7 IIOHT FAOlt PAGE THE INDEPENDENCE ENTERPRISE. INDEPENDENCE. OREGON. IDLE WORKMEN PARADING IN BUDAPEST , - JLu '-K. is'" 'Mlfm- lUHi of t!i liiitfo imrttik' of lillu workmen tlmt iimilt (h rulo of this eunmiuiiima In Butliiptut, tlm c iltal of Hun' pry. Records Reveal Queer Ceremony Lawyer Unearths Interesting In- . : Ahnn "Qmrtf.k Marriages1 BE COMMON CENTURY AGO Irldtt Appered In 8ent AUIrt to Protect Huib.nd From Liability for Her Debt Vtrlou Expedient! to Preserve Modeety. at pang.-r, Mal..e.A H..i.Kr 1b7' .llcn.lltiK iirt In Hi um-U'iit town of WW-nsMi, Un ii rminty. rwntly dit rumiiinKlim In tl Colimlnl court rwwln f !l. j.Jn- ntl In tl. course of hU r- iuliiiK- nun. ihtokh th.' omrtnl wfixn n f "miK'tU mnrrliise. M kiii.ln Mlmt n niKk marring' i Hi- huvyiT l rurtli.T, mid ...j,!,..-,.!,!.. liuht iitHin n triiiiB cutom iin-vnU'iit In Knglnna o cen lory or mure hk nml iil to oiuo x tinr In thu Ainprli'iin colonlvn. Smrwb tn..rrlnitiH Wfro WPi1llln ulipr the lrll' iinrril (lrcnoJ In n uhit kii.it ..r rlHMiilMO. Ttio rt-nnon for nmh n unit) wn th ln'Ilcf Hint If mnn liinrrl.'.l it woiimn who W8 In debt h cntil.l ho hohl Ihil'le for her Iwk'hifdneM If he rwlvwl with her nr of li.r i.rtuTty; nml nlo. thnt If i womnn nmrrli'il a mnn wh wan In debt, hU rr.lH.irs couhl not tuke hr proiM'rty to Mitlnfy their clnlmn If he Jirnl rocolvoil nothing from twr nmrrlni!i. In Kndiiri'l, wiyn nn nntlinrlnn thirn rm nt Ifimt on rnso whore tirlU w km clnt IiimI In purls nnturnltlum wlill( die rcTi-mony wns holns or formi'il In tlm Rnnit churoh nt Wnulnii- tinrn. TIip inlnlstiT lit first rofuuoti to perforin lln' ci'r'mony, hilt, finding imthluB In (ho rulirlo thnt would ex cuse Mm, ho finally tnnrrlol tho pnlr. To onrry out thp Inw fully ns the pwplfl lmd.THlood It. tho ceremony shnnld nhvnys hnvo lieen performed an It wn In tho rliurcli nt nirnilni?hnm. In thfi ruse noted, hut, modenty for liWOIiiR, vnrlous expedlentd were UHed to accomplish the doHlred end without the unpli'n.snnt fentures. Somciltiios the hrlde Btooi! In a clnspt nml put her hand through a hole In thp (lnor; sometlnien Rho stood be hind n cloth Hereon nnd put her hand out nt one sldo; again, (the wound shout hor n white sheet furnished by the hrldcprnoiii. nnd Homotlnies one stood In her chomlHe or huiocU. Event ually, In Essex county at least, all In modesty was avoided by tho groom furnishing nil the clothes worn by the YOUTHFUL STREET CLEANER rlilo, ri inlnlnii tltlu to tin! Kitme In ilniNolf. TIiIn he did In the prewenoe of wltiioNMi'H, Hint he nilK'it he iihle to rove the fuct In cusp he wiih ued for any tlt-btd, lio might have con-Irncted. A murrliigo of thin kind occurred at llnidford In 1773, and the following Is true copy of tho record of the mime: Uradford, IM'C, ye 21, 1773. ThU tuny certlde whensoever It may coucerne that Juiiiph I'.ulley of Urad ford who wn married to the widow Mary Huron Nov. 22 hint piist hy mo yo nub irrl her then declared thut he tiHik nuld pemon without anything of entitle nnl that I.ydla the wife of Kllitzcr Iturhank & Mary tho wlfo of Thomas Hthkncy and Margaret the wife of Caleb Ilurhnnk all of Uradford were witiicKse mat i:ie ciouies bob Ihen hud on were of IiIh fuovldlng and bestowed upon her. WILLIAM IUI.CII, MlnlHter of ye flospel. It Is noted hy the snine writer that In all cases of smock marriages that linvo come to bin notice the brides have been widows. It Is thought that during the reign of George III ihere were many smock marriages In Maine, ihen a part of the province of Massachusetts liny, chief ly In the counties of Lincoln and York, V W WWWwW T IN BRIEF. - CTAtTl? TVTTffT TCf Wheelor. Frank GubUh : and J. E. Parsons have purchased 1,000,000 feet of cedar timber at Haddon, near here, and will begin the construction of. a shingle mill there at once. Salem. Plans for securing a new agricultural and horticultural exhibit in the Oregon building are maturing rapidly under the direction of Mrs. Winnie Bradon, Btate exhibit agent, who passed a day in Salem recently, conferring