tlOHT PAQM THE INDEPENDENCE ENTERPRISE, INDEPENDENCE, OREGON. PAGE' MORRIS BROTHERS, Inc The Premier Municinl ri,.n.i If..., "v MORRW BUILDING, 309-311 SUrk St Government and PORTLAND OH if . . . . Municipal Bond. thSSSt SSSS&St, : rvrvr?? -n -n i rrrnsu i w r mm mi mm . r m . - - - w1 "Where Home Comforts Abound" Portland, ore. The pleasure of your trlD to Port. Garage in Connection. Don't :3v ? Write 7ot ..eurrt a, oft,;, ,,,, APEX Electric Washer This le the famous wiitther with the ruiver-ruBl copiK-T tub that rocks thu clothes from sick tosidoclcan hiK' thutn without wear. Has pow er driven SWINGING WRINGER. DOWN ttahnct In tmall monthly payments. Delay- Write at once to the J. C. English Co., QJ$ Portland, 143 Fifth Street Oregon All orden of 1.oo and over eent postpaid Kasan, by J. (). Curwood t 7R lliuee, Hon of Kazan i,v r r..':...:S '4c .i.i 'I. i.uiiuon J ib Indiim Drum, by W. Maimer in ))tn (lives, by Owen Johnson I lie Hem Mnti, hy Grace I.. I.utz ii '."I ". lJf u"?!l t' l'V M. tower.."" '"! Allvo, by Arnold Dennett ; !','',K,.1'" ',' ,,y ,ltt,i,h t-'onnor lid Hie, by une (Jrey V'"!''iv '"'."."f l','K'' by J' WebaUr" Just Uuvld, by JS, If. Porter catalogue Free. Send cash with order. A. W. SCHMALE rrl,0n 8t' Portland, Oregon NA-PEER TIRES MADE OF FIRST GRADE RUBBER D.l.r Writ, lor SptUl P,opa.ittoe . PORTLAND RUBBER MILLS, PORTLAND. ORE. one size only 30X3J $19.00 SACKS for SALE Potato, Onion and Crain Sacks. Lower Price. L SHAM I CO., 312 Fnal Sr., Paii!i;0ie. ORIENTAL CAFE Portland's Famous Grill AMERICAN and CHINESE DISHES. 8rv!r at alt hours. Mule nd Danclni. . Meet jrour frlnnds hn and enjoy your ttay In Portland. Utwtalrt. oornr Hroadway and Washlna-ton Su. WILLAMETTE UNIVERSITY College of Liberal Arts Collrge of Law Department of Music The highest standards of Rcholnr Bhip and rellKloim lufluence. StroaK ore-profeissioual courses. Ilullatlns free ritESIOKNT C.Vlt L O. DONEY halem, Oreeoa F. FIUEDLANDEK CO., Jewelers. Espart Watrki aa4 Jrw.lrr RBlrtmar. Mall Onkn InauJI.i. lx.ii.. Il Wa.MnXn llh mm4 ttk Bto. " PORTI.AND. OREGON ESTAI1LIHUED 1870 UiA Tw SurBfaU to ACCORDIAN PLEATING .a.'."."." foaieo any atiie, Jl.oo. Ilem aiiicninir. ion nor va k.i, a Kaatern Novelty Mfa;. Co.. S6V4 Fifth 8tl Accordlan pleating-, hemstltchlnsr, but "n covered, etc. Art Embroidery and .....v.,,, v-u., mvrgan jiiug., 1'ortland. npiemna service, pleasltis- prices. Jew- APTrjF1CALLhM8 , A""!!' "! blmb Co., Tnc. Writ i -v'n,","0 vvaan Bt Port land, BUILDINQ MATERIALS- DricK a specialty. Phone East 1835; Rest. PoViranrr.1""- -orrlao. 8L, W will grliidly male aatlmates. Bend for free booklet on Beptlo tank. Porfran.cTrLo'n0:' ,ripie,b''U:k; mantfil brlok and fire brick In stock for Immediate delivery. Ask for i''iL h.L Vern Co.. Inc., 271 JPJJVEAVINQ AND CLEANING Fluff RugrfTonTtTld' tSrpeiS R Ruga, all sizes. Mall orders prompt . , 8finJ 'or Booklet. iS,"J'!?,,,or Drr Cleaned. 1.0. . WKHTEltJN FLUFF RUO CO., M-6g Union Ave. N. East 6B1, B-147S CLEANINQ AND DYEING ' For reliable Cleanlne; Vndyldnaserv Ice send parcels to us. We pay Return postage. Information aad price tlven upon requet. .-.nKJFITT DTH WORKS Established 1K90 Pnrtlad ri"i.,ln1 P1"'""- 604 Zorn Hotel, 6th and Morrison, Koom 3. DENTAL SUPPLIES r"-!-. ."iiu. iwiin Diaic., j-oruana. uucturs : Mrs. Dr.''TBTTiTT'rpr.'tTT.'X lin,l ITayl.. T-V . ..a. . V : ' W V " auiui, ocuie ana enronic als- .r ii .if B epecmity. Indian Herb al Hatha. 252 Monroe St.. Pnrtlnnri n Phone Woodlawn 276. Let me cure your rheumatlnm with mir icilirUY. iU uurB. INO lJf( V ftlt n., hnt( . r.fc',.Jo?n' the Poorman's Doctor, 71 n! 6th St., Portland. DOOR8 AND WINDOW8 e can selTyouDoors; UK. A Ulll I. lilllRR Ann Mil (!...' II n rln.n a direct at wholesale prices. Write for prices oeiore nuyinsr. Heacock Sash & AAimr wu., aiiz f irai hi, I'ortiana. 