" . 1837 55 YEAR. . . . . W. J. CLARK, PROPPwIETOT? - '.J INDEPENDENCE, OREGON, OCTOBER 17, 1919. . NO. 24 '.hmitco lave nin IAUIW Hi"- lEALTHDVANIAUh nf Fresh Air and '5, Do Much ,o Check Ravages of Tuberculosis. HIGER IN CLOSED WINDOWS. ,i Tubereuloil Association, "Si 8Pon.or. th. Annua, tel. " . Red Crot ChrlttmM Seals, Reports 160,000 Deathi Each Year From tho Milt who live tn the mnI1or towns I1"1". . . rnl tl .-tilth lid- Jl over the city dwellers In that te ever nn abundant supply of i sir and sunlight flU two gifts of nature, no Inv!!. Mowed. are 1' appreclat i m their fiillwt '" Tliey are 1 of the strongest weapon against Vm meoacif ' of tuberculoma, or con- jilt cflUKiirnpuon i ni "" rum) dltstrkt. The (loath rate Is netlnirt a great n thee sections a ktMinore crowded localltlea. chiefly HcisMof curelcifsiicNa or Indifference b lawa of heulth. Few, Indeed, arethe farm bouses ttie'bomfc In the smaller cities and fitM thut cannot have en outdoor twins porch. On the contrary, we tfiu find that the window of aleen Sjroeuii In the home are ahut tight i tit mistaken belief that night air I bsrniful. Tbli pavf the way for dlseaae, espe diilj tuberculosis, which geuerally at tcbtht lung. Whit Plague Kill. 150,000 a Year. Hi white plague claimed 150,000 !r lt year In the United State. Mori than 1,000,000 Americana aresuf yjffroru It today. These figure i compiled from reporta of experts i3 rer the country and sent to the JUtlenal Tuberculosis. Aasoclatlon, tha Inlinf agency la the country to coro t thli disease. Thli organization la aosior for the Red Cross Christmas Ml aale, from which Its financial aup pn U chit-fly derived. ii medical science has proved con ception Is both preventable and curia Ut, tlit aufferlng caused by this 21a ait Is largely unnecessary. Moat ta ktrcoloils victims are. between th tp of eighteen and forty-five. Ciumi Half Billion Loss Annually. Ibeie ire the years when people m man active, the yeara of their patett production. The snuffing out if these lives Just when they are at & height of their usefulness means a annual long to th country of near- l half i Mllion dollars. fresh air is the cheapest of medt- toee. Outdoor sleeping porches are only for the sick. They help well Iblks to keep well, and the country weller can have this aid to healthy at far less Inconvenience thaa "eitj neighbor. Iou can help directly by seeing that W nd your family are living under " most healthful conditions poaslble. M OFFICE STOPS BOMB DISTRIBUTION 1 Trcajury Department's Plan tc Award Hand Grenades Blocked! , Tne War Department has cancellec "iCOnlrilnt , .i-."rr ... rio wtment with 15.000,000 hand grenadee 6i:h were to be. converted into sav f hanks to stimulate the sales ol gar svlnga Rtaraps and Treasury v"iS8 Certifioates, according to s 'eram rscetvod by C. A. Farnsworth, "oclate director of the War Loan Or '"Nation in the Twelfth Federal Re an7enPi8trict frora "Washington. Banks r Trust Companies of the Twelfth ill , Reserve District had ordered vly 100,000 grenades before news ol cancellation was received. ije telKram to Farnsworth read: As the War Department has deter J4. tht the distribution of hand wades aa souvenirs should be dia- nnued, and haa cancelled Its ar 'ment for supplying gronSdes to .Treasury Department to be inanu 'wed Into grenade savings banks, iit. ,reasury la unable to continue the button of the banks. Wort rder' however. to recognise the vl f tht CQldren In working and o, dllring the vacation time, each l Wno ould ontitled to a bank entTelve a cortlflcate of achieve t 1 from the Treasury in apprecia- hl industry In saving and buy- T50Trnient sMurtties." UliiA "d Krnaies were known ai C ' No 11 nd were rcady Tor C fv 1 ,0 A"rican forces in France W arml8tit u signed. "I ass (I, J . dlRPPoInted as I know tha peo iu , 0 loted forward to receiving Ww Ut wr