NO. 43. ifH YEAR W, J. CLAM, PROPRIETOR. INDEPENDENCE. OREGON. MARCH 19. 1920. VflDENTS WIN RfiCOGNIIIW lB'ml'NTV WKLL RKi-UKSKN. K ;.;riciiltiRal iou the Full City Pig Club. The .'!0o I'm eat (rove lust Friday evening re , tPnliTN who completed tru-ir work in ll,,rt moit enjoyable timt'. Several (t m (wen i.chkick int" acicgates ana in- ncu in Ktiow uy ineir Hpirit tnat 1919 produced product something over 7M), valued ..... I .. II .1 ti n.i I , , . , wwnmuuui is on me rnnp. inougn That ClUb Work U a I. ir fii(l.r In th. k.. n u .ii.i dne, oping leadership i shown by win the content she made a very cre tin things that ex-club mcmU doing, rrsiirelle Haw home economics vice-president of the II i -i. .. i i ... . ira rm """.- iiwwiiik bihi iom w munt L. .. c I t n rhliri.rftf1ft Km rinrniin4atitrA. frnm at tht) coIIckb, is th Normal and Miss HaKer, I'rcsi- umt r.roiiomica 01 u' Muoeni uouy, responucu Club, an active supporter of all cam- Ur thm on the toa,,t P'K'am. ..... ,-i!ti- .,i t . . . President Ackermsn spent last Sat- . ' f the ur,"v in rt'""'1 in "inference re- I I KflM I nl Somritv. Ilumlil If..,.. r.i... i.. m;n 11:11 m ED lirien of tha 37 student attend oUrlcn 1 t.....t r,.il. in. ..i. I ..,....,.,. . ..11 . 1.. ... ... w il... . ti Polk c"U-ly wrr "" nuiuR was (fiven iuii charge or the '. miner, wrpanmrni 01 uisiory r, ' nf l,y' ami girls' ClUM, ana nrty or more boya who md up the niieu an mviuuion 10 J'Kfine UxrioroJ ,. t . .1.- Oregon. Waahinton debate on Friday Lrdlnf lh,"r 0 " 7"-" J-a B "-- vne 1 acu.c- Mlirfh 6lh He Rave an entertaininK ' mi lntreitl In comlnit to col- ( International Llveatorli Kmix.iiitlon in account of his vinit at chapel hour I n tlub work. Six of th Portland liut fall. ThU wm a larKe "" ''ay '""t week. :f.:. h.d tU privlledK. of attend- reaponaibillty as very few of the e iunior. fe, entering with real 1 f have Ba r .w,.i. U 1 . . . .. , . 0, N. S. apint into the preparation i loM or more junior aummrr achoola jboy, had ever been In Portland I. foP junlor1ni Day. March 26th. A 1. folleif -lh ,n "iire. niont elaborate proifram la beinjr pre- . . I ii 1 11 11 .l 1 . ........1 .u. . .. u i. eronomira ii a department editor of 44 B;('ret- .... . . Th chapel hour Monday morning tbu Oreifon Countryman, n monthly Wll!1 ,PVotwl to a round-table diKcnu- I paper iubliahed by the department nlon of the private rcprta from which I f iiirriruttum an. i Vw.m .i,.,.i,- the I'reaK ent makoR un h ik recommen I 1 1 1.. 1 ilntion for teacher. Mix Urenton ih COHCK1-- - - , . 1.. ik. linVrent nroJecw. SkVounty. until the laat two year, j th, countie of the atat in club I . ..ii. in ..nhlitv of work and mim Lf winner, according to II. C, fey- . . 1 1... at th colleire. . nrt v.r for una wora flpn. "Wly pn.duce.1 four of , 10 .tat.- wlmiera or 40 per cent of I tuul number- Francelle Hawley, L McDonald l.u. il Kryt and Ken h Burwll. h "on rewrtfully In t b,kinjt. M nf, canning and por Lu.lion'projc.t. The pri rip With all ex jwnaea paid to the ruma-IV-ilic lnU-rnallonal Kxpoai tfen it San Fram T.- .i.. ..t 1,.. mi attended the flrat ;t.iof lummrr choo at 0. A. C. LOCAL, 'PENIIVGS They tell ua that gaaoline is going up again. 1 t : Laugh and grow fat March 31t ;K. Company vaudeville. t t J Mr. George Garard returned home Saturday after several day moat de lightfully apent with friends in Port- lar .. Mamie Hurlburt of Portland. Inter ment wag Thursday afternon at the Jasen Lee cemetery. 1 T t r Joe McLoid and wife are both down sick this week. x t : J. A. Reynolds moved into the Gill espie property today. 1 t Marriage licenses issued this week by the county clerk were as follows i Clinton Shelton and Minnie Guy: L. Woods and Marie Griffin; Arthur H.; Pavis and Anna May Lefever; Eart Richard and Luella Stewart. X 1 1 Mrs. George Carbray entertained the members of the Altar Society of T u..a.k . j , 1. 