II ra II II II II U fl W 1 i Jr LI U II H ti UlUir WW 'LT. fTTi ' n I , YEAR W- J- CLARK, PROPIUETOK. INOKI'KNOKNCE, OliEGON, FEBItUAltY 27, 1920 NO. 41 ,e-- DISCLOSED MS TAN -itto MILLION Ar- 5Slil-K T TIII-IH OWN- I its. w, farmer. r,.l.lty h.r..- thlkinJ"' -t,,,,"'y "W" " , . DnJfiu!-I.. mmiiwr 'f cultlvntinif ,',hL,in.l cr....ii.ir it. Pnlim- liiy twi,,;fth- l by th.- U. I'"r-"u "f , clepnitimiit f th ttk'rl- .ur rolk" x..nnu .t station. lf1!oi'-vi,iv" ,,""n """l" ;f ,f Vmhill WVhir.tftoMuI ,4h and J,"1,Thl"" '"ufl,i''' . .. f.ir lli fitoll fount y. W ,ll fl)"' b"l"i" r-vrl-. t. 2. i 2."l' M,,r" Profligate Waste Hf ,r III ...I. I,. rite xr ll(jrl, the Inl.ll IIIWIO.O (1M II (flV-ll !' lark of lr.U I,. ' '' ,y tl.ut hoid ,!,. ftilful of south Wti.-ti this .k tiiirti'ii y I"' nt situ rpp' i KJm-. illllr.U Id llirll f tr (n'l"n f Jr.'.:!j!l I'1 -lymjr u!fur. t it rr'jlt i"f t !: ilito.iViTit-i usilj 0.!o!i !'".1M i'-r- of alfal i !:9 iwrrm!i!if tl" "V I'V '"' prr c. At .rrvni!inK' jil.- -I ton- ih' p niil of lll.VH) ton , worth JJ."'" to ifrowrr. i n rjuslly rof;UiUr uim of limr . lis brought l "Ul rmull of I toil un'fV. ! p!n to rontmuc ihr nurvcyn rttr !l niruJturnl In ml uf th '' 1 t 1 fWfrbr the rM hm-!1 lant I'w yr Mny Wfrr ut of wmxl ; txltii in to orilrr iim t the mir-ut. whirh ron:itct-ly xwstup- a. !wr p!c your onlrr for nrxt n't ful wrly. lo prii-m on cur JobiI lot. sill ot4m tuln-n rnr nf an wrll lm Ukfn t the In(lrjHni!fnre ninf onics f.r Honk in nml mill. Don't wn It tiM Lit. 'i may t hiirh r next winter, ovl ii bf-inif nit. tf 1 f I frf or homVwil ZfZ?. 1 UV 0,,"r- r-icardlH of cent h. nu 'ri:ivcM M CoiiKn-.n by lct-ii..nttlvB Kick" Hi. ,f Ohio. ao oi,,!..,! i lhMt ,h, rwim.mViucjtM " in !hre,! "U," " Jm.nl.trat.on b UuiiT t lhrouJr,JSJ,,4,0.U,0,0U T,lh f tlr were ruined k tl..-...,) (ivw huiidrt-4 motorcycle became of truck iunur. u wi n a auiomohllc Kxploalvra pluot at Nttro. W. V . for ll.Ul.ooo. H cent U, r.ormiTit wr rou upjill-a and and hundreds old by the War Department I2.OO0.00U r.A .7... " . .-. nearij k.i.t i Vhi V.J-T ' ,u" onti la Fraiici-. havo been il !.fthlr valul Uym,'U' U,t ..H0. r l. man 25 pr ta.l of" cmcELa" WM Wtt",,"t Ly U" ur'''" oa mtrat. Th excuiw onreJ for thw miiujinu tranrlloti I the claim that i .CJ! . ,up',,r" 0,1 al ""-e at homo "mlKht d Kturb tbe mar VI .'itt?J", ui " "'''l for ihe w..uton d.-Htructlon of om I.00.OOO.UU0 worth of autumubilea and motor truck purcbaned nr ihm K0Tram"nt and now parked In tho oimo aad ruvtloc out at vartuu points oer tbo country. Tlilrly-Mlne thousand ninn hundred and ninety-throe motor vehl ' hlr", 10 rr after Uib MKning of the armltlc and tn-lud-d in th al to tho rrench itor.rn menl. Included also In the Win????" ttro S ,M motor ",llc. watlng tbe United Ktatee Tlio War Department aubmltttid estimate for 142.84 1,685 for rler and hurbon Improvrmeuta to tho committer on rlvera and bar lor The lloui puMwd the bill fo 112,000.000. thua aarlnx the tax-j-ayer 3U.a 4 !,&. g The pre-nt iM-cond drllrlncy bill for thli fiscal year carrlo mm ipprwprlatlou of .HK.ooi,noo The otlmatea lubmilied were S 108 00 b0. a aavlnc of t20.OUD.000 lo lb Uuiuayer. SOME FACTS AND" j FANCIES ABOUT THE PHILIPPINES There Has Been Much Misrepre sentation in America About People and Conditions. By MAXIMO M. KALAW, 6ertry of th Philippine Mlaelon. A certain lady at tbe Kt. Lou I Expoaitlon law