1 - ' I iiQHT PAQg THE INDEPENDENCE ENTERPRISE, INDEPENDENCE, OREGON. PAG 1 I 1 as' - - .- MR. BUSINESS MAN iV ZrH,!,1i!n ,0 ,"n- We hav r. rip: 1 1 don, ItiTTKU, I.f.JvVH A CO.. 803-6-7 Hoard of Trade ltlrig ,ur bw jKitw wh anarln iti tUt.filM.ni.nl. NA-PEER TIRES one m'ze only 30X3 A Dcalara Wrlui for Spatcial 1'ropu.lllon PORTLAND RUBBER MILLS, 3)19 HO KOKTtANU, OKK. CANADIAN WHEAT FARMS 1 . if.....! imlHy N'i- I wheal. gruM n.i g. .-. fin.-i f t ,,,iic i.t I ' .-.! M!-l fMrillltlg lllUMr H'MCIt,, ly pl'.li tl,g HI.. lit. I,:, ., .;,!,),. ,,.H '"V i i-ii r I unknown, 1'ilrn fi,r linpri,n r..i nm i mni i.-.,,iv i' "'''', ... II i per ro. F'iy l'"tn '.(feint i,u i.ii, i,i,,v,, ,,,,,1 nuniprnv. I ' 'lli I" "I'i'-Hy furniiir' i o-oprriillve. ..M;.iiny, i. ,., i n,,i.,,!,, "ill-.! i v 3 frnirr lmrehMr. A d'tiiimiii'ii n . rM i.ii .-t. t.j is i,wx' rM""1'""1 irs'lTKU fiKAJN ' ilti W KltM KK''I'I:ITV ( . I,TI N,,i iliwHlrin lupromintnlUr. .! lienry Hldg, I'm il.in,), m.. Is I II... V...II .1 l ... i "MF 11,1 i"miniM lt?pcrola ny umiik jviriiiwrMi-rn .'l.ulc Loods. ZAN IlKOS., Inc Hotel Alder 6 Kkiiiii II par day nr.,1 in,. it. rlnl x,i,lh!y rain. Jut'orU'Wii iMli.ra n.ttilt, li, Irrl at .,.. ulhern I'ru-iDt- rla-i'tilr train il-.l In ,.im Hint. J. W. Ill KII'IMi. M.n,lU'..r & AMr St., rr. 4th. . l'u:'II.ANI ( 1 1 : K . HER AUTO SPRING CO. You Can't Break 'Em! OH Hriru with wrtf-n uuutniilim f.r yrr. 15.000 Springs in Slot li. Portland, 0,e. Siqnor G. Taglieri Itbjiaii " lit i ( flhti, " Vuire IliiiUliitif fnrtn Uiiirniary StiiL-on ! H'urh (f tiiltnat(t4il rrulitl"n, bluUio Htrnrii lluiiUititt. Mailt 8ij. JU UEIilG THEATER m ii-ST of vai;m.iui rrt-MMiljnif ut hII (nnm Ih9 llttf Am-rrfi iwl Kun.,'iin K(,ti-. :.rr SUN., MON..TUU., WhD. Ml. ) I11 bn. Nliclita. Hit to II.'O ORIENTAL CAFE Portland's Famous Grill AMERICAN nd CHINESE DISHES. Hrrv U ut ll Iv'urti. Muiic ami Iafrinif. Mi-t yuur trivtvl ttrrt nl viijny your ty in I 'or U and. F. FKIEDLANDEU CO., Jewelers. KKTAIII.IKHED INTO t inrrl Wtrh mi Jlry UtMlrUc. Mall Or4m (,l- lamnlUI AtUntion. l H..h,n,lo IIH.M. Mh ! fill HIM. lt)KTI.AMI. OliK(.IN FARM 2: IMPLEMENTS i.lnml Trrtrit. KtuWln Watfuni. Ir.m An hnml rnl-n rultivatun . I.. Ium. vit ivai,M .,wt i4,iiiii, t,litnti-t. l!rncnili-r Hull ltf Huto lit, 1unittPti ..r .kv. Wl- drmr I". K. K.Ur.h.ilf, fjint MorrWi ut.. I urllw. Ore. Urgl rruilcr In N..ribwri. fiend for Catalogue AUTO The Home of Parti nd Acceorie8 for Autos. Parts Wt will nd you f'rrl IW inythlug yon my wnt for the Auto if it W"taWUli)Na&SILVA, 462 IWU. Portl.nJ, Oregon 1' Cafeteria " BEST PLACE IN TOWN TO EAT Wlx lHy Invltr AiMif-town v(ltiir to nive u trial. Wo will maio yu fwl t hm. Si.tk .d AU.r S.t.. r-OHlLAnu, unt. CONLEY'S USED CAR CENTER 1J7 Lowiudilt Street. w .i.VI them for vou. Remember w ,H.,r-yV,,Vtint;;.Vaion Wh.. 15th.nd Burna.de. TALBOT A CASEY, Inc.. AulWiii M fc.lri. Wbn In town, lirn your t urd t.i u. tiwj'H"""1 rutin nin rn m... ..... r.,hri in ir whil vmi 1 'V if MIKII rAKI.N ... . ... kj.. i i:,..i anh, r.iin.l dr. V GENUINE ACCORDION PLEATINO ! t'.b I 1,1-nt. d !liy Blvln,'" iM)".l 'im KllMiliijr. leu- ir yd. JiiiiIdiih covered. KltHli-iH NdVI'IIV M ft?. Co. I-'lfth HI., litontlway 2000 K hu IjIiuii, ln'mnlil:liinK, m.illopInK, biiilclin, niriinllim Mi'l'' l,li-iit, bulluiiH tiivi'l'-il, mini iinlctH, I'llttK'k h'iik. AGATE CUTTER, A M FO. JEWELERS .li wt iiy niiif 'w,tii r t jTi fi fnfT 1" i iT !?, S.V, Wi.i.h. HI , MiiJ'-hMi: I ht'atiT I'.lilK. AHTjEICIAL LIM08 (in kwii" Arufu'liTr f.lnili ( 'ikTiTic. V'riTe fur ( iitiil.;. 