Or POLK COUNTY HUB OF The WILLAMETTE VALLEY INDEPENDENCE the HOP CENTER Or THE WORLD VOLUME 29. INDEPENDENCE, OREGON, FRIDAY, 8EPTEMBER 6, 1912. TOO MUCH RAIN -SAY GROWERS POLK COUNTY WINS PRIZES Considerable Damage Done To Hops and Grain. Several Report Heavy Losses. Dallai, Popcorn, Independence Valley Favored District. Valley Favored District. and Winning flrt prlao on bread and first, second and fourth prizes on cako, Polk eoiwity Is maintaining her reputation us ttie "JJlu IUbbon" Pickers, only a portion of the schooy exhibit ho been piissod upon acid of ttio prizes ulrcady awarded, first prUe , lll.llll llll.1lt tJi.ltt Kilt I lor, of Dallas; first prize for eiuo I'robbnly no Benson for a (number of K0,s t0 MII'!I Clark, of I'opeorn urn rut; second in cul:o to I.eota toRoi'B, of Independence, and fourth to Uoldlo Ilr;iiiHon, Spring Valley. Rain a Hardship on the Some Have Left Yards Disgusted and Returned Home. SQUEEZING THE WATER OUT OF SINGLE TAX yearn has beet) Mo discouraging to tlui hop growers of tit Ih country hm the present one. Iteforo the hop crop was scarcely ready to pick and grow ers were hiirryLng to got things In readiness for tho In event, ruin Met In and continued to pour down La a dls-c-ouniKlK "'"I dauiiigtiig manner. from former experiences little fear Whs o'.itertalned regarding the posul bl lit y ;f Hirtlng the crop. Hut un like niiy'hli'K yit heard of In the W" II umetio valley, ruin bus fallen more or less everyday for more thit.i a week. 4), LHTTKRS KIIO.M THK PEOPLE HE WANTS TO KNOW Kdltor Enterprise. In a recent Ihkuo of the Enterprise read an article something to the ef fect tlm If North Independence rebl lc,:itB want watir from the Oregon In speaking of tho conditions one man Power Co., they must offer some en who has lived In this vicinity for courngenietit In the way of patronage. nearly fifty yearn, said It hs been L(!t 1110 ljrll'f,y ,Uik whl,t Bort of .... couri;eiuel:t enl this great. Incorpora tho most damaging mouth of August ,. , ! Hon want? And what more can they he had ever wlineHH. d. expect than that which hiu already While In Home Instances the dam- been given them? ago to the hops law been quite ex- ' Thirty two homes fci that part of tensive, it la tho opinion of most ,h!s c"y li;lv'o Petitioned for water. . , . ... , Mere than that number have express- can d for In good condition. During tho last few days tho weatiier has Hide. There Is no limit to tho num. been vi ry good und a gri-;t imiiiy bT of consumers that, can bo ob- hops have been put in tho bale. Di.Tlug the rainy period many have been camped In tho yards th rough ed a wlllli'gneKB to UHe city wat t the innl'is Ci. be put in on the North tallied if wo can get the wu'er mains. j In my opinion it Is not lack of eu i couriigoinivit that Is holding up the i citizens of North Independence on out Iho county waiting for the time to ((, Wi,((;r (,( Btior. It is something comu when tho Inmost could bo pro- else; .now what in it? I.'e u man or grt hhi d with to a succesHfiil terinlui i , ,l mouse. . i lion, and many, It I.s, said, have felt j A Citizen. w::nt by reason of poor circumst. iiiecs. - Tiny have boon well provided ho f:-r p),,.,,. .-(!(. as Mil iter Is c-tmreriiiv!, and growers if! I I.J I I v I ...... 1 IJW j WE'RE PROUD OF IT New Store Opening Tomorrow Mean Much to Citizens of Independence and Polk County. POPCORN WAGON MUST PAY $20 RURAL CARRIERS AT DALLAS' Tomorrow witnesses the dedication of a iew enterprise in Independence J which mans much to every citizen in i this vicinity. Not particularly the 'bargain seekers, the purchuiing pub lic, but to the merchants as well. 1 Because with the opening of the new store cf Wetheroee & Jo.es in the entirely modern room arranged for them, a class of trade thu. has heretofore gone elsewhere will be ! retained at home, and because this m;.mmoth stock of goods, modern com I veniences wi:l draw a class of trade that will be of much benefit to the city In general. It is, as the pro prietors huve said, '"a store for the people,' ar.d we can truly say that there is no better equipped place of business and no better selected stock In Ort-Kon, soi.ti of Portl. i.d. It can O'dy be appreciated by being len, and the reader is urged to ac cept the operirg invitation of the compar y aid look over the place and inspect the goofs. Geo. Carbray, who has been a citi zen cf Independence for some time, and the Misses Jones, pioneers of the city, w:il Le represented in the new eiiterj rise u:d this is sufficiant to assure its success. Eut w hen it Is al so said that Mr. Wetherbee, of Eu gene, a man cf long experience in the ge: er. 1 merchardh.e Lu.