IT. AS OLD AS THE THE rMDWCti WWmUM xU IS EIGHT. BUICK r30 Ilocomobu 1 Icati .a, W m V ft , 'i'r'" -T II V 1 I : 1 t I I s 1 1: ! v f I.' :i a; i&r type of engine J. W. DEMICK, (Local Agent) Independence, Oregon. . Let the chart be Correct Lubrication with Zerolene will mean better performance and longer life for your car. By exhaustive study and actual tests our Board of Lubrication Engineers has determined .the correct consistency of Zerolene for your make of automobile. Their recommendations are available for you in the Zerolene Correct Lubrica tion Charts. Get one for your car at your dealer's or our nearest station. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (California) r' mm St- fJLi-'l " . v.r,. 1 1 . tr fcju.i ' ft 1 "Take it from Me" says the Good Judge Wise tobacco chewers long since got over the big-chew idea. A little chew of this real quality tobacco gives them better satisfaction and they find their chew ing costs even less. With this class of tobacco, you don't need a fresh chew so often and you find you're saving part of your tobacco money. THE REAL TOBACCO CHEW Put up in two styles RIGHT GUT is a short-cut tobacco W-B CUT is a long fine-cut tobacco w Ik llllllllllllll) DOUBLE CABLE BAS& Be Hearty, Hale and Happy Be able to court exposure. Rid your system of Rheumatism and do the things you'd like to do hunt, fish, swim, wade without the dread of aches and pains. Rheumatism's double curse of torture and inactivity is banished by RHEUMACHOL, the great Internal remedy which neutralizes acid poisons ia t&e blood, kills the cause of Rheumatism and makes you hearty, hals and happy. , "My wife suffered something terrible," gays Aaraun Fra- Jr of Laramln, Wyoming. "She took saven Or iarht oni of RHEUMACHOL and the pain Is almost gone. It i wonderful." HHKUMACEOL effects uoh wonderful Improvement iaturally. ft li a bland of all the natural healing powers that oan b processed and taken from the health-giving hot and cold mineral waters of Idaho Spring's, Colorado, combined with medicinal specifics for grout, lumbago, sciatica and rheumatism. Made only at Idaho Borings, In the heart of the Rockies, and every bottle sold under the personal guarantee of H. B. Machol, RHEUMACHOL has (fiven health to thou sands without a single disappointed patient. Get this great remedy from your druggist today at $1.00 per bottle. You, too, will remommend it to fellow sufferers. On Sale in Independence at THE WILLIAMS DRUG STORE. 11 I DOUBLE CABLE BAS& II T?EDERAL Cord I I Tires are better I I 9 because vulcanli- I I B inf under internal I I S air pressure keeps H I H every cord straight B IH llllll 1 and parallel. B vti0ir The Double- fl Wljf A Cb,B,, Prt" 1 u&it'ff vents internal wear H Iff-Ml and stops any pos- B Mlf i ni' ib!UtT ot '"PPU'I 9 CAMELS soprly cigarette contentment beyond anything you ever experienced I You never tasted nuch full, bodied mellow-mildneMj tuch refreahing, pietizin flavor and coolness. The more Camels you smoke thi greater becomes your delightCamea are eucTj a o',. refre revelation ! Everything about Camels you find to fascinating is due to their quality to the expert Diena oi cnoc Turkish and choice Domestic tobaccos. irj You'll say Cornels are in a cluss by themselves they seem - made to nwet your own peraonai fsf in so many wsy () Freedom from any unpleasant cigaretty after-tuste or un. pleasant cignretty odor makes Camels particularly desirsblt to the most fastidious smckers. And, you smoke Camels u liberally as meets your own wishes, for they never tire your fyfl taste I You are always keen for the '$1 cigarette aaimiacrton mat makes Camels so attractive. Smokers real be that the value is in the cigarette and do not expect premiums or cou pons I Compnr Canwl with any cs. ret tts in the world at any price 18c a package t t, fa mM rr of Jti etjmrwttwit ot rn pX 0 whn you tttvmi J.REYNOLDS TOBACCO COMPAUT Wintoa-6aUiin, N. C. eM' SLOPER BROS. & COCKLE tit NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT Notice is hereby given that tne un dersigned Administrator of the estate of Huldah J. Bennett, deceased, has filed his final account in the county court of the State of Oregon for Polk county, and that Monday September 8th, 1919, at the hour of 10 o'clock in the forenoon of said day at the county court room in the county court house at Dallas, Oregon, has been appointed by said court at the time and place for the hearing of ob jections to said final account and the settlement thereof. Dated and first published August 8, 1919. J. W. BALL, Administrator of the estate of Hul dah J. Bennett, deceased. SWOPE & SWOPE, Attorneys. THE PALACE Main Street Open day and night we serve meals and lunches at all hours Try the famous Mt. Hood Ice Cream. Also barber shop in connection. LOST $25.00 reward offered for re turn of Solitarire Diamond ring No questions asked. Dr. R. E. DUGAN'NE. FARMS. Small farms well Improv- ' ed from 10 to 40 acres; larger farms well improved from 80 to 200 acres, large tracts of land, dairy farm, Prune and Loganberry land around Independence and Mon mouth. See J. H. Moran Monmouth FOR SALE or trade for stock, Over land 5-passenf;cr suto, nearly new tires, good top !nd side curtains, Cheap, some terms. See Art Sloper. AGRICULTURAL LIME should be applied in early fall and winter. Order now to avoid delay in ship ment. Price $2.50 per ton ,f o. b. at Gold Hill, minimum order 30 tons Cash with order. Oregon State Lime Board, A. B. Cordley, secre tary, Corvallis, Oregon. FOR SALE Service station, good location, pleasantly situated on im portant corner of Main traveled road between Independence and Salem, Call at station Brunks cor ner. " FOR SALE Ffresh cow. See W. D. Mickell, on Fred Loy farm. 3t FOR SALE Lumber for building or fencing, $14 to $17 per M, or will trade for hay in bale, harrow, cul tivator and mowing machine. E. D. SMITH, Salem, Oregon, Route 3 FOR a handsome and perpetual in come, we know of nothing better than an orchard of Vrooman Strain Second Generation Frarquet Wal nuts, with Italian Prunes as fillers. We can supply you with the right kind of trees. Address CAPITAL CITY NURSERY COMPANY, Sa lem, Oregon. 4 When in town try the Indepen dence Bakery and Restaurant for a good meal Prices reasonable. Lucas County, in. ' 1. n.k Jl Chee makes oath that ha for teetlmonlals, fr". System. Send Hll. Famuy mis for constipation. The VAUGHN THE ORIGINAL DIUG SAW MACHINE If you have wood to cut or wish to operate light machinery WH the farm you need one of these machines. Ask your desler for information or write the VAUGHN MOTOR WORKS, Inc 475 EaBt Main St. - Portland, Oref ! f TP' i' i ii in ) i hi mi i utmt ' '' U!"l"."yTj"' THE UNIVERSITY OF OREGON SCHOOLS AND DEPARTMENTS I SPtOIAt TUH Th. I nlTFriity UfiadMi y,, Con of Liurtur., Hclenoe and the Arte, end the iwrtal School, of Uw, Mn, let Piirtlnd), Arohltrtnr Jotimillim, Outm uirt, Kduuitlon and Miulo. ... r-iiitiM. ln VZ. i and Uie (amiitu "unw For a Ulnrae, nimtrt1 booklrt or wxmine informtlin, )"' ..u THE REGISTRAR, UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, EUGENE, OR" BE A LEADE .."-Et' Hint ant trm Utdii u ukal, oaaxiiy mi mi 111' " -enerJ" mmense problem in reconstruction confronts me v'" ,-tionl A r. j: . . i-oH in its aul1 juu uuinjj your utmost to prepare iv ,v - - ft Oregon Agricultural Coltej PHA "-. MjMILULTUKI. COMHEKCB. rvn-w . an , .t dOcation. civn. engineering. af.VMDUST'l ICISP- t T..I.. V i.. SfiL .... , a .s.ini at rouo- ' vw infnnp in JMM IMUKjm I"""' ' VWATIONAL a tr i . ... . . UrJhfir OlNgEBINO. CHSMICAL ENOINEaKiri";, ; -y mminu InQ INKER IRQ, LOGOfMO BWOINBUWI'". " v rnyalcal EdvcMtan. InluMrlai - - a-Ma. end . ,mH Three regular urrrsi FU term befins Septttnbefj For ColWe Cotelof. Illuitrattd Boekltt mmi etlwf InfofW1"" J THE REQ1BTKAR. Ortgoe Af icHfl CotteS. T,' 1 mmmpmmmmA r i i lr. DugaMw. Vrn t. .r.. -- Presses NattataJ uk.