"Billion Dollar Story." (COPYRIGHTED.) f ..!. tn aid th farmers f - a a. Immediate ocneni, name . .... f and push altogether now y energy. I, voo read this chapter; tr with wife, family and lt lies two market reports I i . A . ! 1 one. wnat remiicr tie wo v"i"v"-" other t commission house will firt quote what the hnnti were paying the merchant, Li.ii.ti were paying me i Merchants February 22, VM) HKht and thin 17-19c fthipped. a light veal, weight received $9.57. As the "of good quality he should Led at 19c per pound or the express and five per ission. Had this farjner consignment, demanding hi would have received i i j i fry. farmers snoum bcmu I of former experiences; we liilish them, then you will fiilue of the voucher as a Lur goods if you have any 1 a future issue of this pa ll tell you the work of res tat forget to send in your present experiences. lm, 230 lbs, lS-lilC. I (name given on request) ?lr hog, and on five hogs koo. w 10-12'c; steers 12 I 12-13c. i-Old roosters 20c; stags riiuts 2fi-28c; broilers 35c; jr; live turkeys 25c, dressed province of his office, but that, be cause of the extraordinary import ance, he will investigate. He will pro cure copies of the contracts. ZONE SYSTEM BIG SUCCESS Work as Carried Out in Polk and Marion Counties for Past Year Proves to be Efficient of hard labor; they know every re tailer in the city, and many outside; they get letters of iajoiry from out side markets and ship, irettinir better Think over the prices; they work for the farmer. interests. Would you like to know their names? We will ask them to advertise.. An honest commission merchant gives the benefit of any rise in the marketer you must submit to the decline of prices, alio farm ers living at some distance from the city, can't afford to pay the expense of selling a veal or hogs, besides when on Market street, or in the city, he would be subject to sharks who would neece mm "good and proper." But the state will protect you from sharks if you emake a proper use of th voucher. THE VOUCHER is a paper faent with the check) which serves to vouch as a guarantee the truth of what the goods were sold for, and to whom they were sold. Thus you can trace your veal, hog, etc., to the re tailer, who is willing to certify the price he paid. We have asked at torneys Fletcher & Barrick, of Inde pendence, Oregon to cite us the law, and they replied as follows: A recent conversation discloses the fact that farmers have frequent ly sustained losses in their dealings with commission merchants, for the sale of farm products, and it is ap parent thut this difficulty could be avoided if the law pertaining to these; transactions was thoroughly under stood and closely followed." "As will be seen by a perusal of the Session Laws enacted by the 1913 Legislature, all commission merchants are required to obtain a license from the Public Service Commission, before entering into a commission business I . and thereafter are subiect to reirula-1 Children Urged to Interest tion by said commission. Pursuant to the staule Uiey are re quired to furnish a bond conditioned upon the faithful performance of the obligations arising from their trans actions with the producer, and as pro vided in Section 4 of said act; "when ever a license sells any horticultural or agricultural produce or farm pro ducts, he shall render a true state ment in writing to the consignor.dur- :een 12c; salted 14c; calf be: nu s 10-11 c. larket very uncertain. lie lies circulars ' sent out We will quote from one iter- Sliest farmers to occasion- fis a few of their circulars ip them on file.) -19'4c; ordinary 1(-I8e. vet is in the dark; he does Mat they call "fancy" or If "fancy" there is a m price of $1.00 to $1.50 I'd with above quotations, m as "ordinary" a dirTer- i?2.50 to $-1.50 per hundred. commission, and a voucher fie farmer would know the fed and what class it was veal sold for $20.00, the is $1.00, and he has $19.00 freight; perhaps a gain of Is that not a premium sfaction of knowing all j uusiness is a premium f subscription is a proof predate these premiums. jO-21V4c; ordinary, 19-20c, I'urreo "ordinary," a loss kPound or on a 150 nnnn,1 and on five hogs is riou afford to remain long- ino Prce quoted. He says, fP market prices." From diiterences. to ship "sio-ht unseen?" wnds out thousand rh'n must be "good, see- s a it, and plenty of suck- ages him, !l this subject together. ' a" that is to be known ""e ISSUe rtf tMa nana. P'8 issues many farmers I ,eif Pt experiences, not r'nnp. hnf oi,,i t Wllwantt ij .... , iciiu anu pro- i IOr tin w, "mn was ever en i 8 judgment so correct f U8 hut that circumstanses j f rience, Would teach him J w .and apprise him of T 8 which he thought him ln taUrted- He knew mose ideas which ared the nw ,i er6 fornix , ice t'u V Drought 7 t0 be altogether im- (Z the serves of Vift fiv! 61 ?nces' a3 are Padeattt me" have at the cost of years The new zone system for rural Bchool supervision, after beinz tried out one year in Polk and Marion counties and certain sections of East em Oregon, formerly is declared an efficient and successful plan. Profes sor M. S. Pittman, head of the depart ment of rural