4nh 4 1HTV i i Htt ltt ft 1HT VOLUME 29. INDEPENDENCE, OREGON) FRIDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1912. NUMBER 30. PGa-SQl PIANO CONTEST STARTS AT ONCE Opportunity For Some Lady to Secure a Valuable Piano Without Cost. RULES AND REGULATIONS Governing Candidates For The Five Piano Prlxes Offered Jointly by The Enterprise and Conkey & Walker'a Store. J.Tlie Five 1'rlates offered Joint- , ly by The lndcpetid(i'e Enterprise j and Conkey & Walker, will be given ; to the five randidittt a who have j celvod the greatest number of vote , ty o'clock p, m,, Miiy 3, 1913, at j which time the context hIih.11 be d- , tired officially closed mid all votes polled thereafter void. j 2. The ballot box will be opened i every Wednesday 'afternoon Ht 4 I p. in, Kid the votea therein counted, mid (he ballot box re Mealed by committee of three selected for A KINDLY ACT WORTHY , OF' COMMENDATION Portland Man Thoughtfully Gives a Needy Family Benefit of Hla Good Fortune. j An act worlhy of attention whn seen In a Portland man at the filar Then re Monday evening, Ho held the number which ntlt let hlni to a auek of flour given away by the j management. The flour wi: given to the Hurrlglit family, imd It wait : certainly well placed, j Deprived of both father and moth j er, the hitter having passed away a few mouths ago. the boy a have found BAD WEATHER PREVENTS WORK ! CHRYSANTHEMUM FAIR Council May A.k Saloon, To Clot, j , ; A GRAND SUCCESS ' , Ddors at 10 O'Clock at Night LOCAL AND PERSONAL Proceeds of Fair and B.zaar Net Ladies' Aid 8ociety Nearly Two Hundred Dollars. In .The Future. ExpeCt TO Begin Operation in The annual Chrysanthemum Independence When Falls City Plant is Built. Fair Fills Cl'.y Lumber Company Expect o Have Force of Men at Work In Independence by February 1. Tito ....... !,.. 1.1. . ,.,,.,.t,K .t.l..K -- p. v. Walker, Mrs It no emv task to keen the fa mil v . and Mra t. W ...... . . weens nuo delayed active work on. provided during the winter months. the propomjd gaw ,, , It is more than likely that dona- pendence hag nol affected how. t ons of th a kind could be made ut .. . . . . . . ever, the preparw Ion by sub-contract-good advantage In more homes than .,, , .,.,,.. , R'V-Si(, I'llMCl ltt IA' ft VI 1 1 era 1U Bent, prices on Xm.is boxes at the Candy Kitchen. A movement la on foot to suppress ., . ' card pool and blllicd games In to- J??"1" Por,Iand' w " lh dependence on Sunday. Some time W ' ago citizens of the city infprvlw. Leave Orders for home-made- candy and Dueaar held at the M. hi. church jed Coventor West on the subject and ' c,yde'8 Candy Kitchen, last Friday and Etur'ay in believed the governor l id the matt.r before Mrs. M. E Ch.'fppeIl went to New to be the most successful underUAtng District Attorney MeNary, who urged berg yesterday to spend the winter, of the kind ever witnessed in this ; the mrwor and cltv emiru-n ,n ,ii,..t m M,,in ,., .. , ... - ' - v " c nin, tv iiv una uvtn ill l)r the differences without his assistance, some time Is able to be out tcain. But the whole mattsr seemed to rest vi. iij... . a.. - urns may have bee buking In n urn- here and games bu.e been played as Xmas canrt.es ber owing to the la-e period of the ' usual. More recently another appeal . ' . yar. but they were beuitiful. Mrs. ,,, th .. id? and nuts at special prices to ... . t-h irch city. The floral exhibits of ehrysfntheni- W. H. Wulbur : . . t i j. K-u 'we a iQ cu laay scnoots. r lUKe aiKer, Di complwnts were made against . , . c joiwison. Smith carried away owners of doo! halls and forward! n most of the prizes. attorn. y Sibley tt Dallas, who sent C"r CoPer of McMinnvJlle, vlsit- An excellent program wij render- them to .Indie u Mann r.r hi ,.ti- ,.n wlth relates id the city this ed by local talent, assisted by Miss Tuesday of this week. we