Independence enterprise. (Independence, Or.) 1908-1969, October 17, 1919, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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    ' AS OLD aS-jiie j
Value and Mothwln of IVintf Home
Paper lo Sell Surplus IWuce
Announced for Farmers Week
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n-aam,mwM etrS;-"''- tj- :
Correctly refined
Zerplene is correctly refined from selected
California crude oil. It is the product of the
combined resources, experience and equipment
of the Standard Oil Company.
By exhaustive study and actual tests the
Standard Oil Company Board of Lubrication
Engineers has determined the correct consis
tency of Zerolene for your make of automobile.
Their recommendations are available for you .
in the Zerolene Correct Lubrication Charts.
There is a separate chart for each make of car.
Get one for your car. At your dealer's or our
nearest station.
4 grade for each type of engine
J. W. DEMICK, (Local Agenfr) Independence, Oregon
A short course on usintr the ln'im
newspaper to sell surplus farm pro
.kuo will be olTereil fanm-rs uU'iir
inr farniorj week :it the eolK'KO.Pee
29th and January 3rd, by C. J. Mc
intosh, farmer, farm writer ntid ex
newspaper man.
"I have known fanners to p.".V a
local commission man $50 to so I UH)
tons of alfalfa at $20 a ton, when
they could have sold it by payinft the
editor a dollar," said Mr. Mcintosh
in anouncintr the course. "They
could then have kept the extra $1!'.
credited it to the buyer or splic it with
him. I asked why not advert'? and
sell direit, and they said, "why, I
never thought of it."
"NTot only the advantage but 'he
method of usinu the home paper will
be considered. The success of the
advertisement depends on the facts
selected for announcement, the form
in which they are stated, and the rep
utation of the advertiser. All of
these except the last will I e cm
pla'r.od and so far as possible icm
onstarted. Specimen advertisements that have
been business-getters with results are
wanted for this course.
Usintr the home press is not only
iimfit-ihln lnisiness but sound mibh'1
! . . .v. t
policy as weil, .ir. u.uuosn us-i-ns.
Thcs,. papers help farm product icn
by mitring many n farm story that
enallis the farmer to increase or
protect his crops, and are fairly en-
I titled to a share of the paid news
matter a i ve r t i s i n g
Editors jrenerally like to run as
news items farm stories of unusual
yield, odd and interesting farm hap
penings and community enterprises
and thee ourse will show how this
f'.r.ttcr may le hr.ndled to mutual advantage.
Th Story of a Turret Capttrin V,.' -
Promotion in the Navy cornea quickly to
f-boee who qualify for higher ratings. Ia
March 1899 A. P. Niisson enlisted in the
Wavy ai an Apprentice Seaman. 3rd class.
In April 1907 he waa rated Chief Turret
Catxain. Hi pay today ia J165 76 per .
-I T
A mans lire amonj men I
Reel them off "R:o",Gibra!tar,
Ceylon, Yokohama ell the greet
ports of the world are they only
places ca the rr.sp to you or are
they ports where you've gone sail
ing ia from the high seas with
every eye a!or: the shore turned
admiringly on your big ship
your ship! Every ocean has a
United States ship sailing for
some port worth seeing.
J If you've any call in you for a
full life join, and color all your
years ahead with memories of
things worth seeing with knowl
edge worth having with an inex
haustible fund of sea tales and
adventures picked up ashore and
afloat that will make you a wel
come man in any company.
Work? sure, and a man's work
it is, among men. - .
Play ? well, rather, with a bunch
of men who know how to play.
These comrades of yours carry
in their ears the sounds of great
world cities, of booming guns, of
swashing seas sounds you will
share with them and that will
never die away.
And when you come home, youH
face life ashore with level eyes
for Uncle Sam trains in
reliance as well as self-respect.
The Navy builds straight men
no mollycoddles.
Eniitt for two years. Excellent opportunities for advancement.
Four weeka holidays with pay each year. Shore leave to aee in
land sights at ports visited. Men always learning. Good food
and first uniform outfit free. Pay begins the day you enlist. Qet
full information from your nearest recruiting station. If yeu da
not know where the Dearest recruiting station is, ask 700f
Postmaster. He knows.
lioveoff f -Join, the
1J i s? Jr
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned executrix of the estate of
Albert Gangain, deceased, has filed
her final account in the county court
of the State of Oregon for Folk coun
ty, and that Saturday the 8th day of
November, 1919, at the hour of ten
o'clock in the forenoon thereof, at
the county court room in the county
court house at Dallas, Oregon, lias
been appointed by said Cjrurt as the
time and place for the hearing of ob
jections to said final account and the
settlement thereof.
Dated aiJ first published, October
10th, 1919. HANNAH GANG A IN,
Executrix of the estate of Albert
Gangain,' deceased.
SWOPE & SWOIE, Attorneys.
-i f X
l N, jf
FOR SALE Chea,t ,Seed. Price 2
cents per pound. Address Herman
Sperling Route one. 3t
VETCH SEED for sale See James
Collins, Phone 3521 Independence.
FOR SALE at a bargain, two pair
of logging horses. Dallas, Oregon,
FOR SALE About 12 acres of first
class com. Enquire of DeCoster
farm, or phone 1513,
FOR SALE Green corn for silage.