with A. II. Lea, secretary of the fair board, and other officiala. Airships for Conunercial Use BritUli Expert Agree That it Ii to Ac Craft of Rigid Conatruc tbn Wc Must Look for Usefulneu in Busineia U or In the territory which Is now so known. Practice Died Before Revolution. There Is nothing to show that the practice outlived the revolution. In Maine, up to 18"2, a husband was lia ble for debts of his wife contracted before marrluge, and no such subter fuge as tho smock marrluge could re lieve him, Kmock marriages were frequently performed In Vermont about a century ugo. They were entirely honorable to both the participants, for they put wholly aside all considerations of financial and selfish Interest. Accord ing to tradition, they all turned out Imnnllv. and well they might. The Medford. -Without warning, a sugar embargo was placed on Medford last Wednesday, local grocers allowing only 50 cent purchases per customer. This action was necessitated by wholesale dealers curbing their sales because of a notice from coast sugar refiners they until January 14. -. La Grande. One of the biggest land deals of the county this year has been consummated with the sale of the Charles Playle wheat ranch of nearly 700 acres, near Alicel, for $115,000, to Grover Grimmltt. Mr. Grlmmitt, who is 20, already owns enough wheat land to make him one of the biggest wheat producers of Union county British experts, seeking to forecast the future potentialities of air craft, seem to agree that it is to the airship of rigid construction, not to the airplane, that one must look for the maximum of commercial useful ness, writes a foreign correspondent of the Ohio State Journal. . : The limitations of airplanes designed on present principles are defi nitely known. Technically it is an accepted fact that aa airplane cannot be produced which is capable of transporting a commercially adequate lead for a longer nonstop flight than 1,000 miles. For practical purposes 500 to 800 miles are regarded as the workable limits. " But the prospects of airships are much less easy to diagnose. .It is recognised that rigid airships can fly Jor distances of 2,500 miles carrying a commercial load of approximately fifteen tons, and that they are enabled to undertake long flights now believed to be impossible of attainment by airplanes airships is accompanied by greater rela- that tive efficiency, but the medium-sized airships have greater advantages it is . ...-a xt.. mrmnH. : For example the "North Sea" class of a iron count sugar h.iiuuio wnu , v. . :j i, : noralW miTvnosed. For example the naa witnarawn irom me marnei aiu, man bx... v , .. , a.. ,0 tih ..500-horse power is capable ol transporting a wau Wi whereas the four-engined giant airpiane 01 i-v -r - lift less than four tons and burns twice as much gasoline. Deadly Mosquito Female Does All Deadly Work of Fever Propagation Tuesday, September 23, will be dairy day at the state fair at Salem this year nnd the Oreenn Dairv council has been invited to arrange the program for the The male mosquito doea not bite ; jt T jj(fH , Ua anAl airATita I filfl Dill IS HO IJ1UUL Lliat. a? vvv - .... - Kii o hlnnfisimker If he wished. It IS t hpro win no RnpflKPrn ann mubiu. "-""" ., m ,.tfA fhaf Aftu nil the Madame Cow will be especially honor- fT,. ac secretary- .it.. in thu Scientific ed that day. A. H. Lea, principle Involved In them may be said manager of the fair, hopes to make the Amerlcan extended by to have triumphed In our social life day a big success now smock mnrriuges in the sense tnat Lut-i u6 v,u-. th nnrtiM nre financially Independent Commerce has indorsed the plan that of each other. has been set forth by different organ Itv the way. one of the enrllest and izations in the state to makei of the M I . 