I AGE EIGHT. THE EnWeNPBME ENTEWIcK AS OU) AS THE A y I M .! Correct Lubrication at Cylinder Heat Stan Zerolene keeps its lubricating body at cylinder heat, holds compression, gives perfect protection to the moving parts and deposits least carbon. - Our Board of Lubrication Engineers has determined the correct consistency of Zer olene for your make of automobile. Their recommendations are available for you in the Zerolene Correct Lubrication Charts. Get one for your car at your dealer's or cur nearest station. . ' STANDARD OIL COMPANY (Californii) iLiinllilliillllili ( 1 1 I At (U.. ,. J f t M . ' .. r. ICJ'UiT AVI lySC Ul CltQUI. J. W. DEMICK, (Local Agent) Independence, Oregon.. 'Maybe nobody has told you," says the Good Judge Why this good tobac co costs less to chew. You get real tobacco satisfaction with a small chew. It gives you the good tobacco taste. It lasts andlasts. You don't need a ft-rcli flifw co nfrftn. if ' li you money. THE REAL TOBACCO CHEW put bf in two styles RIGHT CUT is a short-cut tobacco W-B CUT is a long fine-cut tobacc f - 1 K 5 5 PUT a pipe in your face that's filled cheerily brimful of Prij Albert, if you're on the trail of smoke peace I For,P,A.!f A. 1 A. 1 . - 1 sing you a song ot toDacco joy inai win maKe you wish pt life jobwns to see how much of the national joy smoke ys could get away with every twenty-four hours I You can "carry on" with Prince Albert through thick and tk You'll be after laying down n smoke barrage that'll makefc boys think of the old front line in Francel P. A. never tires your taste because it has the quality I Aal let it slip into your think-tank that P. A. is made by our exdo sive patented process that cuts out bite and parch assurane that you can hit smoke-record-high-spots seven days out of every week without any comeback but real smoke joyl R. J. Reynold! Tobacco Company, Wimton-Stlem, RC I t - SI Rheumatism sufferers are restored to the pleas ures of life by RHEUMACHOLi. Crutches and canes are thrown away, and onplunges again into the joys and recreation of fishing, swimming, outing and ath letics without feSr of rheumatic pangs and pains after using a bottle or two of RHEUMACHOL. - Were RHEUMACHOL made anywhere but in the shadow of the gnow-capped Rockies, where Nature has impregnated the waters with Radium and other curative minerals it would be only an ordinary Rheumatic rem edy. But RHEUMACHOL, is made in Idaho Springs. Colorado, where thousands of sufferers come yearly for relief. RHEUMACHOL is carrying' these same curative ef rects to every nook and cranny of the continent, at a nominal cost. Soores upon scores of letters from drug-g-ists and sufferers alike tell us of phenomenal cures. Frank Strsamsr, a Boulder, Colorado, druggist, says: "There may be other specifics for gout, lumbago and rheumatism, but I recommend and sell more RHEUMA , CHOL than any other. No one has expressed anything but highest approval for RHEUMACHOL. . - RHEUMACHOL is a blend of Science and nature, which ejects acid poisons causing: rheumatiwm. It re places afflicted nerves and joints with purified tissues. Thousands upon thousands of bottles have been sold under the makers' money-back guarantee, and not one dissatisfied claim has ever been made. Get a $1.00 bottle today from your druggist. On Sale in Independence at" THE WILLIAMS DRUG STORE. 1 FOR RENT-OR SALE A Chicker in(r 'tiano, very cheap, or will rent for ?2.00 per month. Inquire at the Enterprise office. 2t Mtt.m WANTED For planing mill work, shifts K. SPAULDIN(G LOGGING COM PANY, NEWBURG, OREGON. FOR SALE Lumber for building or fencing, $14 to $17 per M, or will trade for hay in bale, harrow, cul tivator and mowing machine. E. D. SMITH, -Salem, Oregon, Route 3 LETTER FROM HALF FLOYD U. S. S. Transport Slivridim June 11 Dearest Mother anil Everybody; Have just left Honolulu after spend ing a most delightful day and night which gave us. ample time to give the Island the once over. We hired a car and drove out through! the ru ruul districts, through large sugar cane and pineapple plantat.ions.Thc cane was just being harvested and the pineapples were just turning ripe day and night eight hour uur tlrlve took us out to Scofield liar- Apply or write to CHAS. racKS laoout m miles) we had pav. ea road all the BEST TIME BETWEEN INDEPEN DENCE AND PORTLAND. Leave Independence via mac-Bar Co's Stage at 8:50 a. m. Connect at Orville with Oregon Electric Limited train No. 10, arriving in Portland at 11:35 a. m.. This gives you but two hours and fifteen minutes on the train Phone the Mac-Bar Automotive Company's Garage and the stage will call at your door at no extra charge. -it i NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned has been duly appointed Administratrix of the estate of Mrs. Elizabeth" Burton, deceased, by the County Court of the State of Oregon for Polk county, and has qualified as such. All persons having claims against the . said estate are hereby rtotified ,to present the same duly vei ified together with the proper vouch ers therefor to the undersigned Ad ministratrix at her residence in the City of Dallas, Polk county, Oregon, within six months from