See Frank Henniagan City. 2t
FOR SALE Eighteen choice pigs,
weaned. W. V. A COX, Route 2,
FOR SALE Winter Apples at 25cta
per bushel on trees. All varie
ties.. W. II. Murphy. 2t
strayed to my premises known as
the Eldrige farm. Owner mav
have same by identifying property
and paying for their keeping and
advertising. BERT CROSS.
FOR SALE Good kitchen Rane-e,
pearly new. Mrs. Durrell C. Da
vis, 7th street. 4t!
Dr. Dugaane, Dentist, over Inde
peadence National Baak.
mR4 J4yA m M
si i Y . .n u :
i fj
r 1
Cjsm; ri ' fvrv.
wirrp in iiu r -ifiu n J
packMK'" 3'' lr
lrnpai..."u-.( J. 0"'.t )
in a jisni',-.ii;"'r.'"'rrri
carf'ui V yiTiiiiy . oin
niri.y jlis carton r III
home or o.'jkt suppv r
h ipii viiu tra '.
R. J. Kpvnr.Ui Tnbarrn Co.
Wmslon-Salrm, .. C
IS cents
AMivi-o are in u cir.:5 uy incmst-ivcs easily
y moiit refrci;htr.r;, the most hkatic cigarette I
ever smoked. You can prove that! Simply corrl
Camels l uii-by-puf! with any cigarette in thewwJ
tiny price ! Put quality, ilavor and w$urttt9 si
faction to the utmost test I I
M;ii( t ) ire?t your t istt, Cmh nrvt-r tire it, no majier
liK'Ul.y yeu tiini'l: thrir. t Th fxpi'ft b!-:u1 uf cho.c Tsf
!id chuwc'!lu tobacow tn.uV't Cnnu-N dfl lvlol 1,
Uidi'-u, vet so ; NUii-us;t;iy oitiuHV.n teni i '.v.--tr:lj. Jj
t i.ut you l..;ht o n you Hot ii -w utid kft-a-r ..ii!.ynieni!
I'r-. o t Iroi.i any util;nntt cicarnty utter t.hie or-
ui ;'!--.uant ei,;jtcny oilor inuU-N Cuiim 1 uh uncual us tin i
I-i i .ct, C in-.'-'!i ttpp-nl '0 tht most f.i slid ion snioW
tv.u;i li.-'v v. ivs you ;icvcr w.Ii mm ih .sfc-k-nc of wujk
l ; i.;rr..,ii ot ,:.t. You 'll rr fcr Camel Quality I
' I sy J
. lirn in ii'i n ml ---iin "
i. If I H V " f.
t- u u
i mk if3
crw crji rpi3
I 1 fej
JET a package today. No-
tice the flavor the whole
some taste of Kentucky Hurley
Why do so many "regular
men" buy Lucky Strike
cigarettes? They buy them
for the special flavor of the
toasted Hurley tobacco.
There's the big reason it's
toasted, and real Hurley. Make
Lucky Strike your cigarette.
n uuoronteed try s-
Catarrhal Deafness Cannot Be Cured
by local applications, as ihvy cannot reach
the dlaeaatd portton of th. ear. Thar la
only one way to cure catarrhal deafness,
and that is by a conatltutl.nal romedy,
Catarrhal Deafness ia cauaed by an in
flamed condition of the mucous lining; of
the Euatachlan Tube. When this tube la
inflamed you have a rumbling aound or im
perfect hearlar. and when it la entirely
eloeed, Deafneea ia the result. Unleaa the
inflammation can be reduced and thia tube
restored te lta normal condkton, hearing
will be destroyed forever. Many caaea of
deafneaa are castawd by catarrh, which la
an Inflamed oencUtten of the mucoua aur
facea. HaD'a Catarrh Medicine acta thru
the blood oa the mucoua aurfacea of th
yrt will live One Hundred Dollars for
any caae of Catarrhal Deafneaa that cannot
; be eared by Hall's Catarrh Medloin. Ciav
x give
If I FAIL to CUREinf CAKHFR ninmn
H?!l8 lpPIS0'is.,,fl ' attaclios ti BONE
)io PAT Until tOREOr?V
swindle. An iRland
Any TUMOR, tUHP or
SQRE on thelin. (nn
or body long ia
CANCER; It never
J20-RAGE BOOK sent
mm, ioflw toBti.
tnoniulg. Wrltittiomt
fS "ai
w- flu Siw. vt .l.r..i.
Tjflt RED IUlti
We refuse many who -wait too long Anmat A u
?? SSrMr Cha.m,ey Co-te
3 Great Cancer Specialists 40 Years STR'"iv
TH,S To " Onawlth CANCER
Rreaiton Anraruaituin
'T'JU II il I I
.Liifrt- ci !'!;
Pianist Teacher
Classes in rhythm, car-truin-jng,
ami c"..mpo;tion betfinninar
October l. Call at thia office.
Sanitary. ""Ji
daU is th. Id8"2,
find I' botker P"
11 o'clock t the
Swndsy mornlBf .
cuiars ire, ah Dniicista. too.
F. J. CHKNKT 4a CO Toledo, a
i 1 .
Jiini in