Independence enterprise. (Independence, Or.) 1908-1969, February 21, 1913, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays
of this Month
ASA SI'KCIAI, IN I) IK' KM KNT to tlio IVoplo
of I inl(.')crii'iicti to visit our New Uiaiieli .Store
ii tlio corner of Court ami High Mh., we,"('alef
I'.ros, Homo KuniifheiH," 1 1 1 ak o tliiH freo
round trip offer to any couple puiclmHing goods from
our store to the value, of $30 or more, or for one por
hou a purcliase of $20 or over; and in addition thereto
we will prepay the freight on your purchase. It is
strictly understood that you shall ho entitled to our
1U percent discount for cash and all special bargains
on pale on the day of your purchases
Calef Brothers
of Salem, Oregon t
Local and Personal
1 lyron'it Troubadours I'oburary 'ZT..
Mrn, Mitt Clark of I'nrtlund, 1b vln
It.lng her noil and family Ui the city.
M tin Cruce Wallace wan home from
Coi'viilliri ovr rundity.
J..xrta Walker emue down from Kuie
una to iipu'id Sunday with IiIh parenta.
I Mrs, Hhtwur, who dm been east for
h verul month, returned Sunday.
! See Wee & Culbreuth'n ad In thin
' lMHun. It tneuns money to you.
i j
i Oon't f ill to be at the opera house
Tuesday evening, February JJ5.
Mrs. Dr. Uutler und Mm. I'. M.
Klrklund were In Sulem WedneHduy.
Sued potatoes for ale cheap.
Hoauty of Hebron, early potatoes.
J. O. Mcintosh. 39-40.
AI Whitney wub In Portland Sat
j urday and brought buck a new Over
land j Dr. L. W. Horn, Vtrlnry Sur
ge;. Crowley Bro. Livery Barn, In
dependence, Ore. Both Phono.
A Vulentlne party was held at the
hoine of Mrs. 8. 13. Walker last'
Friday. , i
A nice box of stationery with your
Initial embossed for fifty cents. Cra
ven & Moore.
The Oregon State Fair will be held
thlit vttnr In flcnfpmher rnmmpnninr
, on the 29th.
Elmer Davis left Monday for Ne
braska where he will visit for a short
Mrs.. X. 8. Bohaiiriori Is visiting in
I'orUuid and vicinity thla week.
Kverybody la plowing and getting
tiAy tor spring.
bo Washington's
Tomorrow will
I birthday.
' i.( VV. Horrlll of OorvalllH, w(t In
Iho city W(;ilieHday.
A. II. Underwood of Forest Grove,
whs In the city Wednewlay.
A. W. KlHh of Salem, transacted
buulnrrHH In the city Monday.
A. H. Once of Dallas, was in the
city Monday.
J. M. Morgan of Albany, was In the
city the fore part of the week.
J. O. Hooker of Dallas, transact
ed biiHlnesH In the city Wednesday.
Mrs. Percy Dickinson visited In
8ali;m Wednesday.
K. N. Wood of Dallas was la the
el'y on business Wednesday.
C. W. Black of Dallas visited la
the city Friday.
W. C. Perry of Stayton, was in the
city on business Wednesday.
M. L. Prather of Buena Vista, was
in the city on business Friday.
D. D. Clawgon of Ashland, Is assist
ing in the Enterprise office this week.
Wilson will soon be president.-
Tripp still sells real estate.
Sunday school at 10 a. rn. V
Prenehing at 11a. m. Theme: Bid-,
ding i Mni Depart. '
Kpworth Ijeugve 6:3u p. rn. Topic:
The Social Motive JLove. Leader..
Mrs. E. M. lilenls.
Evening sermon, 7:30. Theme: Nor'
the Diy of Salvation.
j Good singing and a most cordial
For Infants and Children.
Te Kind You Hare Always Bought
Signature al fyg
-Dr. AM In. -Dentist, Cooper Blttcj,
Coal for Sale. The Chus. K.
SpiMidLug Co.
John HobliiH mid family of McNary
wore In the cliy Sunday.