426 WiihIi Ktaj I'ort Inrid, AUCTIONEERS- 2l HAND FURNITURE Foil! AiH'tUiti ('u AijrUoriettrH. Wfc ki-H i vi-t Ihli'K, V.i I Keriitid HI., I'lirtliiriil. AUTO ACCESSORIES' .sfiiiotM, k'iiih, Vit-arliiKi whiitiSBxitiH, urn! irttllriH. Wd wreik nil rnnkm of irn iiml bo 11 tlH-lr parts lit hulf prlr. David ll nl'H 'To., N. liiniiilway iiml FlfindftrM. ' Mt.'tor riirw'Mrg , 826 'lu'rnntd"8'C I'iirlH for nil nirs nt rut I f (irlce. J.ii.nc; & SII.VA 42 llnwthorneve. Amu WreikfiK We wreck Kirn d sell Ko'nl jitirlH n llHt price. Hi-o tin for pn Klin". MiiKiifl'm, CHihuretoin, ttr. Classy Bug Bodies Prices $H5 and up. Burneis & Martin lMh Sl AUliTjnU., Portland CARPET WEAVING AND CLEANINfJ Muff IJug.s -From Old Carpets '.i'; Knurl, nil bIzcm. Mull orders prompt. KmiU for liouklt-t. 812 Kiirh, Htcam or Dry Cleaned, 11.60. WKHTKKN Kl.UFK ItUO CO.. 64 68 l-nlonAvB. N! East 651 , B-1476 BUILDING MATERIALS Hlioie IliUk Co., face urid mantel brick n B,i:ci;iliy. l'hiiiie UiiHt 1836; He.ts., Kant ITU. atJl'-i K. Mortlaon St., t'ortland, Or. Kt-iid fur booklet on Furm Building of Ix-nlHon Interlocking Tile; It la free. 1', 1 4. Cherry Co., 271 Hawthorne Ave., I'm t bind, Oregon. CITY AJDFJRMRpPERf IE3 WerutwTmlTTtiteeHtir" lair, HcreHge, city, exchanges, Gllson Real ty Co., 41(1 Ch, of Commerce, Main 1127. CLEANING AND DYEING 'i.Z. " l-'or n-lluble Cleaning and Dyig serv ice mtid purcela to us. We pay return uiiHtuge. JriformatloD and prices given upon ri'qnoHt. KNKE'S CITY DTE WORK 9 Kfttalillxlied IH'Jl) 1'ortland DRUGS BY MAIL '" " " " AnytliliiK In Drugs, Rublier goods, Toilet Articles etc. We pay pontage. rtatlHfuctlon guaranteed. Joe M. Rlcen, 25 1st til., 1'ortland. Send to u for anything In Drugs, Rub ber CJooda, TrusseB, etc. Pottage prepaid. 1'luminer Drug ,Co.j260 3d SLj, Qrt land FARM SJVANTE D Tf ouTwvsaTtirin for sale write us, giving detailed description. We are spe cializing In the Bule of farm lands. G. S. Kmlth To., Chamber of Commerce Ultlg., I'ortiano M I D (ESWO 0 L S A CASCAJ1A BjIRK vvepayTrJgrTetC3 us 'or t(UotHtfon.Kahn Jiros. W.'''ntti; PHY8ICAL THEBAPEOT ICS J' WWT?CXTn'ffifiO flnorders of the stomach, liver, kidneys, bowels, goitre, high blood pressure and fernulo dlnorders. PLUMB INOfP LUMBlN G 8U P P U E8 VV carrsTjpp4y"you'wltir anykfiid of plnrnliliig supplies st wholesale prices, we will gladly estimate cost fit a.ny Job. Write for prices. 8TA ItK-DAVIS CO., 212J'hlrd Ht., 1'ortland PERSONAL " Z A ftfisy y&&GEC1cr(vr reHutts, try nie; best and most successful Home Muker"; hundreds rluh wlaii marriage soon; strictly confidential; most reliable; years of experience;; descriptions free. "The HuccesNful Club," Mrs. Purdie, Box 6r,ft, Oakland, Calif. PAINTS ANDWALL PAPEJR i 'nUiiVuui A ain 'lCnMwi VVhoiesale and retail. JiOlJUS Wall 1'aper Co., 223 Morrison fit .'