3nmm A . .. aV S V YEAR. W'Jl CLARK I'KOl'KIETOll INDEPENDENCE, OREGON, MARCH G, 1920. NO. 42 mow If JRMFR'S INCOME SUBJECT TO TAX, . kins (or 1919 Must Be Figured Under U. Due March 15. AN0 SALE PROFITS TAXABLE. kKH-Of ' .1 r gull for Computing. i farcer. ,rfc' 1 Mf ,,....,,,.- Muni. U, 4d. ...I In , Llll "' ' ...... ..r t... m. (I irliij t! I'll I o( aVft'-H.. : ...! u.ur',..- i. ' arfait !:3M f.iim - f 1 .r I.' , i f ... e .'Mi-'.--. for :! Hit ' nil Tear . I' ' ,.f f.t; -rk nil. ii... ' 1 ff'i.'ryi s ! .i j r ;. (.. ;n; :,.!!;!!.,-. .,i SMI !!(. !, A rTi..iial.l.' tni'l fr r 'ni:li, w ! i . . 5 1 . : 'I (lie funii, ( (n iiiili.s ii ) i ! i tii tin (li.'ir Ii: 1. i,,ii..iiti llh 1 I. ii .i;: In ! I. rr nip ,t '"I H.-ar Farm 1. c,v,i kfc nf a i-r.. ' : : '... - v , FACTt- i"' -la; d of t- i.-i; ' fi,lin8 Of then, lJ le'irs Kxii-ri,,, i-'r"nl (Hlr O A ,,ult! me only ,nt Salem. ca" (iui.li,.;, e r. i inn n,. .. -i mm P u : Sr Co. E),'8iRl't SpeeinliHt " State St, . funanaaa Mjr "l n - fill- ! . ... ,il...l I'll ill.' t . . . a . ... a fit- firm Fnprn.ra, I i. Il.rnli.'i i uii'i" i-l J, lll ' 3 - i ' I "4 I I;..' llll I 11' 1 ii.t.liiloit '; .IH) K l I f ..I.Hft tiff! . I, in m!.v . , ..i uf f--1 j . tuny I . fur lis ! ! ! " i, l.u! isf j f..i .i is ! I l:i i.,.nli)i- ii ft I .k I. 'i . ' i ..I, f. n - . 1. ,!-, '. ...!, II,-. :f ..,!,.), ,til iiuS ry , j ..:. f..r Sli I.Dl i5.. ' ! I.- - v jin iii r . .i '.. t . r.iiMii i i ( fur ! ' I . . IV, H V- : . .. (in. i-f . ,i, i,f liull'J tl' :!!. Ill f ! ' ii. t .!! . i . inny I it r "ii fur m f .i rtiilioiiHt ) , i : : jiiii!, n i: W. W.The State, I Am By Scott C Bon. Ini bU HwsrMary of BUU. Ilotwrt La.tn, bM (la mphaRi to thU -I- H UM." h MkM. -m U. b.n told, tbit durtn my lllnM ro k rrqaOr wllwf tb of U tiicuuv dopartraonu of tb CdTtroiMoi into lnfrwMT Propouodlof thU query aad twattlni to nwflr. bn thua traojly daoaUbl ih Berurr. VBdar or eoiMtltatlftuI law and prtl. u tfevolopMl hitherto, mom but U Prwldat hat tb rUht to kummoa tb bwda of tha iantlM dpartaiuu Into conference, and oo Oia bat thm rrml4nt nd tbo Conra haa tha rtht to aak tblr tlawa or tha rtawi of aay oaa of thato oa any pabU i.Brln fraoklr i4 pronptlr tbit oita Informal eablnat mat lufi h4 boo hld and that ha, aa tba rtnklox namtMir. trior coo fnrrtDt Hh bU rllMiu. had eaJlad thM moeUnim; tbt It wu fall that. In !w of tha fact that we war doc lad com man I tattoo wUb jroa lha Praalilnnti, Ii waa Imi for u to cantor Informally tnjcatnnr on lDtardapartmnil nmiara (i to wbleh action eould not ba poat ponad until rmr mwllril advtari permllM you to paat upn tbam" alalia alt lota wltboat wrajiloB or oquifomtlon tba BwrUry Imma dlktnly ninrwaod a rnulluaaa to place hla rmiffnaUoo In tha Prealdent'i Imiiiln Tharanrx.o. tha lrMidnt, nniltnK noililng In tha (Wcretarr leltar "which Jmtltl. your MutntUon of frvtldnntlal authority In uch t mutter. " and riB cunviicd, murwovtr. that the ocrtary at tba poai-9 rnfnrnr tid ubiwim)iiily had ucTi.pt.