1,1.4V.. -oo . strongest arguments for woman bui- pacific highway from one end or tne thA nrriVoi 0f this hibernating penoa frnge was the necessity of relieving 8tate t0 the other, by the planting of the nfe 0f the female is one or two women from the financial nonnage imu eh,ha , trppa on eflch side its entire mnnths : the male, on the otner nana, ir,rfh q momnrifli tn the soldiers of lives but a few days, ine ioou oi Oregon who gave up their lives dur- the mosquito Is the Juice and nectar of plants ana, In the autumn the males die, and the females seek; winter quuriei". Thov hibernate In dark: corners oi rAiiAr and garret, and on the first worm dav of spring are out laying their eggs. . Save when Lavan Proves Big Help to Cards as Shortstop An Aggressive Player Johnny Lavan has been a big help to the Cards since joining the team, The shuffle of the infield which shift ed Hornsby to third, Stock to second and Miller to first, with Lavan at short stop, Improved the St. Louis club con siderably, and If the pitching had held up, the Cards doubtless would be high er up than they are today, ijavan is an aggressive player, a fine lnflelder, and his batting Is hard, and timely. He and they were under to their nusrmncis ou years ago. All thnt a woman had tnen practically belonged to her husband. Wendell Phillips, in his address at the first national woman suffrage conven tion, held at Worcester In October, 1851, called attention to a curious case that had lately occurred in this state. k mnn nmrrlpd a woman who had ing the great war. of course, biooa though not necessarily that "of man; animals, reptiles and even caterpil lars are bitten with the same freedom. The female mosquito lays from &u to 100 eggs at a time, on any quiet nf water. In about tnree aays hit they hatch, and tbougn at nrsi iu larva Is very small, it grows rupiuu generous nnd manl; s.in.000 to his wife, so should remain a widow! MAIL SERVICE BY AIR IS SUCCESS Postoffice Department Says Has Speeded Delivery All Over the Country. It Salem. Papers In connection with the case brought by S. H. Rockhill of Riddle, Douglas county, to enjoin mem bers of the state highway commission, $.10,000 of her own, Inherited from her Governor Olcott and State Treasurer father. Dying about a year alter ins Hoff and others, irom cnangmg me marriage, this man left a reranrkably preseilt route of the Pacific highway lar' , tt , in development in a few innly will he lert tnese between Myrtle creek and Canyonvllle, have then tne familiar long as sm L,.MPmjm tho. respective state of- , i niri-tim rain barrel ficlals here recently. nnd the uncovered cistern. nnrinff the larval stage, which lasts oQTTon tn ronrteen ua.v a. the state printing office here Bince malarmi variety can be distinguished 1914, was Thursday appoiniea Biaie from flll otners by the curiously in Drinter to succeed Arthur W. i-aw- r,.pd bv virtue of the fact tnat rence, who will leave soon for Cor- 1Ies wlth its body parallel to tne sur- ), ig mirhaoul g nrlnt- tho TOfitpr wMie tne ouiei ing establishment. Before coming to species hang with their heads down n-OIrnn Mr Ttnsshard was for 15 years ward, omninvpd In Milwaukee. Wis., and -"''.' other eastern cities. it . .v.; , i mi hi niMrririfflinrr " EXTENSIONJBEING PLANNED New Route. Will Link Up St Louli and Omaha to Speed Up Deliv eries to and From the Pacific Coast ... .,... r c -Records for weu ui"t) of existeu.e. aalstflnt post- n'ho service, aecoruiuK . minimi nr to Otto . , phan.ei has genera.. - - the delivery all over Wilson and other officials figured prom inently, nnd sent letters just before tne aviator started. Since tlmt time the sen-ice has continued without interruption. Postage for airplane man at me nine wns ilxed at fifteen cents nn ounce, the postoffice department figuring that snopdv delivery made that price fair. In addition to being carried by alr- i Pigmies Are Suspected to Be More vnciem man Any Other Race on Globe A most interesting puzzle to anthro- ' JF ' " :i i ' ' ' is ' ' ' ,S . J master speeded mo'l country. Y k clty 0r Letters mailed In mw nrHvlnB there ro w L .hi fore elgh o clock H 'J w ln. gent by airplane o f n J P fcy SUrl"g 2 t J Wellington are sent non. I bose . for y )n the Chicago airin ... ls cut uown ..m New York to um.ni, Medford