. Just Arrived I A Full Line of Fall and Winter Clothing, Shoes i and Dry Goods. LOCAL AND PERSONAL. Mrs. Viu. llernoK and oi, of Dallas, have routed a cottage at Newport for a couplo of week. Now that hoppiekliitt Is drawing to Mra. Floyd A. Wllltuiu inul Uiiugh tor, Zolnm, spout ft few days lu Port land the fore pert of the week. Dirk Arsli.inliuiliin nnd Mlns Leotm hrown, both of tills vlelnlty, , worn v v E WISH to call vouratrention to our line of shoes. They are Oregon Agricultural College. ... .... , .... .,. ,,.,,1'tt ! married lit ttie Jl. cUUIVIl Mil an emi mm ur i -. v - . nonrly out, iHllttei;.ta are beginning unlay forenoon by ltev. 1 N. SunU to look jmmi'it. iu,1' llrjina rrothers have Just completed Two niovleg picture bIiowh wore In five now liop houses on their ranches open; Hon Sntml).y evening w1 con north of 1 1:0 ciiy. K. K. Zook v:;s tinned over Sumtny. From tlio crowd i i.. tint la salil to have Htlondod, two i no mnsici inn i n . , . picture shows ml;hl do woll lioro. I ('has. Klohnrdsoti has rosPrnod hi VoMdon : tho depot nod will Clerk . : for h. 15. Koeves In tho grocery store ilurii'C lh fs.H :"d win: or. I .... , , , This Kroiit, InstliiiHon open 1' i Uw Duval ; 1 1 v I v larence inui' " . .... ... , . . , , , ' i , ,. , , uoors tor tno fall bouici-itor on E eeant Sty es P"" c";iuy;;n'' "1 1,1 ,om.,r cw t instruction . I iolty Monday- ami will make an t,ral ARr,,m.ur,.. An- and complete in " ry 11 T r -tils, Mi. and lK v liKuirv. I!aetoriohiirv. Veterinary S'M- J l.y:, Himtloy rotuniod from Cold- once, Civil KngUUioring, Mechanical ! oiuh'lo, V;.i-h., last Friday, whoro ho Knsliu'orlnp, J 11um; Ensliu'orline. 41 ! ho has boon nmiiiiig a Ing rink High way KiiKlnoori,iiK, IktmoHtlc J ! wiili l laudo Oviatt ninoo hist April. SoU-ueo, Douiostlc Art, Coininoroo, ! Ho roports that they have- boon very Korotry. rhi.i-maiy, Zoology, Choiu I smwssfi'.l and says Mr. Oviatt will isiry, l'liyli-. Mttthemi o, History, probably rotnru next Kobrunry. j English Language, and Uteruture. , , , ,,, 1'ublie SpoaklMt, Modoni LaiiKUuK.H. Mr. and Mrs. Goo. (Mover and Miss . , ,, . i ,, ... , , , Art. Architecture. Indtiairlnl 1'odu- every number. LADIES' ; SHOES r This . Fall come , in Suede with sat- August at the Beaches Th bonoli m)iKon it in full wiix. tin while the crowds no, Knjoy lliu cool breoxes now, wliile tho bout is Ko itnpliuiH nut inland, liatliinn, boating, hill elinibinn, linbintf, hikoH ovor dolinbtful trails. Ordain lieaolico bettor jirepared than ever boforu to care for the ernwdw, I'leutv of aoeooA oilatioiiH, Lotmoffun, The water in fine! Newport, Nchalcm, Uayoccan, Tillamook County Beaches i v 1 a tin: SUNSLT 1 inr f,rUUuUl I Excellent train service. Season round-trip fares. Spscial week-end and Sunday farrs. in i button and lace with cravenette top. J Gun metal, tan and kid come both In button and frort lace high 4. top, military heel or medium with cuban heel. We invite you to come in and examire our line before buying. ConKey (X WalRer on uarsoii ot jstuciu, iisnou iow .,,.. iiii,,-v 1 kokv, l'hysloal h-diieation, Mllltaiy ' hours Sunday evetiins U the bedside ,,ui.. ..... ..Science and Tactlos, and Music. IX,., ' 01 h,va J':us0"' wlu r,rllM . "na Ctan,KUe ir.d HIUHtrat! literal ur0 LLJL). IilLL.111 1 aerionslv injured himsplf while work-v CntaUguo irid illuatratI litorat uio 1 t.,,.;i .... ....itiliMitittn Ailili-i.MH ins on C. A. Mol.aiiKliliu s residence A-lo.iltnral Gul- m iiis euy. i- -:- LOCAL AND PERSONAL . A. Anderson made a business trip to Corvallis Wednesday. Ami! Cracksburg or Maiksterg, is j visiting friends in the city. Miss Grace Duvall and her brother, Dean, were in Salem Sunday. Miss Edith West returned from a prolonged say in Washington, last week. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Collins of Salem, are visiting relatives rjid friends in the city. E. Frick hps completed his new residence on Seventh street and is now occupying the same. Chas. T. Bascue is showing his big onions end turnips at the State Fair this week. Glen Newton, who has been work ing in a cigar store Newport for j some time, returned Tuesday. The hopyard d;jiees in different di- ! rections from th' city are attracting the attention of young and old. J. R. Collins had the misfortune to run a nail into his foot last week, while working for Homer Mills. Miss Elsie Shinhurn of Oregon City, arrived in the city Sunday E,nd will visit at the home of Mrs. DuveU dur ln the hoppicking season. J. D. Hibbs & Co. this