. Write us for prices, jj'ioneer Paint Co., 1S1 First Ht, 1'ortland. PORTABLE DRAG SAW Milk Vw SluMnrU M PORTLAND, ORE. Hsjatsl Prices. PrestptPi) Beit !xi'k. CASH BUYF.RS OF Cream, Etfgs, Poultry, Veal and I logs. Cn ninery and Offlcen, Front and Ankeny Sta. JUST OUT- Complete Hi.lory America's War ForHomamty ln,lu,li.ir ihmu-o term.. M WJl l-autifi.l illulrtim.s. Cloth "ound. 12 (K); Buckram. 2 50. Kr-e literature. Isive photo Wilitun, IVmhiiut. CRESCthT SUPPLY CO.. 312 Swctland Btdff. Agent. Wanted ail S, Make mor e Money Pull life stumps Clear your itump land clieaply no digging, no ' expense or teami and powder. One man wilh s ' K can rip out any ilump i that can be pulled wilh the j brt inch iteel cable. WorVl Ly Irrerage Bll prinripleai a iclt. 100 pound pull on the lever give; a 4-toB Eull on the itump. Made ol the neat iteel -guaranteed "" breakage, tndoried by U. 3. Government expert.. HAND POWrjR. Stump Puller SFE I-,VJ rnnpr-llnr THE UdlU uiiiHum j mnkinir pure One from Coal j Oil. Kiln any stove or rnnire. Has no etiuui iui cookinir. heating, furnaewt. I etc. r-tiny to nii..iw. w 244 Wunhinitloii ht. For Cultivating Long, Beautiful Eyelashes and Eyebrows nothing run compare wilh I AS UK." at ail Urugg'- ORIENTAL LABORATORIES, Portland. Ore. FARM TRACTS "oVn a farm tract where everything grows year around; tine climate, boating, bathing, fishing, shell roads. Let me semi you one hundred views of this wonderful country between Houston and c;alveston. K.asy montniy payments, over five hundred producing oil wellej In ..sight. Company drilling on this property now. Write or wire today . sold out. Have parties who will plant your tract on shares. Det me tefi g"" Chamber of Commerce Hldg., Portland. FINANCIAL MORTGAGEJ-OANS-. TX.r M,,rti':,in r.nimH Bee ORKGON IN- VK.STMKNT & MOHTGAGB CO., 220-22 Chiirttber of Commerce Bids;., 4th and Stark, Portland Oregon. j FARM LOANS " Ur Improved farina in Oregon Dong time If desired, and at lowest current rates. Wm MucMnster, 331 U. 8. National Dunk HltlK-, Portland. HIDES AND JUNK '"TTshanrVA Co., 312 Front St. Pay full market values for hides, pelts, old rubber, metals, etc. HIDES," WOOL, TALLOW BtsslNGER ''4CO'.rr? O. Box 4378, 148 to 151 13th St. N., Cor. Irving, Main uiucB, San Francisco. Portland, Branches GILS! r Showing tasy Itvtf mjjtsa- SV ,. Wrlta today for special VS-itV offer and free booklet on V. Land Clearing. .aWl.: T t. i Klfth Street San Francisco w Callioraia You Will Feel RnUhedRoom.. Safe Central 0 Monthly Rales NORTONIA HOTEL A th and Stark. PORTLAND ORE. Excellent Cafe and Rooftoden Seattle, Spokane, Poise, Salt LakejkReno, Killings, Missoula, Vancouver, OPTOMETRIST AND OPTICIAN -" yjt.ASSKS AT A SAVING. Patronage solicited on basis of capable service and reason able charges. Thousands of sat isfied patrons. A trial will convince. jnas. V. Goodman, optometrist, 209 Morrison, irtmnd, Oregon. Pi cl! J. C. ENGLISH CO Electric Washing Machines Sold on Eaay Term.. KSFithSt. 