THt INDEPENDENCE ENTERPRISE. jj!?T PAgJOLK PAGE 1 fold by.tfie Bank Book Aceounts by Mail Ilk J LOCAL I jjf -- .0 r X; ONE Does'nt have to make a special trip to Independence in order to utilize the good ser vices of the Farmers State Bank. All he,hns to do is to writ us for information about opening: an account BY MAIL. Then he can make his subsequent deposits or withdrawals in the same way. THE ONLY SAVINGS DEPARTMENT FOR MAN Y MILES IX EVERY DIRECTION i! C. W. IRVINE, 5 J. B. PARKER, 5 C. G. IRVINE, L. C. FITZGERALD, 1 1 IISJIPJ President. Viee-Pres Cashier Asst-Cashier I 5'jiK1! hi I 5 S Vi FARMERS STATE BANK. Independence Oregon ft I .-I 2 .. " - - j Jk? 'mi ! it v E . r-s fl Sturdy S nop Smart Showing of. Shoes MEN'S, WOMEN'S and CHILDREN'S NOTA BLE FOR THEIR PERFECTION OF FIT AND GRACE OF LINE ARE THE NEW PUMPS, and OXFORDS. WE ARE RECEIVING DAILY THE VERY LATEST NOVELTIES FROM AM ERICA'S FOREMOST SHOE MAKERS. New Waists An endless variety . of Styles in Dainty Cotton, Geprgett's, Crepe die Chines and Wash Silks, plain and exquisitely Tijimmed Novelties in White and all popular NEW SHADES. From this satisfying assort ment every taste and purse may be suited. YOU'LL FIND THEM MOST MODERATELY PRICED. .. EDDY & CARBRAY THE STORE FOR NEW THINGS THE ORIGINAL DRAG SAW MACHINE y If you have wood to cut or wish to operate light machinery around the farm you need one of these machines. Ask your dealer for information or write the VAUGHN MOTOR WORKS, Inc. 475 East Main St . ix.-i.-j . vi bxaim, vregon. Races in Independence the ilh.Of course you ar,e cominjr. The treasury department h;is been urged to coin a half-cent piece. If the petitioners can point to anything that can be bought for a half -cent i now-a-days, the treasury will proha I My give their request some consid eration. ' Lieutenant Frank 1!. Keelan of this , city and Miss Mable Struhan of IVrt- i land, were united in marriage in the Clerk's office at Pallas lust Thurs day evening. Lieutenant Keelan is a hustling young business man of Mils city, b.;iii: !bo representative of the Ovorlard i . r with hividnnat-i :. s in tho old En'c i prise bui!d:r.n. .Miss A ciranan is ( romnieitt younsj- ."n,.! tejiclier 'H' las'' been tea b i i in P.rtlar.d t-i- i tr.nntier of .; j e presume tnere neves was a j newspaper in any locality that gave all the loeal happenings. It is often i that someone conies or goes that the reporter does not see. It happens J that the family is missed several I times. They get the impression that j the editor dors not care to mention ,'them. This is a mistake. In most j country huvns the local work is the 1 hardest work connected with a news ( paper. A man may be a good e!i ; torial writer, but a fat failure in the loeal work, and vice versa. Editorial material is obtained by study, by reading newspapers, sometimes using ' scisors. Persons and local : happenings can't be read and din ned from other n ;ful.xjt takes physical as well ns mental exertion to get out four or six columns of local news in a town of this size. Most people take a lo cal paper to get the local hannenines ! Pon't be afraid to tell the editor or (reporter that you have friends vi siting you. There are lots of people who are interested in your friends. You owe it as a duty to them to let your friends know pf their doings. Perhaps you think the rrarer shows Ipartility, but just see if the paper j does'nt tTeat you right if you give it a chance. -, 1 t t i f .t. BUENA VISTA NEWS tt J. Bohnne and family moved from here near Indenendpnce TT ,i-;, the W. S. McClain tnipV ,,:i. niiv, iu 1 XZ. M. V. Prather visited several ilav. last week with his daughter in Tilla mook county, who accompanied him home for an extended visit. Mesdames G. E. Harman. N r Anderson and Carrie Tann were shopping m Albany Thursday. W. R. Carroll who recently pur chased the Robt. Simmons property is in Srmffio,.! n , ... v..v.., uicguu visiting rela tives and friends before locating Wo I permanently . I D. W. Nickels and family Sunday- J ed with relatives in McMi Orville