-d hl dlr.tfilon and cuiilitnra "with rluunm," bluntly akd hlra to rlva up hia office and thui afford him "an 'mrl unity to ,Hwl mmn nnt whtma mind would mom willingly go alutit with mln " Ko, "Wf it r a iimi of pr'il'mnd rtllf," th 8.wrtary forthwith aulimui"l hi rtf rintlon, wiilrh wna at mo aevniili'il. I'iiMk nt'ii. t "iiiimt(ii ami Knt.uMI'Mn allUi. and tha pr of (ha country, rr.Tiiv of parly arr.llatliin, without (iin-ntlonliin the rlislit of th l'rulij.il t nitthn ('linnf.i In !1h (ntltnt, Irnvn unllor inly trlllcl'd th l'rr-ntpril' rourtu nd r.?J' ti-l th -ntruonlliiary pretnst, Imonrtiivahln on Its turn, uvd to gnt r 1-1 of Mr I-iumlnn Th fori'ini.al admlttlRt rutlon ni,iiipr orpnn, thn N'w York World. crlU tho rpiaiMla "IfwililitrluK" ami d-Hiurula I'xpliinatlon. H.frrtry of th Inti-rlor. Prank lit. K I.unr. idki r-slKn;tion, riviou.ty Mnlirr'l. alll takx p!7i-ri Miirch 1, In a rtmnly nmcrrifiit ati"i.U hla lull tif of ri'.if IMIit v for ih. hIIiiik of tho c.iMiift tnmtinca; hut Hnrrtary Ilak-r mid U, r ri.hin.- nitin rH. who pnrtlct t'ull In anil apprpyn) lh tnitlnR, miiniiin mKtiitii-iuit Hi-nr.-. In, tw, tho H-rrtiry to th? rr-lil-rit. Mr Tunmlty, and tlio Prpal ttoiit'i f.hyvlrian. Admiral Oraytun, l,n liv.i-ui.i: uttmidi'd tnfwt of trio ttjwtloea Waablnicion. Uillniato lou.-h nh ih Whit" H"ii uttuaflon firing th l"f"i!'!--m' H'trn, wn iiniiifmnid.-d ly tlm iTfuldeiifa re t.uka of rtid.ry I rndi.it. h"h of -i.ity afr.tml ih': Miri' c ihl liet It i,iit,ll-aliii' (tiiit hla i'! ! -) 'U-. o'l:il!y Kitlltv of glvtnR tjtlMnc, r,-i'jl. kilts i It r-U'-rt. rrinlinui. In ln,t. tti' lr portfolio. But ra fuitti'-r r -sirri n t l'.n lia. .--ri (ort in'oiiilng Aaaurulnii that tha l'r-ld-nt ft-fhlr.nl the Bocrxtary In good faith ati't i i..or . i ju -1 lnn naturally .trl-. Why .n hot vr Ittmulty or ir i:-iv If . tn.niih.-r of tho ralhet i-..hilif ', n'lvH" tiif l'r-. u; til n,,it r.in Wl.ct t.i-;,!M- ft I'll- r -.i-ri!iM.'l.i arh n t .-in .. t.-'lilnK I I.'ir ,ri'l. f ' b j ! . u l! ..I ' 'IMI k ' M. 1 iK.lli.ti Kn" i - 'M fiif't Ut. who- U.- It.i.t. m in. M.ltllit U,4l I ll) V "-III Ml.lli f - tl : I tha H' f-tai a rni.ir t li ajui.-t illri.isn Urn rti h(1v n jIi id,t.. '': -f4 - -V. 1 iii"tirn tKirt" - .' ' t. lid',.., ... f.i. t o..r- !...irt ' Hi.ili ' f !,. i,-r. ji,Hil tl.ia 1 a '.it'? -' Ko-riiiii..iit- ,'r..: t .,,1-1,11 .'.iiiii.t t:u r a' t i : 1 1 y ii.unf i. -i ...n i.i.lv II," OhLxilt'iUi turlii)!i. I."-" ; jiiinh il. tail to r.'l iifi-.l'J-ntl.il nti. -i'',"!! t!uiiiti.'i up, It ori'C tuur ivti.(Illw-; Tfle tliuu, I am ui"i'tinr;, wvr b.