Independence enterprise. (Independence, Or.) 1908-1969, October 24, 1919, Image 5

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Jiuiit' 1 tit iitm iiii't family
(.(.! K Wood wan a l.uslncM vmi
t'r in I'l.riliUHi Saturday.
t t I
i' Tily wlh iili.'ivi 4 here,
' i
Mm. W. F. Lintlley, of Portland, '
lis viwitinjif her daughter Mrs. James
I C'olliiM.
C. A, Mi h m h:A . pain-
tt bttlrll applied to liiN ('"lilli'IKIi,
whbli K'Ivvh it nn to ilnli' iipicnr.
Mfiti'. Me nlwuyn wnnti Ihini' h tip.
lop ntyU.
1JISIIWH Fahri, Shirts, can't l,e
l" 'it for warmth tliul htyle- try one.
1 t x
market price will be paid. Repre-
IT, ! L. Hewitt imil f,
of (tentative at the EnturnriHe ofi'sce
a i f!n boinc
I'ortland, were Sunday
or in the J I',, iter call today.
- Jciiu-t minim iiii'i larm , in.i.t.r
! FOR '
V 1 i.UllllHC"
.t ..'
had b'
i,t.w "Hi
1 t t
ClllUI llilllllry tlll!i ITI'lVi'll J.ct-r. t.f,
(!. :r n lie 1'i.iu i xin
for It -ii.., of nv.-r im,t'h.l,yim ,.,.!ntiv
ffiy i urn
- t t T
Mr, hum It hi
u'n..r of l-.iW'".
' ,r, I.-., ui.l, Mr.
-j t s -
moml.iRt thru-
; 'if-
V V-
rowd llic AH.iii'n' n,
tiittntferritig Ini'i(i! (mil w tm i.n
of the in"it hhljm in the navy, v
ftiraui.t ri! h iminl.i r f tl. (;,.,.
inon HUbiiiiiiiiie li hd hud iii vcnil i Ln.r
nt lis. M i ! i ifimi HI r.-:urncd
MtihlU'ri V o hive iH tanlly s-citi mt-
vi ", yi a In In is ii- ruiiU (,f thi
Frank Kirklanri who a few wecka
vis went t Corval- iro returned from oversea after a
uikIhv ft,r n two wwkn viii withL ...!... ..-.,i v,.r,. ti I
vruk on a idiort visit to his parentH
.... . .
after which he expects to leave fori
the middle west.
vilinri p'lpu'iil in hi tmiiic flute
l)il tin hii hit in whuti-vi r llu- future
hit in Minn. Ill- will wi.ik it! hi
trit'lp n liiiil't-r fur !,. Tow iiMi'iid.
Mm. I'liuictH Uiowfi ri'lunu-il horne
Kntunlay nftor a two week vixit in
I'l-rtluiid with hi-r niotln-r.
j 1 " J
Mr. lit.'icralil and wife went to
Portland Saturday to lemain nevcral
day with tln ir two Hons,
! -Jt! i
j W, H, 1 1 i fj will severe Viih connec
tion with the .Craven & Huff Hard
ware (ompany and la luny crating
:,.wV "P II w
-Liffnirn i.f th. ''T"-
lik. nnol'l vt-tfrnn
,rr-'i'v " KHO.-I l.v
,1,1 ,v Clint M...r.
;kto " i' '""'ii.v
,l m.w i-.. '!
rtvH from Mr(- lf- U-
iit ,hr and Mr. White
Coloiudo, for M-v-
--t 1
, f ,h- Ku--' filr.r
.; ! trirr v '-! " i:'
T',:-dy veniiii'.
, Uo'l-w.-'.-n pro
!f rfn.i;r-l " lrK"
! t - --
Two o'clock Sunday morning, Oc
tober 2(ith i the official time act for
returninir to "old time." L'efore re-
tiring tomorrow evening we advise ;
all Enterprise readers to move theiij
clock back to the correct time. ,
A mafia meeting of the citizens of
thin city was held on Wednesday ev
ening at the opera house for the
purpose vt formulating plans and a
program for celebrating Armistice
Juy on. November1 llth. The meet
ing was well attended and all seem
ed to be highly in favor of the pro
position, Committees were appoint
ed and th matter is well under way.
A complete program will be printed
in the Enterprise goon. " " '
FranciMO, The business here will be
' continued under the old firm name
for the present.
