Independence enterprise. (Independence, Or.) 1908-1969, November 29, 1912, Image 1

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It U ij.-JYf i :m
AlrlU Lady Pmhi Away at th Age
of 97 Years.
Mrs. Martha Simpson, aged 97 year
and 14 daya, died at her home near
Alrlle last Fridiay mornUig
Martini Jackson wan born In Frank
lln, county, Tonn., November 8, J815.
In 1830 she moved with her parents
to Alabama, and after three years
went to Arkansas. She lived in Ar
kanaas (or ton years and wim married
there to Isaac Mtdliton Simpson on
Auguat 16, 183&. They moved to
MlHMonrl and remained one year, an
crowned the plains to Oregon by ox
teiwu In 1845. They arrived in this
Wm. McDonald Is Seriously Cut
i In Head and Face By An
Angry Rancher.
Homtr Arretted In This City
After Drawing Money From Sank
Tuesday Morning.
Because he was rebuked for not do
ing his work properly at tho Wlgrleh
ranch aouth of thla city, Tom Homiir, , BtHlJ durng the month of October,
a transient who ban been employed Kn 4 anttlel jn Alrlle in Dot ember of
at that place for u couplo of uontha, . th Bamft yeHr where she has aince
natHaulted Wm. McDonald Monday uf-1 resided.
ternooti, with a knife and tho Inttor ( y0UT c.MMtm were born, three of
T-elved two ugly wounds In thejwhom Htlll living. Mr. Simpson
face. nd head, t died In 1887.
According to McDoiilad'a atory, llo-j
imr has been aluslve to him and j They Like Oregon,
alao to Frank Fluke, under w hom j , .
lie waa working. ,! Mra. John (irounda and daughter
McDonald waa In the city Monday and Mra. Kooch and aon of Kansas,
forenoon and upon rewrhliiK tho ranch are vlHltlng at the home of their coua
about noon, he wna advised or 1 lo in. F. P. Grounds, south of the city,
but' conduct. He Informed t'.ie em- and expect to spend the winter in
Jiloyee that tila services would bo Oregon. They are well pleaaed with
no longer required, when a discus-i the country and will probably locate
irri arose over the imuount o? money here permanently In the near fu
llomor hud coming, whereupon bejture. ,
i.)ok a knife from bla pocket and j
made a desperate rush at the fore
man. In trying to avoid Injury Mr. !
McDonald fell, but before he struck
1b. ground tha sharp pointed blade;
penetrated hia right cheek, passing!
entirely through the flesh, land
leaving a gash nearly four inches In
length. The knife came very nearj
Teaching the Jugular vein. McDonald j
turned his face in an effort to avoid
further, injury, but the enraged miii
IbruHt tho knife blade Into the back
of hia head, Inflicting a more
tterloua wound than the flret. It la
urprlalng that McDonald waa not
Homer, having seemed to aecomp-
lluh hia tinrnmiA muM ha wnntftri
nt h viHti rp.,1- Knowing our admiration for pump-
ied the seriousness of the caae and pie Mrs. Thomas Fennell sent u.
Tied to the woods without even going - D1 r'Pe P"P" -"
to the house after his coat or to get!01"" Thanksgiving more complete And,
. . to show that pumpkins are not all
B1" P'- . v . .m. r iiu.
With M.wJ rnn I n from hia woimriJ 'ln,'y ' '
McDonald drove to this city,, a din-
Cone Down To Stay
We stated in the Enterprise
lnat week that it would be nec-
easary for women to register
bofore voting In tho municipal
election Do:ember 2. In look-
lng tip the law we fid that
It hiws no bearing upon
municipal elections in cities
of this slie, consequently wo-
men of the city who have at- -
talned the age of 21 years, are -
eligible to vot.
For Thanksgiving.
May Ra-iunt Ballot.
Artmr Alien of Rickreall, was in
tho city Vridttf. Mr. Allen wj the
deifeated C4vfiidate for county aaaesa-.
r and thinka he has found reason to
ask for a re-count of the ballots. Ac-1
eordUig to the officii count he was
Just thre votes behind the demo
cratic candidate. He claims to have
I found recinets where ballots were I
throwa out because of alleged im-1
propT marking at the head of the j
ticket, and in these be would have ,
received a sufficient number to put
him in office. Other things, it ia 1
said,, have occurred to warrant at re-1
count, and the case will come up in '
the December term of circuit court.
