Independence enterprise. (Independence, Or.) 1908-1969, April 18, 1919, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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immmm m & u
sorts of stories, especially their com
plaints against tlit) government. On
tlm whole, the Dutch treat them well.
"Much of Juvtt is still wild land, In
habited by wild ini'ii, In tho north
tlm Ashtncso never have been con
quered, although tho liutch huve
fought tlicm for GW years. There are
a number of other backward tribes.
"Wu havts treat tigers, which some-
1 1 rites conn) right Inlo the suburbs of
I'lilenitmrig; wild elephants mid a cu
rlmiH, toothed bird living on nnh,
whic h lm no Kngllsh tiuitie so fur us
I uiu u wu re,"
Tariff on Machine Brought Into Coun-
try on IU Own power is
Puzzle at First.
, , TuM.tvuevcnth division rcvtewlngJilH experiences "over
A !: nur mdnn ml.nlr.nK sweetheart. II. I. explaining.
i.Tti" to " t 'V ....... m,, Hundred ami unit miiinmo gnu uu
red nwtty im.'mi.
1 1
Washington. Customs authorities
have eiicouul.Tod tho first case of an
alrpliiiio Imported Into the United
Slates under Its own motive power.
An American bought a Canadian
'plane, and It was flown across the
bonier near Detroit. The question men
... 1. II In .l.Hl.llllA tllir-
lirONI) ItS 10 WIll'UH'l 11 uum.i --
I tlculnrly sineo ulrplanea are not men
tioned, in any tarur acts.
Customs oinclnls llnnliy uecmeu ih
If It remains permanently In the Lniteu
States It should be taxed "us a manu
factured article" at tho rate of 20 per
rent, and If It files out of tne couimj
again within six months It will be re-
" -. ..111 L. Vxrx
garded as "on a tour," ami win i-
taxed. In view of the prospects uim
Internntlonul ftlr touring may soon u
common, tno ruium wits
Yakima Valley Crop Expected to Reach
Value of $1,500, 0W. ,
Yakima. WashV-Mark Austin of
Salt Lake City. aKrlculturlst for the
Utah-Idaho Sugar company, after an
Inspection of the beet acreage or me
Yakima valley, says he estimates that
10.000 acres will be sown to beets this
season, of which the company itself is
rminff sarin nrea near Moxee. Ho
says he is assured the growers will
average 13 tons to the acre or better,
which will mean a gross return to
the growers of this valley of at least
n for the crop.
.., r.n nop ppnt of the acre
Auauu nuj u wv r v-
age Is contracted for and already 1b
. -- i 111 Ki
planted, while 35 per cent., wnt
ready for planting this week. He con
trasts Yakima as a beet growing uv
trlct with Idaho, wnere a nevj
stopped the work of preparing the
beet fields last week.
uo ! h t lookinK for a great.
InprAflKfl In beet production In case
the Yakima highdine canal is built.
The Sunnyside and Toppenlsh com
mercial clubs this week are holding
otn ir, add still further to the
beet acreage in the hope of obtaining
the completion of both sugar iacvuno
this year. .
n h ii i s it
Fresh Bread, Pies, Snails, Doughnuts Daily
JjlgXlt UUIiVllCiJ KJV-i I v,v v.
olygamy and Witchcraft Flour-
fsh in Island 01 Su
matra, i
l,l Population of 5,000,000 and Could
Eailly Support 100,000,000 Ml -lionary
Give Som Intereet
Infl Facta and Flgurei.
New York.-Welrd Is tho, story f
.i .i,. ,iv(rr no veimy
Mtohcraft nr llourlshlnK, wnion w
1. Hlhhard, Hrxt white mlsslonHry ever
cut to southern htimiuru, u
sund southeast of Asln, told here re-
nil; ui"u "Li - - -
t.i , .. ,. l.,tra fil1oirl lllfl"
I liVlUrU 11 HUM! ivsw ..-r,-
'lclnns ktiowu an iuwnnK( who nro
if . . . ii ....AW sum fpotll
-UllJ tO ItO ltl). 10 Cim ITUi 'niin"
... tt
he rivers and wild beasts rrom n.
H,,n..i, ,,r v,..ii,.v,.ii to bnvo control
t.ver evil spirits, and you will catch
a glimpse of tho iMlund of superstl
Itloa In the I'aclflc.
"This curious land," said Mr. Hlb
hmril, "Is destined to he ono" of tho
L'rcat countries of the k1j!. It has
-.OnOftiul iw.inildllfin nml could easily
supoort 1iMi.(KH),(H)0, or nil tho people
of the r lilted States."
Mr. Hlhbiird Is bond of tho Mclho-
tf'ivt Rfiwioi in I'nleinliniiir. and also
rims a iiiiisnerous Christian church.
