"OUT Po PAGE TWO 4,4,4m PROFESSIONAL COLUMN. DR. ELLSWORTH THE VTEERINARIAN 10th and H. Streets. Phone M 3122. SWOPE & SWOPE Lawyers I. O. O. F. Building Independence. . . Ore. THE PALACE Main Street Open day and night we sefe meals and lunches at all hours Try the famous Mt. Hood Ice Cream. Also barber shop in connection. FLETCHER & BARRICK, ATTORNEY'S Cooper Building INDEPENDENCE OREGON FEDERAL FARM LOANS Intrest 34 years time Prompt and efficient service., Oregon National Farm Loan Association Largest in the Northwest A. C. Bohrnstead, Secy-Treas 401 Masonic Temple, Salem.Ore f TlilE CAR1 0!3 VALLEY SELTTZ RAILWAY. Effective Sunday June 23th The Valley & Siletz Railroad will run a train leaving Independence at 7.45 a. m. eoine through to Carnn One arriving there 10 a. m. Leaving at 4.45 n. m. arnvine Independence at 7 p. m. leaving at 7.25 p. m. for Hos kins. Sportsmen will have an op- norfrmitv to whip the Luckimute Train will leave Hoskins Saturday at 6.80 p. m. arrive in Independence 7.45 p. m. OLD 4 ACCOUNTS ON WE GET RESULTS WE REPORT RESULTS WE REMIT RESULTS WE PAY THE EXPENSE WE TAKE THE BLAME. KNIGHT ADJUSTMENT CO McMinnville, Ore Successor to YAMOREG COLLECTION . AGENCY. WILLARD STORAGE BATTERY STATION . We selL Rent and Repair Bat- teries- OUR REPAIR WORY GUARANTEED. 418 Court Street. Salem. Phone 203 Vulcanized' under.internal frressure.to in sure even" cord strain distribu- i tion. r And locked firmly to the rim by four iunstretchable : steel cables, r,.EIE EASE SLOPER BROS. & COCKLE MURCII RUSSELL, M. D. Physician and Surgeon.. Office and residence over Inde dependence National Bank Try the Sale:n Studio for PHOTOGRAPHS 334 State Street U. S. Sub Beats Germany's Best American Boat Speedier, Has Greater Radius and Is More Habitable. RESULT OF RECENT TESTS Dlrect Comparison It Made With Sub marines of Latest German Type Good Accommodation for Offi cers and Crew. Washington. Elaborate tests car ried on by the navy department, the results of which nere announced by Acting Secretary Franklin Roosevelt, show that the latest type of American submarine Is superior In nearly every respect to the German U-hont. The American boat Is speedier, has a jrrealer radius of action nnd is much more habitable than the German boats. Naval officers are of the opinion that the American submarine Is the more seaworthy. Of the characteristics of the two types the navy department says In an authorized statement: ' 'New and interesting light is thrown on the efficiency of the German subma rines by recent tests conducted by of ficers In the bureau of construction and repair. "An onnortunltv recently developed in this country which permitted a di rect comparison between a late design of German submarine nnd a late design of American submarine. While details of the comparative tests cannot be giv en, sufficient Information Is available to destroy the much-advertised superi ority of the German submarine. Given Special Trials. As Is well known, five German sub marines of the latest design were brought to the United States for use In the Victory loan campaign. Four of these boats came over under their own power, manned by officers and men of the United States navy. The propul sive machinery of the fifth was par tially destroyed or removed, so thnt it was necessary to tow the vessel across. "The best of these German boats was 'tuned up for special trials. When reported ready for these trials a spe cial board was designated to conduct the trials, following the established practice In carrying out contract trials for submarines of the United btates navy. The boats compared were ex German submarine U-lll, built at the Germania yard, Kiel. Germany (com pleted in 1918), and S-3, a submarine designed by the navy department; S-3 was built at the Portsmouth navy yard and was commissioned In 1918. "These boats both belong to the '800- ton class,' U-lll having a surface dis placement of 830 tons and S-3 a sur face displacement of 854 tons. "In the trials the maximum surface epeed of the U-lll was 13.8 knots, while the S-3 made 14.7 knots. Ihe sub mersed sneed of the U-lll was 7.8 knots, while S-3 made 12.4 a remark able difference in favor of S-3. The radius of action of the two boats is also In favor of S-3, despite all the furor that was created by the advent of the German