Independence enterprise. (Independence, Or.) 1908-1969, October 24, 1919, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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    AS OLD AS Jul
1 1
I I. f
. I
i !
r "I ! TRIBUTES FROM THE , .:,,.,;,; .'..'-W .1 :
WORLD'S LEADERS .:;'-rF1tl Zmmmim
.:;:;':i . ... ath I n . . . jwr bm-to tWESi....i ibbih" u iT
-.1 ii,
4 Pit
Leave it to the
For years the Standard
Oil Company, through its
Board of Lubrication En
gineers, has given valu
able $crvice in lubrication
on land, on sea and in
the air. Thousands of
motorists are availing
themselves of this service.
By exhaustive study and
actual tests the Standard
Oil Company Board of
Lubrication Engineers has
determined the correct
consistency of Zerolene
for your make of automo
bile. Their recommenda
tions are available for you
in the Zerolene Correct
Lubrication Charts. There
is a chart for each make
of car.
Get a Correct Lubrica
tion Chart for your car.
At your dealer's or our
nearest station.
Jl grade for each type of engine
Work of the American Red
Cross Is Praised By
Noted Men.
J. W. DEMICK, (Local Agent) Independence, Oregon
-It is on mi'mtiorshlp more than
mom')' contributions I but tlu ntro-HS
of this pr(u'iit campaign Is luiil. for
the lied Cross socks to ussociatc tho
people In welfare work throughout tho
land, i.siu'ctally in Ihono couunuiiltlcs
whore iiflthcr ofilclal nor unofficial
provision has been made for adequate
health una social sorv la1."-President
"The American Htnl Cross Is the
mobilized lioart and spirit of tho whole,
American poopIc."Honry V. Davison.
"A ningnitlcciit spirit breathes In the
American Ktui Cross." Marshal Koch.
In Bivmit prompt ami efficient relief
the Hed Cross has won the eternal
gratitude of miliums of people." Gen
eral Pershing.
"It requires no orsauizutlim to al
low one of us as an Individual to buy
a dinner for a hungry man. It re
quires tho greatest decree of organi
zation to deal with the foes of a
world. The Ked Cross seems to be
essentially denumled. . . . With
out the Red Cress I tin not know
whether the world would have been
able to bear the horrors and devasta
tion of this w earful war." -N " i " II.
"The Red Cross is the ureal Neigh
bor. ... If the world is made a
little more comfortable, a little hap
pier, a little stronger for the simple
of life through its effort, the Red
Cross is content." The Secret-ry of
the Navy.
Give the world
tlie once over
IISTEN, fellows, to some
. straight talk. Many
' a man when he gets
to be 40. misses some
thing. He may hava
lots of money, and a fine
family but
He never "got cut at.d
saw things". After he
gets settled down, it' 3 tco
Every man wants to see
the world. No man likes
to stand still all his life.
The best time to TRAVEL
is when you're young and
lively right NOW !
Right NOW your Uncle Sara-"'
is calling, "Shove off!" He wants
men for his Navy. He's inviting
you! It's the biggest chance
you'll ever get to give the world
the once over I
The Navy goes all over tho
v,-cr!d sails the Seven Seas
squinis at Ine six continents
tii jr's ::j business. You stand
to see odd sights, wonder
ful :cr.cry ar.d strange people
than y-'j svtr creamed of.
"evil v cr'-. hsrd while you
v.-crk. i'ou'ii I;y hard while you
pis". Vou'Il eom and learn.
You'll .-ret, 5.1 addition to "shore
leave"," a 30-day straight vaca
t:on --hich is more than the
average bank president can
coant cn.
You can join for two years.
When ycu get through you'll ba
physically and mentally "tuned
up" for the rest of your life.
You'll be ready through and
through for SUCCESS.
There's a Recruiting Station
right near you. If you don't
know where it is, your Post
master will be glad to tell you.
"Tho Rod Cross is not mu i i turn
Its hark on its rcspotiihilitii'.s." Ulv-i'.!,-;sU'n
Furrand. Chairman, Executive
Committee, Nat'cmt! Red Cr.-ss.
"I don't know what wo would have
done without the help of the Ameri
cana. I thank you from the bottom
of my heart." Isnace Paderewskl,
Premier of Poland.
"Mr. Davison has spokon to me of
how the Ked Cross hopes to continue
work even in peace time. This is a
noble enterprise Wonderful
results could he obtained if nil coun
tries would join hands, especially in
all questions concerning .small chil
dren, tuberculosis, end sanitation in
central." Queen Marie of Kuinania.
I ....
Shove off ! -loin the
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned executrix of the estate of
Albert Gangain, neceased, lias filed
her final account in the county court
of the State, of Oregon for Polk coun
ty, and that Saturday the 8th day of
November, 1919. at the hour of ten
o'clock in the forenoon thereof, at
the county court room in the county
court house at Dallas, Oretjon, has
been appointed by said Court as the
time and place for the hearing of ob
jections to said final account and the
settlement thereof.
Dated aiyd first published, October
10th, 1919. HANNAH GANGAIN,
Executrix of the estate of Albert
Gangam, deceased.
SWOPE & SWOPE, Attot neys.
-it t
Mr. Barnes, U. S. Wheat Director Says;
tat More
FOR SALE Chea,t .Seed
And reduce the Hi, ..ost of Living."
Holsum Bread
Your Grocer Has It
Cherry City Baking Oo.
Price 2
cents per pound. Address Herman
Sperling Route one. 3t
Call after G p. m. or before 8 a.
m. i'hone dozi, independence.
FOR SALE Green corn for silage.