Z t t
A i-pcral city election was held on
Monday in Monmouth for the purpose
of pelting an expression from the
on the (McKtion of amending
In the daily dispatches of Thursday
we notice that Judson P. Bowman
was killed by a train on October 21st
near Leland, Orecon, He was a ve
teran of the Civil war and a former
resident of Independence and quite
well known amonrr the old soldiers.In
1S(M he enlisted in Company A. First
. . .. , . , , ,v (Uregon vo unteers imamry aim wn
harter to permit the establi.'-n-p h 1T
. ...ri 1. .1.... ..F f ii.n. I Ifi
el until me cin.e "i -"v
was unmarried. '
1 t t
The home of Frances Brown north
-: !. f.
fwl, lr
in tw.
if i- v I f h
! his houwholil goixls to be shinned to
TbiH cornirig p.uridny ihere will be ifyokane, Washington, which city he
i hup i!iy S'uinl.iy m-b.,..! Workt-n n.,w'" mulfe his future home. Mr. Huff
dtttulo tit I'.ii kii-till. It will be pre- identified with the business
tiiili'i! over by A. I.,, who h i"t-retM.f Indepetidence for the past
prcHideiit of '.Ik. I'oll. ( 'utility Sun- ni,1 y''"r,, "ml W!l t'P"raHy liked
ilny Si Imm.I A, o. iiiUon At Id o'- ''' a" ivir H K'TitlMrmn of pleasing
lurk KuihIh y the n-ilar Sutulav I't rsonaltiy as well as in enterprising
Frhool will he opened with the rom-!1"1'1 ,,n,i"' minded business man. lie
lined rthi.nS ,.f lli Lrmli, W.-i-t Fit- wi" trnv?l out of Spokane for the
!em Summit-, c-na and ihiv other Hardware Company of San
tb mboii'H of that !!! riri in the
futility. Mr. f j iSrtu if t- w'11 have
i 1i!ri'. of the iidull i Id Mi'-i Cur
hint Ulid Mi 111!!, '.i. til ineiribit'H of
tbi Nottn:t hi b'. ol f;ii iil'y, will have
rhart'C of the inter ineiiinte iirid prt-
ni.'iry el.tie V..'b.wir,(f the F
.1,-,y S. .-.!. Mr. ;il!!..-e will
lh I'OIU'l'et'al Kit on the rtib'-ert of
"The Kiot-'. 1' i im )." ll. tween the in nt of a water system. The vote
bourn .f 12 nod there will be a l"' '"r th,. change and only 15
l,,k.-t Victor U-ma rr-'. t it. The plan in detad is to
'M-nted - U;eir iHtl.ier M'.ttt i.r,.,ue. ,.u... " , CofM, nw
.),., t r-o .,. will be a Sun- mn.- miles distant in the coast range j oi w c..,. .
tlHIli At I '"Mi will oi .i . , ,.,.-, Krpsikirifr a window
c, ,,! v,.fi,.r. Conf.-rrri-e I .J- of mountains. The city ims tuea arm " t . -
' f t l re w'i'obUiined a water right ,m a stream I jrlass and raising the window. The
tkit.i' on n lowing thm f..".- - - ' ' ,hr,vl ...... . n,,-. thief went into all the rooms and a
Ia...b.T .PM-Mi..,, r ar.d work ..r, Kr.on . u - - - svstematic 8Carch of everything made
. . -.1. . I U,.,,! I... nci T rfiMl T ' 1 -t i-t:i imwv.t i... v .
tr.n.e ..f tint ly win d n ;ui j . . . , ,,t f,nfiino. nn loose monev in the
house, satisfied himself by taking Mr
Rrown's suit of clothes and several
lodge pins. A suspicious looking in
dividual was arrested and lodged in
jail, but no evidence could be found
inst him that would in any way
implicate him as the thief, and he was
omitted to go his way Monday.
i n n
If II -1& IS N i l
5 Vii Ui
Beasonble Figures and
Fully Gruaranteed
Independence, Oregon.
It jH re. 'dieted to the reservoir, which
t.i,(k. one liml.j -v. .... r.e . ... , j
,, 1... 1,1. , .i-ieu'e.! that a tnitltV o! ti e local " "" "?
' ; '; .. h, r! s lav F ho,d workers as can. t,7 abundance, pure in its ipudity and
, . hiH ...h.r.Mar.m suffic ently high to m-
. m-k. It 1 "in i:n ' t- i
will 1 f i tnakilik'
j Cf.
tb,. aft
sure ample tire proiecuun j
;!V svstem.
