EIGHT PACES - PAGE EIGHT. THE INDEPENDENCE ENTERP RISE, INDEPENDENCE, OREGON. Children Cry for Fletcher's "THE LITERARY RIVALS." THE EMPEROR'S STAR. The KlndTVou Have Always 'Bought, nnd 'which has been -in use aor over Co years, (lues borne tlie signature in.ii ihm'wwii matte turner nta per ssoiuil supervision since its infancy 1' Allow- no mo to deceive you in this. Jill Counterfeits, luiltntionsaml Just-us-gootl" are Iwt Experiments that Xrillu with and endanger tlie health Infant ;anl Cluiaven-CLfcipiirieuce against luspwhoancU What is CflSTORIA Cntoin is a hmmilews5nlhstiate for Castor OH, Pm :gorio,irrtps and mrfliinjr .vrups. It is pleasant. It vontrJtog neither vOplum, -Mwrphine nor other .Xarewtto substance. Itespedts.ruavantce. It destroys Vnui and allays FevwrWhness. JPenr. more than thirty years it Tins oen in cmttuttt;us8 'fort the relief of Consllptkm, riattfioney, "Wind vColic, -all Teething Troubles and liarifliaA. It areffiilates 'the Stomach and Ilowel, assimilates the IFood.ivlRgiihealthy and natural sleep The Children's ORttiuieett-Tfce Mother's Friend. EKUINE ALWAYS yBeHES the Signature of The lindfofllave Always BongM In Use ffcor Over 30 Years -tm enntw riwmmrjTT muhwt emirr. wrw row erre. US Y Prune Your Trees Now TO GET THE BEST out of your fruit trees you should use the best tools. Buy the Kansas Pruning' Knives. They do not mash the limbs. For Sale By CRAVEN & HDFF A Serio-Qamlo o.n .Between Vlotor Huflo andttri. .Tvvo Dumtui, It Is erluiw (U'.v natural t hat Mr. A. K, Duivlilsou, the In ist biographer of Victor llug. uiiuoyvd by the extravn CMt eukighwof the set Unit his pred 'MMiirs hud iwrltten, -should lny a good deal of stress uU'the-givut French uuui'k laultM and failings. 'Of these tlit t ctaief was 'undoubted ly 'vanity, Victor llugo .Inordinately valn valn in tvlM iUOIllellt Willi -tmpcrh HMKllllllH'f tttut aliuwt -tlini I t1-l -vault. itself, HI another with on uneasy Jt'ii lousy at niy jwitty ami absurd. Soiur years ago in a review of the m-wtrk if The.twoiLMimases, fatlHr ami mui, mi anecdote related that well Urmdrutus this. trait. . Hotli of the Du-eaa-Nes, Vlittor .llntm and several others w.eue chat Hug1 together when a foreign icutlMimn ws iftreMeiited. who mado 4iii esitellont iiii)premkiii on every one until ithe iuiiHeiil'f''Ws departure. Ah be towed dn raking eave he addressed hlnaietf .to the most celebrated mem iiere ef the-RTWop and assured theui of fcie jirlde and -satisfaction lu liavtiiK Bint "the igrea test fioet. the urea tent ro wanoer and i the greatest dramatist of FYiinee." 1 little 'unthinking of our friend to address .hbii parting compliment entire ly fto.me.twa Jt not?" remarked Victor lingo 'Complacently. The -others looked at each other, and lie eughtitlre"look. The'dramatlst-i-that waa you. then, yoa Ttnltlk.iDumaa?" be Inquired of Du ma the 7oinrrwi an omlnoua vok-e. TIk-o :thnuitfatren more appalltnR oo urrHl to :him. and without waiting for a peply he turtiedito- Duniaa tde elder. The romancer, monsieur the ro maaoer! 1D01I uiuleratand you to sup pose that by 'the (treatet rotuanoer' It was you who whs 'denl)rnated? Keply. mesHdeur!" demanded. Ilia brow w ithiinderoti8;.ind thecomftauy held .fbeir breatbjbnt the elder Human, who never ifound :hininelf at a loaa. anawer d with iin-eMsy lausb: But eartainly'lt was I. and the dramatist waa tny sou. llow should it be otherwise? 'You did not Invite the etrt tenia n to dine, and 1 did. You are not a cook a Rood cook, a veritable prinoe amonp; cocking aumteur and I am'! Hla txiniplliiii'tits. sncli as the.v are. are for as. his prospective hosts. cert band went to Independence last Bnt the.v are only payment In advance . Thursduy evenliiK on the 7:20 traUii It Simply Had to B. Put on the Croei on the Church Spire. KmiH'ror William Is the busiest man In (iei niiiny He revises or approve nil decisions in public matters, supervises all art and architecture and lectures everybody, In Uhistratlou of the def erence aild l his wishes In even the smallest details, the.v toll In Uerlln, writes Mr. Samuel . Illytbe In Kvery body's MaKiiy.ltie. the story of the ntar above the cross on the spire of the Ida pei'or William Memorial church. t)f course the Valser Insisted on r -vlslnit the plans of the church. The architect brought the plans to him. and the kaiser serolcheil out what he did not like and made such additions as he fancied before he pave them the lmie rial O. Iv. The church was built There was to lie a bl(t Kilt cross on the spire, and It apeand In it pntar pliue. Hut. much to the irenerat aston isliment. when the cross wss put op a la rite, man,- pointed star was raised above It on a heavy rod. The Herllners could not understand the