With firewood selling at from f 9 to $10 a cord, two coal mines have been opened in the Roxy Anne -,,,. A n a rnnr colllnB. PAnl tfl Medford householders for f10per ton J pel og.st .are AijP A thousand tons nave oeen uu auu , - ---- - th world. plane the letter was to be specially contracted for -during the year, and nobody gives a plausible guess as delivered which ordinarily costs ten practically all the large office build- tQ hQw thelr dlstribution was accom- cents in addition to letter postage. ing9i hotels and postorrice use tne me Airplane mall service continued on a locai coai exclusively, nnvine basis for a time, until the nov- cltv wore off. Many persons at first Bend.-As the result of correspond- used the airplane mail for Its novelty. ence carried on by the roads commit- nud the letters carried were unimpor- tee 0f the Bend Commercial club, the tant, apparently. At any rate, after a committee has received an offer from few months, the sale of airplane stamps . . t nlghway commission to lay dwindled, as did the mall. a macadam surfacing at a cost of Reduction In Rate. approximately $175,000, on that portion Then the postoffice department de- Dalles.Callfornla highway lying elded to fill the0"tTperrS'S is between Bend and Redmond, providing SJeSffi S.CS lene8 ft. county will first prepare the grade. rnte for airplane postage was reaucea Bnkl(.ThreBhlnis is over around Johnny Lavan. Branch Rickey, manager of the Cards, have long been Intimate and when La van grew weary of pastimmg wim tne Senators, Rickey arranged ior mm 10 join the Cards. He was to have fig ured in a three-cornered deal, also In volving Davey Robertson and Mike Gonzales, but the transaction was blocked by Barney Dreyfuss. it 1 nine nnd ten hours. There to between nine ..- , from 9 a corresponding saving Chicago and western for New lork. al, routes wny of Cleveland Extended. .Air Service to BaExtt M Flights are "btJ wlth such over these routes ' departmcnt 'liey have rather young street clenn ers iu Salonika ' (in ', the Balkans), youngsters who wield ungainly brooms, yet manage to keep the roughly cob bled thoroughfares ln moderately tidy condition. Our photo shows a typical street urchin who has ndopted the white winged" profession. tlnttA'u7, or routes which is about to lnsi.m nnd gt wni Mf W " 1 Mcv routes are to cine coast. tarted 0n May a i..ninne mail sen ice ,tn 0 route between NoJ , yhadbeen Washington JTwo SJm. arranged, one to ea n. wflg a flrst fl'gnir""alr la which Presiaeuv -spectacular affair u 7 from fifteen cents to two. it is proo wheat though b,e uftieS do s noi averaging 35 bushels to the acre, in tl,1Uefdr iLe" " the added acSiUes In some cases ran quite high. In one In- P' f-L" rpLrded bv the post- stance . the record was 52 bushels. office department as worth the price. 0ats were well topped and heavy, ay service was started the eraging 65 bushels. Of enormous yields nostofllce department co-operated with the community' boasts of a record so ti,P war department, which supplied faf nQt known t0 be excelled here of the airplanes nnd the aviators. ims n4 bushel8 t0 the acre, machine meas- arrangement had been 8 ure, 38 pounds to the bushel, .... Mat sicnal officer of the aimy, llio ,1IIHnnnl , -r, t . nil norli who saw In tne project " TuiamooK. reioouo num o." iv- monns of training uvm.a - - 0f Tillamook conmy aiieaaea mo ujku- western front. n ing 0f the sixth annual Tillamook coun- Army VlclwwuZoA tZ ty' fair Thursday night. Tne county last November when it was ngeea ror 8uperintendent'8 office worked t,le sake of nfTe hard to make the school exhibit one of project should be taken overly attractions of the fair. The Pr, Z , rVaaon the service now Is display, of pure-bred dairy stock was Hrliv in the hands of the postoffice large. The sports and amusement com- Hpnnrtment and 'the aviators are of tolttee( -with A. C. Everson aa chair- ' status. However, the pilots man urnished much entertainment. Civiuu" work have come n0W iv from the army, ' being officers - Salem.