HQHT A; " , , .1 . .- -ry"""" : r r """P"i r -1 , 1 hy-r ( J m DEPENDENCE, OREGON. THE INDEPENDENCE ENTERPRISE, IN PAGE TWO SWOPE & SWOPE Lawyers I. 0. 0. F. Building Independence. . . Ore W THE PALACE Main Street Open day and night we sere meals and lunches at all hours Try the famous Mt Hood Ice Cream. Also barber shop in connection. & FLETCHER & BARR1CK, ATTORNEY'S Cooper Building INDEPENDENCE, .. OREGON i ' TIME CARD ON VALLEY SELITZ RAILWAY, pffprtive Sundaj June 23th Tha Vallev & Siletz Railroad will run a train leaving Independence at 7.45 a. m. going through to Camn One arriving there 10 a. m. Leaving at 4.45 p. m. arriving Independence at 7 p. m. leaving at 7.25 p. m. for Ho kins. Sportsmen will have an op portunity to whip the Lucldmate, ON OLD ACCOUNTS WE GET RESULTS WE REPORT RESULTS WE REMIT RESULTS WE PAY THE EXPENSE WE TAKE THE tS.Ufl.oiri. KNIGHT ADJUSTMENT CO McMinnville, Ore Successor to YAMOREG COLLECTION AGENCY. -aa ft mm ' mi a u i STORAGE BATTERY STATION . ... . . i r : Tinf. - v selL item anu ucum mi ters- OUR REPAIR WORY . i Cl " 418 court Bireev. oaicm. Phone 20S ri STATE NEWS I I IN BRIEF. Amitv. The Amity drug store was broken Into Monday night and all the jewelry, valued at about 500. was otntfT, besides several cameras, flash lights, cigars and what small change was in the till. North Bend. The annual report compiled by City Recorder Mayboe shows that 63 arrests were maue m tha cltv In. 1919. Of this number 21 were for speeding, 16 for drunkenness, 10 for having liquor In possession, 7 for minors In pool halls, 6 for disturb ing the peace aud 8 for other offenses. Salem. A state game and fish com mission composed of seven members, as proposed following a conference of the fisheries industries and game committee of both houses of the legis lature held here Monday, has the In dorsement of Senator John GUI, of Portland, according to a letter receiv ed from him at the executive offices. Hend. To make the pay for the work of census taking sufficient to Insure a thorough enumeration of res Idents of this city, the Bend Commer cial club directors have decided to pay 4 cents a name in addition to the 4 cents already offered by the govern ment. Unofficial enumerators may be appointed to work the week end to assist the government employes In on taining population data. ATareiif!fiii The Derennial threat from Medford and other Rogue river valley cities to close the lower Roguo to commercial fishing has stirred up the residents of Curry county as usual, and they are out with a determination to block any such bill at special ses sion of the legislature. Fishermen down there have organized to fight what they term "hold-up" and the Marshfield chamber of commerce is backing their efforts Salem. There were 44 fires in Ore gon, exclusive of Portland, during the month of December, according to a report prepared by A. S. Barber, state insurance commissioner. Klamath Falls suffered heaviest of any town in the state, the aggregate fire losses there for December amounting to $40,- 000. Total losses from fires in De cember showed a marked decrease when compared with those of the pre vious month, according to Mr. Barber. RESB I 11 if m mm da Additions to National Forests Prepared by the U. S. Department of Agriculture Inolilti Purchase totaling 00,381 acres In the White JfliZ ans and Arkansas at an average vrlco of $. 0 P r n . acimins onu -.,1.11iui!11n. n body crenu-u ij - At . .... fv.iM.inr tjiearv ft inn iuuinii""""i approved iy imhi -. . . ,., viable lmii for m coiiirress to pure base ami on me 7 ,,.. ,1.... UM. pXuonVthe.r watersheds. The action of the cj.jnjj J 7J Z fulness of the new national forests n the 1 ast tho In V" from the beginning of purchase worn in 7 ,or hoglnnlng 1021. The commission also decided to request, for l ' ' (H)m)00 for n appropriation of HO.000.OUO In tlve annual Installments of I.I M "K" v. j if (. c Ik. 1 3 ttito1 -;vj " Lkytnoitu 17 N v- 7 IKs The G-E Range Saves Food flic fompiinsoii shown here is mt lucre tlu ory il is hwi on nttual tests. Mum e this saving out in nloiH-y nt present jmccs ot moat. SccMvl.ut t incnm t your iKx-kct-book. ' .jr 1 r j ' M I 'V' ' t Coal A , t . v .1 1 - O PUm.lf f 1,.. ,-,2. t ft ob.4oi MOUNTAIN STATES I POWER COMPANY It i: 'n'4' w 'A w .,vcrnnr Publi OM o all sill .: Lort River Iwuing From Underground. A Scene In White Mountain National Foreat, to Which Has Been Added a Large Tract by Recent Action of the National Forest Reservation Commission. extending purchases. The program contemplated Is contingent on the assur ance of definite sums being available for milking purchases through u period of years. Without such assurance the policy will be to rostrlrt purchases to tracts contiguous to lands already approved for purchase. This policy l A'? tated In purt by considerations