-iag BODY FOUND IN SLOUGH AV7FAI SEARCH FOK NEARLY t TWO DAYS, THE BODY OK MKH. ; BOYDHTON IS FOUNU IN WAT- i! KRY GRAVE. Grief atricken over the death of her ': tJiiuifhter, Mrs, Wm. Ril(feway, whoj iume'l away over two weeks ago at h-r home in Dallas a a reult of hav contracted influenza, Mr. f)avkl ToydHton mynteriouitly disappeared from her home between one and two o'clock Tuesday night, and after a search of a day and night, by citizens j of 'h tnwn and country, nhewas, found cold in death in the Willamette j F.iver Moujfh near the Selitz Lumber j C')niiiny' site,. ' f-T" wph seen ! the Nitfht W'atrh- : , nmn sUnti'liMif on h;r front ponh cry- , lrr JT'I aflfr he officer consoled her, i 1i leturned into the home. She hsui j )j v:! p'l t-pintr wi'h her niter-in-!aw, j .'Ir . Du-u'!, end v.'h;.'n k-nvinj; h'.-rj vc ;:- told, she plf.ctl two pi I- In. .i'. fie !crf'h of 1 ho lit"' !;- tl.al u-r j f lc.-ric' would not he del'ft.--d. Dif- t rent report are incircul'tion, b't. i ni.-i.i t-.i t ,.!!! m in r i. ;i". r i I. ir I ui",ii n Ii f il'l.TIf i. t t f l ira .n.iiiuji I'll 'uli I-.' ,.n,,r r.i .-n.-t-t ."t. r to t ; II Iw j-II ' j."tt lour ' i :m;ni.i- . t . Ml'.li.:- - luvtlv1 'no :t?hne of them can he truthfully tttrit- l as hei'njr correct, aa she eonfulc-d jV.i'h ho .ne or even intimated taking jh..r lif.-.Shi- livoil in the neiuhhoihoo J !,!hii! her body was found several Joars ajro and some are inclined to !t.i::k that 8he wcidently lost her way h fi'ii.iinj; t' i0 to Da'las. The nifrht ttmat diajcref.-thJe ami nhe miirht ilir-M.- loht her war or wandered or fel' j.lu Hiil'Hiy: ii-to the slnujc'i while at-t:-;;t.iiiiir tn cross it, the water beim? H i plates ltss than waist deen. li'-j'. thi--. theory aii-ineed y some i iy supposition. j jFcvi ral yt-ars apo her son died ar.! di-er a tfausfhter, and tho death of her U)uly dausrhter a few week.- njro, was ja "-vcre sli..ck to her and continuous llv i-"i',. l d tn-r Ser death. Guaranteed in American Blood Froa speech in U. S. Senate by lion. Medill McCormick. Woe unto the -wood because of offense: for it must be that oiTenses come; but woe unto that man by wbom the offense cometh." Great powers, political and financial, are eager to frighten and to coerce, to drive senators to subordinate jodgmeni to expediency. During the long months which follerwed the armistice, was anything done to reduce the cost of Irring for the people of this land? They were heavy in January and February, as well as in July and August No process was invoked and 'no appeal was made to lighten the burden then, but now we must haste. In oar haste let us not forget that in the awakening Orient, in China, and in those conquered empires yonder, there are twice as many millions there were in all the countries of Western Europe which were engaged in the war. If we shrink from our duty, if (under the present terms of the league covenant) we consent to the guaranty of territories, if we consent that America shall be an in strument to repress revolution, we shall not only con secrate the wrongs of the past, but by our act we shall pledge America against conscience and judgment to take part in the great war which trnVtreaty promises. Our young men will go forth to defend cities of which they never heard. In the high places of Asia, the snow will cover the frozen bodies of Americans perliaps now un born, and American mothers little girls today, mayhap, playing in the summer air about the dooryards will mourn their sons fallen in the desert wastes of Syria and Egypt.