THE ENDEPEKDENCE ENTERPRISE -' i 1 ! I I 1 I 1 1 ? 1 1 I ii: ii : , I 1' i - i V 1 : 1 4 1 r r . i i i 1 1 1 1 1 -i 5! ?C!!RrCT lURSiCATiOw itetf er performance longer life Correct lubrication with Zero lene will mean better performance and longer life for your car. Zerolene keeps its lubricating body at cylinder heat, holds com pression, gives perfect protection to the moving parts, and deposits least carbon. It is the product of the combined resources, expedience and equipment of the Standard Oil Company. By exhaustive study and actual tests the Standard Oil Company Board of Lubrication Engi neers has determined the cor rect consistency of Zerolene for your make of automobile. Their recommendations are available for you in the Zero lene Correct Lubrication Charts. There is a chart for each make of car. Get one for your car. At your dealer's or our nearest station. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (California) Jl grade for each type of engine Ml W TILL STORY OF SI 10 Ornron Country "1 rV.lur, IV.. Kres .! lT"- , ",",'"H in July itml',r- Erection of I'M) 7 son thiss ha vv.upl h Oregon Countryman, publico., hy t"'' f .oIK-im- t- tell in th duly issue the st.-. v c " progress, in nil. i' "..: "' of silajrc in this stut'. "Silntro in fe.l lr m-'""' dairv.m-n Nvhex-ver I-Nr-fails for any lt cf the -..r. ry C. J. Mcintosh of th.' ilciwifvont of industrial j.nirn.'.lhm. will ; the .summer vacation mnnl ec. -m- los are culled p:.siure umier co-,r. available t "I! thi' l in any amount needed. "Lonu regarded vi"Vr dairv sprintr fov'd, is mow u.'l to prolong the summer'ent sea son. Sueh crops jw vet.h and ...i.s. put down with plenty -f w:,Ur. ie fed through fall as needed. I "1"'-, corn ami other standard silaire are fed through the winter and e irly sprintr till (Trass comes. Sprintr N the let milk season, hut the silo has brought near-sprinir to thousand" of Orepon dairy cows. 'Silatre is also largely used as I oef cattle and sheep feeds in Oregon. Some of the state's most successful cattle and sheep men have become the biirest silo boosters, and the story of their use of silatre will be told in the Oregon Countryman by K. L. Potter, professor of ampial husban dry, for the benefit of other livestock men and farmers. "v":r-: i:H J II Sir 1 t$u r - it mm Ik i I III ,1 I . ii J. W. DEMICK, (Local Agent) Independence, Oregon. . "Listen!" says the Good Judge "And remember it, too." I. The better the quality of your chew, the more you 11 enjoy it; You'll get more out of your to 'I bacco money, too you'll save W . part tof it for something else.' A small chew of this quality tobacco tastes good and it lasts and lasts. 0 2 .A THE REAL TOBACCO CHEW put up n two so-w ter; NOTICE tO CREDITORS. Notice is herebj given that the un dersigned, Roy L. Layton, has been . appointed by the County Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Polk, Administrator of the estate of James D. Layton, deceased, and has qualified. All persons having claims against the said estate are hereby required to present them, with the proper vouchers, within six months front this notice, tg the said Administra tor or to Fletcher & Barrick, my at torneys at Independence, Oregon, in said tounty of Polk. Date ar.d first "publication June 6, ROY L. LAYTON, j Administrator of the Estate of I James D. Layton, deceased. FLETCHER & BARRICK, Att'ys. In Judging Values War Coni) tions Must be Considered L w th liU""' f v. ,1,1 V lipl t1Ht ul1 ' i : inlquiw"" cruM'"' " ,, The Wy v tln i ,ric 1K ra for in""" rude, un-'" ! "-, F gpnen I M' Lion, is l'1"1 Quality and Price are not what they used to bp w we do claim that in comparison with what vou i-l P iwt '"" ..i. . u. i ,.!..: .jl. i Zr SI L ma I i' ing and the HIGHEST VALUES. RIGHT CUT is a short-cut tobacco W-B CUT is a long fine-cut tobacco Wf - 1 ' I ' For Sale By $ All Coffees will advance in price Rii-ir in Vive nonnd Tina and I save money. Conkey & Walker riME CARD ON VALLEY & SELITZ RAILWAY. Effective Sunday June 2ath' i The Valley & Siletz Railroad -will un a train leaving Independence at ,45 a. m. going through to Camp One Wiving there 10 a. m. Leaving at 45 p. m. arriving Independence at p. m. leaving at 7.25 p. m. for Hos ing. Sportsmen will have an op ' rtunity to whip theLuckinrate. , rain will leave Hoslrins Saturday ' 6.80 p. m. arrive in Independence !5 p. m. f 1 1 Vulcanized under, internal pressure .to. in sure even cord strain distribu tion, And locked' nrmiy to the, rim by four unstretchabje jpteel cables, JjrjJERAli (ordTires DOUBLE CABLE BASE SLOPER BROS. & COCKLE pry s on piol 1 PUu "kin" ty Mrvlii( fmli pU I N wKh Vogutl llaribmillow Whip. f Cm It m jron would whipped atun. 1 U i Si to iklm d nort Uptr ! U1 f U ot You am ktf It vtt until m n QuuMi.jU Uxn U mj lift I B V Orfer t Jr UxUr An. ud try ttu dli- 3 V iOOt dOMll FOR SALE One second himd Bin der cheap. Call on S. E. or phone Farm 1311. 