education, this last week said the teachers, pupils and school supervisors had speeded up their work and each had learned much from the other, Under the plan each county is divid ed into six zones. The county super visor spends an entire week in each zone, He studies its characteristics and observes how it t is progressing with class-room work. The teacher draws up outlines and follows well-established peragogical principles in pre senting the lesson. After the super visor has seen how each teacher pre fers to teach, a "critique" is held, all teachers of the zone being present. The principles of the system, it is ex plained, are very similar to those rec ommended by the United States De partment of Education. The chief pur pose of the system is self-instruction and an exchange of ideas, WILL RAISE WAR GARDENS TIME TO , - 3 ' CHANGE People Will Have More Time to Work In DaylightClocks to be Set Ahead Hour Saturday- Them selves in Planting War Gardens to Feed the Soldiers. A meeting was h'dd at the Isis on Monday afternoon for the purpose of organizing a war garden committee and to interest parents and children in utilizing every bit of space available for the planting of war gardens. Mr. Floyd Moore acted as chairman and onened the meetiner with a few well ing the following week, of the amount I chosen remarkSf pointing out facts sold and the price received." And a)(fat potato and bean culture that upon the failure or tne commission would be of benefit to an. He said merchant, to comply with the provi- j that we mugt not sneer at the efforts sions of the statute, complaint may of the boys and gh.S( but pat them on be made by filing with the Public Ser- the back an(J encouvage and praise vice Commission, within thirty days j them He quoteci president Wilson of the date of shipment, an affida- thus. "The boys here are as import vit setting forth the matter complain- j ant ag the g0itje,.s going "over the ed of, and within one year after the t()p I, He gai(j that we mxlsi conserve right of action has accrued, the 'pr0(iuce an( give, amount due may be recovered. j jjr Gilmore of Monmouth, was the And now we're going to save day- ngm ana win the war. Clock's in Independence and all over the United States will be shoved for ward at 2 a. m. Sunday, March 31, and for the following five months daylight will be saved. This is the purpose of the bill just passed by congress. The idea is that all clocks as well as watches be turned forward one hour and then in October push them back an hour until another spring, and when the United States does this it will be adopting the same saving sys tem that is now in vogue in many of tne European countries. Saving daylight is a war measure. It gives an additional hour in the morning. It brings the day's work well within the daylight period and saves eyes and artificial light. It giv es the war gardener more time before . dark in the afternoon in which to en courage his crop. Will Reduce Light B;I!s. Among: other practical results it is Lestimated that it will save 1,000,000 ton3 of coal a year and will save gas and electric light bills to the tune of $40,000,000 a year, it will increase foodstuff production by giving more, time for work in the gardens: it will reduce the number of traffic acci dents; it will improve public health and morals by giving more daylight hours for both recreation and work; it will speed up freight movements by giving an extra hour of daylight for overtime ;work at the "docks and freight terminals; it will stimulate Scottao.Norway is saving- daylight too, so in Denmark and Sweden, Bel gium, Austria, parts of Canada and the Australian Federation. OLD SOLDIER STONED baseball which can be started at a la-, bells conform. And then Holland ter hour; it will be of especial bene- trailed in and afterward came Nova? fit to women in industry, as they will stop work at the time of day when their nervous strain is greatest. Is Successful Elsewhere. Y Each of the foregoing advantages has been carefully calculated estima ted and demonstrated by experts, and the results obtained by daylight sav ing in other countries have been high ly successful. People are creatures of habit. They look at the clock and govern them selves accordingly. Thus, with the clocks put ahead an hour, people will get up an hour earlier and go to bed an hour earlier according to the old schedule. Benjamin Franklin was the ivnen- tor of the present daylight saving idea. He published the idea in the Journal de Paris in 1784 in an article on "Economical Project for Diminish ing the Cost of Light." Franklin showed the modern working soheme in his article. The idea lay dormant however, until 1907, when an English man named Willett published. "The Waste of Daylight." Willett had a bill introduced on the subject at ev ery session of parliament without suc cess. The first bills were' treated as a joke and later they were pigeon holed. Willett was considered a crank and a butt for the jokesmiths. Poor old Willett died before he saw his story adopted by the nations, but to day the watches and clocks of Eng land are Wttletted as the blooming Britishers say. Other Countries Adopt