-Complete census of all irrl- Sarged from the service at the end gat,on projects in Oregon, together of the war. . . ... wltn data regarding the amount of Thertlss machine, but the post- water power In the state and Its avail nartmentis preparing and, if ability for electrifying rail lines, is office wv . , wlll soon . letters received by Percy Congress p irlnnpq nt work. olnwr frnm R. Put.eby ' . nl,.ninnes are designed I rtpTM,Pt, lnese uon primarily for carrying mall, s ?rA, wicnllv. so that there ls nil shed. Whprever found they 6eem to be the earliest people veritable aborigines and all of them are much alike phys ically, though different somewhat In Pomnlexion. They are suspected to be more ancient than any other race nnw surviving on the globe. t this race belong the so-canea "monkey men" of the mountainous in terior of India. Likewise the pot-bel lied natives of the Andaman lsiauus, In the Bengal gulf, who are said to "look like babies all their me. j.u latter wear their hair in" frizzly tufts and adorn themselves with necklaces made from the bones and teetn oi ue funct relatives. tn Mndneascar are the Benosy, black dwarfs, who when pursued jump from tree to tree like monKeys. xuey are so timid that sometimes they die of fright when captured. stabilized TT th,s regard they tm be different from the army type machine, in which ability to maneuver rapidly s an element of safety. P. Teel of the federal department of agricul ture, and the United States railroad administration. The data are now be ing assembled and will be sent to the resnective government departments within the next few days. WORDS OF WISE MEN. Consideration gets as many victories as rashness loses. Consistency, thou art a jewel. Conspiracies no sooner should be formed than executed. Add ison. Constancy Is the foundation of the virtues. He keeps watch over a good castle who has guarded his own constitution. Grease Spots on Wallpaper. . -(... , . - To remove grease spots from wall paper, put powdered French chalk, wetted with cold water, over the places and let it remain for 12 hours., When you brush off .the chalk, if the grease spots have not disappeared, put on more chalk, place a piece of coarse brown paper or blotting paper on this and press for a few mlnutea with a warm Iron. , ... --i n '" - Magnetic Eyes Needed to Make a Good Impression A winking, blinking, and wandering eye will never Influence people ; there- 5 fore It Is of great Importance that these . organs should be trained to their Dest condition. The person who would use the power of fascination, says G. H. Brately, In "The Art of Fascination," must acquire a determined look. An empty stare should be avoided,' for it can never carry any Influence; neither will a fierce and impudent one fasci nate, though It may repel. The magnet ic gaze must be steady, quiet, pene trating, and determined. In conversa tion, look into the eyes of the person rflimiv nnd steadily, or fix your eyes on the organ of Individuality, which ls be tween the eyebrows. Speak all your thoughts clearly and distinctly. Think them as well as speak them. " ' n Physician Gave Up Work to Become Wood Engraver The first engraver of wood In Amer- ! ica, Alexander Anderson, was born ln j New York 144 years ago. His father t, was a Scotchman, the publisher of a : ; J; ' newspaper. Anderson first became a physician, but in 1789, after having r M performed many deeds of heroism i j fighting the yellow fever epidemic of thnt vonr. hA abandoned medicine and , ;f , made engraving his life profession. Ha j ? died in Jersey City at tne age oi umc , ty-four, and a vast number of books ( illustrated by Anderson vouch for the j ability and industry of the pioneer ln ( -j -the art of wood engraving in the new, J world. , -? y Electric Light for Aquariums. j ! ' An Inventor has patented an aquarl- , urn that can be lighted with electric 1( lamps supported above it within a ,'; shade that directs their rays Into the , water. - a J 1 1 It! f I of it re Q , , 6' W e: r ,h( i y ie yvt r ir ;, -ci , dt -) re