J 1 air Hwlichi's made from combings.
Hlaiiche Htlll, Monnioiith, Oivkoii.
Waller ltoy and wife of linens,
Mslti-d relatives In the city Sunday.
K. K. I'uddork was in lOugone
this week.
Dr. Duganne, Dentist, over Inde
pendence National Bank. Both Phones.
For Sale. A Jersey cow. Inquire
of Craven & Moore, Independence.
Fted Scheeler of Salem, visited at.
the home of II. C. Rockwell Sunday.
W. K. Goodell of Itlckreall,
In tlio city Sunday .
j P. M. Klrkland lius friends visit
ing. I
' J. W. mid Mr. Stollng were
Hali'iu visitors Friday on a land deal.
O. T. Murphy wont to Portland Frl
Mr. and Min. Cole of Monmouth at
tended the meetings at the Christian
church Tuitsilay evening.
Dice & Calbreath give 10 votes for
every cent purchased at their store.
Read their advertisement.
See Byron's Troubudours at the
opera house, Tuesday evening, Feb-
jruury 2", and help the hih school.
I Samuel Wellliicton from South Da-
O. 1. Long says that he sold five !kotil. lg visiting his brother, Jos. Wel
lington in this city.
Ford uutos last week.
Mr. Addis, representing the Rural
Spirit, was In Independence Saturday.
A fn-potuid boy arrived at the
home of Arch Sloper Thursday morn
ing. ' FOR SAJ.K. Rod Chaff seed wheat,
Ooo. I leek, Mon-
J. II. Winters and
were In Salem Sunday
$1.00 per bushel.
mouth Oregon.
j Win. Kales, who has been employ
, ed iu this office for some time, de-
J. Clark i parted Sunday for American Falls, Id.
! T. R. Nimn'H son Phillip fell from
Miss HWniehe Stltt of Monmouth, his high chair on Thursday and
was a business visitor in tlio city broke his left arm.
Friday of last week. I ... . . . , .,
' We take subscriptions for any
Paul Revere was seen at the Stur magazine published at publisher's prl-
theatre Monduy ilg'ht and enjoyed ces. Craven & Moore.
by many.
Milton Lehman has purchased a
track of land from John W. Hiltl
bri'did, the price paid waa $30 per
Mrs. J. B. Hll'Ibrand's Dressmak
ing parlors in the brown bungalow on
C street, opposite the public school.
Phone 2912. tf.
Mr. ajid Mrs. 'John Robblns of
near Salem, attended the revival
meetings at the Christian
Tuesday evenUig.
For farms and city property see
Sherman Hays moved Into the
house he recently purchased from
S. McElrnurry, Wednesday.
Win. Cosley of Corvallls, was look
ing over the city in a business way
Saturday. i
R. J. Savage of Salem, visited in
the city Wednesday in a business
II. J. Trotten of Salem, was an In
dependence visitor the fore part of
the) week.
1 W. F. Savage of Salem, was In the
City Tuesday aid brought a piano
over for the Misses Byers.
Anyone wantUig the service of a
nurse call on Mrs. Ida B. Phillips,
Sixth street. tf.
Lynn Huntley returned from Falls
City last Saturday after visitwig with
his uncle for a couple of weeks.
Do not fall to hear Prof. Oow
Sunday night. He sings "The Holy
On Plunge of the LadU, and Taka
What You Cot.
The real orUrfu of the word "pot
lucl;" U unknown to most of the peo
ple who us" tt. In IJmoges, France,
however, mie rium Into potluck lte;f.