1 1 VOU'WI.V VI. v.. ' ' ' ' J urday and remained over Sunday for afternoon at her home, the occasion ' ...itlt Vf Mnveran'a norontc . : . 1 . . : T C.ill.iron a vioit win. i . " I"----"'. I was in Honor 01 mioo xjiaic, who live on Sixth street. who leaves soon for the Coose Bay X t X - ' country and later will make her home Tnj twelve yeif old chi.d .of Mrs. ;at Vancouver, B. C. A good time is James Oberson died Sunday. The the report of all those present. -t t 1 Jess Morgan and wife, Vancouver, Washington, motored to this city Sat .1 .... s ii .1 ti .. : ... , , .... . aim Mr. iieniie hr wen as in i reni- ll.e Oregon Teacher Monthly, She (t,nt .xplaincl features of thece re- la th .. W m 1. I'll I. 4ib runtcKts were from Tolk county. wh. attended this summer Ml were Harold Reynold, llaxel $jrll. Karl So-U-y. May McDonahfr prri Uy. Lindley Howie, Trddy Mc Jf, and Homer Huraall, the flrt 4, of whom are now O. A. U atuilenia Mitletf Industrial club wa one ' the five clul i in the state to receive -ffrtincate of achievement iriven to Jibs finUhmj? iih per rent of their lifinal membernhip. Polk county nk'ain came out In the fud in the It'll! contet with five of 4 20 itate winner to her credit. Th ate winnera- Harold Reynolds, F.arl lolcy 'Peth futrum, Bertha Zieleiwh f ii i . .,.. u.tti nil. unty winn.-r ami two others were her frpremnutive at the 1917 junior jmmer iu hiK.1 at the colleire. John flump alio won out in the Uck Judtf frg contet at the state fair, and won i number of tun prize In open com petition in the men's classes. The HUtletoe Club niraiii m one of the ew flub in the state to win a ccrti- ate of achievement. In 1917 Polk county produced four if the state winner Hazel Hursell, 11 fanninif, I'uxse 11 Alsip In -turkey aiing, Raleiifli Middleton In due falsing, aril Hiirul.l Reynolds in poul try rniiinif. Two of these. Hazel Bur el and Humid Iteynold are O. A. C. students, In 1918 and 1!10 when the county ad no club b-mler (it ha never had full time lender) the work suffered decided lump. There were no Itate winners .hiring these two years ilthouirh rnunv smaller prizes were on at the :ti,le fairs. The larireHt , nd most art iv duh in the county Is I organizer and an ofTieer nf the tmrt. pivinir the student all in all Four II Hub, an orjranization of e-- rlear, definite view of the nature club u,n-. on the campus, a , rTrMl.Itreieeepte,! U-r of the Miakopean I.-terary Son-- nn invitation to tench in the Lincoln ty (foreioK and debute), chairman County Institute at Toledo on April of two important committee in the 21 to 23rd. ,, .ii i i t u Mr. Gi more, Mis f.lndys Carson Polk county club, and a member of her ni MjM F,orenre ,jill were arr.onK cla basket ball team. tbe faculty member who attended Alfred I-oy, junior In atr,rirultiie ut the convention of the Polk County O. A. C, is president of thi Polk Sunday School Association and spoke , i . , ,i n nn the proifram. f ountv t ub. a member of the Ore- it t,: yT. liUller S generoun uiiei ui mo in J iron ('uuntryman staff, anl n mpber vlm.. ai meetintr place for the var- little fellow was born a cripple and f the Or'Koa Club fraternity. May ious social Mi llotiald. frehman in home c ono- Muneni nooy mic groups into whicn tne whs divided some time ,, Blf Has Wtn mosv entnunumi.ii nny nv. i vice-president of the four 11 , , .,U(ents. An er.joya- flub, secretary of the Polk County u.. ",.,.i.tmeiher" nartv was held club, and an alternate on the women's there by one group last Saturday varsity debate team. evening and another by a second . i . group Wednesday evening, Karl ( wley, sophomore in aicncul- " M n),.t.tine f Householders ture with a major in duiry husbandry, cftHl by Miss Todd the following pri i making good in hi line of ces were agreed upon for the summer i. right in line