U-boat on Amerlcnn coasts during the war. "U-lll can cruise 8,500 miles at 8 knots, while S-3 can cover 10,000 miles at 11 Knots. X lie Hiumifi geu cruising radius shows an equal preponderance in iaVOr OI O-O. JJUIU KUll tauj 12 torpedoes. U-lll mounts two 4 lnch guns, one forward and one aft. S-3 mounts one 4-Inch gun forward, this practice of one gun on a subma rine being standard practice In the United States navy. American Boat More Habitable. "It Is necessary to really live in these vessels to appreciate the radical dif ference In their habitability, a vital military characteristic, for a subma rine Is no better than Its crews. "U-lll Is congested to the "last de gree; she Is complicated in the ex treme by the Installation of many 'cadgets' some of which are of doubt ful utility and more doubtful neces sity. Accessibility to her equipment Is very difficult; frequently It Is necessary OUR GREATEST SUBMARINE LAUNCHED Wf; ' mat " i 0V " 1 1 " "it"- u Jr ' it 4" . :v The U. S S. AA-2, largest and greatest of Uncle bam s submarines, tak ing the water at the yards of the Fore Klver Shipbuilding company at Quincy, Mass. OSNCE .miPM INPErENOENCE. OM00 THE 1NDEPEN jff New York Educator, 99, Saws Wood as Daily Task. New York. Professor Ste phen J. Sedgwick of" Cahnmis road, Elmhurst, I I., celebrated his ninety-ninth birthday. l'r more tlmii liulf a century he bus been a resident of the old town of Newtown. He attributes Ills excellent health to a love of ath letics Id his youth. Mr. Sedgwick wns born In Geneva, N. Y., August 30, 1S20. When a young inn it he came to N'ew York City nnd engngeil In teaching. Many years go lie laid across the continent. At present he Is working on nn elab orate genealogy of the Sedgwick family and la Illustrating a l'.llile. One of his dally tasks Is pawing wood, and this, together with gardening work, fills up a large part of his time. V to take down three Installations to overhaul one. "On the contrary, S-3 Is a haMtnMe, livable proposition; comparatively 'roomy,' with reasonable accommoda tions for officers and crew. Her equip ment Is accessible and her general hub Itablllty Is vastly superior to the U- 111. "Much has been written of the sen worthiness of the German U-boat. An opportunity to compare the sengolng capabilities of the two vessels oc curred during these trials, nnd the general consensus of opinion among the officers conducting the test is that the S-3 Is the more seaworthy vessel. Her decks ore drier, her bridge less subject to green seas nnd her general behavior In a seaway superior. "Referrlug to the comparative llv- Finds Child ftew Jersey Wealthy Bachelor I the Victim of Queer Cir cumstances. Poughkeepsle, N. Y. Wilfred Hess, a bachelor and a wealthy contractor of Perth Amboy. N. J.. went to Hope farm, near here, and obtained posses sion of his four-year-old adopted daughter Doris, having discovered her whereabouts after a search that extend ed over a year. Mr Hess adopted the child when she was two years old, but In 1913 he took several war contracts and wns com pelled to leave home. He turned the child over to the care of a friend while he was away. This man's wife died, and as Mr. Hess could not be found, the widower was compelled to give the child to another family. Then the Staten Island Children's society stepped In. took the child and turned It over to the New York bo- ! . j 8 prjZg pjg Delivered 10 Rookie by Airplane. , Atlanta, Ga. The cow that Jumped over the moon had not much on the 75-pound pig deliv ered at LaGrange by Lieuten ants McMullen and Wolfe, fam ous flyers, in an airplane from Souther Field, Americus. The pig is the scion of a distinguish ed porcine family on the farm of Aries Farrls, near Americus, and wns awarded as a prize to the lucky rookie who drew the rljdit number after enllslng during July. A part of the arrangement was that the pig was to be de livered by airplane. sr tr)T 1 A r if ft ft 5 m i quail tied ns a hind surveyor hnd , i s accompanied the engineer corps I of the Union Pncitle rntlrond s when the mils of that roud were i i " , . ,. ..,.ns('l III"' I f " .' ' '.' .-. ; AT'!)? iLv J.'