at a ballroom a brown complex loned man In fault lexn evtijini? (Ires imd ' accoated him with the Inquiry, "I au)poK(i you are Japunctie, air?" Tbe ruan ad dreoaed replied. "No, tiindarn." "Then you must be Chinese," she said. "No. I am not I am a Filipino," be replied. "Ilow'a thatr aaked the lady. "I thought they were all aavaeea living in tlio wooda." Well, I'll tell you how 1 came here," he aald. A month before I left the t'tiHIpplnea I waa living la the woods, hut the American Governor decided to catch aa many wild men aa possible, train them and aend them over tier. So here I am, Jut as yon see." And the St Louis lady actually believed him. That la what yon would call fancies about th Philippines. The fact Is, however, that tbe 11.000,000 Filipinos and their ancestors have bees civilized and Christians for 300 years; that the noo-CtirtsUan population, according to the census of 1018. Is only 500.000, and even these are not all uncivilised. Another fancy Is that not until the cwnlnr of the Americana were school ; buildings aeeo la the Islands, roads built, or substantial boueea erected, Do yea know that for hasuLrad of years the Filipinos have bad coilegea and schools and that the University of cucMr Maximo M. Kalaw. Gridiron Tribute to Roosevelt At the recent annual dinner of tbe Gricfiron Club in Washington, Louis A- Coolidce, of Boston, a former president of the dub, paid tbe following tribute to Theodore-Roosevelt, under whom he served as Assistant Secretary of the Treasury: The spirit of America incarnate i Here in this room he woke us -with his cry. Gathered about these tables we have heard his call to lofty heights and to loftier still; have quickened with a purpose to tread the fiery paths on which he set our feet; have drunk tbe golden cup of patriotic zeal which he put Co our hps; have tingled with a great desire as he aroused the dormant spirit of the time. "He knew and loved his people, and in serving them he broke the bonds of habit, shattered inert traditions, strove mightily for justice, for cleanly thoughts, for honest deeds. Turmoil surrounded him, through which lie fought his way, sweeping along with him exalted multitudes. As many millions claimed him, so we now claim him for our own. lie reveled in these Grid iron nights; he entered into them with turbulent de light, vivacious, laughing, irrepressible, with flash ing wit and lightning-like retort The joy and tumult of his life are at an end, but his example lights the way for generations still to come. So long 84 ordered liberty remains, so long as the Republic shall endure, be will survive. "Peace to his ashes glory to his name.' The lights were turned out while this tribute was delivered and Roosevelt's picture appeared on a screen. It was a most impressive interlude. Statesmen, diplo matists, captains of industry and other well-knewn men to the n Ember of 275 attended the dinner. ( FARM Mortgages M by some of tin' heat improv- 'mm in the WiHnmctto Vallcv, f'H the investor i .r cent. SAVE AND HKCOME ANT INVESTOR Invention te our Partial Payment Plan VOLUNTEERS ACT AS TRAP I'HOTKtTloN THI S Al KIUKI WKAKIAS ATTACK OF YOl SC. PLANTS l ICLCl I. A K CHOI'.; Volunteer onions left in the field . -t Santo Tom a a Is only twenty-Are years i older titan Harvard T That as early aa 100 f(-t in the row. plant at 18COot of a population, of .4.000.00Q r. ther huithy jrnwih a: the surface People, there were 841 schools for boys rtio.ot atUvtive. Supplement and m 1nt aWs? That in 1892, eight I w tr , te tliinnir;-, removing T0 tiie tL" ' thS Anwrt ... . . . s. tuns, there were 2.1.57 schooUT nl tninnitig time any younir plants . , . , " K To grant self-goveniment to Luzon showing an n.f-station. undHr Agu,n.,do wouId Uke "After they are once thoroughly ; Ing self-government to an Apache res- n. ilici hy niajrjrota the volunteer . ervatlon under some local chief." Thus pl. nts should he rarefuUy removed, . ioKe a rormer rresident of the United the adjacent soil examined anl all tiijotx destroyed. In the absence Brace up. The big world outside caste system. Hood" dlatTncflou or royffT 'is bright and bustling and all you families, and that, unlike tl.elr oriental have to do i tn vt Imsv t,a n. it sinters, they are the' only Christian peo- jirt.. on r,x v.. ..1 v: pie in the orient? . , e an yster- ou are not half as People have pictured an ignorant ivrewnea 8 you imagine. mass of Filipinos, illiterate, poor, liv- j Ing a Mfe of servitude for a few Eliza's crossing on the ice to escape. wealthy land owners and foreigners, jthe bloodhounds would be easy to with no iioiises or farms or property those used to crossing Broadhwav.New of their own. Do you know that 70 jyork. State Street in Chicago or f "multiplier' unions about ev-jof Filipino opposition, but do you know Statei during the Filipino-American war. Exaggeration could be an excuse mt A rlmn UL'K At-t t)n ihrnltv t9 els a AM r 1 I ,. ' " - - 'h"u va. iuc aLU' hi t n iinliuir h ni & hi d.wi. Din nr ..in. r.,h..eH tl,.. i.,l..rv fmm oi. ..,. , .. .' " .encan people uemunaeu the extlncUon ' - " row Kot hy M I per i-eiit in the encounn:- , inif n-port of A. I,, livett, entomolo- ifixt at O. A. (', experiment station. It in the romiiHin irut tu-e in tom merciul onion priwhic tion," Mty Prof. Iovett, "to k" over the Ih-IiIh in the fprilii? iirnl reino till volunteer ori iona. OLaervatimii allow ihnt where these vn!.iiu.er phints are J f t in thf 1 FACTS -m,irijrcye8findi er 19 Y tho"1 Wlth Bl88cs. i i Yeurs Experience.) I A I "Sol erv KmI feet i UL'ireteL" 1 t t CAi;i OF THANKS We wish thank nil the fnoiitis who have so trenerouply en he.uutiful flowers, sympathy kind that the Philippine Republic, before the j American occupation of the Islands, had the approval of prominent Ameri cans who were on the spot like John Unrrett. Director of the Pan-American plv" Union, who compared It favorably with ami the Japanese government? That Ad- i-.-sistJiiu-e in our recent bereavement, mlral Iewe.v considered the Filipinos Mr. jnol Mrs. G. N'. Slopcr and' herter fitted for self-government than ,!,,,,.;,(,.,. jtho Cuhans? That they had drafted a - . . constitution at Mnlalos which elicited , "" ' ' ,Z r !ne approval of distinguished Repub- V- I.:.rs and Suit (ases at ,loang ke a,e ,ute genatop GeQrg F M(H)UH WALKEK'S. Furniture ti,)llr? Tli.it ht.f,ro n. mmim. th. plants priictirally f ree from mma'ot ., S( i Americans the.v bud nroduced national injuO'. j heroes like the martyred Joae Rlzal, "Sui-h t rikiiitr r-ulu wero nlitaiiv ( The Heetion connuission of .Mihvau- pronounced by a Repuhllcan congress el in tin?.