'Portland, Ore. Second Floor Between Morrison and Alder. Most highly Improved Drag Kaw on the market, lias the only real and practical clutch. Write for particulars and Bpeclal P' 'iTkAVF.R MOTOR PRODUCTS CO." 240 Hawtliorne Ave., Portland PO Ft T L A NOJ .ZS- liT wftii'the crowd to the Abington Klilg., Portland to buy, sell or exchange Heal I'Mato. Frank D. JVlcflulre FORDJTARTE The new" ford t tarter Kaa arrived. Guaranteed to start any Kord at nero weather from driver's seat instantly. 1 icmoiiMtratlon 500 Hurnslde St., Portland. Distributors wanted. Price Installed $35. 00. SANITARIUMS wTrY'HEi''MIDK CURE? Ask the Moore Sanitarium. An institution devoted to doing one tiling well. Office 90S Selling Building, Portland, Oregon. SANITARY BEAJJjYPARLOR VveTieflTThe appearance of women. Twenty-two inch switch or transforma tion, value $7.00, price $2.45. 400 to 412 Dekum Bldg. " SCHOOLS AND COLLEGE8 pir1ild!LIfa mWMcB tM Wants Men, Women to learn the traue; positions waiting; send" for catalogue. """MISS PECKER'S Private Business Col legeAllskyJldg.j 3d & Morrison Sts. Hawthorne, Auto"& Gas Engine School, 462 Hawthorne Ave. Practical experience in overhauling and repairing every make of auto and gas engine. Oxyacetylene welding. Established 1907. . SILOS AND GRAJJJBIN8 ""The oniy exclusive Silo KcToryTTfo Hoops, No Nails, No Trouble. Stay Hound Silo Co., 601 Dekura Bldg., Port land, Oregon. TAJ LOR E jjyjjrjj w . Suits to order, $10 down, $5.00 per month. Unique Tailoring Co., 104 Fourth St., Portland. . W A L L JJAgPJMNT 8 Wail paper and paints. Wholesale and retail. BOLLS Wall Paper Co., 22 Mor rlson St. , , KEWANEE WATER SYSTEMS and Electric Liithtinir PJanU. make life worth living on the farm. Easy to install and operate. M. D. Spencer, Distributor. 333 East Morrison. Portland, OoeKon. PORK, 25c; VEAL, 21c. We pay those prices for top-quality meats. We can use large and inferior quality at less. We never charge com mission. Frank L. Smith Meat Co.', 228 Alder St., April nth. New Use for Corsets. - Matilda Highbones "Look heah, Mose, jus becase yo is a Junk dealer, yo' needn't' brung me home any ob dose secon'-han' co'sets. I couldn't get that pa'r 'round my wala' any way.! Mose "Well, den, 'Tilda, you jus' put dem 'round yo' ankle an' keep yo'self frum interferin'." Life.. - r i - Your Eyes on the Goal. The runner who looks over his shoulder to see whether his rival is gaining on him, is pretty sure to lose the race.- Keep your eye on' the goal. The backward look means lost time, whatever- sort of race you are run ning. The things behind you do not matter. All that concerns you is on ahead. . ( " Probably of Some Age. Clarence was always doing things that brought exclamations of surprise from his mother, This seemed to puz- izle the little fellow. One day he asked v "How old will I have to be, mother, before I quit doing things that you are surprised at?" Nothin's Never Perfect. The one big shortcoming of having Willie wash the dishes is that it does n't get his necken ears clean, too. THE BEST EATS IN THE CITY St. Nicholas Cafeteria 12S Sixth Street, Portland, Oregon. See what you want and pay for what you get. lililliil- EVERY THING FOR THE OFF'" V"' " e a. APPLIANCES OFFICE " 'NDINa ANTING ENGRA V1NG tJU ,AI15HAIL60SO A6548 4W m W ORCaOIN Old Tlma Fire