- mere village. v..;-vrrre -' x-T.e - :i.:s-.is u suits and lo'ikinir after his property it . -i .... ( cn interests, lie was aooui w jwis ui , .. . , ., . wake up the people in Dallas as Dal- to mourn his passing, besides sever-: . ' , ' , . .. , , , u , las in far short of what it should be. al brothers and his father, who is past ' . .t. 4.1ov SO year, of aire, seemingly in good Independence is m the lead by loO health and active. Funeral service, .revered voters, wil be held from hi, late resid.nc! Of course thw .. not toe right pro ...... . i.- nortion and. as all the rseople m L'al- tha f jfo-iMii sit one oclocK anu uie - . ... - lotlv wil be sent to Portland and in-; ...i .f KAn rj-xnv '-he voting precincts, the number will He was a prominent 'undoubtedly increase when Dallas pie gei ousy. , . -.4iww5r-. if?5. r-yri'ter before the . o...l- ...... -.V A v.'l q'n.l cKnnl.I n.lf t.-5.it welfare of the cit v up to a few months ' 1 ' " pur- UEC1STRATIOX IS WAY SHOUT i County Clerk Floyd D. Iloore has compiled some figures showing the registration in the county to the pres ume which are very interesting. The review of these figures should i. l""i-.-' ''' Hill. ! :i 1 1 u i ii Inn. f ii U.I..H.I llll nll:l'l' In. . i ,! I,. Mli it I n.-'l ii li-i'ii i a Hull .. .ti.iirl!..ii uf I. - nf mi i in, Hit It I"". I ! ,.. I. II I t ' llll! 1 I. II .,. t.nt ll.,-.-. I'V III' . .1 II. I T!i.' !. ii.-rv i I , Ih -1 Ill 1 1,i-IK- I ll l; one i ji, m. at Mi.i:n; : fi ion I'M'i'V lh" i Mini y i i ailed '.y r.;ii 1 0 iini.at i. 'ii t'.'iii "f :'" week at the Dallas Cotonie-.-i.:! ., ! Ii. 1-1.! ..I !''.,-. i.l (., '(..-. i-.l III lb- .I"'' ,1, i,, ,. .1 no tin- f .'.I'm. ,;l i i'.I.- f i "Hi ,:.''' lie l"T farm J t.((m. ,f ,. IIMi,.,K !,ad l.eeii lw It till' i '-li i ,.!,.., t r,,r ,!,-r,ri ..r .l. l-il lii; I'lUI'o-ei St , f 1 1? I, I ii. wKici't .-r , f 111- I'OHt i!M,.nn:li tlf 1. :illnu ah I a i i' iitiI i H -mid in t i . -.tw", it d- ' :i lluWril. U not & ; ' .. . , , y fjrihi'i' h" c-lii )''. ,,. . , , , ,. -r,.. I, l,i attt-ti.!. County Agent Tsui Carpenter is ii, 'a 1"! i he Wii; u . i',. ill.. f.i- 'tf.i-'v h-rtv ve-rs. M ' Tve; a husband and two tr randehil-'r- n w'-o -!v' the d-.-epest sympathy r , .nr.'irrii v :;i '.'ipr-i' i'i thi? v., ..,..r -.f yorrow -mil pilsforttine. The funeral services will be held Mic H;n)!it clniri h Sunday after i ii--- ;it t'.' D -k Rev. Yr.tes of i ''irv:i"i--. otriciatinj;. 1 t T V. M. K1KM.AM) PASSES t,::!i. a-.-it will in? -r.