k. tnu in this cl y. the pl.wit and arranging to put ct crew of men at work as soon as the weaih- WITH THE ENTERPRISE permits Messrs. llenry Esty and ch Blaficlie Listen of Salem, and this was highly tippreciated. The fair was given under the aus pices of the ladies' Aid of the M. K. The complaints were signed by Ui- Willis Rickman received word yes dependence ci izens Wednesday arid terday that his brother shot himself unless some satisfactory agreement in the hfi.d, while hunting at Red is r ta hed between the plaintiffs and mund, Cr-., The member was entirely The Dally and Sundiiy Oregon Jour nal costs $7.50. Kor a limited time we can furnish both, and The Iiitde- another party employed by the Ftils City Lumber Co., were here Friday, and expected to lay out plans for ex cavating, but on account of the In clement weurher work was postponed urch and the society realized a net the owners of these r. sorts, which severed from his person. profit of about $160. seems probable at this time, arrests Now is thfe time to make your wlf A. ANDERSON DIES TUESDAY will fo'low a present of a nice set of dishes. - NIGHT ' ...... A,-,,n ..I.,.. ,.M ...... . .. I the , ... . c Independence citizens have been a purpose by the tautest Munnger, his , ,, . , . ... . little concerned on account of the de- . .. ' , . . . , day edition Is $j.O0 During this bar- . . A , ele lion to be subject to public ap- , . , , . lay In beginning work, but this is u train )uitlkil ui A nial fntiluh rha Ilullir ( - ..,., ,n ,ha f, thnt ,, The object of the crusade seems Get them at Fluke & Johnson's. not to be for the purpose of clos ing thjse places on Sunday, p-rfic- provcl. The result of each week's count shall be published the follow ing day- Ui The Knterprlse, and the Candidate's naii.o iid her standing to appear. ;i. Nomination Lists will close on Mcintosh & Wil?se sold the Geo. 11111 . rr. i A An.le-rami Sr AA t hiahm. L . . . . """I proper y i uesosy 10 - ' uiariy, out 10 prevent sunaay gftmes pf, -,,a ni,.io 1 North Independenoe Tuesday night, and keep boys under age out of the fiter a prolonged lllne- lasting sev- places at a'l times A sm:41 line of r0,ncy Chlna a,1(J eral montJis. It was' not until a few It ls 8atd rfso ihat a step will be JaPfese war 8t Priel! th&' ar liiiiriml nrul th. Ruieri.rlKn for onlv days ago. however. th his condition i.un . .. i 4 , rigni. r juse & jonnson. nconle have been verv himv at work . m .uc onuuua iU tiuse ,$."..00. The price of the Dally alone. ; v " V.vu ri v in .h w" lk'd Upon 88 crltlcaL While 10 o'clock each night, but this s M- Nar'e Markham of Woodburn j The Sunday Journal cosis $2.50 a the mill that was burned a h bee" Pr heallii'for solue tian. lf taken at all, will be by the BDent Sund"y wit51 her sIat r- Mt- yatr. We can furnish the Sunday aid ' ,ri.h Tll, u,Q ,, tIme- hls d,atn waa comparative: city council. It is understood that J- Dorn8ife- ' The Knterprlse for $2.75. To persons soon be completed and if the weather J'. tiunry 15, at 6 p. in. After work will begin In this and It The funerdl was held at the house agreed to this. yesterday afternoon at one o'clock. 1 1 .' i 11 ir In fliA fiAlllilrv m V. ii a Hull, this; 7, ' fu,orable ,'iitirtliliituit mill n,il liu .nlurml ' f.ltu- K, the fl ., - . , , , . , i!n furnish the Semi-Weekly Journal . ' " 7 ' 'Va.id Interment was made In the I. O ' ...i.u . . . v. ' e.. the saloonkeepers have practirily -Miss Grace Duvtdl, who has been coiiltst manager. 