star. The.v lmpilnd. The architect said the kaiser had added the star to the plana. The plans were examined. Then It was found that In revising them the kaiser had let fall a drop of ink from his H'ii, which hit the paper Just above the cross. The architect studied a long time over this blot of Ink. There could lie no npHal, no Inquiries. Ho finally decided that the blot of Ink slKtilflwl a star above the cross, and he put the star there, .inking It to correspond as nearly as isisslble wltt the outline of the blot The star Is still there ARE YOU A COLD SUFFERER? Take Dr. King's New Discovery. The best cough, cold, throat and lung medicine made. Money refunded If It falls to cure you. Do not hesitate take It at our risk. First dose helps. J. R. Wells Floydada, Texas, writes: 'Dr. King's New Discovery cured my terriable cough and cold. I gained 15 pounds.' Buy It at all druggists. MONMOUTH COLUMN. (Cojitlnued from Fourth Page.) Order Your Easter Suit NOW. 1000 Samples to Select From- Fir and Workmanship Guaranteed. $15 to $50. Cleaning, pressing and repairing promptly done. Frank Schow Located in Gaines Pool Parlor ior Tne sniaue .nnrseuiM.se or peppers t anJ practk.ed wlth the -Biuiiea wun iinuceu rriin ineiu uicn 'hnxe promised to' prepare fur him and which 1 Invite nr '" " Tbe wxi awat csr JSf eirktfreA ; tolerantly retenpttMM BtVuldr. I "S-o; I hare bad enongb of the so- jclety 'of this gentleman who speaks j from the stomach, not the hend." he i stated 'grandly. "You may appreciate It. llamas, bnt i b'do not. It is true 1 am mot :a cook." A Cheap' Marino Telescope. Make nn oWIouk narrow bos out of i'fonr pieces of quarter Inch board (.abtmt two feet long by sixteen iucliev 'wide, and tit .a . piece of clear, clean iglnw across one end. held in place liv hras heiuled tacks driven into the wood aud overlapping the glass. Fill all the (truck with -wealing wax to keep out ithe light Then plunge the glaHK .end two or three Inclies into the water and look through- the open end. Tliis -Kimple marine telescope is mad" on the .principle of the more elaborate glawHew through which to look at the famous ' gardens under the sen near the Cataiina Islands. Christian Herald. Soaking Salt- Fish. Tbei is a -wro;ig as well as a right -way to ifresheii suit nnn-kerel and other salt fifh Those iwlio are familiar with evaporation .prwesses know tlmt salt falls to the bottom Now. if you place your mackerel .with; the wkiu side down ibj the pun the salt falls to the hUIii and remains there, ilf placed with the flesh side down the suit falls to the bottom 'Of ;he ,pun. and the mackerel Jsi freshened by ithe souklng In water, ae :H should be The "8oheep. r. iBvans. a witty taember of the iparliament at .Meltsiurne. was an old uiiui. a nd the .other .niembers Jokingly )be sf hhn as (belonging to the era of Queen Anne Once liile aiaklug a speerh be re ferred .ie Quaen A.nne;antl whs greeted m-lth erli of -"BJId you ikaow her?" "MTfca t was she 'B'Jie?" "Yk. sfr." retorted the doctor. "I did knirw iher. The scbalur lia.eontauiFiorar.v with H time band at that ' place. They walked home. , Many au.omobilrs arid motorevcles bav DeXui txnk. W. lag tae past veaa. At the beginnlne of the second semester at the Normal school here, thirteen new students were oirollod which makes a to;.nl enrollment of 189. Elmer Bursell, an employ e on the Oregon normal school dormitory force fell 50 feet from the roof of the new bulding at 10 o clock Suidny moriing a. id rec bed severe Internal Injuries. Dr. J. R. Matihis was sum moned and exam!, :ed Hurst II, but found no bones br Ken. '1 ue In jured man was tikon to the residen ce of t'iie doctor, ;,id is under the care of doc.ors Ma. this and Bower sox. Much plowl g lias been done In the country sjrroundiig Monmouth by the farm rs nnd fruit growers ajid wfather Indications seem favor able for an early planting season. The residence of H. S. Portwood has been r-shLngled and general I in proveim'nts made. M. Haynes of Wisconsin, has been the guest of J. M. Stone recently. It had bean for y five years since the two met consequently the meeting was a Joyful one. The new city w'ell of the city water system is now well advanced by Sloper Brothers of independence, who took the contract some time ago. Work was s opped for a time last we?k to bail out the large amount of accumula ed water, and over "i00 gal lons were taken out In about one hour. The blast in the well a short time ago proved unsuccessful, and ' the second attempt will be made by W. R. Graliam and J, W- White, who will explode iinother charge of dyna mite soon. compete for several other valuable prizes also, lu the poultry contest Yhere will lie good print's for win nltiK trio of each