lift Tf""f f Oi - t W. J. CLARK, I'llOPIUETOH. I TO 1 i -iriHt .i tMITY I'BKIMCT , f ptanrU .H-rur. i the .L ,u.-h H lronm- ... i ..... that tVf w" " ' i .. ont! il of 1 . itu.rt I, 1VU ! tit fT , . . ,11 r .i... . .,1,1 ttt uii- ... and Uml ur unfurlun. ,),, truth, irm,c..l .,l r.Hiv- th fut fw '..i-tji.-lm. Staggering Mblow, I'rufcMor PortAprv liurU'tm the rnrth with- Td,.it r ilh hurrU .Sn-r.', .-..'.. rain. t.'itfn .ril'u'.i.-. k'-t mrth.tJi.k" ,VA fearful old. licliuit have ,A , K.l . a1 of U.-t,ti.m, , . 1 1 .......v Mrixiou in-! iB lt. K0VrrnnHi.l tn. j ,hiMk't"n t0 11,0 d''"' ( . ... .....I -.1!t nil- I . w, Whiifl 'l astronomer j ,"t;lh 'rW-r lrta t th p'jnetary Mtutln in th iirit mouth, thry do nut n.l uitli conoe-iur new will b II! K Prediction. 1 to tranir groupinx of nity pUndi, uh ha" ,lot w9 i -n of enturlea. thf j. ju:r r-t Ieeemlr will be W uV ml terrific w-ther 4 p-rii'WcJ. iw human rt ru'l ly the huehent un tmuM-i un-pt that will la l he mikel eye., wiwn fin-t bcgHn to make re jjnmt n un-ol h ' sw)h t I 'n without in f imtrumentii. ThU wi will I.e. WMpot that will apprr De- 17th. 191, will te vn a! in the il of th nun. rl h tfiinntic explosion oi m !. lfanine humlrrU of 9 eat into pnre. t lre enUL'h i,Rttfh Vesuvius micht n ! I football. nun- pot will 1-e rlt h enough Artro-nmjfnftip energy U fl"tC !maspher? of our planet Into a mm without prleru' or ril ,e hurrit ancH, linlitninpr. rain. til!! wt-okji bt-foro the vAri w'll will hIho he giituntic lav ti.mi, great I'tirthqunkoK, m y oiiketh pi.phccy with no dc 'tobo merely wnatlmil or alno ' It in nimjily hecuusc my Rtudy ilw i)lnnt hn revimlwl certain ';!s with nmthcmatinil certulnty. h nwtniler 17th. 191!) no lose 'i wen planet will pull Jointly 'i,ai. in ,..111 Im-luilt' all "v null. in -i.i if- ' ' niichtioia planets, thimo vith tl' n powerful pull. Sis nf tin in Mercury, Mr. sJiipi:er, Saturn and Neptune tic in en.iuntnn; grouped lo 4r In tv.. .nwitnrtt. "leuiruo of W'rvor known in the annals of 'rotiomy, They will 1. iuhkh.I in the narrow :if 2 dejtwd on the name ld 'Jie nun! WiwUy opposite, cotninu into op- ;,)Ki'i'm with this uiKKn'ii U'iWe vill u .1... 1 i t it..., .nu Thrt me nuge imnvt ui ;i!tw'tic' cui-ientK between Urnnus the rIv nlniL.ta will nierce the i like n mirrktv anoar. tT "J . ,Jur earth ia ,intsi,! tn angle of nearlv 00 degrrees In krfwt Position to receive almost the fur of mnnt.r electrical dis ance a. it leBn Into activity on 'hat b nu Vin enntern horl- S t0 of the buii' dine. B warned In advance. Tremcnd J th!ilg are going to happen from "umber 17 to 20th, 1919. and af- terward! THIS ISTHI: RF.I") HKlblWAS SEALS GIRL V, , .-. it' " , " . . . .. " if x l "t w W v BEVERLY HAYES hext players on the two best big city jtearnu were born in small towns, I learned to play baneball in small townn; gained their strength, skill ; and knowledge in small towns. The largest of American cities can- ed for a man, born and educated In ' a Brnnll Uwn.when there was need to untangle and weave together a giant I r t. deportation system. ew lorss bip:g:t financiers, drnjors', layyers captains of industry, once were small hnvK. That. too. i true of Th nresident of the I ' ( 'l 4' United States was bom in a Virginia ' VX lh I village and most of his cabinet mem- ' ,.bers started life where man lives ' nearest nature in ruiral communi- I ! ties. So, too, with most oi our sena "f.K. tors and representatives, our gover- i 1 . iiwi n f i 'i lie natin has a little missoum town " "'Un thfink for Pershine. l I . ... .. .1, ftnro i v; To tne suctessiui man ui we ... :iv: I5e born in a small town; never in a huge city! 1 t X HIS JOB NOW TO SELL OUR WAR PROPERJY " A one sure way of acquiring one's own bhare of that tnanKiui spini. n, can not fail. Don't, we beg or you, at tempt to instill thankfulness into eyesyour heart and mind by turning your eyes upon those who have more than you beter health, greater wealth, more power. Those who gaze too steadily upon the larger posses sions of others are those who chorus: "We have nothing to be thankful for." -X tt DON'T FKEL THANKFUL IVvrrly H) wiji: "Hoy !! Cro Chrlitmas Seals. They protect lit!!,. t-iLMn-n from the nvac-s of tul.erculoi. They build a harrier of hrMlib nbout tbe worker, of tl.e Billon. They protect lmtnes-jnur home. I'liy ii.