relating to the administration ot the binds and fire-protection measures. The lands recently approved for purchaw bring the total area acquired or being acquired under the act of March 1, 1011, to 1,S35,30S acres. AshYourDealer Grand PrizelMem Fif earns 6 Ammunition VvYite for Catalogue THE REMINGTON ARMS U.M.C CO. INC Get the GenuineSQ Every Cake SKINNER & WHITE DO YOU WANT LABOR AGENCY 35 N. 2nd St., Portland HripO We foinish promptly Farm Help, and Kitchen Help. Phone Broadway 3205 nvtT?cx uiTOCtri T. M II Physician and Surgeon.. fWVino on1 voai0nrp nvpf TnrTd- UVAW.VV -"--.V. . PTTDTOfiRAPHS R81 RtotA Street TWILL 1 fill El If I FAIL to CUREi CANCER orTUMORitrut before It POISONS if jlinds tr attacbss U BONE WithoutKnifeorPaio in PAY Until CURED WRITTEN GUARAMTfE No X Kay or other cwtnrilA AnTsland plant makes thecure Any TUMOR. IUMP or ence nn tha li n. face or body long is CANCER; it never pains until lastBtaga 120-PAGE BOOK sent VRFB! m.lUKt 1tl. moalals. Write ts sciaa .Any ID. m AMBlAMiman oTtt VKTi(1iflfTl fl Cl firm uAflbtil pit Elands end KiUS QIXKIV One womfttiine very 73iesof cancer U ?.r . m.rt We refuse many who wait too long & niust Qia n, v.oif irlpM if fMinrrr vntHiLfeil Write Dr. Wlrs. Chsrnlsy Co.f;rfe BssX J ureai canrcr speciaiiSis 43 issrs Offices 57 Sixth St., San Frarte?s-o, C-il Salem C. II. Gram, state labor commissioner, is investigating the contents of a letter received from Sen ator S. A. Hughes, in which it was al leged that complaint bad been made that certain contractors on Oregon highways had violated the laws by making their employes work more than eight hours. Mr. Gram is gath ering information from various parts of the state and expects to make a re port to Senator Hughes within the next few days. Eugene. Notwithstanding alarming reports to the effect that the recent cold weather has killed the loganberry vines that had been trellised and that appeared above the buow, the vines in many Eugene gardens and in fields throughout Lane county are beginning to sprout. It is believed that the dam age will not be half what it was thought to have been. A. number of farmers in Eugene say that the vines in many places are budding out as if nothing like zero weather has hap pened. In each county of the state a com mittee of women who have been ac tive in patriotic service is now being formed to cooperate with Miss M Belle Jeffery, the State Director of Oregon, in the World's Service Tro gram of Education and Finance which the National Board of the Young Wo men's Christian Association are carry ing on throughout the United States during January and February. The purpose is to raise a $3,000,000 fund to meet the increased demands of the reconstruction work among girls in this state, our own country, in France Russia, Turkey, and other war strick en centers, and to provide leadership for Buch countries as China, Japan, In dia and South America. Health and recreation are to be featured for the girls in industry, business and in the smaller towns and rural districts. So cial and moral standards are to be emphasized. Foreign born women are to be helped along lines of American ization. The Y. W. C. A. has pledged itself to care for the womanhood of America and to do all it can for the young women of the world. It needs the cooperation and help of every community, for all are more or less affected by the great impetus to bet ter living, and the protective influ ence of this organization. Girls from the smaller towns are constantly drift ing into the cities and colleges where the Y. W. C. A. is ever ready with open doors and warm hearts to wel come and assist the girls needing its help and protection, or. its friendly social life. Is not 821,600 a small amount for the prosperous State of Oregon to raise as its share for the protection and development of the young womanhood of the world? The annual report of M;iJ. Gen. Enoch Crowder, Judge ndvocnte gener al of the army, was given out a short time aw, and with It there was made public for the first time an ofllelul sum mary of the "capital" ensr-s occurring In the army since April 5, 1017, the be ginning of the war period. Death penalties were adjudged In 145 cases from that date to June 30, 1919. and execution wa? consummated in 35 cases ten In France and 25 In the United States. Murder was charged In two of these cases, murders and mu tiny in 19, assault in 11, and assault and murder In three. In no case," according to the re port, "was a capital sentence for a purely military offense carried Into execution." General Crowder made no specific reference to the attack upon his ad ministration by former Brigadier Gen eral Ansell, but in nn appendix gave detailed statistics covering military courts martial. 