4. Any cuidldate living within a ,-nlit.H of 25 miles of LndHpeudeuce i will be accepted, providing she is nominated In regular form on one of i the Coupoa Hallou niiponrlng Ui any j uf the Issues of The Knterprlse, The ; contest manager i-erves the rlgH 1 , reject the name of any mideslr- ; able candidate and to limit the nuni- , r of entries. I B. Voting coupons may be cast by stnymne providing that they are ob- ! .. toed from any of the following ; sources: Coupons appearing In the regular issue of The Enterprise, or In 1 Her or eicd lssue;d under the name of The Enterprise, or Comkey & Walker, or coupons given out by The Knterprlse or Conkey & Walker for trails ut their store, no matter what j form. All others shu:i be declared void and thrown out by the Judges, : 6. No employee of either The En- j terprlse or Conkey & Walker will be j permitted to enter the contest. ; 7. All votes must be deposited in j he bi ll lot box located at Conkey & 1 Walker's store In'ihe presence of he contest manager or some one ap lointed by him. In casting u num er of votes ut the same time they mist be neatly tied together or plac 'd in a small envelope. Votes may ic cnt personally or by mail. Start the thing right. Candidates nay work from house to house In pur uit of coupons fqund In the papers rom week to week, wid Ht the game Ime work for subscriptions, which rill Increase your standing. 8. The coupons found In the pu era w'H designate their value. All ubscrlptions to The Enterprise, new rl old, paid in at the rate of $1.00 and The Knterprlse, both one for only $1.75. This Is by far the best offer we iiave ever ben able to make our lalrons. It applies to both old and new subscribers. Remember the time Is limited. Send In your ordr at, ji.ee to The Enterprise. " . Rev. Sandifur, pas tor of the M. E. church, conducted the f ineral services. ; Mr Ander on ha Hvpri in iWenn Editor Enterprise seriously ii with pneumonia, is slow- ly recover! g. NORTH INDEPENDENCE Wantel. RespoisiMe man to cut ASKS FOR IMPROVEMENTS 100 cords cf f r wood. S. W. Leon- red. C. D. Thr.cp has purchased a new Now thut the itv ol.ction t nvor macni- e ior nis nsr.iess sncp, a.na frVT fiintit ? vaara hut hua UirQ1 In ihis citv onlv ahnnt lw venr we acknowledge we are beaten in our " ls expected here from the factory TEAM MAKES LIVELY RUN DOWN MAIN STREET A team belonging to C. G. Saffrin, agent for the Union Tea Company, ' Indulged in little runaway one day last week. The horses started from J. I). Hibbs & Company's hardware store wid ran to North Independence before wyone had nerve enough to step in front of them. No admnge was done. PROMINENT LADY DIES ' AT HER HOME IN ZENA Mi's. Klhcl McKlnley, aged HO years, died I her home In Zena last Friday, The funeral was beld Saturday at thrnt place. Mrs. McKlnley enme to Polk county recenily from Spokane- I JOINT INSTALLATION i OCOURS MONDAY EVENING latter part of next month. Commencing work at even a later date than Feb. 1st will give them ample time to build the mill and put it in operation to comply with the - efforts to art another councilman for tn lt feways. terms of the contract. There fio, p4y me .TRCS-FOR . Nor Iodependence,. but we are- not Said w Have Found Oil. nason to doubt the sincerity of the POLK COUNTY GROWERS discouraged and shall try ag-in. After p rclsient efforts to find company in this muter. The land is nr infh tn kiiOM, ,hQ ., t v. , , u ' e are loatn to believe the city 0il at the Whiteaker farm near here, owned by the company and everything j, Ig g-,id that 80 oo0 nrtkne tree's fathers will Cnnti-Hie to rierv 119 fiAoet- ,.t ehon . ... nave arrivea in foiK county during ea improveffenis. rnere are in readiness for the work as 'soon as conditions will permit I s progress. SEVEN MILL TAX IS LEVIED BY COUNCIL The council met in regular ses sion Wednesday evening, ihe last meeting of the ye- r a id of that body. There woo Htt'e work, however to come before the mee lng. Reports of the recorder and treasurer show a balance in the treasury of a lit tle more tlihn $800. The council pmsed an ordinance In tended to levy a seven mill tax, one mill more than the levy last yei'". new years, it is