57nor G. Taglieri UmmXro of " U Vpc fontiita" Itsitian ' Hl (intn " A .Sl-tt.. M Tkl I. J. II . . y . . . r . i w UH Of lnUrnlionl rvpuUtlon. lludlo-04- 8U-vrna iiulUlinf. l'bon Main 1144V, DIXIE BREAD Ask Your Grocer HAYNES FOSTER BAKING CO. Portland, Oreson. . SAttn BAKING CO, Slier., Oie. DO YOU WANT HAIR? fcJr The Ekdee Hair Create Thin hair made thick. M par eent of baldness curable. (Not a dye). 12.10 postpaid. Tlii Kkd.v Co., fKlO Union Ave. North.. Portland. Oreiron. or auk your druintiiit for it. Keep the Northwesf I'rosperoui by using Northwestern Made Goods. ZAN BROS., Inc. Hotel Alder Rooms 11 per day and up. Special monthly rates. Out-of -tAjwn viaitora made to feol at home. Boutharn l'arllic electric train depot in same buiUilna-. J. W. 11USHONQ. Manairer. g6 Alder 8t cor. 4th. PORTLAND. ORB JAHER AUTO SPRING CO. You Can't Break 'Em! Get 8pringi with written vuarante for year. 15,000 Springs in Slock. Portland, Ore. We Will Rent You an Auto City Garage and You Drive It Yourself. FEARING ROBNETT REASONABLE HATH). Also (enerwl raraare liuslnna. 86 Tenth sL. near Stark. CONLEY'S USED CAR CENTER we will pay you cash for late model cars or sell them for you. RememDer th place-Brtcsi Bulldina;, at lntorsectlon of Wash., 16th and Buxnalde. V Cafeteria BEST PLACE IN TOWN TO EAT We especially Invite out-of-town visitors to give us trial We will make you foel at home. , Slalh and Alder Streeta. PORTLAND. ORE. St Nicholas Cafeteria sjS! BEST EATS IN THE CITY Street, Portland, urefon. want and pay for what you act GENUINE FORD PARTS TALBOT A CASEY, Whin in tmvn lirlna- vour MnM. ranitiiioa Kv S mt -pinna Ford mechanics. Mag-noti re-chargred in car while you wait Try us for parte. No. 1 Grand Avenue, Portland. Or. Inc., Aulbomwl Ford fc.feri JV.- r ford to us. Exceptional JtSff ul-plnaa Ford mechanics. .4.'l - - --' PORTLAND, ORE. We Pi; Cass for DAIRY BUTTER, Cream, Eggs, Lire POULTRY.' Wrllt tor Prices and Tags For Cultivating Long, I Beautiful Eyelashes and Eyebrows I nothlnff can Human with "LASHE," at ail Druggist. ORIENTAL LABORATORIES, Portland, Ore. Yea Will Feel Ritht at Home. Beautifully Fureiald Safe Central $1.00 Wiliest kit $1.50 Will Ban. Weekly Rates Monthly Rates NORTONIA HOTEL 1 lib and Stark, PORTLAND. ORE. j Excellent Cafe and Roof Garden DRUGS BY MAIL Bend to on for nnvthlr. In iW7w; BTTC ber Goods, Trusses, etc. Poetaae prepaid. A-iuimner i-irug to., zsu 8d St.. Port land. FARM LOANS tor any time denired and lowest cur rent rates. Vm. MacMaster, 331 U. 8 National .Bank Building, Portland, Oregon FUOTBPEC I A L I ST8 "f. win lAOven, graduate N. Y. College i.nnuJUUy-vrumpeuiC8. . AjrOSQWay Isldg. MAYORESS I NG Mine. Grenell relieves Itnhlnir nr.oin nanclrurr; moles removed. 230 Fliedner ciu., roruana. j FURS TO ORDER REMODEllTNfF Suye 20 to 30 at the only upstairs fti"e'-. "aw 'urs -i ne f or Shop, 606 Swetland Bldg., 6th and Wash., Port- toil 11, VI c. HIDESTWOOL. TALLOW btssi iERircorirssTmrm m ios ism ei. St., uor. irvmg, Portland. Main Office, 8an FYanclsco. Branches: Seattle, Spokane, Boise, Salt Lake, Reno, lAiiiiiigB, AiAiaauuia, Vancouver, ts. u. H EM STiTCHI NG K- gtephan, hematitchina, scallopins:. braiding, .accordion side-pleat, buttons! ivereu; man oraers. ii PittocK block. Iron or Wood work I nir Mflrhlnerv I,,nin. Sawmill, Contractors' Equipment, Loco motives. Boilers. Ens-lnes. CrushRm Rail Cable, Belting, etc. Burke Machinery Co., o.o nanivttj' r.AL-naiiife clog., roruana, ur. This