-- cnrrie.l forward in Hritish Kee imnounces tlint caniiidjites ofFer- ""hd, Uepresentntlve Oooper, as the Cohinilaa l.v ('Hinolimi entoinnl.iMf itur vutors uimiiaiLMi cijrurs will ,e ' "m ver uuen ion i i n l, ... a .., 1,10 ciuicnes or tyranny! in hurv. Pshaw! A cam- ' have not hud. 01 huiwtnls of years nijj 151(I thev prove veiv attrtutive to Piaserkl, Iialliis, Oreiron.iflv aihl it i;i on th-se nhirit." thev cen ter their nUack, leavmi: the younjr percentage of literacy is almost as high as some of the states of the Union? That It Is higher than In any country of South America, hljrher than tbe lit eracy of the Spanl. nx-ple, and un questionably above' that Tf any of'The"' new countries recognized In Europe? Do you know that there are a million and a half farms In the Philippines and that 90 p-r cent, of these farms are owned by Filipinos. In other words, that oui of the 11.000,000 Christian Filipinos, 8.000 000 of them at least live on their own tarms, with houses of their own. Independent of any absentee landlord or foreign master? That 91 per cent of the urlian property con sisting of houses and lands Is owned by the natives of tho Philippines, and m!y 9 per cent, is In the bands of for eigners? Vet these are facts cabled by Acting Governor Charles Euimett Tes ter to the War Department from the reeet.t census estimates. Having solemnly promised the Fili pinos their Independence and having gone before the world as the champion of self-determination, the Filipino peo ple cannot understand how America can consistently refuse to make good these promises. CLIMATE OF THE PHILIPPINES l.y imd it in urged th:it the practice a trial. "Leave 2 to .1 volunteer plant 11 r growers )riv'" liahle for paiirn cijrnr insult ! is not a bribe- i. The Philippine Islands have a mild ly tropical climate. The nights are cool and sunstrokes are unknown. Tbe temperature record for the past thirty years shows an average of SO decrees. ; 1 1 Bullock Still the Speed Steed in Carolina Hills 'erind 0Ur , rsthe on,; ,!."08. "m' Salm ' fusing ; duplies any brokcn 1 ,l-llon rnni. . ,fry . Mori 4- Co. "Jt. i.i5.if"i-.:j . 1 j i'. 1i?tSsv-nJ .VHiWI ii L.'h,Mi2L y-s Phone 23D . . .-j ..nnininaa am thuM of the mora Stflvanced mAthoda Twelve-cylinder motor cart. eaiT that they hare been adopted every plaee. jf tvJ la thi r-eat Inrentlve era tat . that does f the oa or bulloek are aUU the steeds 'rrtaatauace-rUht here in Ameriek. i? " u vehtde of abeolute tenor, oaordla to of speed for tho ore "well-to-do lol) 1 a fortnight, the mountaineer's ws4od aad thla to piur NOTICE NOTICE is hereby given that sup plemental articles have been duly fil .'ed in the office of the Corporation ! Commissioner of the State of Oregon, 1 changing the name of Independence I Creamery, an Cregon corporation, to jELDRIDGE DAIRY PRODUCTS CO. , Said supplemental articles were filed by the Board of Directors pursuant to the unanimous vote of alt v" holders of Dared 1920. K. E. E. Directors ery, known ducts Compa . , . GET' RIP OF STUMPS NOW POWDER NO HEADACHES NO FREEZING NO THAWING SAFE TO HANDLE. Black Blasting Powder, Caps Fusees Ha user Bros. 'Salem, Albany, Eugene, and Corvallis. SERVICE OUR PRIDE L. E. HASELTON, Local Agent. For 1920 Plant 0"ty 0, He We offer On fer aay case 0 cured Vy Haifa HaU'a Catarrh by catarrh auflt five years, and t moat reliable rec Oatarrh Medlclnt ttoe Mucous aurf. an from the Bio eased portions. Atar yon have Medicine for a ah reat Improveme health. Start takin cine at once and r for testimonial!, fr F. J. CHENEY & Sold by ail Drugs