4t INDEPDENCE residence property in a desirable location for wile or trade for Portland property Room 807 Journal Building, Portland, Ore gon. 4t WANTED Loganberry Pickers, at Wigrich Ranche, Idependence.Price A cents per pound, extra bonus of cents per pound if pickers remain until end of picking. Tents, i wood, camp Rtoves, benches, tables furnish ed free. Pickers requested to regis ter at once as only a limited number required. Apply Major Rose, Man ager, Wigrich Ranee. T0R SALE On Bouser Gasoline j pump and underground tank 2G0 galoa. Will sell at a bargain. See J. G. Mcintosh. FOR SALE Slab wood, delivered to any part of the city at 4.50 per cord. Strictly cash. Call or phone J. R. Cooper. 7tf IFOR SALE 10,000 No. 1 Potato Sacks and 8,000 No. 2. Address or phone E. Clemens Horst Company, Independence, Oregon. 4rt HOWITT COMMISSION CO PORT LAND, OREGON, 135 Front Street Will pay following prices on ship ments received up to and including June 12th Veal,75 to 120,top 20c; Veal 75 to 120 medium, 19c; Veal, fair to good, 18c; Veal, heavy 12 to 18c; Hogs, 100 to 160, top 23 to 25c; Hogs, poor and heavy 20 to 23c. No commisaion, prompt returns. 4t To Measure or Ready-to-Wcar. 0- JL Rreatner. mav i'1 end in w tt for word ;r lip on i" fe or c" ln win tc ight m'r' PIT i STOCK 1 1 F CI WHY WORRY ABOUT your noon lunch on these busy days when you can get a quick meal at the PALACE Main street. Lunches from 11, a. m. until 2 p. m. and from 5 p. m. un til 12 p. m. Next Friday is the glorious 4th. Catarrh Cannot Be Cured With LOCAL, APPLICATIONS, as they cannot reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh Is a local disease, greatly in fluenced by constitutional conditions, and in order to cure It you must take an Internal remedy. Hall's Catarrh Medi cine is taken internally and acts thru the blood on the mucous surfaces of the system. Hall's Catarrh Medicine was prescribed by one of the best physicians in this country for years. It is com posed of some of the best tonics known, combined with some of the best blood purifiers. The perfect combination of the Ingxed'enta in Hall's Catarrh Medi cine Is ViOu produces such wonderful results In catarrhal conditions Send for testimonials, free. F. J. CHENEY, & CO., Props., Toledo, O. All DruKgists, 75c. Hall's Family Pills for constipation. AsKYourDeakr'nttc"1 Grand Prizel Firearms 6 Ammunition I FIRST OFFERING TREASURY Roosevelt Divide Mining Company l()cts-A SHARE 10cts One of our most sucii-snful fmiwiciiT says: " The time to pi into any enterprise is in its early itufrcs." The history of the properties of the Divide Dintrii t hiu alrvauiy proven the wisdom of this. St( k that sold for a few ccnta I than 30 an.l lid days u have siiue douhled and tre'uled, some of them tm-' era! times. THIS IS YOl U OI'I'OK I I N1TV TO JOIN THK WINNERS Kooscvflt I i .wnH uhoiii 0 ncreii j!ititiK the Sunhean nd but a t-hort distani't- flip Sutherland. The surface showing of thii country in K"tl, and there is every reason U expect it to become on of the big producers. Applications will 1W made to list on the San Francisco stock ei exchange. Officers of he Company: K. S. Hcmcy, President; Fred StrasslieiK, We -President; Milton DeUh, Secretary; Geo. A. Foster, Treasurer and Manager. Mr. lierney s Sate RepreHcntatvo from Churchll county, and Mayor of Fallon. Fred Strassherjr is u prominent husiness man of Churchill county, and until recently connected with the Churchill County Bank as Assisant Cashier. Mr. DeUh In one of "the lent known mining it torneys in Southern Nevada. Mr. Foster, known as one of the livest wires in the Mate, has heen in the mining huinexs'for over 30 yean, and enjoys tn- ronlidep. e of all who have ever hud' dealings with him Wire all orders ami make cheeks payable to RICHAKDSON & FOS TKU. FISCAL AliKNTS, TONOPAH, NEVADA. UCTLTl AND S TARTS ilOJIESTl Celebration tti lf-0. i THEHEMINOTONARMSO.M.C.CO.INC PllJI KtTi,m,-m L' " P If a woman is nervous r,r '. jt. Bpells, Buffers from awftd paics Hi regular I or irregtilar intcrvnk she ahoiild tiura to a j tome made up of herbs, and vtthoiit al-1 conoi, which makes week women rt. and sick women well. It is Dr. Phr(.e'a j Favorite Prescription. Dn-KiFt3 sftll it in I liquid or tablets. Bena 30 cats to :nl Invalids' Hotel, Buffalo. N. V f,. .: '..i ! package. Ihcu, for the liver and bowels Eothing is so good as Dr. Pierce's PIeMant Pellets. Those are little, sugar-cot pills, composed of Muyappk, !,.ave8 of aloe, root of jakp- thii -3 that Natu. grows in ine ground. toden, noA-'Thiring cxpcr.ltl0y i mimi Bcvero nervous brook-down. llecarae very , .lk was nauseated and sick art th My mol, ' advised mo to take Dr. Pi,w. ..-, . , r - UUv uuue nr wme time. I keut ,, It and had pructi,a!ly nu 8uflerillB anl a nne large baby, wuiglliuK cieven pound8 advise all prospective moth. to tnke 'Favorite' They could take aothi beto Dirt. John Wtstm, 370 28 St, for yf. IN ALBANY Slor, Somn' ""y Ctll,hrMtin Reception to returned Soldier, and features tTS '" U1 every mh- A parade with brand ne , n ari'i Lumbermen. Case ball, sports, contests. B fre ,'a")WU,i Ht il0(;n- hilarious MardiGras and Dance in the evenW The (Sty. open and the lid's off to every man in uniform.-Come.