Iu n certain corner of that quaint city !
of Jostling ruofs there Is still segregat
ed, miieli as If 1m a ghetto, a Saracen
population, prolmhly a remnaot of the
wuve of Saracen that swept over Ku- welcome are special features. F.
rope hundreds of years ago. Uere they J
live Iu their crooked, narrow streets,
following old customs handed down
from generation to generation. There ';
are many butcher shops in the quarter. '
and outside uf each steams a great pot
of soup over a glowing brazier. In
each pot stands a ladle as ancient as
the pot
When a customer comes with a penny,
in goes the ladle and comes up full of
savory broth and chunks of meat, odds
and ends that the butcher has had left
over. And what comes up the cos
tomer has to take. One can Imagine
bow anxlotndy the hungry urchin or
the mother of seven must eye the In
exorable ladle and how pretty girl
might get another draw from the
butcher's Isiy,
At any rate, "to take potluck" meant,
to take what you get and say nothing
whether the pot Is In Limoges or ii
. I . M... lw. i.i.i r. -... ...... ...1 .. fn...u
a friend ..f his youth to dinner. New I ropuiar lVieCOaniCS
York Sun. I MAf?A.zinf
A GREAT Continued Story of tb
World' Promn which VOU
may begin reading at anv time, and
wmcn win noia your interest forever.
The "Shop Note" DepvtnM (20 pages)
Bivca cany ways 10 do tnings now to make
useful articles for home and shop, repairs, etc
Amateur Mechanic" flO oairm) trllnhnw f-n
maKe mission lumiture. wireless outfit, boats.
cuauies, maaic, ana sm me uungs a boy tov
Ask your newsdealer, or
witrrc rom race aaaiptx coanr today
ijaxauNics -
Gives Warning of a Storm.
In the bay of Biscay frequently Sur
Ing the uuiumii und winter In ealir.
weather a heavy sea gets up and rolls
In on the coast four and twenty
hours before the gale which causes it
arrives and of which It is the prelude
In this case the wave action, gpnerated
on the other side of the Atlantic by the
wind, travels ar n much greater rate
than that of the body of disturbed a't
and thus gives warning of the comlnj
J. L. White of Dallas was in
city Wednesday.
sis w. wnMatrhMi at chicaco
J. 0. VnnOrsdale of Dallas, was
; In the city last week attending the
Sunday School Convention.
Mrs. K.' Hoblnsort of Portland, is
visiting with her daughter, Mrs. W.
H. Craven.
F. A. Iouty ajid wife of Portland,
visited relatives In the city last
Mrs. Nannie Markhnm of Wood
burn, visited with her sister, Mrs.
Doruslfe, Sunday.
lJr. Foster Informs us that he ex
pects to practice In Salem, but will
not move there at present.
J. J. Linn in building a new garage
for the automihlle he recently pur
chased. Our policy is everything to your
satisfaction or your money back.
Williams Drug Co.
1 150 acre farm to rent. $200 a year
caBh rent. See J. (i. Mcintosh Real
Estate Co.
Protracted meetings are being held
In the Fairview School house every
evening. A minister from St. Johns
has charge of the services.
Wm. Roberts of Salem, was In the
city Wednesday. He has some Idea
of building an addition to the Garage
for Edwards & Ball.
A coat of paint has been applied
to the high school building which
gives It a more attractive ppear
anc.. FOR SALE. A choice 15-acre fruit
farm located one mile from Indepen
dence. For particulars see Mc
intosh & Kurre.
church cty."
Seed potatoes for sale cheap. Beau-
Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Russell returned man went down to Sulem Sunday in
to (iervais Sunday, having eomo here
on accout of the Illness and death of
. his mother.
The band boys met Tuesday even-
I Ing for rehearsal of some new music.'
Hoyed Brownie and Earnest Hart- ! Judging from the progress they are
the launch "Spltten Liz."
C. G. Long has four Fords on the
making, Independence will have
bund hard to equal In the state.
Hani Kautzman, who came here last
The Independence Basketball Team
met Its first defeat this year at Sil
' verlou Saturday evening. Tho score
was 3.'i to 18.
Prof. H. C. Seyour of Dallas, was
.in attendance at the Sunday School
market, all arriving from Portland summer expecting to embark In the
Sunday. I newspaper business with G. A. Hurley
but failed to make connections, Is
A. L. Sperling went to Portland the owr engllged ln the publication of a
first) of the week and purchased a . r &t HouUq11( 0regon called tne
line new auto.
A. M. Brown and wife went to Sal-
Convention in this city Saturday and em Saturday to attend a decoration
Sunday. Borvlee by the soldiers' Relief Corpse
of Salem on Sunday the 16th.