Plan It was Germany, however, which first applied the1 Franklin-Willett idea, This was in 1915, when Ger rpany took the step to incrfease the manufacture of war munitions. The practical results were recognised and England adoputed the plan in May 1916, and France followed the follow ing month. Italy tried it the same . John C. Brown was bof n In Mor gan county, Ohio, the 24th day of April, 1840. He died on his farm north of town March 26th, 1918, age 77 years, 11 months and 2 days. Mr. Brown volunteered for service of his country from April 2, 1862, to June 1, 1865, serving under General John A. Logan and General Grant, also in that famous March to the Sea under General Sherman. Mr. Brown on a furlough in 1863 was married to Miss Diannah Bacon, To this union was bom two sons, one dying in infancy, one P. M. Brown surviving. Mr. Brown was raised as a Quaker in which he believed faithfully up to his death. He came to Oregon by the way of the Central Pacific to San Francisco, thence to Portland, on the old steamer John L. Stevens, and up the beautiful Willamette Val ley, settling in Eola, October 7, 1872, where he followed the carpenter work for a number of years over -a good portion of Polk county, finally mov ed to his farm near Independence, , where he has resided since 1887, He was a member of the Gibson Post G. A. R. of Independence and was very patriotic with its work. He leaves to mourn his loss one son Frances Brown and three grand-children, also one brother and 5 half brothers who are in the east. ,The funeral services was held from the Presbyterian church on Wednes day afternoon, Dr. Dunsmore officiat- month as England and the pope de- . ing. The old soldiers had charge of clared for it and ordered that church the funeral. llll'BMWlWiMBMIWJiiWlJWULIIIMMiwa It is further provided that any com mission merchant who fails to com ply with the provisions of this act. next speaker and he won the hearts of the children from the very start. By the time he was through speaking, ev. READ EVERY V Word of the FOLLO WNG l" J ...... 1 Llic Ulii'- " " & I e7 - shall be deemed guilty of a misdea ery boy am) gjri present felt like they meanor and upon conviction tneieoi shall be punished by a fine of not less than $25.00, or more than $100.00, and the concelation of his license. Reader, do you not appreciate this information? We have many more such Premiums in store for you dur ing the year. Mail us the coupon, and if convenient, the subscription you will not want to miss one chapter in the story. s German Brewers Hold Hop Growers Will Not Cancel Contracts So That Land Can be Sown to Grain Mat ter in Attorney General Hands German brewers in New York re fuse to cancel hop 'contracts made be fore the war was 'declared covering crops of several thousand acres in Polk and Washington counties, and growers, who are anxious to turn the land into the production of grain for the government, have asked Attorney General Brown if there is any way in which contracts can be annulled with out giving the brewers recourse against them. A representative grow er of Hillsboro whose name for the present in withheld, has written in De half of the growers, declaring that hops are being cultivated under pro test. ittwndv General Brown says that technically the question is not in the i wanted to plant war gardens enough to at least feed one soldier. Mr. Gil more sets the example by doing him self what he urges the boys and girls to do. Prof. Center of the O. A. C. was the third speaker and he was so full fo his subject that the words fairly tumbled over one another in his earnestness and zeal to impress upon all the abso lute necessity of each one doing their share in this great movement. While not many were present, all that were there expressed themselves as being Wvpflt1v enthused over the project and the earnest looks on the faces of the bright boys and girls proved that thay had been deeply impressed and had begun to realize more clearly the re sponsibility that lay upon them. Of ficers elected and committees appoint ed were as follows: G A. Hurley was elected cnairman and' Prof. H. A. Wright temporary chairman, to plan for a meeting to be held at a later date, when Prof. L. j Allen of the O. A. C. Extension De partment .will furnish free of charge interesting and instructive poultry films, besides other numbers of inter est Prof, P. O. Powell of Mon mouth, also gave an , interesting and instructive address. Pure Bred Poland Write Frankie D. Box 85, maepen-i vaw sale-two rhwn Male nog. cvlirunk R- P- dence. BUT YOUR DRESS SHIRTS OF KBEAMER. If you were badly in need of a RANGE and had a chance to buy one of the BEST RANGES on EARTH at a Reduc tion of $16.50 what would you do? Why you would jump at the chance. Now, the first per son to come to our store, plank down $72.50, will get a Beautiful CROWN STERLING RANGE. WHITE Porce lain back on high closet, White Porcelain Enamel Oven Door Panel, polished top no Stove Blacking; body made of American Ingot Iron oven thermometer, Pacific Coast Fire Box, will accommodate 27-inch wood. Lined throu ghout with Asbestos and save , . ...... . ., $16.50 ytyioope & Walker