W. J. CLARK, PROPRIETOR H YEAR INDEPENDENCE, OREGON, APRL 18, 1919 NO. 51 MUST PAY TAX FOR SILK SOX. L SEEMS TO SATISFACTORY ii,MKi:iiN(; ,N ,,A2v,uS., J,:WKLKY TAX i vi: i-i u ckntJ iiTl'MUAV 'KI.L AHENDMlj t'KKAM AND SODA WATER ELEPHANT SHOES NEW ZOO STYLE t m i' HARMONY. i: . tii ur correspondent from r ...r...Ht ..II confiding intercut ln )lf wore harmonized at a T0IK ' L meeting the taxpayers of . L, ,ectii.H f tlw county In I - -Lns .t-prcM-ntnliva of every. - ' Lf PoH wunty wire In attendance L county scat. When a special )jtu,(. m..mmendcd h road bona ' .., xuifioo. the county limit of Ui-.inn.H. it fining vote indicated L.m.u approval. SUte Senator Patterson, 01 .om, - - iuf the meeting nd Attorney E. Pinsrki set rotary. While the spce ,mmittee wna delil.eratinsr, Re- tentative Mr Arthur, who had come , his ramh at Kiekreall, mtuie a ,mi M'i"''h in favor of good roads !V the terms f the rom promise the lowing roiiriK are provided :Wrnding the Pacific highway from the Urn to tht Ronton county lines, 21 M; from West Salem to Dallas; 13 from Pallas north, via Ml ileeV and BalMton, 12 milea; from rydale to the Finn coi ner .on the ., ... . finite till!"" ay, eveii iiiiivs, lias to Falla City, 10 milea; from Fern Crossing, on the Dalian, lis Citv line to I.ewisville, and Air- i, eight and one-half miles; from rlieo Stiver, five miles; from the km bridge to the Lincoln store, six tiles; from lananeui s corner on ine ,'lan-PaIlntun line to the Yamhill wnty line, eight miles; from Ferry- le went to the Hallston- 1 1 : Glass Ib Thinking of Fifth Loan Are You? "I aay Unit It take, a higher type of patriotism to serve this jiatlon today Unit It required in :ihe delirium of war. and that it It jjthe duty of the American people-, gr.d I believe, thoy will regard It fas their privilege, to approach "that question with aome degree ef ppatrlotlstii and not altogether upon a commercial basis. Secretary of the Treasury Car ter GlUHS. t in mm AsKYourDealcrl frandPrizelltofl rirearms oAtnmumtion Write forCntMogtie THE REMINGTON ARMS XJMC CO. m. I! am v am j3 i " ('Tfiii' r'" ''i1'' ' i f"''"'"iiiii : TAX AFTER MAY MUST. The Hevuiiue Art of 1U1H provides tuxea on many articlca of general u On and after Tehruary 'J.'jUi, 1:)1!), manufacturers of the following arti ck'M are rt'uired to pay a tux upon their product- when gold: Automo Mica, motorcycleM, tiutoiiioliile trucks tires, Inner tuliea, parts or arcesnor iea for automoliilea ami trucks, pia noa, orumiK, phrioKraplm and records, tennis rackets, akutea, baseliall K"ods chewing (rum, cameras, phototrraphie film and plates, candy, (iieurnw and cartridge, huniiiig knives, electric faiiM, th,rins bottles, rijrar and ci garette holders ftul pipes, hunting rn.' chooting garments fand riding habits, articles made of fir, toilet eoap and toilet powders. The man ufHeturea of anv of these articles vhould communicate at once with Col lector Milton A. Miller to ascertain their liability. The tax on these ar ticles doea not apply to atocks in the handa of dealer,, but only to articles sold on and after February 25, 1!)19, by the manufacturer. Another section of the Act provides a tax of lft per cent upon aeulpture, paintings, statuary and other objects' of art, when sold by any other person than the artist. 'J'lerefotv, any deal er handling this class of goods should apply for information aa to his lia bility. On and after April 1st, there will be a tax of 5 per cent upon the s?l-s of all articles commonly or commer cially known as jewelry, including precious metals or imitations thereof, and ivory, watches, clocks and opera glasses. This tax is to be collected by the dealer upon such goods when sold to the user, and every store in Oregon handling any of these lines must collect this tax upon all sales made commencing April 1st, 1919, In order that a complete list of dealers in these goods may be compiled, all such dealers should send their names to the Co(lector at Portland, stating the business engaged in. On and after May 1, 1919, there will be a tax collected from the pur chaser of ice-cream, soda water, and auch other refreshments of the kind as are served at soda fountains and similar places of business. Owners of Hoda fountains and ice cream parlors should be sure to have their names listed with the Collector at once. On and after May 1st, 1919, the luxury tax will be effective. This provides that a tax of 10 per cent shall be collected by the dealer from the purchaser on carpets and rugs aellintr at over $5.00 a square yard; picture frames trunks, valises, purs es, portable lighting fixtures umbrel las, fans, smoking jackets, mens waist coats, men's and women s hats, cans !,nos, shoes, pumps, and slip pers', men's neckties and neckwear, r- J A Wow a know why leather is SO scarce and shoe prices so hlH. Ttfly are asking shoes for ele phADU. It has been learned that lephauu suffer from cold feet during the winter months here. So Lens of the New York too has been