anlra wlU be,"1 Jpajajyorta "flowever, I feel S. DAK. SENATOR GUNS FOR BOLSHEVIKS ',-sr k "s 'J 8onator Thomas Sterling of Booth Dakota Is gunning tor bol ahevtka. He will father a bill in the next congress asking that un loyal altem be deported without ttlal If caught participating tn revolutionary riots; to prohibit the red flaii and censorship of 1 Herat ore which preaches alaloy- Kiirc Ih.il thrifty, patriotl.:' foTCs wf.o r liiu yttns irn!;-;rly in War Savlnxa Stamn wili M.ntinub to hbip the gov eniuii'iit." VV. S. 8. AMERICA'S MILLIONAIRES Y'.y the Ir.cor it Is shown i)m I'nltoil Ctatea 32 1100.00) and $j0,' las rctu.-L'S for 1917 there we.-o ia the ,2 lncoiafs bjlween ,0) each. If the aver- air was 1 20,000, the total incomes in that claas were $ i02,7aC,)03. There were 2H47 Incomes b;ir-oe.'' 1150,00!) and IMO.OOO each. If the araee was $200,000 the total iucoaiij; la that class nre $4fi9.4001flj0. There wen 553 in comes between $300,000 and $503,000 each. If the averagi was $'100,000 the total Incomes In that class were $223, fiOO.OOO. . Tht-re wera 31a incouieB be-twe-n $r.0O.(KMi and $'.,000,000 each. If the average was $750,000 the tctal in comes Hi l hiit class were t3?.6,250.00O. At the top of the heap were 141 In come of $l,000,(MO or mere. If the average was $1,600,000 tbe tctal in comes In that cliisa w-e 2U,500,0O0, Th erand total for all ctasa s;iveu .,.tj K (i Kil Sun n(;fi trc.nn amuDie wvuiu wo mav lUiiiTi'niniP, What Isour Income? any? Neither did PABCIS OLESS MEAT AS STEAM LOADS First Kosher Meat .in Five Years Goes to Eurcocan Jews cs Gift. New York. Included In the more 1 ti'iin (inn mm ,..,.,. n. .. . nlroad by American Jewish relief fluencies thiiH fur tlilM yeur were 8;v erul hundred tons of "kosher" meat. Tljo steamer Aslilmrn, which left here wiiie tim ago for Dmr.lg, carried r.OO torn of this commodity, while the Iliiiiohuca, which hns Jimt sailed, lg ctirrylue a nmaller conHlt'tunent to Con ti.imza, Rumania. Unusual Interest attaches to both t!ese shipments. Prominent Jews of thin city Inspected the first caio. Jowh-h rabbis liless.-ri the barrel of meat as they were lowered into the fci.!p'n hold. The meat was a gift from U.o Jews of America to their co fvilnlenlsts In Iand nn.l otl.cr parts bt Lurope. These European Jews have eaten virtually no meat In five years, for their rellulon prohibits tliciu using meat other than that killed by a rabbi and In an orthodox manner, mid "kosher" meat bus been unobtainable. Among the other supplies sent In thofje regular shipments are soap, clothing, shoes and shoe-repairing ma terials, large quantities of notions, medlclneg, hospital supplies and a long lit of additional articles, every one of which Is lacking In the war wrecked countries ucross the Atlantic. Funds to continue these regular sail ings of relief ships are now being sought by the American Jewish Relief Cotntnlttee, whose hendquru'ters are at 15 Knst 40th Street, this city. Louis Marshall Is chairman and Henry H. Rosenfelt director of this organiza tion. Campaigns are scheduled for this fall in some twenty states, and it 'is expected to bring the total contribu tions for Jewish relief this j'ear up to $35,000,000. -If t DON'T CUSS THE MILKMAN MOTHERS ARE WONDERING HOW THEY WILL BUY MILK FOR THE KIDS. "I . . Here is a little true story that interest some of the mother w.....'who wonder how they are eoin? to the millionaires be able to buy fresh milk for their until they started to save and inou Begin now and bul'.d up an income. Buy a five dollar United SUtes War Savings S-'tamp. It pays 4 per cent, coniKiunded quarterly. ir you haven't got four dollars and twenty cetts that U what a Ave dollar .tamp costs--buy a twenty-five cent Thrift Stamp. Get started. Get aa Income. An Income from War Savings 8tarnps Is not taxable. u; 53 ft children. We noticed announcement