2M tmmtmt r)TH YEAH ,.W. J. CLARK, PKOPUIKTOU, INDEPENDENCE, OREGON, MARCH 12, 1920. NO. 42. wMtnnxtm h km tax RETUHNb Uut Men. Farmers ami Wage j Workers Must File Schedules j of Income ior uw. Larch is lasting date. j L income. ofl'.OOOerOv.r, If Si. j g!l r J2.000 uw.,r"" I IIENS WITH TEETH AND 'WAR MEDALS BIG EGGS ,,,, ,"B,.n r..U-1l, ,'.f stut t-u in l..v every n.l ' ,n,i M.-.a.-u. u.a t t.. ... i-ii'i ii in. tn i tiiif t: I ,,f tlx- -'f (U" "'"' f"r tVWr I'D " ,M . .. 7 1m. Im-wiii" i I""" " " ...... H,t..,,r ..ll.IrPtl. U Htrrunn 5m, riulr-i...Mit ; m..l. If mill, lent to r' is li. ...... ttiimf liM Wiulr i rrttirn. mi -. - Wuln J"1"1 "',uru or 1,1 "i,"r"1" fretarot of ttil-H" '"' 1 A rtl'C' !'" w 11,1 i"1""'' depend- U nittrt It.. I'i'lf U. Income of such jiHidrtit. A minor " wt 'n'" "f l i, 0r n,..rp I not roi.lU-m1 pffwmnl r-urn liould l ma i-n firwM In l''r' ,or", iRraidectt of Orrfon thould Iff Inwitt Ti Mlli'tn A. MHIrr CollKjar of IntnnJ ertiu. Tort Im4 Oft. How t Flgurt lnem. Tb Iwit way to find ut whttir oMBtoit Al rrtnrn U to ct Tmm lWiA ind foil.. u lrinwtlow priotfd on It. ThHt form wtll er9 I rmilmJiT of rvery It'tu if Inronx. tad If I return In du It H lww to 'ruiir n(J Hla tt. , If In itiiiit.t nn in rvnlnt 10 1(1 Co I It r dvdartlona, M-rn mjr wfiir fi idnr mJ ail from th rn-nrfitt mtrr- Ul IlivrnUtf offli'f GiiMuiwtirV. tlmntrt( tA othr Mt tr mini ttt'tlu..Ji iirt Imrrffl w Ih-ii a er-r-n li nmVliik' out hi IiH'ume Tux re turn. Arcurarjr ntid comiiU'tt-neii inimt b lnlti( uiMKi. Tin return ! lorn utiiti'im tit. An tuh It mut Iks tliorough iiii) hi nirnt SlBrin (MTmitiH hihI wrtK ranur liurt liw-frtnlti tin- ai luul niiiito'tiwtlnil rwvlvH. Ovi rtliiii-, tionuKi-H, uliurvn In ft iroflin (if it litmlrtr, vutii of qunr tr mill linitr'l ftiriitKtifil ly th t'in pl"yT ami ntin-r Kimik hl li ar ann t"tinitioiin f,.r Ki-nliv muRt txj In- Cl'lilwl. It mutit he (Mirtip In mind that com-pto-uiloti limy jui ill In othtT forma ttati hi m!i. . )Uni paltl In Liberty li tiitnlitfl at U market alu tt im konda. A noim cIt0 In tax KfTictf fa ff LaSBi tt . ; I A I :' ' ' t . - 1 jrlVx'.. V tir'i - - At tli mt tiHH'llii; of Uic Inilfix-n- l'ii ? lo;tt No, WW of tin' American ; I- k'''tt, the iiriv i iiUliijn of iiu'ilala of thi! t.tat-' nirvM- uml Kr.-ni h war I' ' k''H. 1 iiii'iriuriiil idTiificnU'H to tornuT aer- ' Klnir !vir nu n ami next to kin of tiuw (Je ! ili at (!, t;ok nl.irf, Tlnihi; rei-vivinir tin- intiliilrt ur uh folloWH. I'ni'l Sfholl, Monmouth, On-jfon. !!". II. J'ollan Monmouth, Orejcon. Oregon. fclmer Chapin, Parker, Oregon. Ilarlc-y F. NeUon, Inflependeme, Ortvin. I e. Willinrrm, Airlie, Oregon Harry M. Oro", Independence, Or C'l' Cii.sU-r C. HufTum, Indep-.Tidence dream cms. mm AS they re-unite 1 f VS illiniii K. t.'outt Honkiii8, Oregon U'illu J. McKiniiey, Corvallirf, Ore- Ocejjon. Ur. F. Oregon. i;i(in K. A'tliur ( it. Cl.iylord ,r , . i Vi.