G.. Wells, who hfl Camp Mead for nearly a year, arriv ed Monday at the home of hifl nnf. ents Mr and Mrs. G. A. Wells. Or ville had his oversea' equipment and had not the armistice been signed, he would of soon been in France. Cecil and Teddy Steele who Is em ployed at the Capital Citv f Salem, was a week-end viaifnr rUt, their sister Mrs. N. C. AmWonn Perry and Marion chased the C. P. Wells farm last year, is doing some remodPi.ln. ie piace as well as painting and papering. Now girls don't all .milu at once. The S. S. picnic held at tbp Vi. rich ranch last Saturday was P,. plete success Through the ur.,U nes of Major Rose the large mssaur ant was used and the tables groaned with good things to eat. A large crowd was in attendance and some races and difficult stunts was pulled of which made the day pass all too quick lor both old and young. Martin Conger and family of Su- ver were calling on relatives here Sunday. E. B. Gobat, Mrs Gohat and daugh ter and Miss Blanche Harman re turned Monday from a ten days trip in Southern Oregon. Many places of interest was visited and a rlnlio-U. ful trip was had by all. J. R. Loy and family attended the cattle sale of Ed Carey's near Lay. fayette. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hale were in Salem this week attends ti, wedding of Mrs. Hale's sister. Preaching Sunday at tho Mofiit,, - -u.UHBl cnurcn bunday by a verv nMo f,n, er from the Willamette of Salem. A cordial welcome fs ex tended to all. Edgar LIchty and wife left nesday for Newburer where tW rm-n be joined by R. M. Caldwell fa mily who will spend several sight-seeing on the ColurnM TT?- way and the Mt. Hood route, as well as the metropolis citv. matin o- tf.a (OU WhlU Corner) Salena Greatest VVomcn'i Apparel Store OH Evervr-ousc T ' - J Worth 7 NV' VV cm 'iiii.' Wais Sale Betinninr M0n ay, June 23rd We'll place on Special Sale ,() do.'.i-n In a -ni la u 1 that will save money. tur New Y.-rk ' .;in;, unusual offer in the bious maiket, lu'ticc tin- t f 1 selection. cj-lt ..... 1 I ci ever on ! ll in' rcmarka! (Jpoh pHv hih! Voile U m:. i, tt, iilert, bintciind tn" ink,. tmIIKt uf t Values urmiiK'l 111 KtX Kl.nq.N for yoat .(;koi r WLS1S IJISI' !ISc S mih: White Swiss and O.vatniie Waists, made with Pink and Blue Voile collars, in a complete assortment of sizes, as an in stance of the big values offered we've marked this lot special t'Se t.b'OlT NO. ."(, WAISTS M.7.". Spti'ii . i ill ,'howinj' of ii-w ()i .in die, Vile and Cat Mi Wmim.'-., principally t.uiorp.i :i; h.I.mvi th in in all i-i.en, . lotto, 1 an 1 ke.l ,le -igiis some ml' Ulckci (JlUifP No. 5 WAISTS .u:, Clepe do ("hiiie and liwg,,,, j WiiiKt. j.rincipally while, rrw,, ' i.rd dish, nil new nrlcl, tmtipjl. lTel n nd hrni muclicil ik'th-it, ' Uiire or V dhapid r.e.-k nrj f nome m Russian V,U,u- GROUP 2 VOILE $1.30 WISTS pelal ,.;.-, special jjjj nU(LT NO. ? GEOHCETTE WAISTS $575 (,i:on , i ORGANDIE WAISTS SI.'O Excellent group of fine white Voile Waists, some in hemstit ched effects, principally V shap ed neck, all sizes, tailored effects equal to $2.00 values on sale Monday jir)0 An excellent group of fine Or gandie ami Hastiste Waists, neat ly frilled and tucked, oine are lace trimmed, hem st itching nn.l pretty pearl buttons are used ef fectively Sale price $250 Beuut;ful group of G-orpelU Wllst. Whit. fliab ' 1 1 no went colorn, t.iilorwf Htyia, and some are i!k ere!, principally rourj tifck style Special for this , ,,ilT5 I A Triumph of . Toughness And yet the 'Royal Cord' no sesses amazing buoyancy and life That's the secret of this famous tire's success. Hardihood that means mflnv extra miles, combined xvith the luxury of easier riding. Let US nut T car. They are the utmost :, ment-the finest tires i th8 ,or!'d. i Jr 'Royal Cord' "t tlut mntthflvl wmwM StfTires oof Tir. miimAl 'wi & mwAW S 'i t'H ii ' . 'K,"' ijtn'y .Vl ' ' ' '.n Vt.jr llWt S'ihtK United are G mm we know IT-:. j c. . - That's why we stll them. 1 .in re 1 ' ,.if t Independence GSil trip In the Iatter's Maxwell car. Machine Shop JSSl,V Tim iv -