-JM tMU. - -xii'J ,:atK:faU' i capabilities of the two v (r l t.nndllnK there are ''"" J Sirt and those fow npp.'r U,"la 1'ho reports of U.. outcome of --'r-rtiiir.;""'" nttet from the Hermans. , J n o l,or of interesting M.U (,, , construction and In operation t .... .. .i.ii.. .tii.iv ml'. An'"'"1 ;r " v of : . f;7h'; U. Us the ',,,...,1 lMH-l. . m la considered by the tier,,.,,.. us b) far their best Milmiui'lno." SETS EXAMPLE TO MAIMED 'i I Ml - i) Sergt. Allan M. Nichols. Second M.ii-i.mii iiflit infantry, who lost both nml linnds and received oilier tcr rll.la Intnrles when a detective bomb exploded September 4, r.H. mm learned to use artitlilnl liancis aim i ivitowrltn on a snecliilly constructea mnchlno ut St. Uunstuu' hospital. Loudon. Solder Is curried In wlr or sirlp form through a new snlderlnK Iron, the point of which Is heated by elec tricity to Ilielt Just US liuirll holder lis required at the point of Its use. After a Year clety, and Mr. Hess says he could not learn from either society to what In stitution the child bad hocn committed. He finally located the child nt Hpo farm and obtained an order from Jus tice Joseph Morscliauser returning tlin child to hla care. BIGAMY PROBLEM IN ENGLAND Authorities Seek New Laws Regard It as Venial Offense. -People London. Increase In hlgnnious miir rlnges throughout the I'nlted King dom, much more pronounced since the end of the war, is causing grave con cern, nnd there Is a growing disposi tion to treat bigamy as n venial of fense. Sir liernnrd Mullet, the registrar general, Is credited with the statement that English bigamy laws iiiTord less security against blgiimy than the laws of almost any other civilized state. A new act of parliament Is necessary, nnd Kir liernnrd sugges-ts ns n prelim inary that some plan be outlined by wincn accurate Information concern ing the principal In a proposed mar riage may be obtained by tin coiilpe- tent authorities heron.' the can he performed. ceremony OIL RAINED ON KANSAS TOWN Ceyser Blackens Houkcr anH P..i n a Carpets and Furniture at Oil Hill, Kan. Eldorado, Knn. -Iiry Hoarier nro doing a hind ofllce business and bouse wives at Oil Hill are working day nnd night as the result of oily and muddv spray from a huge geyser when a full head of gas blew off recently. jihj eruption continued about '.',0 minutes. For a distance of nearly or nan m ne nouses, lawns and (roes were Cini-riTrrwl MM.r. r.ni.iiin. ...I.., ii . . "i"";"-'" K''.-,y, muckv !l(i!I wns carried through open windows nnd doors by the wind, nnd rus, curtains furniture and clothing wore smeared and In many Instances ruined. ;,,.-, Women Use Window of Store for Mirror, j Toledo, O. A clerk In an an- tomoblle snles place sut at t)l0 X window all day. He not iced cv- ery woman who passed seemed to stare nt him. Flirting, thought lie, as lie patted his cowli I; down and stared back 1 1 is wlf passed. She. mared, too. Your window makes a perfect looking glass, she said when she entered the store. 7 Sure, Fhu Cm Ay Chester, Pa. Joveoli i:Mn,ii ..... In Sliver lake, near thN leu, I:, ., nsn so nig tnat in was VII til .... board, dropping, I i' i,, first t of quicksand, whore it., muck r.,.., Companions of Iti'tulle ,iiw.,i i,... nnd he Wns Anally released brought to the surface. si Nit -A h u,Ml The G-E u i Saves Food The ronp',r,son &',ow'1 here is nt mere theory it is litsfl on m tnal tests. Figure thi wiving out in money ut jurM-ut irii'rs of iiK-nt. See wlmt it uicans to your pocket-book. u Ekytncitu : i " 7 Iks Ooz O ... H K ! THE INDEPENDENDENCE NATIONAL BANK. i V This Bank is Under Supervision of United States A Government. A Grocery 'That Never Disappoints Customers hSSJPSL 0 argeQuiiillfies This Store Aimu to Serve the Tublic ricasantly nnd Well"T Goods We Sell arc Just as Represented and When Drders nro Give We NEVER DUPLICATE. We Send You Just What You 0rue , Never Send the "Just na Good" Kind. Calbrcath & Jones DO YOU READ THE ENTERPRISE? The Leading and Largest newspape11" independence as wcU as most widly rea I ,. ' .. I ,j i 'I Range ; -a ' - n 6 ' v I Jr.iV.'i , 7r . -sil -y 1 ! ! MOUNTAIN STATES POWER COMPANY 11 ' ,1; I ! THE REASON WHY Money is More Safe in NATIONAL BANKS 'OVER 21 BILLION RESOURCES" (Each Under Supervi- lion of U. S Gov'nt j: Of h1 the placrs llierc ore to Keponit, Hide, und Invevt our Money-here i the reaun "Why" we should picf-r a Nntionnl Hnny. os0! Not Best Because Bi&ist But Bluest Because mi To nn No Ordsr Too Small To W , 6: li't 1 1