nttsl out ta new "brorans" for tho eold months and two "maids" to taoe 'em up. Told by.tfte bank BooK We'll Welcome Your Visit I UNTIL you've been to the Farmers State $ Bank you won't be able'to realize the con- veniences and advantages here for you. our Vault for instance. It is constructed of steel and concrete and is most modern w time-locking devices. It'll sure inspire your confidence in the safe-keeping of that money. Fetch those problems as well as Here fcr Handling Deposits C. W. IRVINE J. B. PARKER, C. G. IRVINE, L. C. FITZGERALD President Vice-President Cashier Asst-Cashier silk stockings, or hose, women's silk stockings or hose, men's shirts and men's and women's pajamas, night gowns and underwear, kimonas, petti coats and waists. Practically every store in Oregon will be affected by part of the price for which the goods this tax, which will apply to all that are sold in excess of the price stipu lated in the Act. On and after May 1st, 1919, per fumes, essences and extracts, denti frices, and similar articles, as well as pills, tablets, powders and other medi cinal preparations, will be subject to a tax of one cent on each twenty-five cents, or fraction. This tax will be paid by stamps affixed to the goods by the seller. Other new taxes are on shooting galleries which will pay $20,00 a year, riding academies which will pay $100.00 a year, "For hire" cars to pay $10.00 a year for each car having a seating capacity of more than two and not more than seven, and $20.00 for each automobile hav ing a seating capacity of mare than seven. It is the intention of the In ternal Revenue Bureau to give wide publicity to the various provisions of the new Act, but it should not be for gotten that the taxpayer is supposed to ascertain his liability, and that ignorance of the law is not held by the courts to be a valid reason for not complying with the law. -tt X Saturday at Independence Bakery, Cream Puffs, Lemon, Cream and Cho colate Pies. gives interview! TO REPORTER MRS. MILDRED CAMPBELL GIVES DETAILED ACCOUNT OF HER WORK DURING WAR. (From Sunday Portland Journal) Decorated by the Daughters of the Empire for service in the volunteer aid detachment of Queen Alexandria's imperial nursing service, and by Queen Mary herself for her work in Queen Marys National Guild, Mrs. Mildred Campbell, American-born and democratic, has returned to Portland after working for three years side by side with the nobility in the Bri tish Red Cross hospital. Mrs. Campbell joks quite as hand some in her military uniform as does the major, who is down from Van couver, B. C, Major Compbell serv ed for four years with the Scottish regiment in France. Red Cross Re gulations forbade Mrs. Campbell from poing to France also, so she spent the war in English hospitals and in the Queen's giuld, sharing in the uncertain feeling" of existence as did her husband. Life in London Uncertain For life in London was uncertain, especially in the early days of the war Thp maior was spending a furlough with Mrs. Campbell n the day that 30 or 40 German airplanes sanea ov er Tendon, bringing destruction in their wake. The Campbell's fled to a convenient cellar. It was the bus iest time of the week, at 11 o'clock Saturday morning, according to Mrs. Campbell, when the crowds on the Streets were the thickest. In one week, while Mrs. Campbell was on duty at the hospital, three Zeppelins passed over the insitution. "The Red Cross work has been ab solutely magnificent," declared Mrs. Campbell, enthusiastically. "In the beginnig, often a soldier would leave England in the morning and return the evening of the same day, wound ed. Later, as the line advanced fur ther toward Germany, it sometimes happened that a man arrived who had received no attention since the first aid treatment given some 15 days before." "The hospital work was hard, but titled women entered whole-heartedly into it, doing kitchen work, scrub bing floors and attendng to the most menial tasks with more patience than many of those who had always been obliged to do such work." Presented to Queen. It was in May, 1917, that Mrs. Camp bell represented America in a page ant which .was the mest successful given in London, resulting in her be ing presented to the Queen and Prin cess Mary, The queen was a really charming woman, according to Mrs Campbell, who was intensely inter ested in anythinghat wis American. Later Mrs. Campbell received a pri vate letter from her, bearing the zeal of Buckingham pallace. Mrs. Campbell also has a book, pre sented to her by Queen Alexandria, in whose service she worked. Two years of Mrs. Campbell's Red Cross experience was spent in the hos pital and the balance of the time in Queen Mary's Needlework guild.for which she was awarded a medal. Much of this time she spent with pri soners of the war department. The Campbell's expect to leave on Sunday evening. Mrs. Campbell ex pects to visit relatives in Indepen dence until the major receives his charge, which he