Financiers of the Independence
Mill Project Inspect The
Grounds Wednesday.
Eastern Capitalists Enjoy Visit In
Independence. Highly Pleaaed
With The Situation.
First Game of Seaaon,
The basket ball season was open
ed in this city Monday evening, when
(the Sophies, and Fresh I es played the
Juniors. The former team won by
a score of 10 to 8.
Wednesday evening a game was
played between the second team of
Dallas aod the Independence second
team, which resulted in favor of the
formrr. Score 25 to 17.
Tram the CJiVrp Jrrtr fOr-ean.
Southern Pacific Railroad Co.
Runs Excursion Train to
Monmouth, Saturday.
Yamhill amd Washington , County
Teacher Spend a Day at the
SU&e Institution.
Nearly 200 teachers from Yamhill
Inrkpendence Furnishes Brfh
Criminal and Civil Cases
i For This Term.
Several Cases of Local Interest Will
Be Piapowd of .In Circuit Court
Ntext Week.
The December term ef Polk Cttmij
We will send the Enterprise
free for three months to any
4 person now living outside of
Polk county, whose former
home was in this county. In
order to have the Enterprise
sent free the names of these
former Polk county folks must
be sent to this office during
the first half of December, '12.
Send In the names of your
son, daughter or friend, who
h9 moved from here and The
Enterprise will go to them 3
months free of charge. This
is a plan to aid In the coatee t"
to be inaugurated next week.
Rickreall Ceupte Wed.
The marriage of Miss Esther
E. R. Hutchtas and Wm.
Cobb of Chicago, two of the
financiers of the Independence
saw mill project, and Fred Bel-
cher. President of the Falls
City Lumber Company, were in
the ci'y Wednesday, looking
over the situation. Mr. Hutch-
ins wae accompanied by his
The entire party seemed very much
pleased with the preliminary work
that has already been accomplished
and offered expressions of delight
over the prospects for the future.
Mr. Belcher said there is little
that can be done now until we can
4. make arrangements for the con-
struction work to begin, which ,will.
be within a very short time.
Independence citizens have com
pleted their part of the contract in
subscribing the money required to
purchase the mill site and pay the
bonus asked by the company. More
than foOOO has been paid over to the
committee in charge and the money
placed on deposit In the banks. Wed
nesday a sufficient amount was drrovn
f ia favor of Mr. Nelson to pay for the
4. land, and the deed was delivered im
4 mediately.
j-; Messrs. Belcher, Hutchlns and Cobb
visited the mill site while in the city
4, and rfhey regard it as an Ideal loca
I tion for a lumbering enterprise. The
gentlemen returned to Portland in the
afternoon on the Oregon Electric, but
nd Washington counties made an ! Circuit Oour.t convenes jn Dallas next ;r to HarT Sherwood, both of. Rick-; fore eaBtern members of tne
excursion from JicMlainvlile Saturday Monday, The docket .contains ev- an, occurri i uigu uoon yesier-
rlvex she included a big meaa of po
tatoesall in one, and a red-top cw!)
bage. Surely we are thankful.
Owe of five miles, before anything
was done for his relief. In the mean
time; J. H. Feagles was seat in pur
suit of the offender, but by the time
lie reached the scene of tho affriiy
Homer was not to be found
He evidently found his way to In
dependence during the night, as he
ngnged m room at tho lodging house
near the depot. The next morning
he dew his money out of tho bank,
mh) s'nnl Into a barber shon to
,uv h. m..rt, hvd off whnnitond to keep them up at least every
he was arrested by Marshn4 Tupper
At The Catholic Church.
Sundiiy, December 1st, services
will e held in the Catholic church at
7:30 a, m.
The social meeting that took place
last week at Mrs. Wm. Huff's resi
dence wwi well attended and we in
to observe the work of the Oregon
Normal School.
Regular chjss aork was carried on
aod .every effort vm made to give th
visitors a clear conception of what
is accomplished' dally in each line of county jail on . a charge of forgery.