-Il h"P MM'iniitce and )hyIeal ami economic rehabilitation to tuert tl..n oi. wlllluo P-'Ple In U.eUulte.l States who have tuhercu loi" If you punlae nuul dCr Cl,rist,nS Seals, the deaU. mu of this dread piatfue will e maiorlully reduced. U !r WU P-l" M ofthed.s,-,. Tuelvet iouaand of Ur- J lilll. rbHdrn. Think fit! Wl. death toll l n,e less If 1' ( ' n , Ml t!.U y,v. next years .leath raf will he small- "I t year by year until eventually -ul-uMsi low pass- ' tola II" oUl'VhM. wlfu-b l. ir4y .II,h. kro-, typhoul fever." Many a man and woman, too in sists there's nothing to be thankful for in his or her life. And these thankless ones are not near the bot tom; they are not all poor, lonely, sorrow-laden. Indeed, you u nnu more who "have nothing to be thank ful for" in the middle walks of life than elsewhere, good, honest folk who have met with a measure of sue- cess, a taste oi reveioco, a few unrealized dreams. Pronably it is because of the dreams that they feel so thankless. tVipv honed for too much. Their air castles were too magnificent, too airy, and too feebly supported by energy and will power. But because they hoped for much, gained little, they are come to this Thanksgiving ;a "nothine to be thankful 1,1 11 1 TWV for." ,. . . Of course they err. The living hu man being has much to be thankful for He has life, the greatest thing on earth, to be thankful for. The man who wants it has a job. another thing to be thankful for. He has a family, children, a home, an appetite for food, the church, tne scnoo., n...,i.i I. aoju Rut aallinff ft. again is another Job, as has been found out by C. W. Hare, assist ant director of munition during the war. Hare has bow been made director of sales for the war de partment, his assignment being to get rid of th property acquired in wartime but which to o longer needed. " CALIFORNIA ELKS c ni0i r,al The California Elks Association, in convention hare, In a set of resotuttons enuormns wm 1919 thrift campaign or tne goverm ,i irAPtP.d the oresiaeni oi iuq tliUii.i. "u " .atinn to aoDOtnt commiuees a i .... , in rRrw on tne fia:e oi nuuii ijiiv.. -.y wo, Snvtriri ?ttmns ana Treas ury Savings Cert:fi"atei and to direct the thrift movement throueho-t sub ordinate lodges tn California. The convention approved the action of the Grand Lodge, which went on record as a staunch advocate of the thrift campaign In its convention In Atlantlo City. -t tt WOOD! WOOD I WOOD! Slab wood may be purchased from the Siletz Lumber & Logging1 Com pany, whose mill is now in operation at Hoskins, By placing your order with the Independence Enterprise, . .ii . J nMmfi(1ir with i delivery win oe niau pxvuiywj you, and all of us can-and SHOULD, in a few days. Order bow and save -be thankful! paying more this winter. Wood is If you can't see it that way; if to dry, r M:nna vlcnTl Q f AT fJTT your life appears minus reasons for thankfulness, go out into tne nign ways and by ways of the world and see the human beings who have less than you and be thankful. That Is SILETZ LUMBER & LOGGING CO. Office in Bnterpnce Buncung. Jtt i Dr. Dugamae, Dentist, over Inde pendente National Bank. 1 why, man alive! We could go on for ing. but a collection of human beings fc and breadth of this page jE and a conglomeraUon of brick and things for which we, Pit AISE WIlEHfc , monition PRAISE Is Itt nu - - . deflnition ' of ' J A citv is nothing more than the bor- H will have !-. v atION HAS A LITILfc from farm and small town. to enjrulf the; S()IU, ToWN TO THANK ; inBtanCe; Two great cities this day are pointing to em with considerable joy as Pennant-win l i.n (.hps. iney i j i t 1 1 a 1 4 FOR rEBSIIINfl. t have a niuu i .