(EIGHT PAGE! 1 THE INDEPENDENCE ENTERPRISE, INDEPENDENCE, OREGON PAGEPAGE FIVS Your worry about what to give for a Christmas gift will disappear like melt ed snow when you come to select it at this store, hi Wilson anys lower the tariff. Tripp Datoity gift book for mur Xmas 111 sella real estate. " trule, C'mvoti & Moore. I Remember (he early bird hud do L, ft. Bennett loft for Portland on your shopping now. ( ravf & Moore. Monday, i f.tU -tl . JLti SotiiHliiiiK lierofor everybody from tWritty l''"K,,i,,K blby to tliti MinilinK, dear oM grandma something to uit all nml uIUuhI.1 tu Hiiit HIMor HER. Lot in aid you in your selection, It will give lis the greatest pleasure und our experi ence will help you. Come in today and got first choice of tho huNt sleek of Christmas gift in town. Here Are Some of Themi Xmas Stationery, Exquisite Perfumes, Toilet Sets Manicure Sets, Ladies' Handbags, Smokers Sets. Williams Drug Co. Independence. Ore. Local and Personal Dr. Allln. Dentist, Cooper Bldg. Hot ween the war and Thanksglv Ins much has been said nbout turkey. For snlo or rent. Invalid's chailr. A. M. Itrown. Attorney U, F. Swope la at Pallas this week attending circuit court John Taylor vlnited with his par cut a lit the city last week. Mm. A. W. Leonard Is visiting at lirowimvlllo tills wfH-k. Frank Klrkhtfid of Columbia Uni versity, waa home for Thanksgiving, If your Haw doe-sn't work take It to Anderson. Wilson says lower the tariff. Tripp still sells real estate. MIhs Gertrude Jewell visited In Albany over Sunday. Win. Good, formerly a resident of this city, was la town Saturday. If your umbrella needs repairing take It to Anderson, lie uses new covers and ribs. Mr. and Mr. K. J. Wis! I are of St. JohiiH, visited In the cily a few days ills week. Mr. Edwards of Albany, vloltcd In tho city over Sunday. Harvey Fischer of Suvcr, was In tho city Thursday. Mrs. Mead or of Monmouth, was in the city on business Friday. Fred Stump has just completed a couple of neat houses on his farm which will be used by his hired men. M. Merwin has been very 111 ei. his home on Railroad street for a few days past. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Walker visit ed with relatives In Falls City Sun day. Dr. Mclntyre returned froir. Salem Ipmiday, where he went to spend Thanksgiving. Dr. Eaton of Portland, visited in the city with relatives on Thanksgiving day. Ray Walker of Eugene spent a few days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Walker, in tills city last week. For Sale. One Hoosler cabinet, al most new, and one Quick-Meal range, used only six weeks. Inquire at this office. tf Miss Maude Patterson, a teacher In the Vancouver, Wash., school, vis ited with her parents Friday and Sat urday; Lester Reese, of Alberta, Canada, who resided in this city five years Wlnfred Hall and Jeff Krebs were In Dallm Monday. OAK WOOD FOR BALE. S.Muhle man. Phona 68S. Conrad Krebs of Salem, was In the cliy Monday. Wo now have our Xmas line ready for your Inspection.' Automobiles cannot run legally after December Hint unless they are provided with the 1913 us. A new floor and book case are the recent Improvements that have Just been made in the piblic library. S. H. McKlmurry, I. W. Compton and Sian Irvine are serving on the Jury at Dallui this week. Mrs. Sue Allln returned from Port land last week and will spend the winter at the homo of Dr. Allln. Yod can find Just what you want for Xmas presents at Craven & Moore's. Prof. F. 0. Chute and wife vis ited with relatives in Salem a few days Juit week, returning Sunday. R. M. Lance of Lewlsburg, waa In Independence Monday looking for an opportunity to buy a few cows. Ilring tho little ones, our toy room Is now ready and it will prove a ver itable fairy land to them. Craven & Moore. Miss lusher of Jlamond, an O. A. p. student, visited In the city with Miss Grace Wallace during their re cent Thanksgiving vacation. Mrs. J. E. Hubbard went to Port land last week to attend the Booth Steve'is wedding. Mr. Booth is a nephew of Mrs. Hubbard. Remember the eurly bird, do not think of the early worm. Now is the time to buy your Xmaw pres ents. Craven & Moore. d G. 