toothache, Headache r You want relief quickly and safely! Then Insist on "Bayer Tablets of As pirin" stamped with the "Bayer Cross." The name "Bayer" means you are tret ting genuine Aspirin prescribed by phy Btcinnn for over eighteen years, and proved safe by millions of people. For a few cents you can gei a najiuy tin box of genuine "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin," containing twelve tablets. Druggists also sell larger "Bayer r,wi5ipc Asnirfn Is the trade mark of -Bayer Manufacture of Monoacetlcacid ester of Salicylicacid. Adv. Matter of Meals. While in the largest cities it is a fact that tie heaviest meal of the day occurs at night, it is also a fact that in the smaller cities, of 2 00,000 popu- ation and below, the heaviest meal occurs at noon, rne reason ior mis s, of course, that in the largest cities here is an exodus at evening to the suburbs, where the family reunion 3 held over the dinner table, whereas in the smaller cities people are able to go home to midday lunch. Plenty of Herring. A fisherman says that a shoal of herring is sometimes five or six miles long and two or thtee miles broad. SHAKE INTO YOUR SHOES. llon' FYvt-F.iue. the antiseptic powder, Makee tight or new shoes feel easy. Relieves Corns. Bunions, Hot, Swollen. Tender. Aching Feet. Sold everywhere. 25c Don't accept any substitute Sample FREE. Address, Allen S. Olmsted, U. Roy. N. X. Watch Requires Little Oil. It takes only one-tenth of a drop of oil to keep all of the machinery of the watch in good running order for a ear. Laugh When People Step On Your Feet Try this yourself then It along to others. It works! past UNCLE DAN" WAS "PREPARED." While sneaking before a large nndience Daniel Carter Beard was sud denlv asked to tell the difference be tween a tax and a fine. I Althouch as national commissioner of the Boy Scouts of America. "Uncle Dan" closely follows the motto of lie Prepared," In this case he had to hesi tate for a second. Then from his lips came the apho rism. "A tax Is a fine on legitimate business, while a fine Is a tax on Il legitimate business." Beginning Another Chapter. A woman was so fond of pets that when death overtook her 10-year-old rat Khe was not lone in getting a young kitten to fill the place of puss Whereupon her small neighbor grave ly carried the news to his mother that the woman "was starting another cat." i No humbug! Any corn, whether hard, soft or between the toes, will loosen right up and lift out without a particle of pain or soreness. This drug Is called freezone and Is a compound of ether discovered by Cincinnati man. Ask at anv drue store for a small bottle of freezone, which will cost but a trifle, but is sufficient to rid one's feet of every corn or callous. Put a few drops directly upon any tender, aching corn or callous. In stantly the soreness disappears ana ehvrtiv tho corn nr callous will loosen and can be lifted off with the fingers. This drug freezone aoesnt eai oui the corns or callouses but shrivels them without even Irritating the sur rounding skin. Just think! No pain at all; no sore ness or smarting when applying it or afterwards, ir your aruggisi aoui have freezone have him order it for you. Adv. Diamond of the First Water. A distinguished educator, polemic and literary man called in the office a day or two ago and uttered a sen timent which will awaken a response in thousands of hearts and heads The air of the man, as he uttered the almost incredible statement, was that of a person who had discovered a diamond of the first water. These were his words; "I have a stenogra pher who knows when not to talk." The Christian Advocate. Cuticura Soap IS IDEAL- For the Hands Sttp 25c Ointment 25 ai SOc ftlcum 25t. Are Yoa Satisfied? SSSSfffiSSoi Is the bluest, moat Perfectly equipped Business Training School in the North west. Fit yourself for a higher position with more money. Permanent positlona assured our Graduates. -c-TOi,ii Write tor eataaog r uui iu aim Portland. P. N. U. No. 18, 1920