with his V Room and board in house $8.00 per dairy herd record keeping. He is W1.4.j member of the Kappa Pi Fraternity.) Room two in room, each $1.00 per -t t t ORF.GON .NORMAL NOTES j Meal $7.00 per week. . ! Housekeeping rooms, each girl $.0U per week. , i Not enough people have reported to provide for the number of girls i ex pected in the summer school. This applies particularly to the furnishing of men!. Any who dehire to take i .... nr for The students who attendel the In- i Hrj 8hould report to Miss Todd in ter-Collegiate Oratorical Contest at writing by April 1, uiless they have already teportcd. Th following r"o-Ki-n i'"," ed at the State Conference of the Duughter of the American r-evo'i: tion held in Albany on the 5th and Cth of March: Whereas, the greatly increased at tendance at the three state educatioi.--i :...:..; tinmelv. the Oregon HI IIIIl..iUfc..'.io, - :iPitml Colleee. the Oregon Stnte University and the State Norm ! School, together with the nyrer inir cost of administration makes it inmerative if the growth and effi ciency of these institutions ,be v.. '!' i ore finncia' sjp int.. ii " - - . . 'ii.. sioie u.. i Bud BryoHT BrainstohmS1 1 t ii . . ....... mmm mm rr . XL FOR RENT 20 acre river bottom land, 10 acres for potatoes and 10 acres for corn. J. C. Collins. 2t WOOD SAWING OUTFIT FOR SALE: Six horse power gas en gine, nearlv new, and in fine mech anical condition. Saw, frame and t saw, on iron wheeled truck. Will sell for an exceptionally low price. See us. Ace Garage, Independence HAVING SOLD my home in Indepen dence, I have about 100 fine bred Tancard White Leghan Pullets for sale. Now laying in fine style. Must be sold at once. B. F. Swope TWENTY ACRES OF FINE pasture for sale. Buyer must take all. C. 1. STIDD. at Ace Garage. J. W. KISTER & CO., now open and had very poor health. Funeral ser-r:-ady for business. Real Estate vices was held from the undertaking I,oans and Insurance. We have full parlors Wednesday. complete set of forms fair and equitable ratings for Independence and viciinity. We insure you as fol low: Fire Pacific Insurcance Co New York; Fire New Jersey Insur ance Co., Newark; Auto Fire and theft; Auto Collision and proper ty damage; Auto casuality and li ability damage; Plate Glass Insur ance; Accident, health and disabili tyFidelity Co. Burglary, rob bery and larceny; Diamonds, Jew oiru onH Personal Property: Store Fixtures and Stock; Household goods and furniture Call in and see J. W. KISTLER, Office in Beaver Hotel Building. 2t FOR SALE Fine Big Team of Hors es, about 2800 pounds; all sound and true. Grain, fed and ready for spring work. This is a real buy. Terms if desired. Ace Garage. LIGHT YOUR FARM We have an outfit ready for service, one that has never been used. We will give a guarantee and sell this plant for one-half of its original cost. Coal i going up. Use juice. Terms. Ace Garage. HORSES FOR SALE Call at Dr. Ketehum's farm south of town or Phone 3813, Independence. A-l 80-acre, hog, dairy and grain farm just outside corporation limits.ldeal as to soil, location, roads and school A-l barn hog house, chicken house silo, oats' wheat hay, planted. Will take a smaller farm as part pay ment, if soil, buildings, roads are good and near a graded school in the Willamette Valley. Address Box 38, Route 1, Stayton, Ore. 3 CEDAR POSTS FOR SALE Seven foot split red cedar posts in car load lots. Write A. M. Matlock Dallas. Ore. 4t A new switch board will be install ed in the telephone office on Sunday and there is likely to be some inter ruption in the service for. several days as a result until the new board is pro perly installed. In the mean time the patrons will have to be patient. Mrs. Margaret A. Frances, who died Tuesday, following a long illness had lived all her life east of Salem, where the end came. She was 61 years of -. s .a 1 . 