Work, The three regular lines of the particular of which are known to
they will visit Independence agUn be-
pany return to Chicago, and In the
meantime arrangements will be made
;to put a crew of men at work exca
over to the grand Jury, will pr-!"- ' " f ; vating for the mill and pond.
ably come before the court .this term. fended by abort 40 of the rel-; Notwlthstandinjr a
sinuations to the contrary, the saw
errl cases of local interest. Markej
Hlbbard, who was recently bound
d;T at the borne of the bride s par-1
ente near Crowley Sta'.ion. Rev. J.
V. Osborne officiating. The wedding'
Mr. Hibbnrd Js now being held in the
ati.vw of the contracting parties. Mr,
... . . . t, ,. . . mill will be established in this city,
the wedding feast for Portland and '
work were preseinted as usual in the
training school.
The domestic science department
served lunch to all the guests.
Miss Brent on, head of the art de
partment, gave an illustrated lecture
our readers, having bean published in
The Enterprise a few weeks sjfo.
The case of. Davis, vs. Collin, ap
pealed from justice court in this city
lrt week, is another action which
Will be watched with great interest
j'nd Miss Parrott, of the English de- on the part of Independence people.
and f'ken before Judge Wilson. In
court he waived examination and was
bound over to the grand jury. Sheriff
5rant came over from Dallas Tuesdiify
and took the prisoner to Jail.
People at the na'ich say Homer has
acted strangely for some time and It
1b believed that he is not entirely
sane. He is said to hwe tnken the
Keeley cure for the drink habit and
some are inclined to think that It
hne effected his mind. He always
seemed to think that peoples were all
working against nlm, i ' , i
other week. Thanks to all those who
enswered the invitation.
Will Be Appreciated.
Rebekah Lodge Gives Interesting
Social Friday Evening, i'"
XL:iii ; -.nil'--"""
Basket J-epffirtuhtliiB ail manner of
things from a log fabin to the lctunch,
Independence Were seen at the so
cial held last Friday evening in the
Oddfellows Hall, by the. RebeMi
lodge, and they were filled with deli
cacies suitable for any occasion. The
bitwkets were put up at auction, W.
iLs Bice wielding the hammer, and
made them go at from F0 cents to
$3.00. Most of the baskets Bbld for
more than $1.00 ea. It was truly
tun enjoyable occasion. The bidding
-w brisk and interesting, and con
siderable competition was manifest
ed in some instances. Mrs. J. E.
Hubbard's basket sold for the' high
est price, it having brought $3.00.
Before the baskets were sold w.on
Bhort program was rendered, and
after supper a few hours were spent
in damclng. The occasion was a suc
cess from beginning to end.
Thanksgiving is an all important
time of the year for the children fl
the receiving home of the Boys' and
Girls' Aid Society of Oregon to re
ceive donations from those who wish
to render assistance to a good cause.
Tim; home will be glad to receive wiy
contributions you may have to offer,
Send your donations, large or small,
and be assured that they will be tup-
-v. preciatPd. ' ( j ; ,1 iii-"!-;-,
All donations will be carried fr'e3
by the boat and rwflroad compan-
partment, gave a lecture on Shakes
peare's tragic drauna, "Macbeth." It
was also Illustrated. Short talks by
President Ackernmn and Superintend
ent Duncan were given, after which
a number of musical selections were
beautifully rendered.
At 4 o'clock everyone repaired to
the gymnasium to observe Miss Wil
cox's gymnastic classes. One division
gave a splendid demonstration of folk
dancing, followed by another cIhhs
which gave regular gymnastic drill, 1
This case was tried in Justice Wil
son's court last week and a jury of '
six men found a verdict for the plain
tiff, J. H. Collins. Mr. Davis has ap
pealed the case to circuit court.
Alex Bfi4sy, who Is just finishing a
six months' term in the county jail,
having been found guilty of unlawful
cohabitation, In circuit court last
spring, is likely to face a charge of
rape, the case having been continued
from last term. The docket this term
is quite lengthy.