said that drillers have at the past two weeks to be sit out sidewalks to be built and old ones to last found a very encourrg'ng flow-, by growers in dif, erect pirts of the be repaired, besides there are several county, and the shipment is the larg- culverts and smcil bridges that ought est ever received in the county in any to be built one season. Mnny of them will be While there has been considerable planted In the vicinity of Dalhie, Could Shout For Joy. "I- want to thank you from the bottom of m v heart." wrote C. R. building i this section of the city, Mer of Lewisburg, W. Va., ."for lucre " oeeu no DUD,,C W0,K on the wonderful double benefit I got Notice. To strangers in the city, the streets or sidewalks for two years from Electrlc Bitters, in curing me have nearly 50 written testimon- to the writer's knowledge. of both a 8evere of 8tomach tnln .. ..1. . 1 1 l . . . ... . . . . . i 1 . . mo nuiu pe-upie iu wuum we iia e tu m me vuy ougiu 10 trouble and of rheumatism sold places, sta'lng that, they have go forward together. iund us honorable In all dealings. Largest list of property in the ci y. , E. E. Tripp, Farm and City Property. H. C. McKfiney. Claude Oviatt expects his skates Notice of Stockholders' Meeting. from ; which I had been an almost helpless sufferer for ten yeprs. It suited my case as though made just for me." For dyspepsia, indigestion, jaundice, and to rid the system of kidney pois- SUNDAY SCHOOLS WILL CELEBRATE Notice is hereby given that the 0ns that cause rheumatism. Electric here form Goldendale, Wash., this annual meeting of the stockholders Bitters have no equal Try them. Ev- ,, . 1. ,. .1 ...Hi , u . .. ... . . . . .. ncrn a iu will 1 1 1 1 1 i i hip i h . in i ii u inn it iiimi-1. in I. tv 1 1 ......... . . . . . . , . . . CHRISTMAS w .....v,,,..,. ,,c . muuuiuuiu ery ooiua is guaran Leea to sciusry. InHtalh.eioTi of officers of the Blue lodge and Eiistem Star will be held in Masonic hall In this city Monday evening, December 2.'1. Members of the Blue lodge and wives, wnd mem bers of the Eas'ern Star and their husbands ure corJially invited. once upon their arrival. Mr. Oviatt Railway Company will be held at the Only- 50 cents at all druggiata .,...... W1" "e uuiuiiipwueu in me ousiuess independence National Bank in In- Christmas exercises will be held In , wntep b GeQ He a f dence 0 on the 28th day v,u.,o,.a0 rle8U"ttu ed here with him last wek. the Sunday school will give a tree In addition to the regular Christmas A three days' mission is being con- is ducted in the Catholic church by program. T Vi ,i 1 1 . . V. ...1 1 1. A Cl 1 .... 1. .. 1 lutimwici 0u.,u, . BlUUUl " Rpv. Pnther ft Brian of tho nritpr rtf also practicing for at Christmas pro- s Dolnlnic. The hou'r3 of 8ervlce are tr f tl Til ntli4 tha Annntn.n IK at m tn i niu auu i-uc ui ctoiVJMt UlllO .DCdOUl! a jq going to be a delightful on for the little people. WORK WILL BE COMMENCED IN THE NEAR FUTURE NEWSPAPER DIES AT LEBANON, ORE. a. m. r.c id 7:30 p. m. No bell to ring for the officers. . Remember the time. Non-Ccfhollcs are welcome and they will feel at home. Sunday, Dec. 22 closing of the mission at 9:30. o'clock a. . m., for the purpose of electirg officers for said company for the ensuing year and for the transaction of other business thnt m' y properly come before said meet ing. D. W. Sear3, Secretary. Dated Dec. 10, 1912. Sunday School ot 110 r.t m. Preaching at 11 a. m., a Christmas sermon. Epworth League at 6:30. . Evening sermon at 7:30. Theme: "Cor science." F. N. Sandifur, Pastor. ' MRS. LOTTIE MclNTOSH, er year will count 1000 votes. Two I - - ,T, W. Winn has rented an office ear subscriptions will count 2500, 1 Mr. Donnely of the Falls City Lum- ' Aft(r strlIggIlng for ftrl existfWlce ln the hotel building and will move me ycic subscriptions will count er