Juicy Fruit flavor certainly makes a delicious refreshment. (f allays thirst; aids appetite and digestion: helps to keep teeth clean. There are three long-lasting VRIGLEY5 flavors every taste is suited. AFTER EUERV MEAL1 lh0 F(avor Lasts SEALED TIGHT KEPT RIGHT 143 3 fUKTliANU MARBLE WORKS 264-266 Fourth St. Neu Bros. yes! magically! corns lift out With fingers OPTOMETRIST AND OPTICIAN You corn-pestered men and women l I A ff , tit At . p,in.n. .i j """u n '"user, wear me snoes of capable service and reason- tnat nearly, killed you before, says , . . "ie cnarges. i nousancis or sat- mis Cincinnati autnority. because wlaSSSSSS; optTmetTKl 1 mStSS; ,ew d?ps,of freezone applied dlrectly PAINTS AND WALL PAPER Write us for prices. Pioneer Co., ID, T.. I . cia xi m ma j ii ai pi., x-ortiana. stops soreness at once and soon the corn or hardened callous loosens so It can be lifted out, root and all, with out, pain. : A small bottle of freezone 'costs See The Portland Modern Oil Burner Making Pure Gaa Front Coal Oil. Fits any Stove or Range. Has no equal for cook' in, heutine. furnaces, etc. Easy to operate. Nc dirt, soot or odor. By far the cheapest fuel. In vestigate. Aaents wanted. i PORTLAND MODERN OIL BURNER. 146 Grand Ave.. Portland, Oregon 'mm DR. L I La BARRE, Portland a Modern iX' DENTIST '!o ADDOlntment made mull. from by No serious results teeth extraction. Work of every character positively guar- nr. I. I. E. La Barre, u. u. a, Cor. Suite 205 Gerllnger Building. and Alder Streets. AUTO ACCESSORIES xtXi; Porta Mfe Co.. 325 Burnsld Parts for all cars at half price. 2nd" A Msderately-Prleed Hotel of Merit HOTEL CLIFFORD 11 j' Morrison 8t. and East Sixth ' per Day. Two In a Room, 11.75. SIHE Izard Generator maklna Dura Gas from Coal Oil. Fits any stove or range. Has no equal for eookinir, heating, furnaces, etc. Easy to operate. Mo AfllTllTrra llf A ITT 1 '11 . . .1 ' 1 . 1 . J 11111 I I . u 3 Fourth h0KU UAS HEATING CO.. u'. Boot nr odor. li-ARI "Hh St., HILL MILITARY ACADEMY ft PORTLAND, , OREGON ?1SSEPTEMBER 17, 1919 KEWANEE WATER SYSTEMS snd Electric Mahting Plants, make lif 'worth living on the farm, linsyto install and operate. H D Spencer, Distributor, 833 East Morrison. Portland. Ooegon. tup WORLD'S BEST SILOS The Tung Lbx Easy to erect-low in price-ill last mu: to tna Riln that Drac- tical farmers say is the Best Silo in the World. Rnd for full Information , COLUMBIA DAIRY SUPPLY CO., a, IT t at. ronmnu. .-. Classy Bug Bodies Prices $85 and up. Burness & Martin 16th & Alder sta., Portland CHI Man's Wonderful" Makeup. No (lirforarice how sour a man looks, 9 contains about 60 lumps of sugar tlld Ordinary rnrilinl ilhnptlBinTlS. to make the seasoning complete, HIDES, WOOLSACASCjABAJRK quotation. Kahn Bros.. 18S Front an. there are 20 spoonfuls of salt. If a an Were dl8tllled lnt0 water h0 would f about 38 quarts, or more than t . hi8 entire weight. - He also con of 8 a Sreat deal of starch, chloride Potash, magnesium, sulphur and hy- drockl tem. ric acid in his wonderful sys- Calendar Facts. The month of January always begins on the same day of the week as i Oc tober and the same is true of April ... Tiv anntember and December, February,' March and November also begin on the same day of the week This, however, is only true in norma year; of 365 days. A century can never egln onW64ne?: day Furthermore, me u'""""' ' ends oVthe same day of the week as that on which it begins. ROPODIST Painless extraction, uooa opody, best results, irlor chlroDodV is aa avatina and will cause in-itntinn. Lad es and gentlemen, mu lineh Lane BldK.Broadway and Alder St. -. i-ninii 'tj chlror '7 Infer!. " grava PORTLAND Go. with the crowd tn tha Ahln.tnn ReitEs?atelanFrankbir' ! g Store, but will positively take off every hard or soft corn or callous. This should be tried s it is Inexpensive and is said not to irritate he surrounding skin. ir your druggist hasn't any freezone Real Estate. Frank L. MeGuire. SANITARY BEAUTY PARLOR 'veTiiefrTtiie'DfiaiajiCift' ofwnmiln Twenty-two inch switch or tramaforma- uon, vaiue a.uu, price 12.45. 