-iyion loin L. Oatien, Monmouth, Oregon ;)re.,n Holj.li K. Cox, Monmouth, Oregon. ( ;itUi Hoy (I. Petty, Monmouth, Oregon. j ,-,,,, ( KituiHi.Kon K. (IroveK, InHependeiKe j,on K. Addison, Independence, Q. Hewitt, Independence, RogK, Wa.sco, Oregon. P. Black, Hueria Vista, Ore- (J (iodfrey Independence, Olenien, Monmouth, Ore- Oregon City, Ore- Di'fi'i .n i liitvid I goo. ; Jiis. C. (jarhcr g.m. i V. (I. Williiiuihon, Airlic,0 rcgoti. I 1'. W, Juiit-K,!! o.tkiiiit, Oretron.": ILL .M eKin-ey, Independcnice, Ore g'.n. II .;. f.. n It i ii.irin v. jo wen, nonhinn, Oregon. ( H;iljih V. Tavenner, Monmouth, Ore' gon. j Ix-onanl I), Ruch, Independence .Oregon. J T. HouHe, Independence, Ore- A. Trent, Hiikreall, Oregon. Huntley, Independence, Oro L. liaMctie, Independence, A CliiCinr.atl ha with tetj r em witti a mammoth lt-pouod, iK-urJ-brfaKtng. eilaylng Chl io hen for favora tbtaj mtek. At sir re" themt fraal foli tola ,-eak mm lha pletura la tbetr on tiiualnm Th picture At lit top la of the claot U-pound bird, uwfiM ty Mra C. M llwnkla. 1 i Clarenioni-a, Chlcaito. and ona A Ha giant tt. which maaaurea 1 34 Incbea In etreumfaratoc and eiiha I oancaa. lialow la David ftiodibrf of Ctoelnoatl and tba han, normal axoapt thai tt baa al most a bumaa taea, a vary abort bill aad taatb TutU at faatbera maambla aara. m K fca value, and the IntereM utn It la mImi tatahle. Other Raturni Oua. Kvery pnrtnernlilp doing bunlnew In Hie I'nlteil StHlea inunt file a return mi Korm KKl'i; ami every xrtiial H-rvlt-n cirirtloii uiuHt flic a almllar ri-turn. n., i,. mum (lie annual re turn on Form U2t. Tmiih..m ! utora. admlnlntratora t and ..tlier unlnK In o fidii-lury capae- :(- liy lire n-ipilred t llle return. In Arntine aoute rinM'K, Form IW I ""': In o-iv- ! othera. Form UH; imrl "till omens ..n i... ii. r.imttf are rfdiilred. Ji.formntlon return, on Fwrma 10t j and VM inunt !h filed by every or p.inUntloii. firm or tH-mon who paid, during 101'.'. an amount f '.("' '" j milary. WHgea. Int.rehi, r.-nt. or other fixed or determtnahle luroiite to nn- . other pernoii. partnership, p'twrnul , nervlee coi-Hiriitlon or rtdtu lary. Tliene i.,r,.r,,.,.i..ii n-itirna hIouUI he for- waide.l dlntctly to the Commissioner t,f Intenittl ltevenue (aurilnic division), WitHhlngton, I. C. 'gon. ? Geo. A. L'urkhedd, Olympia, Wah jington. ( Al.rahnm F. Becker, Independence, Oregon. Howard W. Morlan, Monmouth, Ore teen Kay M. Walker, Independence, Ore gon. Simon P. Linnt Independence, Ore gon. Illia B. Byera, Independence, Ore gon. Melvin L. Kay, Independence, Ore gon. Arthur L. Miller, Monmouth, Ore gon. Ruttert R. Thompson, Monmouth, ,Ortgoo, Herbert Kvann. wonmeuth, Oregon , Merl M. Nye, ImlepefitienVe OfVfcii Grover C. Henkle, Monmouth, Ore gon. Jaa. H. Henkle, Monmouth, Oregon Dean S. Haughman, Independence, Oregon. Ira S. Williams, Monmouth, Oregon Gustave Fisher, Independence, Ore gen. Verd H. Shrunk. Independcncet Ore gon. Clinton Haun, Independence, Ore- Audrey Oreirn. llohirt II. Hoyaer, Salem, Oregon. Howard A. Ilouae, Independence, Oregon. Irin J. Grund, Monmouth Oregon Ja. Rigle, Independence, Oregon Dean M. Uuvall, Independence, Ore gon. Loroy K. McCallum, Suvcr, Oregon. David K. Kennedy, Independence, Oregon. Henry M. Uhman, Independence Oregon. Warren S. Riley, Portland, Oregon. L. R. Sutter, Corvallia, Oregon. James S. Cooper, Jr., Portland, Ore gon. Albert C. Vester, Eddyville, Oregon Wesley R. Osltorn Pedee, Oregon, i Julius R. Wiemat, Aarlie, Oregon. Frank Addison, Independence, Ore gon. 7' ' These 86-yeaT-oId twlna. Amanda aad Amen EstarDrooK, ra- united last week at the Oak Park Infirmary. Chicago, how P parted again They were born In Chataqua county. N. Y A TlOia eirla. Amanda wore n plnb ribbon and AmelU a blua Ona, a ffiowar , ou id tell em apart Both were married and raised famllle. Mt bow are now widows Neither baa ever been to a theater i I (). Young. Independence Gien C. fmith, Independence, Ore- J. H. Loient e, Monmouth, Oregon. GET RID OF STUMPS NOW POWDER NO HEADACHES NO FREEZING NO THAWING SAFE 10 HANDLE i Black Blasting Fuseea Powdei, Cap I Ha user Bros. Salem, Albany, Eugsne, and Corvallis. SERVICE OUR 1MUDE L E. HASELTOf', Local Agent. If r.