-r $130,049.02 1284.33 12,500.00 inrr; I re., of accepting un, team, And when you ing uncarwd fairi bras8 tacks nelth- 'u'Tsti k. ff their owi medals of, chicag0 White Sox nor the I They continually keep their (ncinnatti Reds are big city team,, honor. Thc coin' j unci tQWn ,ay ,lo,.k , fi'J'T .d little ,,hr euoi w v""" ci Warning! REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE Inrfpnendence National Bank AT JXDEPENDENCEN THE STATE OF OREGON. AT THE CLOSE of business on November 17, 1919 RESOURCES Loans and discounts,, including rediscounts; - - - Overdrafts secured, none, unsecured. $1284.dd TJ S. bonds deposited to secure circuiawa w .1 LJAV4AilNAia svurniVl ATI a U. S. bonds and certincates to mueu.. r WwPSatfnts' Certificates' " and Thrift Stamps actually owned ."'' . tt ci r...iiunf Securities . ...... Total VJ. o. viu Ytuuii" Bonds (other than U. S. bonds) pledged to secure post al savings deposits Securities other than U. S. bonds (not including stocks) A ..Tinlai1a.oH ............ U. ...... ewucu "e""&' , .. tt o . , , ,.;t;ao other than U a Total oonus, sei-ui n..v, , . Stock of Federal Reserve Bank (50 of subscription) Value of banking houf?, owned and unincumbered t their smaller neighbors The city, W ,mcone has said, is noth- j Don1 left, surely no pennant winner! The geCT I Your Eyes i r rTTrr 1 ! Its 3 rOOMiJ"! i A. 81,189.38 81.32 2,000.00 18,830.48 15,600.00 93,770.70 20,830.48 1,950.00 With Furniture and fixtures ' Real estate owned other tnan bamcing aou Lawful reserve with Federal Reserve Bank . ........ . . it j omnnnri nue iroiu iwnvii"" Casn in vawi . , , . . , rnrnm Net amounts due from banKS, dwk .uu panies other than included m items xo, Checks on other banks in the same city or town as re porting bank 168,272.39 Total of Items 14, 15, 16, 17 and 18. . . . Checks on banks located outside of city or town of re porting bank and other cash items ....... Redemption fund with U. S. Treasurer and due from U. S. Treasurer v . iw,ct earned but not collected-approximate on i"'w' . . . i j Notes and Bills Receivable not past uuo 15,600.00 4,000.00 20,924.71 35,034.36 160,140.91 LIABILITIES the long winiei z evenings coming uu f many of you will pro- batalv notice that your j Total vi'cinn floes not seem . or that your eyes ; paid ,a enrvn t.lVP AVlth C10SH A . n r , reading. Do BOt lel 1 1 undivided profits v :---'::yL':''tt these Warnings gO un- j r. current expenses, interest, and tam PSd heeded, but have, your !j or crediteJ In advance vominPfl. P interest anu u v:,f- tr . of maturity and not eameu Circulating notes outstanding Cashier's checks on own bank outstanding m-i.. tfQm 9?. S3. 34 and 85 lUlal ut L ' ' , Individual deposits subject to check ..... Certificates of deposit due in less than 30 days (other than for money borrowed) . . . ... :';': Total of demand deposit, (other than bank deposits) . . . . t. u-,. sr R7. 38. 89. subject to ner, -, --,- . , .ji Certincates of (other than for money Postal savings deposits!' i Va Total of .time deposit, imbject to Rerve, Item. 42. , 44 and 45 7,744.38 387.10 1,191.29 625.00 1,000.00 $494,532.28 50,000.00 15,000.00 9,092.33 6,165.56 We Examine the Eye, We Make and Fit Glasses We Guarantee Do not put it off, but come in and have our ,r,v;rtvi anppinlist make vou a pair of Perfect Fitting Glasses, so you can see clearly and can read with comiort. HARTMAN BROTHERS CO. Jewelers & Opticians SALEM, OREGON 3,926.77 1,00000 12,500.00 4,439.61 4,439.61 327,688.60 8,593.22 336,081,82 71,048.59 535.49 71,584.08 $434,622.28 TOTAL ... I, I. D. Mix, Cashier o the above nam- ' ,nd that the above statement is true to the best of my ,RgHj STATE OF OREGON 1 COUNTY OF POLK Subscribed and sworn w " me this 25th day of NovenAerWW. e B. It. "WOLFE , Notary Public. My commission expires Jan 17, 1923 ''-TnTRSCHBERG. W. H. WALKER, OTIS D. BUTLER. Directors. , , i 1 ;; i r. , ; It 3 ; ' ' f J H ? ! f ' CI I .. . i :' . '.iE 1 1 'l 1