Oregon City for a short honeymoon,
after which they will be at home in
Atirnm Irpffnn whprp Mr Sharwnnri
i v.... u-.j. H a certainty tha a new
is well known in the vicinity of her
home as one of the most charming
of ladies and is a daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. J, M. Edgar, old-time resi
dents of that community. Polk Co.
and before September 1st, 1913, lum
ber from the Independence mill will
be put on the market. Not only is
mill will
be established, but it is more than
probable; that a railroad will be con
structed from Independence to the
Siletz country, from which the tim
ber for th mill will be taken.
Addressed The Students.
The ladles of the Presbyterian
1 church will hold their annual Bazafc
iin the Opera House on Friday, Dec-
Rev. McFarland, pastor of tir.e Brr ember 6. An excellent literary and
tist church in this city; and Rev. . musical program has been prepar-
Sudden Death.
J. R. Zook, w brother of Mrs.
Cbchrun of this city, was found
dead In his room at Portland last
Saturday morning. Mrs. Cochrun a'id
her uncle, Mr. Johnson, went to
Portland immediately upon receiving
the sad Intelligence of Mr. Zook's
death, aud took charge of his re
mains. Mr. Zook had lived in Oregon only
a few months.
Losing Case In Justice Court, Defend
ant Carries ft Higher.
A, t Mavis nas appealed tne case
which he lost last week in Justice ,
Just a Suggestion.
Prospects are favorable for a
glass factory in Independence. Incor
poration pwpors have been filed in
the secretary of state's office this
much Is a fact and it is reported up-
good authority that the lncor-
We Need a New Play-house.
From the manner In which people
crowd the Star theatre very night
it would seem that another and mora
adequate play-house in Independence
would be a successful investment.
This one house is inadequate to
court, and the matter will probably be accommodate the crowds of theatre
decided in circuit court next month. going people in this city, and is un
This rather annuls the sale and comfortable in its almost nightly
subsequent lease of the J. H. Collins packed condition.
farm north of Monmouth, which was j It has been reported severol times !
given to F. O. Parker previous to that Nelson & Henkle expect to put j
his commencing proceedings agntinst up a new house it is hoped they j
Davis to get him off the place. There will but so far as can be learned j
is no telling when the end will be nothing more than making the plr.s j
reached now. Mr. Parker, however, and specifications has been accomp-;
has takeran a lease on Mr. Cblllns' lished It Is hoped that something j
form wet of this city and a new t will be done immediately in the way :
house will bej erected for him at once.' of providing more comfortable quar- j
Mr. Parker will move his family here ters for the entertainments. i
from Woodburn this we(k.
I Vine, pnstor of the Baptist church p jed for the occasion and a one act
jD 'llns, delivered i nt resting address- j drama' will be rendered. Full pro
j es before the students of the High gram will be published next week. '
School in this city Wednesday morn- J
ing. Rev. Vine is assisting Rev. Mc-1 The Needle Craft of th Presbyter
Farland in a series of meetings in lan church will meet with Mrs. Geo.
progress this wefk. I 1 Graves next Wednesday.
Tou MMit Strut With Pride
If you Were wearing
one or two articles of
our new stock of
Old Couple Wed.
Buys Blooded Stock.
porators have purchased an option on young people, under similar . circum
North Main street property in this stances,
city. Thei parties were here mt Fri
day looking over the field.
Mr L. C. Benmelt and Mrs. Hilda
Ball, both well known residents of
this city, were married at Dallas on
Saturday of lat week. In the evening
the boys gave them the usual re
ception accorded old, and sometlmei bunch of stock.
Mr. Bloch was in The Dalles dur
ing the week and there purchased at
W, H, Bloch returned from Port
land this week where he has been at
tendimg the stock show. Mr. Bloch
purchased three blooded Short-hor
cows and one bull, which were ship
ped to this city. It is surely a fine
Mr. and Mrs. Bennett will reside in
North Independence.
fine, saddle hoTse. which he will use
in connection with his stock business.
These are very hand
sonic and suitable for
Thanksgiving presents
for Ladies or Gentle
men . You will be sure
to have a "good time,"
for instance if yon invest in one of our Handsome
Watches which are beautifully designed and are
splendid time keepers. Come in and look over our
assortment anyway. You are sure to find something
you want at a low price.
Yours truly,
Jeweler and Optician