of a sale of one of the chief dairy herds in our country. f This dairvman had a fine herd of Mnnds. He had never been anything but a dairyman, he knew the business thoroughly, was fitted for it, equipped for it, making money by it. ask him why he was going to disperse a herd that had taken 15 I THE SWEETEST STORY EVER "TOLLED", llliiiill gotta we i " .r ' II!. f 'I 'tflT'"' K VT- ': . y jt, vv , 3. Jt ,7,'A,L years to build up. "See those hands?" he asked, trusting out two great swollen fists. "I have to quit, we have 60 head of milk stock, it has been impossible to get a competent crew of milkers at any price. " The boy, my wife and myself have been forced to milk that herd all spring and summer, and hu man endtirance has reached its limit I quit." This dairvman was sa'fied with his profit, hia cows were netting him about $1 a day a head; he was will ing and able to pay a fancy wage to a couple of good "string" milkers; and, though his dairy was near a big city, full of employment offices, still he could not secure competent help at any price. This is the fifth big dairy herd in the county to be sold in three months it is the last big herd in the county. These sales mean not only the dis persal of experly-man-aged, big-producing herds; they mean the end of scientific breeding in the county, and mean lover production and higher costs for the next ten years. Meanfme he city housewife Is forming: leagues and boycotting the dairymen in the vain hope that the day of the five or ten cent quart of milk will return. From what we can discover the city families will be lucky if, in a couple of years, they can buy sweet clean rich milk at any price. What is there to be done about it? Nothing so far as we can see. ATL DAD DOES IS DIG. DIG! DIG! HIGH COST OF LIVING KEEPS DEAR OLD DAD SCRATCH ING TO MAKE ENDS MEET There was a movement a while back to establish a day for dad. 4 Father was going to have one day of respect and tribute along with mother. But. dad is such an easy-going un- romantio person that even the holiday maniacs couldn't get up much en thusiasm. And when a holiday maniac gets discouraged it umst be a dreary topic indeed, for the maniac delights in nothing so much as injecting a half dozen more holidays into an already overburdened calendar. With the returning of the legions to school we feel that dad should get a few words of sympathy. TVaoher and mother and pupil all have their words, but dad gets noth- ; all he does is dig. And how the poor man has to dig this fall. The chidren have to be dressed .Wnt.lv thev have to be equipped with books and tools and charts and mnns. and the hundred and one ex pansive incidentals hat modern man ual and technical training aemanu. Shoes for a family of four will take a week's paycheck of the aver age laborer. School books change faster than do the styles. , A simple littfe dress for the oldest girl costs more than father's suit did a few years back. a,i v,o lmee nants suits of Eddie that. pet. shabby and tattered 'and patched so quickly, eat up dol lars like waff les do butter. I XnA how to afford enough fresh milk and butter and meat for grow I ing children is something else again. ( And as .to rents there they're im possible. Sn AnA dias and digs and stands fl tfco hnteher and keeps the doctor and dentist waiting; and gets a bit shabbier and more frayed arouna the edges every month, and keeps scratching; hoping that sometime, he will die out today- BUHicitv j - light and breathe' a contented breath. Poor dadl Mother nas ner uwu les but she also has her biographers and her chroniclersbut dad, who id beneath the entire load, ana wno just barely stumbles througn, gei nothing but bills. Cheer up, dad; yo'ure manufactur ing citizens and a free nation. tt t MONEY TO LOAN FEDERAL FARM LOANS AT 5'i If you need money this fall, file your application now.,Loans