week put in a Monarch range at the Manmouth Normal School for the domestic sci ence class. ! I One of lUi'.id's livery horses loft I the driver a couple of miles aw;y 1 from the city and ran home Mon day. It did not seem to want to : do any damage and when Jeff Krobs j stepped in front of the uilinal, near I Hanjia Brothers' store and told it I to stop, it did so without any honl ' tatlop. No dam: 1.0 was done. lose, Corvnllis, Oregon. School year opens September CO. DEAN J. PURVINE, ARCHITECT. INDEPENDENCE, OREGON. A Home Institution The FARMERS STATE BANK Located in the New Sperling Building. INDEPENDENCE, ORE. OFFICERS J. J. FENTON, Pres. J. B. PARKER, Vice Pres., C. W. IRVINE, Cashier. DIRECTORS -G. A. Wells, J. B. Parker, Thos. Fen nell, Edw. flex, J. L. Linn, J. J Fenton and C. W. Irvine. The officers of the bank give their entire time and attention to bamking and your account, or any other busi ness left in their care, will receive their personal attention. Your ac account, lijrge or small, will receive the same careful attention. " We offer you every inducement any conservative bank can. offer. We pay interest on time deposits, accept commercial deposits, sell American Banking Association Trav elers' Checks and Drafts on all parts of the world. We have a very fine pocket check book for you. .Call and open an ac cownfc with A Home Institution 1 " " i'J' ' . j Cp If is the only Sewing A 1 n III li'il ylWIl Just Think of It? The Free Sewing Machine i U :M nrH frtr fiv vear against accident fci breakage, wear fire, tornado, light- M ning and water. Ihis snows our f IdllU 111 ' Tab FREE Sewing Machine ThtnK what thi mctnsj M It means, thai if you break any part ol Thb 51 Freb (needle, belt, or attachment, etc.) or if all 23 ol the machine it destroyed It will b replaced to 31 rou without cbaree. vl IS GIVING PERFECT SATISFACTION IN THOUSANDS OF j HOMES, AND THERE ARE THOUSANDS OF TESTlMON- j IALS AS TO ITS MERITS. CALL AND LET US SHOW YOU THIS MACHINE. IT IS WORTH MORE AND COSTS j LESS THAN ANY OTHER MACHINE ON THE MARKET. j It has no superior no equal and nothing like it for the money. HANNA BROTHERS Ois is tU Eigl)! Place to ome for FURNITURE 7Ve are as sure of that at we were ever mire of anything. Our present problem is to convince all those who may need Furniture of this fact. g?"Ten minutes spent in our store will do more convincing than a page of newspaper talk. S"Glad to have the ladies drop in any time they are down town. fir"Alva something new to show them. If it isn't new arrivals in Bedsteads, it's Dining Koom Furniture in artistic designs, or it's Couches, or Tables or Chairs. gT-Jt may be this,' that or the other that we wish particularly to have the ladies look at but it'a ALWAYS SOMETHING. Impossible to bother u. . j BICE & CALBREATH Send (or illustrated book loin about the Oregon reHorts and our ttpecinl folder on "Vacation 1 ay in Oregon." lttolU all about tho beaches, HprinM, mountain iommU, ', Call on nearest agent for informal ion rolal ive to fanm lit erature, etc., or address JOHN M. SCOTT, General Passenger A5U Portland 0 re 0 v. ft 7 Sit Billies k M 2: am LL the trou bles of can ning clay dissap pear when you use our supplies. K very thing of the best was time tried and fully tested before we even placed the or ders with the manufacturers. Jars that are air tight, paraffine that Is guaranteed to be ibsolutely pure ar.d all the other little Items that make canning the pleasure It should be. And h prices are the lowest In the town consistent with value. Call In and Inspect our stock before purchaslnQ. II.UKI JOHNSON The Swinging Electric Breeze Why sigh for the breeze That wavering blows Thro' the trees and leafy glades? We'll give you the breeze That steadily flows From the thrust of whirling blades. Pay dear if you will And seek where you can For breeze worth a prince's dower; We'll give you your fill From a 'lectric fan At less than a-cent-an-h'jur. Come in and enjoy the swinging breeze of the celebrated G-E 8-inch oscillating fan. Telephone 5010 Oregon Power Co. 9 riVr a 1 J5.s.w.-5..i.r..ii WHEN EVERYTHING IS RUNNING SMOOTHLY ' about your auto, how much bet ter you enjoy your outing. When you know that we've looked it over and you don't have to worry about this, that or -the other thir g getting out of order. What a satisfaction ito you. Be on the safe side and bring your car here before starting out. THE INDEPENDENCE GARAGE, S. H. Edwards Order HOP CHECKS NOW at Enterprise office INDEPENDENCE, OREGON