Alarms. I'Mre alarms came into use lirmodle val times. It was the custom in many (if the towns to have "a watchman sta tioned on a' high building whose duty it was to look for fires. As soon as ho saw one he gave warning by blowing a horn, firing a gun or ringing a bell. By Way of Explanation. No, Carrie, the expression, "plp'ns times of peace" has nothing to do with smoking the peace pipe. Really "Quake Doctors." A (iuack doctor not a oso, hut ftBe was callod the qi Joc edt.catcd persons U n ugeJ tors , certain parts of 0 r0B6 to charm the ague away, tho expreon Daily Thought. sail and mankind the vessel. Hare. De Laval Separators Everything for the Dairy, Creamery and Cheese Factory. Distributor,, of JAMES BARN EQUIPMENT ACME FEED CUTT1RS EMPIRE MILKING Machinea Write for prices or informa tion. 92-91 Fnmt COLUMBIA DAIRY SUPPLY CO, fnmtSt, 1'ortland. 0 irejron Biblical "Prophets." The numerous "prophets" of the Diblo were not persons who foretold tho future, but in the original the word nwans story writer. It will be found by a short examination that this is true. Getting and Giving. What makes the Dead sea dead? Because it is all the time receiving, never giving out anything. D. L. Moody. . Live In Extinct Volcano. In southern Tunisia is a mountain ot considerable size called Douirat, which once upon a time was an active volcano. Bubbles of volcanic gases made it a veritable honeycomb of caves, which in these days are .inhab ited. In fact, the whole mountain is a city, a human anthill, densely popu lated. Don't Use Any Other Than Cuticura Soap To Clear Your Skin jlv is irv 1'J A JT T" 6rarii!aied Lyends, 1 OMI E 6 -..darned by expo M lU'st Sim. Host and Wind quickly relieved by Murliit! tX&S lyetaietiy. No Smarting, t .... P,- n.-.Mfnrt At Vour Brmreists or by mail 60c per Bottle. 7nr Rook oi the Eve free write ' h'u Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago. Gxen the "Beast of Burden Brussels in ; . . ? -rk-'$' :r, ,v: xi'- 14 "'4 4 fc""1 - - ,,, ,'4" "'I . y ' 44 4 ' 4- , 4-S ' , . y y 4, ' "I V V H 4 - ' V ' 4'& ' M .- : .- ::-- '' . ' " T) Vi rilTD N f w itpn lr 1, niri v jr yr wt 44. , 4..4.4,... ..v..4... .4,.ji4mmts4mmiisi , . Are You Satisfied? pSSKSyflcE Is the biirirest. most nertectiy equluped Business Training School In the North west. Fit yourself for a higher posttion with more money. Permanent positions assured our Graduates. Write for catalog Fourth and Yamhill, Portland. ' Germany commandeered most of the horses In Brussels, Belgium, mak ing it necessary to use oxen In the wagons. Picture shows ox in a city dust "cart that was' formerly drawn by a horse." , . ' BREEDING CHICKENS ON COMMUNITY-PLAN In some communities the practice Is followed of choosing one breed and sticking to it. , ; There Is the advantage of shipping. A erate of uniform size and breed looks well. A community can send a carload, and by shipping a car get higher prices and lower freight rate than when the Individual ships. Then there is more Interest in the breed which your neighbor Is growing. The poultry crank enthuses his neigh bors; he will persuade thep to get a good poultry Judge to cotne and go over their flocks. The