'Long purchased the house at the rei'r of the hotel Lerona, from A. L. Sperling, and is moving it to a lot near the depot. I. C. Young has purchased the old bnru located on J. W. Klrkland'a lot and will move the same to some lo cation convenient for his use. You are invited to call and Inspect the most complete line of Holiday goods in the county. Craven & Moore. Pluie your, fire insurance with T. R. NunnUeal Kstu.e, Independence, Mr. and Mrs. Claude Hubbard are vlsltfng In the city. ( 8e T. R. ' FIRE INSURANCE. Nunn, Independence. ! Rev. Dr. Hell of Corvallis, visited Graven & Moore. I" the city Tuesday. Mrs. K. Thorpe of Monmouth, was In Independence Tuesday. . i Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Richardson, Sr., returned from Port b id, Monday. Come and see tho Count and Gypsy wt K. of P. Hall next Wednesday evening. MIsb Llllle Davidson ef McCoy, is vaulting si. the home of I).. M. Duvall this week. J. W, Bellamy and wife of Salem, are visiting with their daughter, Mrs. D. J. Purvine. Mrs. D. M. Duvall left Monday for McCoy, where she will visit for a few days with friends. Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Black went to Corvallis yesterday to attend the Threshers Convention. Mesdames. HUUbrand & Owen, Dressmaking. Over Craven & Moore's atore. 2t Thoe who attended the dance on Thursday night report a very pleas ant time. Dr. t. W. Horn, Veterinary Sur geon, Crowley Bros. Livery Barn, In dependence, Ore. Bath Phones. Rev. Wherry of McMinnvIlle, will preach in the Baptist church next Sunday morning ai.id evening. 10 acre tracts, close In, good terms, fine soil. T. R. Nunn, Real Estate, Independence. Mrs. Ct C. Walker left for Fortland Monday, where she will visit with her mother for i short time. Books, bibles, books of poems, and books bound In leather, cloth awd paper at Craven & Moore's. A Snap. 8 acres bottom land, 700 cords of wood on pla'e. T. R. Nunn, Real Estate, Independence, Oregon. We are now taking orders for slab wood at $3.00 per cord delivered In city limits The Chas. K. Spaiding Logging Co. Don't forget to see the pretty things the Presbyterian ladles have on sale at the opera house Friday afternoon We Are Beating the Chirstmas Bells to It. Merry Christmas. What's; the use- In waiting tiO the bells chime out Christmas, before extending greetings? We may be a little ahead of time, but we mean it Just the same. Merry Christmas. The fact Is we hr.ve, been working on Christmas things, and thinking about Christmas; till It almost seems to ns this really Is CbrlBtmMf. You will think so yourself when you see our! Xmas sun k. Come in and absorb a little Christmas; spirit. Meantime, Just to whet your appetite, here are some of the things we are offering: Flrie Stone and 8ignet Rings, Elgin Watches, Fobs, Cuff Links, Bracelets, Neck Chafne, Cut Glass, Fine Hand Painted China, Silverware, and VERV MANY OTHER THINGS Engraving, done free on. all gooda aold. Please have your special order. In. early, CLEAN-UP SALE ON TOILET CASES, GLOVE BOXES, SMOKING SETS, PADDED BOOKS, ETC., ETC. AT YOUR OWN PRICE. These are all new goods, nothing