35 Executions in Army During War Ten Put to Death Sn France; Twenty-Five in the U. S. FEED TO INCREASE EGG PRODUCTION HER MUSIC It Is the practice- of n lame pen-ent-nge of the most siiwssful poultry luni to feed a part of the dully grain ration ground. Most of tliein feed tin- ground grain moistened with Itln-r milk r water, although some feed It dry. A fowl's gizzard Is capalde of grinding all kinds of grain, hut It is generally j considered to be more ecnnouilool tni have a part ot the grinding done ! i stenii) or water power. The soft-feed Idea, ' however, must j not be overworked, nays an authority.: Hens like ground feed better when It Is moistened than when dry. Al though full fed on dry masli and grain they will eat a little bit more of tnols'. mash. For this reason ninny poultry keepers give a light ffd of moistened mash once n day to Increase cg pro duction. When handled right It Is very effective. A beginner often reasons that It M cheaper for the miller than for the fowl to grind the grain ; hut tin; pow erful muscles of the gi..anl are there to be used, and experience has Khown that the balance of power of functions in the fowl's economy makes the vig orous exercise of th; gizzard bene ficial. When feeding moistened ground feed have It a comparatively dry, crumbly mash, and n t a thin slop. Give what they will eat readily In 15 or 20 minutes. THE REASON VVL Money it More SafeitiiU NATIONAL BAM X Undle r porti "OVER 2t BILLK p. RESOURCES" :uw i 1019 (Each Under Supt ion of U. S Gov'pnthiy lleil Jons, : ctlon. Of all U place liicr if each Deponit, Hi'le, ml Invc tltiuitCi Money hr i the r) f "Why" w. .houM ,.f3Jto National Kany. srcjl!, nth iekly t 1 W pjed a Jiunl i This Bank is Under Supervision of United StJM Many irlng t it.....,t Wd l0 - - - ' ' - - - Pcrcci vn THE INDEPENDENDENCE NATIONAL BAN Government. It trembled oft the keys-a parting kins So sweet the angel slept upon his nword. As through the gates of 1'aradlne we fiwprtt- Partakers of creatlon'g primal bliss! The air was heavy with the ureatn Of violets and lovo till death. irnrcf-tfnl of flternal banlHhment Deep down the dusk ot passion-haunted ways, Lost In the dreaming alchemles of tone Drenched In the dew no other wings fre quent. Our thirsting hearts drank In the breath Of violets and love In death. There was no world, no flesh, no bound ary line Spirit to spirit chord and dissonance, Beyond the Jealousy of space and time Her life In one low cry broke over mine I The waking angel drew a shuddering breath Of violets and love and death. Martha Gilbert Dickinson. A Grocery That Never Disappoints Customed 10CERIES Cheap ssfx) I Masks Worn to Represent Supposed Faces of Gods Masks have a religious origin. Away back In prehistoric times they were doubtless worn by priests and others who took part In religious ceremonies; and this Is the case today among primitive peoples all over the world. The masks are supposed to represent the faces of gods, whose ports are taken In the ceremonial by Individuals assuming the character of divinities. In Polynesia the native deities ure nat arally oceanic, and many of the masks In that region represent astonishing fishes and monsters of the sea such ns no human eye ever beheld. LIGHT AND AIRY A conceited man revolves around himself. Telephone girls never Invite you to call again. Girls "will bo girls If they can't he married women. A free thinker Isn't a free thinker when he is In Jail. A woman will have her own way even If It Is a roundabout way. It Is Impossible to forget the majority of things that should X be forgotten. Most Perfumes Chemical And Not From Blossoms The great bulk of perfume? are chemical productions. The Wall Street Journal says the commercial problem Is whether the American perfumer of the future Is to be an artisan or nn artist. Shall he deal with the fra grance of dowers or chemical odors and scents? The Idea of the liiyintm Im that the cosmetic chemist Kirks lln odor of flowers, but as n unit i r ot fact, synthetic chemistry not im.y crowns his work with the cni.slieil nil of roses, violets und .li-ssiiiiilne. tint seeks to rival the fragrance of llnwers with superior scents originating wholly within the laboratory and traile-mui-lieil as such. 18. Uses III ted Quuni Not Best Bceause BifcLT ' .Fcrtll j nsc But Biggest Bccausejrtiii,r :l'rlee achlm No Order Too Largo TircrC(, No Order Too Small Tvnt i I Field fcreagc This Store Aims to Fcrvc tho IuUlc Pleaaantly end Wel1 for Goods Wo Sell aro Junt as Represented and When Drder nr4flt0n, Wo NEVER DUPLICATE. Wo Send You Just What You 0,tol( Never Send tho "Just as Good" Kind. roduc1 lncip Calbreath & Jones jensur 4- S DO YOU READ THE ENTERPRI? The Leading and Largest newspaf Independence as well as most vvuli) N wh( drei at I lyn, any lms K03 nils Mn ti ent for Jthii stn rl tiht IM! StO tlK! Wil I dei lie Un to CK 1)1 1' fas