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey, who sold
their home to the Baptisti society,
last week, will move to Sidney, we
are told, where he will engage
We have a long list of clubbing
prices on magazines. Let us know
in what magazine you want and we will
quote you prices. Craven & Moore.
The Famous Victor
The. one you see advertised sit much is curried in Independ
ence by the RED CROSS PHARMACY. Call and hear the
most perfect talking machine made. Can lie bought on the
Dollar a W eek Plan
A Style to Suit every purse. $15.00 $200.
The Red Cross
j Columbia Herald.
Something New.
Shell motor spirit,, guaranteed to
give better light, develop ten per
cent more power wild last longer than
gasoline, and non-explosive, at A.
M. Brown's.
School children all over Oregon are
being; solicited to actively engage in :
procuring signatures to a petition i
which will be forwwarded to Presl- j
dent Wilson, asking that the battle- j
ship, Oregon lead the opening naval
parade through the Panama canal. I
John Winters, who has been quite
poorly for some time, is convalescent. :
Mrs. Winters remains about the
y of Hebron Early potatoes. J. G.
Mcintosh. '
J. W. Richardson, Sr., completed
a contract at McNary and returned
Ihonie Saturday.
The Woodman social has been in
definitely postponed on account of
the smallpox scare In the city.
- E. E. Tripp reports the sale of the
O. E. Potneroy residence ia North!
Independence to H. Woods.
Mrs. A. E. Cross of Aberdeen
Wash., has been visiting her sister-
in-law, Mrs. Zelpha Cross at the
Hotel Lerona.
E. C. Gentry of Vancouver. Wash.,
has been visiting his parents, Mr and
Mrs. J. M. Gentry east of this city.
He arrived home Thursday.
Claud Oviatt and family have left
for Newport where they will reside.
Messrs. Percy Dickinson and Oren
Byers have the skating rink In
charge at present
Seats for the Portland Symphony
Orchestra concert held in Salem
March 2, now on " sale at Williams
drug store. Section reserved for
out of town patrons. 39-40.
Standing- of the contestants in
the II00.OO Piano contest at Bice &
Clalbreath's, week ending February 12,
1913: No. 10, 2,310; 13, 2,035; 14,
4,600; 20, 1,198,025; 21. 1,708,520; 22.
2,590; 49, 183,610; 57, 192,060; 64,
390,520; 72, 2,400; 79, 383,275; 83
6,600; 123, 386,975.
Voting' Coupon
If Presented on or Before February 26, 1913. '
Favor of
The above coupon, before accepted at Conkey & Walker's store for
balloting, must be cut out neatly not torn out and if possible tied
or pinned In bunches of five or ten. Not acceptable after1 date Indicated.
To Oar Friends and Neighbors
You know us. You know we would not that we could not
afford to go back on our word. Nor can you afford to Igriore
this money-back-if-not-satisfied offer on this splendid laxative.
should have been dispelled remain
to poison the system.
Headaches, biliousness, nervous
ness and other tormenting and seri
ous ills are common when the bowels
fail to act daily as nature intended.
All this may be avoided, ii yon will
accept our advice.
exo& (fytciex&eA
taste just like candy. They ara
soothing and easy in action. They
do not cause griping, nausea, purg
ing or excessive looseness. They
tend to tone and strengthen intestinal
nerves aud muscles. They promptly
relieve constipation, and help to per
manently overcome it.
Rexail Orderlies promote better
spirits and better health. In ail of
these things they are vastly superior
to old-fashioned, harsh, salts and
other purgatives, which are not only
unpleasant to take but which usually
leave the bowels in worse condition
than before. We particularly recom
mend Rexail Ordi-ilips for children,
aged and delicate persons.
Rexail Orderlies come in vest
pocket tin boxes. 12 tablets. lOo;
38 tablets. 25c: 80 tablets, 50o.
CAUTION: Please bear in mind that Rexail Orderlies an- not sold by all drug
lists. You can buy Rexail Orderlies only at The Rexail Stores.