ahvetf-wom. j Rowe's Jewelry Store "Wh Phone 7 ail a Dollar Do Its Duty". Independence, Oregon Mr. and Mrs. Lock of Salem, visit ed at the home of the. latter's parents,1 and eVenIngi Mr. and airs. i. uw.non, lnanssgiving . . n i i i i . aim. May r ariey, wuo uas ueeni vis iting in Newport for r. month past, ay. Miss Notice. I have 20 houses uud lots on my list for sale, $400 up. See Trlpp. Archie Parker is suffering frorn'ugo, arrived here Frldmy evening and lumbago, but keeps at work on the is visiting with old friends, rural !.u-l delivery. For Sne.BungaIoWi 5 rooni8 Blld A. J. Tupper stepped on a nail one. bath, fire place, beam ceiling, pan day last week and has since found lt'eled walls and buffet In dining room. milium jiciimtr ou iw , j n, ..,.,, 1, ,, 11 CorvwUis, visited the former's parent. enroute tQ ner home ln Portland. Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Heukle, Thanks-. J. H. Mukly and v.ifa left fcr Lcs Ange'es, Tuesday, -here tiey will re- giving day. Kersey Eldridge of Portland, visit ed ul the home of 'his parents, Mr. and Mrs. K. C. Eldridge, a few days 1 this week. Miss Ada Rice, who lu.is been vis rather uncomfortable1 to nisvlgato. There is one consoling feature w liout the winter weallier, it makes us all "oldest inhahlinuts." Miss Cecil Collins won the Morris chair given awiy tut the Star thea tre Friday night. CwMnot kltchm. Walls tinted. On eisy terms. Inquire of K. C. Eld ridge at Creamery office. tf. Notice. I have over .10 facms on my list, for sale, from 5 acres up, all improved fund some of them the stock and machinery goes with the place. E. E. Trlpp. Smart Stationery There are so many special and exclusive features about the sta tionery which wo handle, all of which renders It "smart" and par ticularly pleasing. For the business man who is particular about the stationery on which .he acknowledges his personal correspondence, we have a particularly fine paper. For the wo man who wishes to acnowledge her social engagements we have the finest fabric flniah paper that offers more pleasant writing services. Many dainty tinta and textures are here. CORRESPONDENCE CARDS, NOTE PAPER, ACCEPTANCE AND REGRET PAPER. In fact paper for every use and every occasion. ra'in a few months i.t.rt enjoy the w toi ( Tmate. Notice is hereby given thr.t all per sons are forbidden hunting or other wise trespassing upon my premises. Harry D. Iliff. 27-4. For Sale. One No. 2 Faultless grubbing machine with 123 ft of 7-8 inch cable. Only used 8 days. W. H. Cockle. The usual services will be held in the M. E. chureli next Sunday. In the forenoon sacramental services and reception of members will be held. The subject is "Christian and His EnemieB." Evening subject: -Preaching for the Times." Independence Lodge, No. 212, Fra ternal Union, will give a social at K. of P. Hall on Wednesday even ing, Dec. 11. An interesting progrcon will be rendered. An admission fee For Sale. One cart, one telephone jof 2s cents for adults and 15 cents box, Edison phonograph, foot power for 0hUdren will be charged. Now is the time to buy your Xmas presents. We have a large line of toilet sets, manicure sets, shaving A. E. Clyde has given up his lunch i mirrors, French ivory toilet sets, lea b I counter at Davis & Son's pool hall er glove cases, leather handkerchief I and will confine himself to the con- cases, jewel boxes, military brushes, I fectionery busintss exclusively. Tom ! fine Xmas stationery, etc. Craven & Fox has opened a lumch counter in ! Moore, the same place. ; A. good musical program, lnstru- Mrs. F. A. Douty and mother, Mrs. mental and vocal, by talents