KS3 in 3
ITING Emcrgenits a'
7 arUe is one of tJv
ritn? of ihs AmER-
AN NATION. If this
JW. the same anolies o
Mome and the individ-
HEN you buy your win
;s overcoat :ind huv it
ly, let it bo a kchk! onij
?nyou h-tvc met this -m
1 it Is a "( Kit! iramuT.t
amcfrom lilSHOrS.
f,v have only tlu1 finest
best mnmifuctured.
at docs not moan the
estin pi-i'-c but real
LUE a', the end of the
jirnient i uikal' rnnntS.
till V nil. r ill l..rira Anrl
"our merchandise.
i i
i fevi?
l w -it
Your Buyei
nmut.(. tn Mow York, will arrive
.ndins to the needs of . inop
: Marion ennnfips.
Vs'-'-yie:' . -
: . I'. ss, '
'it'tc-.. . t'ri:' 'yvX - I
Jiuytu i
and Our
,Every Family in M-;-f,
d Polk Counties
A marriage license was issued last
vvek by the County Clerk to two par
ties with matrim.-nial intentions ar.d
liter the happy twain went to Squire
Baker's and asked him to perform the
rights of his official duties. The
Squire had the couple wait until he
could locate a bootblack to shine his
shoes and go horne to dress up for
the unrxnected occasion. When he re
turned the bride "was looking her best
but the groom was sort of nervous,
fr,r fenr the Snuire would not return,
however, the stage was set, and the
happy couple joined in holy weciiocK
This was the Squire's first matrio
mrniinl or rather "hitching up ex
r,0vienre. nnd the ceremony went so
nicely that one would think he was
an old hand at the business.
Independence will be the mecca for
inilv time commencing Wednesday
October 29th and continuing unui
Mmmmher 1st. when the Arnold
Amusement Company will pitch their
chows and the public will be pnvi
i,i tr. hvne a merry time for sev-
-i riave The attractions will be
staged under the auspices ot wm-
, i- N 0. G.. of this city ana me
shows and other amusements for both
old and voting, will be of the hiSnest
w Cmitain Sf.dd and his able
bending every ettort to
.,,-nfnin the hicrhest standard m er-
fic'iencv in military circles and it !s
., ... t.ji. nvnvif inT tnese en-1
tertainmenas to derive a fund -vith a
vIpw of later fretting an appmpna
tion from the state to erci nn arm-
ory in this city, as the present cen
ters is inadequate We hop,, our y-
nle will patronise these snows ulci-
1 it .l..!J..n i
ally ns well a? give tne c nmi..
Hr to en ov tlieniSFives.
ThPre will he ..nierry-go-rounds, hei-
ris Wheel and other attractions i .
r.bundaticc for I'Oth young ana on.. ,
t I
Slab wood may be purchased from
the Siletz Lumber as ikb-s -pany.
whose mill is now in operation
at Hoskins, By placing your order
with the Independence
delivery will be made prompuy w.u.-
in a few days. Order now ana save
paying more this winter, vyouu
Office in Bnterpriee Building.
T 1 1
twet. to see the Pythian
Sisters ghost marriage You
miss the best laugh of your life.Corr.e
j v,n will i?et the rmg,tnim
anu sec n"v o -
He and coit) when the wedding calce
Ml "
I We Are Showing Seats
You can ueoena un i jz-r
: rr
rjl The heavy, serviceable.niix- AV 0
f turfc J, velours and silver- W
d tones, will stand practical 1 f JrS. a V
everyday wejar-while the j. VWJt' f S
the flaring backs, sometim- V JT ''lift U r I
I es confined by narrow belts pyJ U o( '
IUi the bie "comfy" collars, the i' i y
I loose cut sleeves, have all jUj I Kjp IJ
the trimness and comfort U . I ' V
of fall and winter styles. M i! .
The sizes are for small, I '
medium and large women, . L j& Ji,
he prices are for small, YrTP . "i
medium and large purses !
- ' 11
$20, $25,- $30 $3 PO
and up
The Afew Faf Sweaters
Sweaters of the right kind the styles women are
looking for, models of from the heavy plain knit
weaves to those of fibre silk. Styles with belts
and sailor collars, also slip-on sweaters with or
without sleeves.
EDDY & 1
i mm .
j CClrft .-..DRY GOODS AND SHOES....
1 ' . ' A
' FfH JJ
"Hers a FrieIlcllyTip,,
says the Uood Juage
Men who know tobacco,
chew the best without its
costing them .any more.
They take alittle chew and
it's amazing how the good
taste stays in a rich, higa
grade chewing tobacco. ,
For lasting tobacco satis
faction, there's nothing
like a small chew of that
rich-tasting tobacco.
pat uP in two styles
RICHT CUT is, a short-cut tobacco
K W.T HUT is a long fine-cut tobacco
1 is cut.