4U to 412 JJekum Bids;. a.PHS.'ffi? a!.?"?1?' s5hL tell him to get a small bottle for vou " " 1 AAyo. i-iacuvoi OJ1 lltU IIK B I b , . , , , . in overhauling- and repairing every make "uul mB wuuiesaie-urug aouse. ll 18 of autd and aas engine. Oxyacetyleme fine stuff and acts like a charm every A.cvU.,a..GU rime. aov. a. PLUMBING & PLUMBING SUPPLIES We can supply you with any kind of plumbing- supplies at wholesale prices. We will gladly estimate cost of any lob. Write for prices. STARK-DAVIS CO., 212 Third St., Portland Napoleon's Temper. Defeat was. so distasteful to Na poleon that, so it is recorded, when he physicians round an opponent at chess getting DR. . ELnAsorrnsrn. una Panama the better of him ha u-nitM -a-ith n tiiag-. urugriess metftoas, stomach, kid- toir mTrmo constipation, liver neys, rheumatism, trouble. Dr. F. A. Kreutz. metaphysician and mechano-therapy. Maynetic treatments. Clairvoyant. Psychometrv reading. 160 11th St. "fj sweep board and pieces off the table to the ground. PERSONAL KlvRriFn me: nest ana most successful "HOME MAKER;" hundreds rich wish marriage soon; strictly conriaentiai; most reliable; years of experience: descriDtion free. "The Successful Club." Mrs. Ball. Rot ooo uHKiana, uautornia. PLATING NICKEL AND SILVER rite today for prices we Day return postage on small parcels. California Plat ng worKs, 214 znd St., Portland. At wholesale and retail. Mail orders nromDtly filled. Smith's wan t-aper Hmuei08n0j EVERYTHING FOR THE OFFICE Office Furniture a Appliances PRINTING ENGRA VING A BOOKBINDING MARSHALL 080 77' r PORTLAND. ORCaOH FIFTH OAK STMIT COMPLETE LINE OF STEEL FILING DEVICES AND SYSTEMS Worth More Than That Now. On June 20, In 1632, the patent of Maryland, granted to George Calvert, Lord Baltimore, was after his death made over to his son, Cecilius Calvert. King Charles signed the new patent and gave to the grant of -land the name of Maryland, in honor of his queen, Henrietta Maria. While Lord Baltimore held the grant he paid for it vearly to the crown of England two Indian arrows, which are still on ex hibition at Windsor castle, England. PORTABLE DRAG SAW Most highly improved Drag Saw on the marset. rias me only real ana practical clutch. Write for particulars and special prices. BEAVER MOTOR PRODUCTS CO. 246 Hawthorne Ave., Portland. WILLIAMS SANITARIUM EAID ComH5f"dfiIgTriM tion, skilled nursing, electric treatments, rheumatism, all chronic ailments. 734 Hawthorne, cor E. 21st. SJiLSpRAJjJBJN S Only exclusive Silo factory! So"Hoops No Nails, No Trouble. Stay Round Silo Co., JiOl Dekum Bldg., Portland. TAILORED SUITS LATEST STYLE SuTtsto'7nier7Hn month. Suits pressed 10 minutes. Unique Tailoring Co., 104 Fourth St.,- Portland. TEACHERS' AGENCY Rocky Mountain Teachers' A patent has been granted for an electric shotgun in which sparks dis charge cartridges that may be filled with an explosive gas or liquid as well as powder. . ALLEN'S FOOT EASE FOR THE TROOPS. Shaken into the shoes and arn-inkled in thn fnnt. bath It fiives rest and comfort, taken thA friotinn from the shoe and prevents blisters and sore spots. Makes walking easy. Accept no substi tute, sola everywhere, 26c. A ONE-MAN TOP for FORDS, $8.50.p .A. A Pennypacker Top