Thn h.iuihnr fiiriHtinnn nra Chinese
iiinir tlm island rnn-
lilly; many of them nro wealthy mer
chants. n.t if nni,itr ha Inns ns
from Xew York to ChlcnRO ond 400
llllloK hrenil " until Mr. Hlhhnrd.
"riiloinbnnK has 00,000 people, of
which Coo are whites. There Is only
one white doctor for the whole city.
All the rest of thn medlelno Olid sur-
cerv tlmro nra In llin hnndS of
Mixture of Raeea.
"TIk.o la n vnut vlTflirA Of mCOS.
In my church, whero I prench In the
Malay tongue, we lmve noted at a
slncle service Amhonese. Menndeneso,
Japanese, Mnlnys, British Indians,
rfl.t i t 1 .1 n TfnH
vnuiese and juvnnese, ukhiuub i''v
and English, not forgetting that the
I,. A 1
I'uniui is uo Aineriettu.
"Thn nnimln folllniiultr hnVO Stink
low. Most of them nre Molinmmedans,
1ut of a debased form,. . Idolatry,
witchcraft nnd animism nre mixed
wuu uieir Moimmmnuism. in
li . it i .... rt,.u flia
(iniuiiM, eauou pawnngs, who vh
crocodiles to the banks of tho rivers
nnd the wild hensts from the jungles
nnd Who m-etend to hnve the evil spir
its under their control,, aro highly
41, .
""lugm or. .
"If I have nn enemy and will pny
n . i ...... i. ...111 tinnrl
l'liwuiiK iiig'i enougn ne n
ti ... i- . . . .i ... Kir
" iniigic, invisime jioisoneti iinira "j
" hontu or evil spirit to kill the per
son I desire slain. So the natives sny.
"Everv vonr n irront nllDTlmnUG last
ing two tinys Is made to the top of
v.unong Dempo, highest mountain on
Hie island nnd nn active volcano,, nnd
in a shrine I hero the evil spirits are
propitiated. . ..
'"i'olynnmy ig common. .'.Wives are
Put away on slight ennse. Women
nre held lightly, although they do not
wear the veil nnd have more freedom
'"nn 1n other Moslem lands.
"Shivery also 1ms not, been stamped
Our Christian people flRht it.
mid of course the Dutch administra
tion gives it no legal sanction. But
't Is there. In one case a young mnn
who had become n Christian convert
''""Slit a little slave girl to save her
''"in a horrible fate. .;. n ...
Interested in America. ,
"The wealthy classes of Palembong
!" luu Arans pna tne uiiineoc.
"The school of which I am principal
Is self-supporting. We hnve four
teacluH's and 100 pupils, and tench all
t.Hniiirv nnd some h1h school
Jects, Including typewriting.
"Included among me ium ..v
Chinese. Arabs and Dutch, besides ino
nutlves, , A,
Here, ns throughout the hast, mere
I tho most Intense tiesiru i
Kngllsh. ,
"Kverythlng American is ....,
.or eoods. clotlilng, pit-
tures. sewing machines ana es,i-:..,u..j
stereoptlcon and movlngplcture ex-
' , .,l. .wired tne
hihlthms. iJlio youiiK '" -
tt bring him back an A rlcan wife.
I always get an enormous crowd at
one of my Illustrated lectures
'Tho natives, knowing I nm an
, ,..., Kinw tn me with their
Allierieuu, unvi. -
troubles. They l'ur Into my car all
Pleads important Engagement to the
Cressys, Then Puts on St.
Mlhiel Drive.
v.,, W nnd Mrs. Will
n..,... r,t wnmievllle team of t.res-
ui i"- -
sy nnd Dayne, who came back from
France the other uay u
rivlnir a nerform
1I1B nuiuit-m, nv... o a -
..." e Mit,ir.i to which General
ancu iifni .31. .....-.
..i.i invited. He pleaded an
Imoortuiit engagement. Early next
..." .. h Blnrteil the St. JSllIllfl
MIDI imift i"-
A month later the Cressys met him,
and he asked :
"How did you like my show?
A .1.1l .
.......... r ,.i,t vaii T had an engage-
nient I had that show in mind, so I
could not see yours.
180,000 for Blewett Pas.
n' Wash. The commls-
V Y t: na
' a. formal agreement
. A m ant
...11 ti,n Dtata nipnwnv ucyanmuu.
W llll HID ovvv --o
under the terms of which the county
nvp S12.000 to the state
agi eco i" j v. T
for the improvement oi me oicC"
. ... ml rt llO
- . t rtiAnM fnxaar
received by the untiea aimvo i'.