You can buy Rexail Orderlies in this community only at our store:
independence The ggigg. Store
We honestly believe we have the
best bowel remedy ever made the
most plcasant-to-take, most per
manently beneficial laxative for relief
from the miseries and dangers arising
from constipation.
We wouldn't aay this if wc didn't
believe it to be true. We wouldn't
risk our reputation by making such
atatements did we not feet sure you
would find them true.
Our faith is built both on the
knowledge of what Rexail Orderlies
are made of and on observation of
very many severe cases in which they
have proven their merit.
Try t hem at Our Risk
If they do not abundantly prove
their merit with you also if you
are not entirely satisfied with them
we will refund your money aud we
will do that on your mere say-so.
We don't a.k you to risk a penny.
Isn't that fair?
Just let the bowels fail in properly
doing their work just let their
action be delayed and incomplete
and the entire system aud every
other organ suffers. Wastes that
V. J. BROWN, prop.
4...4.4'K"t'H'4"H'4' 4,444.4.4.44,4.4. 4Mf.
i The Byron 'Troubadours eome hlgh-
ly reccrmmended and the High Scbool
j asks your support in bringing the
best talent of the age to our city.
The company Includes Troubadours
Grand Orchestra, Saxaphone quar
tet and quintets, vocal solos, duets,
trios, quartettes and chorouses.
The s i? ions vary from the native
'if?g ill -hiivts of the tropics, to
h " o v 'fi ;i. ljed works of modern
1: s r .
' h j r v U'ts blend in harmony rare
ly iqualed and never excelled always'
pleastitiK the most fastidious audien
ces. Among their many instruments Is
nn old Italbm harp valued at fifteen
hundred dollars; also a Byrondolin,
played by four persons and used by
this company only.
This instrument was Invented by
a member of the company.
We, the children of the late Mrs.
Carrie Russell, desire to express our
sincere and heartfelt thanks to our
friends and neighbors who assisted
us during 'the illness and at the bur
ial of our beloved mother.
Sooihes irritated throat and lungs,
stops chronic and hacking cough, re
lieves tlckllirig throat, tastes good,
take no other; once used always used
Buy it at all druggists.
Drs. 0. F. & 8. Etta Heisley of
Snlein will make regular trips to Inde
pendenee Sunday, Tuesday and Thurs
d iys. Both are graduates of the Kirk
vlle school. Mrs. Heisley will treat
lad;es aud children. Consultation
and examination always free. Better
results are obtntlned when patients
are treated at least three times a
week. Office at J. N. Jones. Phone
Salem address 529 Court Street, op
tposite the court house, in the new
Derfcy Wtttt-
Thore is a Reiall Store in nearly every town and city in the United States, Canada and
Crput Britain. There is a different Hxull Remedy for nearly everv ordinary human ill '
eaeu especially designed for the particular ill for which it is recommended.
The Rexail Stores are America's Greatest Drug stores
. j. 4. .j 4, 4. 4, 4. 4. 4. 4, 4, 4. 4. .I.4"M"M"fr4"i"M"? i' '1' 'I' ! '1' ' 'I1
! 1
'jr-V. ,y""V A TTV
Will soon be here.
For Bikes and Motor Bikes
Come and See Us.
The Independence Repair Shop
4. -r fy.
J. - 41 "H
In regard to skin diseases, medical
authorities are now asreed on this:
Don't Imprison the disease serms in
your skin by the use of greasy salves,
and thus encourage them to multiply.
A true cure of all eczematous diseases
can be brought about only by using
the healing agents in the form of a
A simple -wash: A compound of Oil
Of Wintergreen, Thymol, and other In
gredients as combined In the D.D.D.
Prescription, Thla, penetrates to the,
disease germs and destroys them, thert
soothes and heals the skin as nothing
else lias ever done.
A 50 cent bottle will start the cure
and give you instant relief.
We have made fast friends of more
than one family by recommendating
this D.D.D. Prescription to a skin suf
ferer here and there, and we want you
to try It now on our positive pay guar
antee. D.D.D. Soap keeps the poresL.
Ueup; aslt us, " )
Williams Drug Co.