Converter converts the Ford top into a snappy stream g 'suji dollar value, one man toD for nnlv tH Rti Money refunded if not satisfied. O. T. Hull, 634 Washington St., Portland, Ore. State distributor Pennypacker Top Converters and Covers. mi ELECTRIC MOTORS Bought, Sold, Rented and Repaired WALKER ELECTRIC WORKS Burnaide, cor. loth. Portland. Ore. Agency. Frank K. Welles, ex-asst State Sunt, titer. Portland, Or. Teachers placed promptly. Sweet Is Sympathy. Sympathy is one of the great secrets of life. It overcomes evil and streng thens good. It disarms resistance, melts the hardened heart, and devel ops the better part of human nature. - An Eldorado young man may. be said to ' have completely recovered from his recent illness. He says he has forgotten how his nurse looked. Kansas City Star. - -f . Do Your Own PtafcSns By buying direct from us at -wholesale' prices and save the plumber's profits. Write us to day your needs. We will g-ive you our rock bottom "direct-to-you" prices, f. o. b. rail or boat. We acta ally save you from 10 to MSiper eent All sroods guaranteed. ., j Northwest headquarters fat Leader Water Syatems and Fuller At Johnson Engine. , ; STARK-DAVIS CO. , 212 Third StTMt,- " " Portland. Oreoa TDfNR Bests, Refreshes. Stolbet BfalKeep your Eyet fS&iLJr thevTire. Smart. Itch.oi f.!ir ITVC Burn. if Sore, Irritated IUUK 1. 1 CO Inflamed or Granulated use Murine of tea Safe for Infant or Adult At all Druggists. Write for Free Eye Book Murine Eye kemedy Company , Cbkago, ll. s. A Are You Satisfied? BEHNKE-WALKER Ril:iiMVi r-m rn is the biggest most perfectly equipped ousiueaa training etcnooi in tne JNOrtn west Fit yourself for a higher nnatttnT with more money. Permanent position! assured our Graduate. Write for catalog Fourth and Yamhill Portland. The Braganza Diamond. The Braganza diamond is a grea! mystery. Very- few people have evet been allowed the privilege of looking at it, and of these few some are oi the opinion it is not a diamond at all, but merely a wonderful specimen ot white topaz. At any rate, it is gen erally conceded to be a diamond and is considered the jewel supreme of the crown jewels of the late reigning house of Portugal, the ancestral fam ily of tlje duke of Braganza. Dally Thought. ' A man's own observation, what he finds good of, and what he finds hurt of, is the best physic to preserve health. Bacon. , MOTHERS TO BE I P. N. U. No. 32, 1919 Should Read Mrs. Monyhan's 1 Letter Published by , Her Permission. t . -. ir. Mitchell. Ind. "LvdiaE. PinVriom'c : Vegetable Compound helped me so much Curing the time I .was lookingforward i to the coming of my v little one that I am ? recommending it to it other expectant f mothers. Before -taking it, somedays ! I suffered with neu ralgia so badly that : I thought I could !' not live, but after ! taking three bottles ; of Lydia E. Pink- : ham's Vegetable , Compound! was en- : tirely relieved of ' neuralgia,' 1 had i gained in strength -and was able to go around and do all ' my housework. My baby when seven f months old weighed 19 pounds and I feel ,r better than I have for a long time. I r never had any medicine do me so s much good." Mrs. Pearl Monyhan, j Mitchell, Ind; . ; Good health during maternity is a most important factor to both mother ' and child, and many letters have beep . received Jpy the Lydia E. 'Pinkham MedicincJo.; Lynn,; Mass., telling of health restored duringthis trying period by the use of Lydia E. Pinkham s Vege table Compound. , - ri i If. or st , to re a eA w t i.j r t ' d ez; .,.. ; hi.-, I pa te: '.V'l ' r 1 -ev I ca do f (Id f i UI : alt; rrit mu- pr J : ye I p.h , po po, Ta Tli V o vo . fire- as-.