1 Tft TT T age. Her nrst nusDana it. n. rvams- den, died in 1900, and a few years af ter she was married to-W. H. Frances who died in 1914. Mrs. Frances leav es four children, Mrs. Edith Gage, of Portland; Ray C. Ramsden of Marion county; R. J. Ramsden of Portland; and Carl Ramsden of Marion.She is also survived by three brothers, W. H. MurDhv of Buena Vista; E. G. Mur phy, of Whiteson and C. C. Murphey of Portland; also a half sister Mrs. ENJOY YOUR EVENINGS AFTER A OF BLASTING DAY No Headaches or ill-effects FROM TROJAN POWDER PATTER RESULTS NO FREEZING NO FREEZING OR THAWING SAFE TO HANDLE Black' Blasting Powder, Capi Fusees Hauser Bros. Salem, Albany, Eagene, and Corvallis. SERVICE OUR PRIDE L. E. HASELTOr, Local Acent. CthVr.CWBe it Resolved, 'hat wo SPUDS FOR SALE-American Won he Dianrht'us of the American iwv "utio.i in- S:te Conference a'seTrhled . .... i ii ixvn rno vii ri n i m. ith s.l FACTS w are specialists and extiertB In he icienco of examining eyes and ing of them with glasses. wtw iv Years Experience,) and Unse grinding w grind our own lenses Perate the only Plant fa Salem. w otn duplicate any broken tense. Rh ii K wr man ub me piec- Mtkfactlon guaranteed. Co. Wight Specialist. 105 St St. m There are mora tram heroinas in hitchent than n Fiction, At present we offer you Two Start ling Bargains-Pennsylvania Vacuum Cup Casings-at no advance in price, and in addition Ton Tested Tube Free with Every Casing. .invnftBAM AND VEEDOL OILS WHICH RETAIL ELSTO . JE KL AT 30 AND 35 CENTS rrcic u WE CAN OFFER IN COUPON BOOK QUANTITIES AT 2G 1-3 PER QUART NOW einiorse mm "- . , ,,. to support at tne specmi e--K'i: May th- Mi'age Ta lor those I is - PEARL CIL(KIROSENE) ia icfined and re-rcf.ned by a special process, mak ing it a clean-burning fuel for home use. Ask your dealer for PEARL OIL. STANDARD OIL COMPANY .!,. TTnrK- Spp(I Potatoes. J. u vn-i ..... J Coliins. or Phone Farm 524. Im DAY OLD CHICKS for sale from 0 A. C. S. C. White Leghorns; also fvm Petalmna S. C. White Leg horns mated to Tancard Cockerels. P. F. Duranne, Phone 4421. 2m FOR SALE S. C. White Leghorn Eirtrs for hatching, from 2-year old hens. Stock carefully Hoganized for laying strain. $1.50 per setting of 15, $8 per 100. B. T. Merrill, R 2. citv. phone Farm 3303. 4t WANTED A Rlrl for general house- work. Good home and good wages ' to competent person. Every con- venience. Address R. M. Hofer, 785 South Commercial street, Sa lem, Oregon, Phone 855 Told by.tfte6ank BooK "PIONEERS," In laying claim to being a member of that class, the Farmers State Bank boasts more of progressiveness than of age. We're trying to keep trying to keep on our 'toes' for everything he communi ty may need. We believe in Corn Raising and are not only talking it, but helping it be doneThat' 'pioneering' is'nt it? C W. IRVINE, . . President. J.B.PARKER, .. .. Vice-Pres C. G. IRVINE, . . Cashier G. C. SMITH Assistant Cashier. T5Aa FARMERS STATE BAM Independence IOWAK UADS SECBETABY OF AGRICU1TURS mi MM FOR QUALITY .AND .QUANTITY, c i, r Mr Lean. Prop 4 H. T. Meredith, Des Moi pWtabr has been made isMj reaVry t agriculture to President tary David Honston takes t treasury aecrtaryh4p made asuit by tke reslgnatiott of Csrtar aiui nun naa nan Sec ET.lKEIiriH B8ntor from Vta;4al Diamond CHICK FOOD SAVES LITTLE CHICKS and helps them to grow into big, atrong, healthy birds. J A clean, wholeaome, natural food bo dut no waste. Keeps the chicks healthy and make them .grow fast. E8yLo4 or our Name and Trade Mark cn Eorry briflnal Packag OUR 1920 CATALOGUE m. at A V. M a 1 1 1 . II Ut uiamona quality Poultry supplies, iisang everything necessary for the profitable production of poultry mailed free on request. Ak foi Catalog Chicks 'jjffjl adBigfS "BUCKEYE" Incubators and COLONY Brooder Stoves ii -i t - l lall" - Incjependence, .. Oregon