community can afford the fifty to a hundred dollars this would probably cost for a good Judge, where the Individual might not be able to pay the bill. Poultry clubs and. breed clubs are doing on a : long-distance scale what the community can do near, at hand. For exaniple,""the Rhode Island Red club has created a fund to give pub licity to their breed. They have se cured a secretary to look after their In terests, and are enlisting all of their members in a publicity campaign. They teU them to "obtain and tabulate all facts favorable to Rhode Island Reds, such as high egg records, early. maturity, vitality, etc., ahd give these facts the widest possible publicity. Check up on all egg contests and give publicity to any facts established that are favorable to the Rhode Island Reds. Secure in. writing the" opinions of government experts as to the merits of the Reds," etc., etc. We all remember the boom the White Orpingtons had several years ago through the extravagant adver tising of one breeder, and the publicity he gave his customers' records as well as his own. There Is profit In getting together and making yourself heard when things worth while are accomplished. New Houston Hotel Sixth and Everett Sts..' Portland, Ore. Fonr Dlocki from Union Depot Two blocki from Mew Fostofliee. Modern and fireproof' Over 100 outside rooms. Rates 75c to $2.00, CHAS. G. HOPKINS. Manager. Rubber Factories' in India Resemble an Ordinary Dairy In southern India a factory at which high-grade rubber Is made resemhles a dairy, the milklike appearance of the latex adding to this Illusion, as well as the precautions taken to Insure abso- ; lute cleanliness. - One of two methods of manufacture is generally adopted. If the estate is young and only a few trees are being tapped the rubber is made In the form of biscuits or sheets. The biscuits are placed on racks In a warm room or an artificial dryer and allowed to remain there until dry. The finished biscuits are pale nfnber colored and transparent, and for this reason are popular on the market, for their nurlty and freedom from dirt can be judged by holding them to the light and looking through them. "Everything Lovely and . y , the Goose Hangs High" The most popular explanation of the origin of the expression "Everything Is lovely nnd the goose hangs high," Is this : That It comes from the southern country amusement known as "goose pulling." A goose, -Its ineck carefully plucked and well greased, was hung by Us feet to a., branch of a tree. The men would ride past, at a gallop, trying to catch It by the neck and pull Its head off. The befter the goose was In dodg ing the greater the fun. When the goose hung high, so that the compete tors had to stand In their stirrups- to grnsp at It, the Joy was greatest." An other suggested origin Is that It refers to the fact that wild geose fly In clear weather; this explanation would change "hangs" to "honks." London Board of Education Is Experimenting With the ; Simplified spelling Forr ''The London board of educntfo has after many refusals sanctlone experiments In simplified spcllin Speaking on the subject at Unfversit college. Prof. Walter Jtlpman, chief Ii