-t V FACTS We ara (pecialista and experta in cienc of axamlning eyee and r. fittln of tham with gUssea. 19 Year. Experience.) ur oirn lenaea and r"?1? on'y lense grinding Harry E. Morris Sr Co. yeilht 8pecIaUat. 106 Stet st. Phon6 2S9 INCOME TAX IN NUTSHELL WHO SlitK-Ie persons who had Income of S1.WM or more for the year 1011. Marrle.l .oupl.-s wh" nct hieome of .(NN or moro. WHEN March W2t is Arm' date for tiling returns nnd mnk Ing OrHt pnymentM. WHERE-fonVct'T of internni Itevenuo for Dlatrlct in which thn person residua. HOW Full directions oi. lonn " JOIOA and Form 1010; also tha Inw nnd regulations. WHAT Four l'T t"'1"1"1 tax on tnxnhle Incomo up to J4 000 In excess of exempt loo. night VT cent normal tnx on balance of taxable Income. Sur tax, from one per cent to slxt.v flve per cent on net Incomes over $r,ooo. Cordwood Now 'Stead of Human Load on Sub-Infested Ocean r alitor not for from In dependence wai recently held up and robbed of S52.49, Looks auspicious. where 'd he gat it? C C WRIGHT, M. D. C VETERINARIAN Residence "Uuncle BiUy' i vVY bfif r--V:rMlosa of a Ufa Cantaln Bertram Haves baa a lighter "load" now It's Juet plain old cordwood on a squeaky wheelbarrow at his farm at New foundland, N. J Captain Hayea commanded the huge liner trans port, the "Olympic," throughout the war period, making hundreds of trips across the aubmarine In raated Atlantic He has been dec orated by tba British with the D 8. O. for running down and sink ing a Oerman aubmarine. This Is the first vacation he has had since the war started la 1914 He uarrtAd thousands of soldiers and allied leaders across without the .V:.?a THE QUALITY OF lonogram and Veedol Oil Is Beyond Question-they Cost .Mpre than Cheap Oils and Are Many Times Worth It 0 GOOD OILS ARE GOOD ECONOMY The Pistons of your naotor work at a high rate of speed in intense heat under terrific pressure Cheap Oils can not give compression pads and lubrication at .. , x i i iiriinin A A MT" the vital part oi your cynnaer munuurtAiYi run VEEDOL OIL CAN DO. The compression pad saves gasoline. The Lubrica tion save wear and Tear. MONOGRAM AND VEEDOL OILS retail in many places at 35 cents per quart. But before the last advance in cost we purchased these Oils in car load quantities and are offering you a share of our saving in books of coupons as follows : One Book of 20 Coupns (20 quarts $5.25 One Book of 30 Coupons or (30 quarts) $7.25 One Book of 20 and One Book of 30, or 50 qrts 11.50 We can make this offer at these figures for a short time only the driving season is just ahead of you BUY AT ONCE. '1 ... Ace Garage INDEPENDENCE, OREGON. ANNOUNCEMENT I I am now prepared to do all kinds of Machine Work, Blacksmithing and Horseshoeing and solicit a conuance of your business. In a short time I will install Machinery for Re-bering Cylinder, Grinding and Turning Crank Shafts. Independence Machine Shop and Iron Works GEORGE WOOD, PROPRIETOR LEI'S Pill INDEiENDENCE OH MAP V