breed; .1, M. tiar rlson offers $.".00 cash to the boy or girl tinikiiiK the largest mid host ex hibit of poultry: The Slate Poultry Association gives a fine cup for the best pen of birds (one initio and four females;) "Poul;ry Life" also gives a fine Ktip for which they can com pete; II miser tiros, give an air gun to the child raising the most A Shetland pony free poultry by June 1st; and the North west Poultry Journal gives a year's aubscrlptlon to every prize winner In the poultry department; the boy who fits and shows, the best sheep will get' a good cash prlxo and the one who does the beat in the pig feeding content, feeding and exhibit ing two pigs and furnishing an ac count of same, showing cost, profit, etc., will receive a liberal prlno which wo will tell you all about In another story, and In the prise list which will soon be published. The total union of misses offered: Uin children at the slalo fair Ibis year will be over latioo. Now Imysl and glrla don't you lil.uk It will pay you to try to win this pony anil somo oilier prizes thovo mentioned, ull of which you can competd for while trying for the. pony, tiet busy with, your cliickisis. pigs, lambs and gardens. NO NEED TO STOP WORK When the doctor orders you to stop work It staggers you. I can't, you sa You know you're weak, run down an falling In health day by day, but you must work as long as you can stand. What you need Is liloctrle Bittern to give lone, strength and vigor to your system, to prevent Iireak down and build you up. Don't be weak, sickly or ailing wlnsi eloelrlc Bitters will benefit you from the first dose. Thousands bless them fAir their glori ous health and strength. Try them. Every bottle Is guaranteed to. satisfy. I Only 50c at all druggists. Five Weeks MORE VOTES GOING FAST N)ine tuie will reeoivc the beautiful $400 Uptom Parlor Grand Piano .MiHulutc'lv Frio SPECIAL. Cur this coupon out ciiui use before February 27. C"" I T )" V flood oulv from Icbri' -v ! to I i" i 'irv '.'8, AJ Ul t i l.i'H. liia cmpon ci tit'' ' in' Ten I I'ii no 'o'es for cverv ('cut ol t heir nil i-hiM i,l it llintr:n i.i ; n!nrn. I ' lii' iij; your cm pon wiili ynti. I ! Bice Sr Calbrsctii Two Stores Indpopndpncp On gon Going i EtoporL When file but 'Iter noMvc-ered if be 'tele phone the nhrilJ voice of a ilititle .girl greeted Ww "HeUoI Is this Mr. Wk?" "Yen. Bessie." be answered tolndly. "What can i do for you?" "Ob. Mr. Wilson, please teU ne where Krandpa's liver Is! The folks ane out and I've got to put a hot flannel wi It, and I don't know where it is. Ladles Home Journal. Mrs. S. S. S., Van Buren. St., King ston, N Y. (full name furnished on application) had such decided bene fit from using Foley's Honey and liTar Compound that she shares good fortune with others. She writes: "Foley's Honey and Tar Compound brought my voice back to me during a severe case of bronchitis. Oh how inmny people I have recommended it ito:" Sold by Williams Drug Co. Putting It Up te Him. "Patience is a virtue." said th man. philosophically. "True." replied his wife, who thongt-.f be ought to be earning more money. "And 111 provide the patience for this family if you'll only provide the hus tle." Detroit Free 1'ress Borrowing Trouble. "Ever since bis wife has brought alt for divorce he has looked terribly wor ried." "Be oughtn't to worry: she'll prow sbly get it "-Houston Post A judicious silence Is always better than truth spoken without charity. I Bateev ics cream si irsveu ec wuuei. A SHETLAND PONY FREE B-vry school boy and girl In the state will be delighted to know that they are going to have an opportun ity again this year to win a Shet land pony at the State Fair. The Portland Union Stock Yards Com pany are giving the pony and it will he a nice one. Nothing in all the prize list at the State Fair last year attracted anything like the attention that the Shetland ponies did. This pony will be given to the boy or girl who makes the best exhibit of live stock at the State Fair neact fall. That , exhibit must consist of at least one trio or pen of chickens or ducks,, two pigs and a sheep. The boys and girls who compete for the pony will have an opportunity to D o You Need a N ew Harness This Sprin g? HAVE THEM MADE TO ORDER. I HAVE JU8T INSTALL ED A NEW LANDIS MACHINE AND AM PREPARED TO ' DO ALL KINDS OF WORK. CALL ON ME FOR PRICES. ALL WORK GUARANTEED. Main Street, C. D. THARP INDEPENDENCE, OREGON. Ji Winter Drive is always enjoyable when your horses anl carriage are com fortably equipped. A good har ness and a good blanket for your horse is something that lie deserves for his work. We have the finest harness Ihut is ' made stylish and handsome, as well as stable goods, blank ets, robes, and whips. D. D. Good's