See Frank Ilenniagan City. 2t
FOR SALE Eighteen choice pigs,
weaned. W. V. ACOX, Route 2,
YOUR buyer and Our Buyer arriv
ed in New York today to purchase
the new Spring merchandise.
FOR SALE Good kitchen Ranc,
nearly new. Mrs. Durrell C. Da
vis, 7th street. 4t
Dr. Dugaiine, Dentist, ever Inde
pendence National Bank.
1 . Lrv
1- 1 .,u
Cigarettes made to
meet your taste!
out oi me oramary a navor and smoothm
I IV TV -'v w - " Ca' V Uit IT till'
ity comparts Camclx with any cigarette
tlw worm ai any pn co i
Gunels flavor is so refreshing, so enticing, it w
win you at once it is so new unci unusual. Tha
what Camels expert blend of choice Turkish
choice Domestic tobacco ives you! You'll nref.
this blend to either kind of tobacco smoked straigh
As you smoke Gunels, you'll note absence
nny unpleasant ciguretty aftertaste or unv t
pleasant ci(,'tiretty odor. And, you'll be delighto!
to discover that you can smoke Camels liberal',!
without tiring your tastof
Take Gimels at any angle they surely suppl,
cigarette contentment beyond anything you eve:
experienced. They're a cigarette revelation
You do not miss coupons, premiums or gift!
You'll prefer Camels quality!
1 8 cents a package
Ctnmtm f Bvry mhrm im ( rt miff .
f JO tgftf tr tmn pv J rjoO 4'(ri ,m
R. J. RF.YNOli)S TOBACCO CO., S.l,m, N. C
iiilii i m
Hi 1 1
1X1 II HJI IV i SI ! !I U Ill mmilll N I I .1,1 i I 1
V)M J I m JM$Mijm;Jfr
iii k If 'Wl iS8S! IP il HI III II I ife f "
1 81 Rib -fl VM Ii I Ji. .i ft i W i. 9tH 11)11 HI 1 IU 1' . i iM II'' " 111
Ha l PlSr
TALK nhnnt smokes. Prince All
1 is geared to a joyhandout standi
that iust lavishes smokehappiness
every man game enough to make a bee line f
tidy red tin and a jimmy pipe old or new! 1
Get it straight that what vou've hankered for
. " ... . ... f i-i
ipiHe or cigarette makin s smokes you 11 nna
in P. A. That's because P. A. has the qualify
You can't any more make Prince Albert bite yf
tongue or parch your throat than you can make a hot
drink when he's off the water ! Bite and parch are p
out by our exclusive patented process I I
You just lay back like a regular fellow and puff to W
the cards and wonder why in samhill you didn't naaj
section in the P. A tmnonoi., innr thnn vou ci";
to remember back I
Buy Princ, Albert w.rywhtr tobacco ii told. Toppy rtd bof.
Key re d I ,,, handsome pound and half pound tin humidor$-ail
that clever, pructtcul pound cryttal gtan humidor with $ponf
motener top that kp, ,nm tobacco in $uch perfect condition.
R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Co.. Winiton-Salem. N. f
Catarrhal Deafness Cannot Be Cured
by local appllcctlana, as they cannot reach
the diseased sortlon of the ear. There la
only one way to cure catarrhal deafness,
and that 1 ky a conttltutlonal rimed y.
Catarrhal Deafnea la caused by an In
flamed condition of the mucous lining; of
the Eustachian Tube. When this tube la
Inflamed you have a rumbling; sound or Im
perfect hearlnc. and when It la entirely
closed, Deafness Is the result. Unless the
Inflammation can ba reduced and this tube
restored to Its normal condition, hearing
will be destroyed forever. Many cases of
deafness are caused by catarrh, which is
an Inflamed consltlen of the mucous sur
faces. Hall's Catarrh Medicine acts thru
the blood on the mucous surfaces of the
We will sTlvs One Hundred Dollars ' for
any case of Catarrhal Deafness that cannot
bet cured by Hall's Catarrh Medlotne. Cls
culari tree. All DrusTrista, 76c-
F. J. CHBNKT CO.. Toledo, a
If I FAlLto CURE ar CAKCER mTUMOR i trut
u?fre it1P?'S0N1? .d"P 'nils or attars to ECNE
II. ffkltf 111:1 ntinr
No X liay or otln.r
Bwlndle. An Inland J
plant mnltnsthonure s
SORE on the 11 n. InrnW.
or body long is
CANCER: it never
pains mitlllBRtBtaro
120-PAGE BOOK e:lt
FKEK, 10,000 tcfitl.
tnonials. Wrllttdinmi
" UnilUtll pit KlanIa and kills ouir-Kiv
We ref use many who wait too long & must At.
?"e .?.&MrSo Ch.3,mley Co-f"f the Book
3 Great Cancer Specialists Ad Years strictly
Off leas 67 , a RELIABLE
'MAIL THI 5St-,lan Frnclco. Cal.
TH,S to SomeOnej vith CANCER
TMt wift-rrONARMet),M CC 't-C.
Niw TuM Onry
1 SJir i
THUI I-i . ''II " ius
' m
Pianist Teacher
Classes in rhythm, ear-training,
uiM ("..mpoM'tion heginnirnf
October l. Call t thir, office.
.r' fx
to! N'v 'V
Clon !-.-" Wu,i(.'-"f
find r
Sanitary, comfortable "
date ia the Independence
Restar nnt For a
better place m "
Thcra will be
11 o-clKk t the Catholic
Sunday morning;. t
When In town try
dence Bakery and Re
food e4l-Pri rw ,