from In Ellen Robertson of Portlmd, spent dependence and Monmouth, will be Thanksgiving with' friends in the Riven In the opera liouse this Fridr.y city. Mrs. Douty returned home the evening by the ladies of the Presby- latter part of the week, but Mrs. Robertson remained in the city a few i days to nintke a more extended visit with old time friends. itlng at the home of her cousin, Mrs. Browne, returned to Portland Mon day. S. C. W. L. Leghorn eockrels range raised. $1.00 each while they last. Phone or write A. D. Cook, Route 2, Independence, Oregon. Mies Grace Wallace of the O. A. C, spent Thanksgiving in the city at the home of her mother, i.t id re mained during the rest of the week. Mrs. Sarah Wr.ren sold her resi dence in North Independence Satur day to J. G. Mcintosh, and with her daughter will go east next week to make her future home. turning lathe, the best cross-cut! saws, Golden Rod Carpet Cleaners atj $7.00 each. Come to Brown's. i SEE California This Winter ITS ATTHACTIVl SEASIDE RESORTS FAMOUS HOTELS, MAGNI FICENT SCENERY, DELIGHTFUL CLiMATE, OUTOOOR SPORTS OF Ait KiNDS, W,TH MILES CF DRIVES THROUGH ORANGE GROVES AND ALONG OCEA SOUlsVAROS. THE IV SUNSET 0 I I OGDENftSHASTAl I I t ROUTES I I HAS IN EFFECT ROUND TRIP FARES $55.00 PORTLAND TO LOSANGELES EFFECTIVE JANUARY 1st, 1913. $54.70 50.20 44.30 42.60 41.85 Eugene Roseburg Grants Pass Medford Ashland to Los Angeles to Los Angeles to Los Angeles to Los Angeles to Los Angeles Same Fares apply to Colton, Pasadena, Riverside, and San Barna dino. With corresponding low Fares from Intermediate points and stop-overs going or returning and long return limit. Descriptive and Interesting Literature on various Attractions of the Golden State may be obtained from Southern Pacific Agent or by writing I I i ' ' John M.Scott, Gen. Pass. Agent., Portland, Ore.; S THE- KEEN KUTTER STORE Xmas Xmas Now is the time to do your Xmas shopping. We have a fine line of XMAS GOODS. BROWN'S PHARMACY Clhas. Freeman and family, who have been visiting at the home of B. C. Rockwell, returned to their home in Westville Center, N. Y., bust week. They had Intended making their home in this city, but owing terlan church, and also a beautiful summer drama by - loend talent. Ad mission 25 and 13 cents. Mr. and Mrs. J. P.-Harris of Otta wa, Kansas, airrived here Sunday ev ening to attend the funeral of the latter'a son, Loren R. Zook, whose death was mentioned in The En terprise last week. The funeral was held Monday aft the home of his sis- Phone 91. INDEPENDENCE, The Up-to-Date Drug Store. to Mrs. Freeman's continued ill health' ter- Mrs- E- W- Cbchrun, Dr. Duns- since arriving here, they decided to return to their New York home. Drs. O. F. & S. Etta Heisley. of Salem will make regular trips to Inde pendemce Sunday, Tuesday and Thurs days. Both are graduates of the Kirk vlle school. Mrs. Heisley will treat ladies amd children. Consultation and examination always free. Better results are obtadned when patients are treated at least three times a more officiating. J kjl ijl J it i tj i J ijl I J ii if kf J "J Ji J J J J' "J 'J t' "t" ALWAYS FOR SALE Choice Young Barred Rock Cockrells and Pullets. EGGS On Hand at All Times. Phone or Write, A. S. WILSON Route 1, Monmouth, Ore. week. Office at J. N. Jones. PQ I .k4,.t,,t.,tiLi,4.t.M Keen Kutter Karvers Keen Kutter Silverware Casseroles Chafing Dishes Keen Kutter Safty Razors, only $1.00 CRAVEN & HUFF Independence, Or. ANY OLD MAN Can file a saw, but to file in such a manner as to make it cat well, requires skill and experience. Take your troublesome saws to J. P. Anderson Monmouth St. Independence, Ore.