expects very shortly then they expect to return to Port land where Dr. Campbell will resume his medical profession. fit TOES GRAFTED ON FOR FINGERS I Easter musical program to be ren dered by the M. E. choir under the di rection of Lottie H. Mcintosh, at the Methodist church Sunday evening, April 20th, commencing at 8 o'clock Voluntary "The Palms" Mrs Al len Chase. Hymn No. 1. "All Hail the Power," Congregation. Invocation Dr. Dunsmore. Solo-"Be Ye Glad", Mrs. Mau rice Butler. Duett "Calm as the Night" Mrs. Clare Irvine, Dr. Barrick. Anthem "Now is Christ Risen," Choir. Scripture Reading. Anonunce ments, Rev. C. T. Cook. Offertory "Bercense" Mrs. Allen Chase. v Solo, "Sharing His Sorrows," J. G. Mcintosh. "Minute Men" talk Prof. Reynolds Solo, "Give Praise in Gladsome Song," Mrs. Oliver Smith. Quartette, "The King in Darkness" Mrs. Irvne, Mrs. Butler, Dr. Barrick, J. G. Mcintosh. "Minute Men" talk Dr. Dunsmore. Trio, "God, Be -Merciful" Mr. Un derbill, Mrs. Smith, Dr. Hewitt. Anthem, f'Christ Our Passover, Choir. Hymn 289, "Savoir Again at Thy Dear Name we Praise" Congrega tion. Benediction. MARVELOUS WORK OF ARMY SURGEONS REPORTED IN ME DICAL SUPPLEMENT MADE ( KNOWN IV fUBLIC. Some marvelous cases of the sur gical are described in the "Medical Suppliment" compiled by the medi cal research committee and issued by the war office. In one case a soldier had his thumlr shot away, and as the hand would U almost useless without it, the sur. geon substituted the man's own big toe for the IosJ thumb. In another similar case the thumb was replaced by the second toe. "The patients obtained in this way movable thumbs that in every respect were practically useful and natural in appearance, especially in the case of the great toe, -since this was ex ceptionally small and dexterous." Even more wonderful was the re placement of four lost fingers by four toes. The toes, were partly cut through and the stump of the hand being attached, the periosteum (the fibrous tissue that covers the bones) of the toes were sewn to that of the finger stumps. The tendons, soft parts and skin were alsa sewn togethA er and then the hand and foot were fixed in plaster of paris.For a month the patient lay in a very uncomforta ble position. At the end of that time the toes were completely separated from the foot, and soon after the patient had a useful hand. At the, same time he could .walk almost as well as ever, with a strong and freely mov able great toe, -t tt LONG EN WlH A GOOD ONE Easter services will be .appropriate ly observed .at the Catholic church at 11 o'clock Sunday morning.' All in vited. . Easter ' will be appropriately ob served at the Baptist church next Sundav and Rev. W. B. Stewart will preach on "The Resurrection." A general invitation is extended to ev erybody to attend. Special Easter music will be furnished by the choir. Next Sunday at Calvary church, the Easter season wil be observed by suecial music and an appropriate ser mon by Dr. Dunsmore. Services will begin at 11 o'clock. The public are cordially invited. 1 1 X ' The Enterprise is now located two doors south of its former location. MILITARY GUARD ORGANIZES HERE Independence will soon be the scene of much military activity as a com pany of State Guards will be perma nently located in this city, due to the efforts of Captain Stidd and others, who have labored hard to accomplish this result. Last Friday evening a meeting was called and Colonel May, Major Reynolds and a number of oth er army men were here to help organ ize the company. About seventy-five men have enrolled and1 after some dis cussion, officers for the new Company were chosen with the following result: Captain, C. L. Stidd. First Lieutenant Grant McLaughlin Second Lieutenant Ira Mix. Chaplain Dr. Dunsmore. Company physician Dr. Hewitt. With the organization of a military company in this city, the state will defray one-third of the expense for the erection of an armory ,the county and town the balance. All officers and men will receive an annual com Densation to be paid by the state, as well as the rental of a suitable build ing, including uniforms, equipment and rifle range which will also be paid for by the state. This will mean a yearly income to the town of over $10,000. As will be seen, it means much to our town and every citizen ought to put his shoulder behind this enterprise and give it their united support. The company will shortly be mustered into service when it wiH be subject to the state and national call at any time. T . It s up to you, savs Sandv to hckMacPhmm, 'If it's thick, heavy sweeteningyou want stick to your ordin ary plug. But for real tobacco satis faction, you've got to come to good old Gravely." Good taste, smaller chew.longer life iswhat ipakes Genuine Grave ly cost less to chew than ordinary plug. Writt fo: Genuine Gravely DANVILLE. VA. r boohltt on chewing plug. ! FARMERS Peyton Brand STATE BANK REAL CHEWING lrtdff 5n done )ron Plug packed in pouch wniCrt 01STOTO9 OS.-