. ! Tinrtianfl. under whose su-
SeiVHJO a, iw.v .
pervislon the work is to De aone, u"
April. 12.,-The cost of this work is
estimated at $180,uuu.
miiu Plant la Launched
-T,a minefield Milk
vaucuuvci. j
of RidEefield, Wn.,
riutiutvo f -
has filed articles of incorporation. The
L..Nnnoa will hP
shares, Tne piace ot uudd
In Ridgefield and the company win
111- M.nitntfll
make cheese ana oiner uuib.
, ' . s '
O, jj. a . mm . , , j
I . III lSgosvflMl )"
.1 U -.i i.
'' y ' " j I I '
The .Independence National Bank
H. HIRHCUiittVj, iri"-
IRA D. MIX, Cashier.
, W. SEAKSVice-Pres.
Transacts a General Banking Business-Interest Paid on Time Deposit
DIRECTORS H. Hirschberg, W. H. Walker, D. W. Sears, I. A. Allen
Otis D. Butler.
. ... I .tnte In the Union, and to every city,
Home-Bound Mail From hrance towIli hamIet nnd rurai route,
! mm m mfl-T nmAftT
iii niiiTTLji nirtiuiLi itLivui i
Increased. Enormously
After Armistice.
. . RnrHeaux and Brest
Poat wmcv. -
Have More Extensive ui..m--
Service Than Any Post u
World-Mall Handled uu..7-
... oin the boys "over
U'S'sped noting they have
taken to letter writing.
Tho home-bound man !.. --
has hicreascd enormously s n- the
signing of the ".ee.
ured by ih. ton, , revolverg
case,, rnr t o ! nn ftuJ frag.
bayonets, - - fllri)lnnes.
ments or uf.uu.-- - U)e
dred thousuuu, b ftn
through the man . f h
nd the shipping m , tbat a
postal service we o a m.
largo numuei
wrapped. American forces
The nn... - froul tw0
in Frnnce 19 1S '
During u.u """-; ,m,,i 0n tne
armistice having bee si
nth-17,015,400 J ertc..
patched irom pks 0f cus-
c miners; 5,41 a s1hk .
toms packages an -W i e
registered mrd .. t.u.
amounting '
Onev Leiwr . , .,.
POt into i"
Tho flght-n-eeu , n.
gw,ng of letter wr J, ,uontl.s
her and Januiuj-, - - , . out 2y
tho amount oi " ' ric month ot
per cent over -the wrot0 30 let
November. Ono s WM n((t known
tors in a single cuy. urpnsscd
how many others tQ lf) let.
this record. iuau S(lUliL,r.
tors were sent by tc brfore
, It is uuciy t - f France
the home-bound ma a q(
grows less, JV3 Uie impulse to
coming home !l P, among those
wte becomes .ong
who remain. f nnd Bros ,
at- ofllces at ":', , expedl-
. .,11 nul l J1"'" ' ...x a
.A.n wnicu ,T..!(,i stales i
toXUt extensive
dispatched.-; have the n oflice
JtoUuHon f fnf larger vohmie
,n the world. - V1"e,; ,he New York
mull is carneu . of dls.
;d Clcngo office .u r!ctedi Fr0,n
trlbutlon ". g dispatched to every
TiAivienux ma11 V?. " 1 .
Mr. llichard N. uiru, wo no u
tailed by the post office department
11111 . i'i of the offices at
to uiKt b recently re-
isordeaux unu - - ,
turned from France nnd his report of
tur" . 4i, ta full of interest
the worn over m" .
Mall leaving this country addressed
. ii.i fm-ees In France
to tne CM't-uiu"1"" .
passes out of the Jurisdiction of he
pusses .(nlnt int0 that of the
SSywSeir It lVes the port of de-
. 1.tlr.n fit JNCW iUllw.
coll ects the soldiers' mall through ap
conttw . fflces gcnt.
letters UB in paCKUKca -
letteis up i fflinia of the post
delivers u w - "- m, and
United Btote. ' "'.;. ,m f nr dirwt
routes m . nn to
the very nm u - boat or
r;r"b -V that may sail a day
hy a lasttr . tlme gched.
later is aereruuu-- Jn NeW
S The bt toarrivenrst is given
day f Tr,spatche9 or one every day
mate'f In2 are made from either
except Sundnj. are and
Bordeaux or t t
V'0 H with an infr nt delay of a
days, with an mi w accldent.
day or two one .
Sent Direct to Trains.
,.- cnei.-a when received
.vYokaV sent direct to the
lu New loiK a disp(ltched on
rft?'ay,fSSn o the routes or cities
fch 5 are labeled. About 85
fr Lnt of mall is handled In this way.
per cent of man b gub.
wh d' " n ?he United States. In the
t01"-- ' mall is held on tins , t eood
latter ta mail-from the!nnmmon t0 fair
side. la f1nived reaching r-nr,,! to choit
.4i a wheat Oovernment ba-
aia S2 20 ner bu.
