7 THE INDEPENDENCE ENTERPRISE, INDEPENDENCE, OREGON The Best Values . Here GREAT BOOSTER SALE WE BUY FOR CASH AND SELL AT THE LOWEST POSSIBLE CASH PRICES A SALE OF MAGNITUDE, tfiven for the express purpose of Boosting our beautiful city of Salem by attracting attention to her as a great value giving center. Thousands of dollars worth of New Merchandise has been bought from the leading manufacturers of Europe and America, and this sale is the result of immense purchases and ready cash. Salem is not only beautiful, but her citizens are wide awake, and the Stockton store is one of the live liest business centers in the whole city. This sale will prove that this store will again assert its supremacy this fall. table linens THE LARGE AND COMPREHENSIVE DISPLAY of Strictly Man-Tailored Suits For Booster Sale Prices; Snowy white Damask Imported from Ireland Scotland and Germany. The patterns are decidedly beautiful and the quality li A-1. This shipment al so Includes a shipment of Mercerized Damask. $2.25 Damask $1-87 1.65 Damask 1.29 1.50 Damask 1.19 1.25 Linens 98 1.00 Linens 89 .CO Mercerized 49 Napkins to Match Also Specially Priced These prices are meant to attract. We expect them to do so. BUY NOW. Women in Our Ready-to-Wear Dept. Is a matter of special pride to us. We invite your inspection Four Leading Characteristics Have been remarked by early customers: The superb tailoring of the garments. The gracefulness and correctness of their lines. The beauty and excellence of the fabrics. The extreme reasonable prices. These characteristics mahe it worth your while to buy here WE ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEE A PERFECT FIT SuitS From $7.50 tO $50.00 Wc call spedal attention J I O 50 11 to our all-wool serges at Pillow Cases Regular 2 for 25c, now 9c each, Well made, of flood grades and sizes. For This Sale, 9c each Bedspreads, Specially Priced Marseilles and Domestic. Scalloped, Fringed Out Corners and Plain -all sizes. $6.00 BEDSPREADS 4.00 BEDSPREADS 3.75 BEDSPREADS 2.75 BEDSPREADS 1.50 BEDSPREADS 1.25 BEDSPREADS $5.25 3.12 2.99 2.39 1.29 .98 BOOSTER SALE PRICES On One-Piece Dresses &c an For a" Wo0' Ser9e 3)0. UU Dresses, latest style, trimmed In velvet piping or self-trimmed with bands and switching well made splend id arade of seme all colors. For this sale only $6.00 Be sure and see our large and very smart showing of dresses. Values from $10.00 to $35.00 All 10 per cent Less FOR THIS SALE Children's Galatea and Gingham Dresses These dresses are simply made, but are very pretty and attractive just what the children need for school wear, as the materials are strong and durable. 75c dresses 56c, 85c dresses 68c, $1.00 dresses 84c, $1.50 dresses $1.19, $2.00 dresses $1.79 10c Percales .... 7c 12 l-2c Ginghams yd. 9c 15c Handkerchiefs . 9c $1.25 Umbrellas . . 98c Calico - 5c Cotton Challe ... . 4c Safety Pins, Card . . 3c 12 l-2c CrashTowcIing 9c Handkerchiefs, 2 for 5c SILKS and VELVETS Beautiful, Lustrous New Silks and Soft, Rich-looking Velvets Are Now on, Display. During This Sale 60c Silks 45C 85C SilkS 69C ALL VELVETS 10 Percent Less MESSALINE PETTICOATS All Colors Two Specials $1.98 and $2.98 1 AN OUR 1912 SUITS Will Please You THE ALL-WOOL POLICY OF OUR MEN'S CLOTHING HAS GIVEN IT THE ENVIABLE REPUTATION OF CAR RYING A VERY HIGH STANDARD OF CIOTHING. You'll see here the finest fabrics fashioned into per fect models. Perfect tailoring as well. No tailor can, ex cel the splendid workmanship displayed In every carefully chosen garment. Come in and take a look at them. You are assured of courteous treatment. Suits $10 to $30 See our great $15 Spe cial in the Commercial Street window. LADIES'S SHOES rh; These shoes are odds and ends, and broken lines, but are all good styles. Patent leather, gun metal and plain kid For the price of one we will give you another pair of e qual price. Any size desired. Silks-Black Silks EXCELLENT QUALITY $2.00 Value 1.75 Value 1.50 Value 1.25 Value 1.00 Value $1.69 1.49 1.29 1.09 89c WASH WAISTS at Booster Sale Prices Whit trimmed with blue, Plain white Tan, Black and White, Etc. 75c Waist 48c $1.00 Waist 79c $1.35 Waist 98c $1.75 Waist $1.34 A BIG SPECIAL On Black Silk Dresses To close out the entire line $ 5.00 Each. SMART BOOTS for Men, Women and Children If you demand a stylish shoe) come here and let us fit you out with the season's latest. Our shoes are above all others In appearance, In comfort, In quality, but not in price. A proud boast this! Let us Prove it to you Your New Hat is Here for You ""Gordon It's appearance is splended and we are sure you agree with us that There are None Bet ter and Feiv so good Jaunty and Durable Suits for Boys These suits will please the boys for they are dashing little suits made of the latest fabrics. They will please parents, because they are made for wear and very modestly priced. $2.50 to $12.00 Boy's Extra Trousers All-Wool or Corduroy 50c each Don't Invest a cent in gloves for railroad work until you have looked over our complete line. We carry In stock at all times Hansen's R.ailt6ad Gloves "Built Like Hand" famous from coast to coast for their perfect-fitting, wear-resisting qualities. Hansen's Gloves are made from good honest leather by skilled union lab or. They are reinforced at every point of strain, but have no pinch ing, binding seams in palm or grip. And while they are the strongest, most serviceable gloves 'made, they remain soft and pliable In spite of continued exposure to heat, steam and moisture. We handle a full line of Hansen's Gloves, Gauntlets and Mittens in all styles and leathers, lined and un lined, which includes special styles for Linemen, Drivers, Farmers, Wood men and workers In all branches of railroad service. Tk U kJ ' mml I I Era I f mmm LaJ I it I ' TJIIUHreMaBM,l"imttJ'IWMMWIE1Wm U i Wmwi jail 1 1 Jt ,MB?MMMagWWISMMiMWPiMSWWMSlSSSSWSMJIS. SJI SALEM