-: ,U.s and former Dallas precincts have register as . a result of changing i Mr- r.oy.Uhm wan G3 years f ag from the Eagt He was a prominent ri, .j-u hitrhly e.tTHHl by ewiyone :j,a(ton an( v,oll an active part in all ?eop bcfure his death. INCOME TAX IS SUE MARCH Pcmlties f: 15 ;Polk County . Independence Monmouth Fr.lls City Delay a"d Failure wesfSaiem o l-iei'jrns tany T. .M. irkland. a highly respected ( ii.:.:jn ta.'ly pii.r.oer of this city, I CoT.;i!anco Urr,cd. died at his home on .'. Street Tuesday j -. fieini'Hii i-.fter an illness of several j month. For many years he was ac- I li.i'ly engaged in the drug business ; Ml tun. ciiV huh nveti to see iiuiepen- ili'iu'e prow to its present rize from a i'i,.hi prlii- . t he ? ' 'IIV In ll . fill,,.! . :i--'li 1. 1 v. !!.!!,' R.ilt of Willi.' nun and 'In nine .1 !,. if f.i rm v I t rl ! I ;t ,1 I" ...... il lie l.-tb LAST TRIBUTE TO DISCOVERER OF NORTH POLE aoaaM r i Maa ivaa , '.:- e equ-rtH 111 cyeti inn! wi'li Khis.'icn. iiH-s and len: griniiiii( iin broken 1 guiiraiiteeil. .-I 1,1-t - - 'Va Hl, ..ill ".il ,.r ef tl."l :. l k ' i .. VJt J x C 5 -C J n in.ie .. iii"i - ' - Si ) '- i Y v u v . a U,i..n.i.M. r- If ' , ' . - v . ' H i' a,.v v! n , - ; I I ,f s- - Klf fi Ko,-,......fa fj '( , - mm" s," ''' " I , . - v. N N- ll ti.- !.-: I -f 1 - 1 . !' ,. i v ii T i , , , i, iru.-:.. : !' (, SDK -' , s x ft wrii.-.t i.tv- i- Ti-n ' ;' , , , iA?. ' . - iv J. I .,,,,1,.-. ,.fui . ,r,,m ;f' v. 1 " ' J s r, 1 ...-,..:. r - ' - , -vJViV , . ft' I if Hi ' I 00 i .'i I ' ' ' '4 ed I'"''-' I""'" . . Tl 2 i..iv ............ ;;, - ( , , . . - . HI 1 Ti,',.-;-.-,.en: ( . ' v 1 ji f .. .is,"..- i--"-: !" 'V 1 , , . 5 -A I en,,,! , " ; ,:. ,- . . . - ql i - - v: .;:r ,,, . - i f j , i I'. A. .Miller iiiii'. I'on- Al! iiit-iiine nix rer.U'iis i.vi-i-ing the year VJU) must lie liled ly Monln. Marc'' l'. Kai-li tnxalil.' return inusi he ti'-"iiiiipaiili'l by check or money or der f ir the full amount oral least one iiuiii i-r of the iiin.niiil of i;i. due. (V.. ii-.i.viuents are -.iceeii'.ed only at tin. i ollt'-tnr's main oMice; it sent mail, llii'v are a t the seinli'f's risk. P.. -..dflits of Oivuun slioulil. til thii- returns wiih. anil make paymeiii i of Im-oiiie Jax to. .union Cnli, nor of Intern. I K"v: land, re. '1 ',.. wlio must tile rd tints luti liave i:t done s.i aiv warnivl Hiat the . :in- ia iiu, .-- f- hea.s penaities nlure In ire' re'i'.'lis in on lime or ike iiiyn:ele.- on lime. iiy iiliuu an' etirly payments are t, in ni'iler i r.'i '". " the iulon'a me Ktliiv- ;!s ;.'li ::.. possilili' u. 1 hi I l.-o "'I . Li.". . larch I.-NOTICE XOT1C10 is hereby given that sup-1-lciiientai articles have been duly til '.v. il.i- office of the Corporation 'oirm; .. inner of tha State of Oregon, changing: the name of Independence C.v;.:!.'!. I'" Oregon corporation, t" i-.i.' ;;.?.uk hairy i-roducts co. Sni .' rr "!.'' I'ivi't.i! jtrticles were taeii j iy ;!..