Cc-niPny. was In the city last for gevpr!)1 n th L.b&non Advo.' therein at the commencement of 1)00, four year subscriptions count and. five yeHr subscripi ions' 111 count 20,000, ' "!! , Other In forma tion may be obtnln 1 at this office or from the contest ianrgcr at Conkey & Walker's store. The thing to do now is to noml ite yourself or your friend md get isy with the subscribers. Lodges id churches are not exempt. Dr. Duganne. Dentist, over Inde- j Teacher of Vocal and Piano Musi: pendence Na'.ional Bank. Both Phones. Phone 4820 A SHAPELY COLLAR cate has become extinct, according his term of office as justice of the They expect to begin work in the1 l , . , . . . t , bright Linn County city. The publish- ' W. of the defunct paip'er has seen it1 , . . . . . . , , . i Famous Stage Beauties demrnstrated to his entire saHsfac-, 3 tlon that Lebation, a city of about1 2000, is not large enough to support l00K wlta norror on bKm ruPtlons of the grounds for the new mill "rtiey expect t very near future Foils A Foul Plot. When a shameful plot exists be-1 the sec0ind paper twecn liver amd bowels to cause dls- It'8 almost like suicide for a man tress by refusing to act, take Dr.ito gtart a paper uode such-circum. Address all communication to the Kings New jutre fins, ana ena sucn gtfnce mtest manager at Conkey. & VVii'.- r's store, independence. ANCOUVER BANKER VISITS HIS OLD HOME 1 1 ' nKiiOA rt -rmi-i oimtam Thaw (rnr. nkiuoo v juui a i- uii iuvj evmn j ly compel right action of stomach, I liver and bowels, sod restore your heallh and cl good feelings. 2oc at all druggists. W. P. Connaway and wife of Van uver, Wash., visited at the home E. E. Paddock liet Sunday. Mr. d Mrs. Connaway were residents of dependence several years ago when e former was engaged iai the : nking business here. , They went from here to. Dallas to I NotlceTo Breeders. I claim to hiwe the best Poland China boar in Oregon. H. Laliberty. P. Sumpter returned Tuesday from Salem where he has been visiting a few days. His grewt-grand-son, Carl Prope, came home with him to spe?nd tend the funeral of his sister In-liiw, Christmas with his grand-mother, Mrs "8. Julia Connaway, who died at Ford. ameda, CiA., last week, and whose j. ina'ns were shipped to Dallas for Twenty Ei re snap close In, lost of erment. I t"H.. E. E. Tripp. J1. F. Emmett of Corvallis was in Independence Wednesday. I !WANTRD $ POULTRY, HOGS, VEAL AND X HIDES " Highest Market Price Paid. Checks mailed Promptly on S Receipt of Shipment. Empty poultry coops free of ? charge at Independence Seed & J Feed Store, Independence, Ore. t Ref. Lumbermens' Nat. Bank. HERRON & WILLING T Commission Merchants. J t Front and Yamhill Sts. PORTLAND, OREGON Blo'chrs, Sores or Pimples. They don't have them, nor will anyone who uses Bucklen's Arnica Salve. It glorl- ' fles the face. Eczema or Salt Rheum ' vanishes before It. It cures sore Hps, : ;bapped hands, chilblains; heals all )urns, cuts and bruises. Unequaled fc , piles. Only 25c at all druggists. Annual Shareholders' Meeting. Notice Is hereby given that the m nunl meeting of the stockholders of the Independence National Bank will be held on the Second Tuesday in January (Janur.y 14, 1913) .between the) hours of 10 a. m. and 4 p. m., at the bank for the purpose of elect ing a board of directors and the transaction of such other business as may come before the meeting. Dated this 10th day of December, 1912. R. R. DeARMOND, Cashier. IS EVERY GENTLEMAN'S DESIRE, AND SHAPELY COLLARS ARE THE ONLY KIND WE KEEP IN STOCK. THE VERY LATEST STYLES IN DRESS SHIRTS, LINEN COLLARS, AND THE NEWEST THINGS IN NECK TIES ARE ALWAYS TO BE FOUND IN OUR STORE. THEN, AGAIN, YOU WILL FIND THAT WE SAVE YOU MONEY ON CLOTHING. MAKE THIS YOUR HEADQUARTE ERS FOR USEFUL XMAS PRES ENTS. -YOURS TRULY, O. A. RREAMER Jeweler and Optician