made ia Polk, Yamhill, Marion, Benton and Lincoln comities. For particulars write to E. E. PiascH, Secretary Treasurer. . DALLAS NATIONAL FARM LOAN ASSOCIATION. PARIS CALLS HER LEGS MOST.BEAtmFyL M Jit if J n J 31 f " l Wili - - Jew Ycrk theater goers are questioning this young lady's claim or to be specific Paris judgment in regard to .young women's lower extremities. Mile. Mistinguett has, just arrived in New York with "the most beauti ful legs in Paris? Insured tor $100,000, it is said, This charming Parisian is conceded to be- one of the most popular French stag favorites. ARE WE ALL A LITLLE DIPPYZ THE SIMPLEST AND PLAINEST LAWS OF HEALTH ARE OUT RAGED EVERY DAY. Man drinks whisky and that clogs the valves; he drinks beer, and that rusts the cogs; he pours down lem onade, ginger ale, buttermilk, y ice water, tea, coffee, Tom-and-Jery, hot scotch, highballs, soda water and sudsy soup and then wonders why the fires under the boilers do not burn. If one should -put an ox, a po lar bear or an ostrich through a like performance it would be dead in twenty-four hours. The simplest and plainest laws of health are out raged every hour of the day by the average man and woman. We have searched ancent history and can not find that man smoked tobacco; Also we fail to find any mention that Eve wore corsets from her wishbone on down to the knees. Ruth did nit chew gum; Mary knew naught of powder or paint; Naomi wa3 not all tears because her bangs would not stay long. The Children of Israel did not make for a beer gar den after crossing the Red Sea, and the Apostals danced no tangoes, Re bucca, wefind , never there bon bons chocolates, ice cream, shirmp salad, angel food and demi tasse under he straight-front at one sitting an chirped for more. Adam was th first and was made perfect, bet h long would he have remained so if he had absorbed steen cocktails be fore breakfast and ate mince pie, Swiss cheese and black coffee at mid night? Suppose he had slept in a bedroom 5x7 with the windows down ard two dogs under the bed? Sur? po: e Eve had laced tight, wore high heeled shoes, hobbled fig-leaf skirts, peek-a-boo waists and sat up all hours of the night shoveling in chick en salad and Welsh rabbit, and ba lancing four pounds of dead peoples hair on her head? . Looks like we are all a little bit locoed. ' ' ' 't t I r piSSOLUTION NOTICE The undersigned firm known as Mc Lain & Barnard, have this day dis solved partnership by mutual con sent. All debts contracted by said firm will be paid by Frank McLain, who will continue the business under his management and all contracts and future transactions to be incurred "will be made by Frank C. McLain, who will be wholly responsible. Dated at Independence, Oregon, this 10th day of October, 1919. F. C. McLAIN , R. C. BARNARD. ttt means all that is best in Eye Dr. ' Thompson's glasses examination with quality in material and skill in workmanship. He be lieves that every pair of eyes is de serving "f the best that can be pro cured. Now is the time his is the place. Consult him next visit Wed nesday, October 22nd at Beaver Ho tel all day. . -itt- The aeroplane which has been mak ing daily flights, takng quite a large number of our people for a trfp fn the air, will return again Sunday and anyone wishing to take advantage of the opportunity of making a trip to the heavens, will have another chance WANTI n p FOR THE HENRY WEINHARD PLANT. PORTLAND. OREGON For information call at the Enterprise Office A representative will be here to sign contracts to buy all the CULL APPLES you have. Don't deay. Come in today. Will be readf to make shipment at once. I want from 30 to 50 cars. This is your op portunity to get a fair price for your cull apples. FISH CLAMS CHAS. EWING, Prop. THE PACIFIC MARKET .Newport, Oregon Prompt and Careful Attention Given to Mail Order CRABS OYSTERS