the date of this notice. Dated and first published July 25, 1919. IVY G. ROBINSON. Administratrix of the Estate of Mrs. Elizabeth Burton, deceased. -ttt There will be services as usual at 11 o'cl'ick at the Catholic church on Sunday morning. $100 Reward, $100 The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there la at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure In all its stages and that is catarrh. Catarrh being greatly Influenced by constitutional conditions requires constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Medicine is taken Internally and acts thru the Blood on the Mucous Sur faces of the System thereby destroying the foundation of the disenao. i?ivin thl v i... i..7,J,r"!. " ." ' "ft ui cr an. "51 .1 """ uuuing up tne con- ces to see the h on,! j stitution and assisting nature in doing its f t , ' lnd and swim too way and it being morning, the air was cool and fresh. We pent some time at the barrack and then returned. When- arriving back to Honolulu it was time to "chow," so we went aboard our trans port and partook of a very whole some meal; our appetites bing sharp ened by the mornings drive. After lunch we took another drive to the palaces, one of the mountain peaks, where the King of the Honolulu tribe with most of his follower u. driven over a bluff of some 500 fe,.t high by another and stronger tribe from one of the other Islands. While at the palace we noticed the contract in the temperature of the air. In the city it was very warm and here it was, cool and raining. We had came from sunshine t rain, w,;rh prevails -the year around, thus t,.i-. ing Honolulu her fresh water supp! weaving rnr- 1'aiaee wo descend,.,! the mountain leaving rani and clouds behind emerging inU, Uu. beautiful sunshine again with a light breeze laden with the r -ent.i'ol mny beautiful tropical fb,wr. Driving through thr 1 .v -.uf.'fnl resi dential section of Ilonrlv, w came to th mwim .- ( - .-s..1L,tl wziwt vw saw many beautiful fish of all siz. s,Rhap,., and forV. Then wo visited ffcc frfl that was in full blast when we In.ul ed. There were many things of in terest here in the way of tropical (Trains and fruits. Tt was vary vwm so we did not stay long but Won- vu juuisr.eps toward the worlds famous beach which waa only a block away (we h.-d dismissed' our car) before reaching the hwh Wo passed the beautiful l10icl Wda1 which i build on the beach. We were much disappointed in ffa torch as it was not near as Ix-a-iMf.,"' '-,, we expected. There were nm7 coral reefs which insisted in peeling -m swimmers shins and knees. Our transport sailed at 2 o'clock p rn so it was too late for ns to tare n drp much to our di8appl,tmeTlt Whenw e landed, WB e'L , tlie time ha A Vn, 3 f. An immense problem in reconstruction con f rot :tV" pmmtzc At? you doing your utmt la prepare to kl in itiu4' i) Oregon Ariiillurd Coliel o - cy- -. - m Trm hi Itxlnthip tn lh induMrMa i4 f" ' I f .owt. I HOME ECONOMICS ACKICULTUKK, COMMKi'.Ca. 'OP ! 1 1 V. PtIARKACT 1 VOCATIONAL RO TATION CIVIL KNGINKKItlNfl- t-l UCTKICAt .UW' MECHANICAL Noi.jrl .. :il X VOMICA!. NOIN.t ItlNU. i:;0UIIRIl4 MINING r.r.-c.-. Wr.w. fcwClhO tiIOINtEI K.LUAKV SClWd j Thf Collf-E tr.ir inj inrlulrl coiirMt In CiiImS. lU'XMHTUCI Art. Md'tfmMtei. Mixiefl I Three regular terms Fall term beeint Scpicrfibtr 22, 1915 21 j, -mi i " r."f $ Cr.llrj! C.i.lof. Illuttrxtd Bmhlft nd h intmmmtM Mir THS RECISTRAK. Oruon Aricullul Colkt, Cmvillil ;,. .... W KMMKateBg: j. 'it, i jni ' " P i H When you 're hot and thirsty soy L JLLJLLJ-L Al Any plAri where toft bevetgt THE HENRY WEINHARD PLANT nown and Outrihuton. MMTtAND. CMB two days, but changed at the last minute to a dav and a night, thus spoiling our cW wotk. xne proprietors have ao much faith In the curative power of Hail's Catarrh Medicine that thav Hundred Dollars for any case that It falls to cure. Send for list of testimonials. Address F. J. CHENET & CO., Toledo Ohio. Sold by all Drusglits, 75c ' tO the Cltv a-nA -t- aboard our transport with our next stop some 4000 rnfles distal, (S devestock Russia.) Befo tti a7ort we amused ourselv- eL 7,f ,Hinni(;R t0 the ma" mi m I' . necked yutere who ; "eel the bay ready to dive to the jottom for a penny. Juat afc BUn8et we clears the harbor and in half an .our wore on our way with nothing but a c Bmooth ocean ,n front J-ater a few stars came out and as m rTrMCtfng WttltgllpM of Just li,te eam) the full wh' l(aWaiian m C 0 ed a li ST ,mig,hty Wato8- seem many of our passenger, had left us last n , After watching the last visible gl rnme-r nf tv, i! on eth T-l mmer 01 the lighthouse bed Id w ' We Pu ourselves to bed and were soon fast asleep dream. mso the beautiful Hawaiian Islands Well mother, I wrote you a letter and . mailed it IUl "1 in Honol , , , t. tVOttHI1"' snouia nave it.-iv - time, as a rr.al dobi - few days later. rf I thinks I have wrote this time,' bo will close, W reaches yotr in you all well and tht proved more than ev, Ora joins me m wishes and love. MEN" WANTED-F05 p . work, dayandnigM- (f shifts. Apply -VSng I PANY, NEWBURG GOOD CHOICE ' sale. Order "oWf" 0 two prices this J en at the Enterprise0"