- Caul of Direc"or.5 pursu..nt j to iiie uaaiiinious vote of all tha stoek , hollers of the company. ! !',;;.! this fth day of Polk County Independence Dallas Dallas Monmouth Fallas City West Salem ii r ,n owr u h" last minute. Foiioving shows the registration to Match lt. Total Rep. Dem 50")2 3580 420 977 510 420 734 401 277 487 305 107 293 223 58 Indep. Soc. Prohi. 156 93 121 12' 22 6 883 553 298 18 7 6 27 5 23 21 22 32 1 11 This shows a less number of regis tered voters compared with 1918. 3!: nv registrations were cancelled, as the registrant did not vote once during the biennial period ending No vember ISIS. County Clerk Moore kept the office epe.i until 9 o'clock on Saturday nights, January 17 and 24th and will keep open from 7 until 0 o'clock p. in. on April 15, h and 17 so thoe who cannot get into the office during of fice hours may register before the books are closed. The books are to be .lo.u'd April 20th. Th? popclN" patty is iut yet dead, as Mere is one represented of that party registered as such in Tedee pre cinct. The socialists are on the de cline according to past records. February. Phone 289 . a a " C. C. WRIGHT. M. D. C VETERINARIAN Residence "tlunclo Billy a Tlio man niiod the Stars and stripes to tho North Pole , r.rat man ever to ream ' ; ... t t the ArnnKt0n Na . . i.rtiml Robert E. tesir. p,.ii militarv hnnorn murkflll Lom-ri '',, .. n. c. Full tnilltry Honors mantea al Cemetery a hl9 ufe's work to this feat and was .vardod with success. His "name will lire forever In world history. a -a m tk. a 4-aVa.A "'v" : . - (hA rnsket was la&en iroiu me uunm t, i-w lUer. he d.ed. 1020. Dire. I ory, k.'i K. C. EI.DKIDGE, ' K. C. FI.DRIDGE, Jr., M. ELDRIDGE, ori. of Independence Cream .vn as Kldridjfe Dairy Pro- tluets Company. $100 Reward, S1C0 The roaJers of this paper will be pit-used t- learn that t la-re 1:' at least one dreaded disease that science has lieon able to cure In all Its stages and lliat Is catarrh. Catarrh being greatly iiilluenoed by constitutional conditions requires constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Medicine is taken internally and acts thru the Blood on the Mucous Sur faces of the System thereby destroying the foundation of the disease, giving the patient strength by nnihlinK up the con stitution and assisting nature in doing its work, The proprietors hava so much faith In the curative power of Hail's I Catarrh Medicine that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails to cure. Send for list of testimonials. Address F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, Ohio. Sold by all Druggists, 75c. (JET KID U STUMPS NOW USE TROJAN POWDER NO HEADACHES NO FREEZING NO THAWING SAFE TO HANDLE!.,' Black Blasting Powdtxi; Caps', Fusees Ha user Brcs. Salem, Albany, Eagen?, Corvallis. SERVICE OUR PRIUE L. E. HASELTON, Local Agent. I : .1 I UNHBSBHHBayo