MIMf T -
Flour Patents, $11.45; whole wneai
inwffll0.40: graham, fl0.0fr10.20.
,.,.j iini i-iiTi. t o. b. mill, car
JVlllueeu 4.ii.
nta?s nor" ton: rolled barley,
. I horlov
$54; rolled oats, dd; gmuuu
Com Whole, ton, $66; cracked, ?ts
npr ton.
' - .
tr. riiivinflr nriofiS. f. O. D. forv
ntlj JJ"J "e r -
tp0tom nrfieon timothy, ?30QJ
lit 11 U "vw.-
oo tsn. oifaira. zow&o.ov, -4j
rin hav. $26; clover, $2627.
D ' 1
Butter Cubes, extras 5757cper
lb.; prints, parchment wrapper.
ints. Kflc: cartons, 60c; half
. i mnrc- iprs man unii
DOXBB, 72 ""' .
lc more; butterfat, wo. i, owi i""
ii. .station.
TrraOreeon ranch, case count,
iKn? candled, 4tc: seiecia,
T,..,ifWBiia. 37ffl38c; roosters,
22c; stags, 25c; ducks, geese and live
turkeys, nominal; dressea lumejro Mv.
- Veal Fancy, 23c per pound.
Pnrk Fancy. 24c per pound.
Vegetables-Cabbage, $56 per 100
pounds;" lettuce, $3.505 per cnu,
K0i nfir nound : celery, $10
... . m-t JA. An.illf1r.W.
4, ortifnoKes. li.ftu,
ytJi woi v 1 ,
'r;i:tfSH(i' snuash. 3c per lb.;
beets, $2.50 per sacn; carrot, f-
. r. booV. turnips. $1.752.25 per
AW.U J& - -
.,mhnra. Sl.bUCOVa.ZO pel
tomatoes; $4.507.5U per do, ai,
or w Tildas. 1415c per lb.;
rhubarb, $2.252.75 per box; aspara
gus, 1012c per pound, $2.755.B0
V Cl ...
potatoes-Oregon Humane,
r-i on. vairimfls. $2: new Cali-
$i.ioiu'x.i' - .
fornia,-1012y2c per pound; sweets,
Onions Oregon, joDDing prices,
4.50 per sack.
Hops-Oregon, 1918 crops, 38 40c
per pound; 1919 contracts, 3035c per
fUUUU- .. .. .
101Q r in. 4IJC per uuuuu.
rascara Bark Old, 13c per pound.
Tn carlots, 11c.
... m.4.o 14.25(iT)l4.65
C""8-"8" 11.50012.50
sssE ood":;::z:.:. io.oou.oo
inatri) 9.00
fnmTnnn t.o laii :
U nices is delayed reaching to choiceowshf 10 gl
uiiiij i -. thQ date or us re- Medium iu.Buuu -- :An(s.'fi00
Brest or Bordeaux, tne to medium cows &h 5.00 6.00
A Grocery That Never
Disappoints Customers
Not BestBeeanse Biggist
But Biggest Becaase Best
at rinW Too Laree To Fill
No Order Too Small To Fill
tit .nf iir nri wen iuo
This Store Aims to Serve Given
J5LtB:TTv What You Order
We WHiVHiK uuriiiAiu. - -
Never Send the "Just a3 uooa caim.
Calbreath & Jones
Best for the West
Established 1885.
Canners .....
or lsorueuuA,
.. ... zinnia ts noted by
cdpt at tno.0 " terg
'hnek-Stamp " o 4..inl
The site of the Boraeau
J office is on the river flose. to the erg and feeders...
Wit The building Is zou iei ; nogs Prime mixea .....
depots. . vpntllnted .i. mivort
a" 1 i.ted It was built by the United Rough heavies
enirineers from pwns suu- Plgg -
i,tftlCB, .... Rird., It has every con- Bulfe v.--r.v"r;r;r"r""",r"'iifi.o0(a)17.00
rrf 'fe s "Si-fE "sins
sep . MMf mail. - - ' ," i-v.,-
separationa . - -
3.50 4.50
!) 50(9)13.50
, 7.00 10.00
19 noffi)19.25
17.00 17.50
ftiiys. naiip!niiQ Sweet
Corn "Golden Bantam"
Exceptionally early and
in uavor anu icuuvi ...
not equatiea oy it! "
other variety. The ears
are short ana cumpavi
. .a 1
and tne Kernels piump
and creamy. This and
a thousand other veg-
eiauira utv ivi .
may be f seiectca iru; J
jjigs catalog anu iv uu
at your dealers. '
Write Ml Seattle or PortlahW Catalog, Free.
iwmnt aisrurns ns.- " "