spector of London university, said : "It was necessary. to have a co of spelling which would represe; not dialects, but standard speech the whole English speaking race. v was hoped that the United States go eminent could be brought to co-opera with the British government lnbrlr ing this about." Miss' Walsh - of Honeywell Ro school, Battersea, where the expe ment In simplified spelling Is hei made, said that learning to read the simplified form was & much h: pier experience for a child than t der theold method. J ., A number of Miss Walsh's pup of an average of six years of age, gs a demonstration ofword building the slmplifle6metlKd. All could r with facility both In the old and e form of spelling. ; The Origin of Blue Blood.' svt " . II I 1 " " "Blue, blood" appears to-mean blood of a fair skinned race af strikes the eyes of a dark skin people; In its Spanish form, sift, azul, It seems to have been first i,. to describe the blue veins on the f skin of the foreign northern ar.j . cratic classes of Spain. , 4. rj Mother's Cook Book fee diplomatic a farmer out West himself supplied wltl) coal by mr faces at the engineer as the train by. .. A Few Choice Dishes. When meal time Is taken at tiiiiro ia Tin filch wliirli tnnrhecl spot like a nice hot soup. r Coconut Soup. 1 ( . The trouble of preparing this ' -, cious soup will be swallowed ant t I gotten with the first taste. Cool t 1 pounds of veal bones in two qua: water added cold. " When reduc . one. Quart add the chopped tnc j"V one coconut and cook one-half . Strain and add the oiilk of the"nv a pint of cream. Reheat and tl,; : with a tablespoonful of flour an! . ter cooked together. Season witf J1 , cayenne and onion juice. When -to serve pour over two beaten et L Victoria's Favorite Soup. . v Remove the fat from a quart I ' ter In which a 'chicken has cooked. Season well with salt, r!" onion juice and celery salt. Ma yolks of three hard-cooked -gg .. with half a cupful of bread ci 1 soaked In milk until soft. Choi ! , meat of chicken until it Is fine n ' and stir It into the egg and:(! crumb paste..5 Add n pint of hotf ! slowly, then the chicken Vquorj ' five mlnjites,' add more . season k h too thin, add more crumbs. , ltJ" , , be a puree. . - The feet of chickens, wing fowls, tough ends of steaks alM- ., . Relief. A man Is" relieved and gay when he has put his heart Into his work and done his best; but what he has said and done otherwise shall give him no peace, Emerson, " .' fine flavored soups. Squaw Dish. As Indians are very fond paring this dish It has taken tl from them. Cut bacon In thi: 1. H1 -lo nfT HUH LUVll II11L1I ..lint') vwi v.. fat from a quarter of a pound ( and odd n quart of corn, fre-' the cob Is best, but canned Stir until the corn Is cooked and thoroughly hot, If canned. with salt and pepper and sen- Bake penrs by dotting witl butter, add sugar, lemon ju baste them while baking. Ser hot or cold. I 1 1 4.-- amarM TOWCtt dlStnTDS VBftWf " n ,1 ..JiraJEfef ?rrrfe hp 1 f o: Bl I IS re ii n " t i r - t ie 1 r - i 1)6 i tes ; v ' r' , 1 ;d !W I: ca do re l-l t,i. irrif 'inu ' 1 h , yel : ; p.h : ; Alk 1 1 cot ' '1 1 PM I 1 :m ' fat : :p; 0; TO, Br fc. i tat