-i.ness, is it the head, it giv-fs all the more force to the new enterprise. Green Hops Stored. A. Green was the first man to bring fioi s to'lhe" Indecendelice warehouse, and L. Damon, rhe pioneer erower. w. s in close pursuit. Mr. Green stored -ve::r would mean a great surprise and WILL ATTEND CONFERENCE Rev. Sandifur To Leave Soon For Ashland Where West Oregon Conference Meets. Congregation Hopes to Have Him Re'urned to Independence By That Body. One week, from Mond;.y Rev. F. N Sandifur will go to Ashland to at: end the annual West Oregon M. E. Conference, which will convene in that city on the 19th, and continue for one week. Nothing define can be stated it this time, of course, regarding the appointments to be made at this grei. convention, but it is a safe guess that there will be no changa in the pastor at Independence-While it is true that this rests almost en tirely wih he presiding officer of the conference, yet it depends upon the Ioea church and district superintend ent to furnish the information re quired before making the appoint ments. It is ge.iieru!ly understood on the part of the congregation that Rev. Sandifur will be returned and we believe he will make that recom mondcJtioa to the bishop. During their stay in this city Rev. and Mrs. Sandifur have made many warm; friends both fci aid out of the church, and their removal this 14 bales and Mr. Damon 12. Pie will, however, have more in the warehouse in a few days, possibly .numbering 2.1 bul s in all. The hops came in M'edaesdiy, a :d this, Mr. D.xi,.i says, a gre;t disappointment. At the M. E. Church. Ordinance To Lict-nre Fcpcojn Very Sucec-sifai invention cl have done everything jiossll K- for the comfort of their pickers during th l.l'e moments cnmied by n-.tu. Sovu'nl are said to have left tho yards and returned home, tired of waiting fir the time to come when they could begin work. In many of the yards pp'klng has been in pro gress, notwithstanding the Incloiiu .n t condl ion of the went her. . Most of tile damage tlm' has re sult I'd to the hops seems to he from fal'leg wires caused by the rain fluid I have read your many favorable comments reiacdlng ti e needs of In- j depend, .in e from time to time and I villi much Interest, too, but there I.s! one great Improvement required in j Council ...... i i .......i . 1 tin?, cny in;;., nun ..ever ueeii uienuuil ed in print to my knowledge, and one does not need to be a close observer to see tin t it is in demi.nd. I refer to the necessity of in are light at the corner above the ferry landing. It will si rv'o .a great number of pontile during tho winter If it c:.n be pro vided. Not so much required by the Wagons, Etc, Pass City Council. Stale Ass'datioa Held At County Seat. is th;: e rliest th;'t hops h;..e been AUCTION SALE There re cl;. ses in our school for liver-d si. ee he h hn in ,hw.la" tteB- auu a" are coraiauy .u . " ' ; welcome, of th3 wordiorse. , j iTeachii g at 11 a. m. The theme i is Uoa s Three Requirements." Ep j wcrth League at 7 p. m. Topic: "Ov : erwhelmlng Popularity." The Pearl Mee'lng, Wedresday Night, Was Quiet. Franchise Ordin ances Again Tabled. Niw Systen v.tf F xi-g Salary Urc,ed by Rural Mail Carriers. Cood Roads Discussed. Sunday and Monday the Oregon St:4i Rur;.l .Mail-carriers' Association wind. 1 Ih Kiilil Hint not n few viip.Ih have suffered in this res,u.ct. At Pl,,u tohhIiik the river, but by the "t were Allx- nnon, Dixon and Krent nnn.v who travel to and frnni.L"-'"i,ul1 East .Independence by boat slncei the electric road was built. To be sure you have no more voice i.n the matter tluti I have, but this is a suggestion to the city council or the Commercial Club or some one. The common council mot in rogu hr session Wednesday evening, a:id wi s called to order In the usual form met in annual convention 'at Dallas. by Mayor Ehiridge. Couucilmen pres s le i t his home pi;, e 3 miles north of this city on Thursday, Septem ber 19. when he will dispose of his j personal property to the highest bid jd r. Mr. Waivers recently sold his f rm find will move to S;.tlem after j the sale, where he has purchased a j fi:ie home. J Miss Alice Ro:s of Salem, raid El jmrr Nrsh of Buen;. Vlata, were mar- Th. nnmml.J oli, th., ,a ti. u o"-eiu laai. ounuay auu vis- . v ..... viuu xiiui.c t.ir lieu in uns cuy tne nrst or week. Evening service ,t - p. m. Theme: A Barefoct King. Good singirg and a cordial welcome are features of these services. F. N. Sandifur. HOP HOUSE BURNS the Rider yard north of the city tho wires went, down Sunday and Mniida;-. Cc I). Wilson's pickers were put. to work in tills yard and It is said tin it the crop has practically all been saved. Other parts of tho country complain of the same trouble, md a ; few toll of damage by mold. As a hole the damage will amount to j considerable. I Greater damage has been done to other crops, however, by reason of the prolonged rain, and this is gen eral if.l over the valley. Much of the grnlin yet in the fields hns been ruined for milling purposes. A Reader. Her Looks Little dabs of powder, Little specks of paint, Make my lady's freckles Look as if they ain't. Lippincott's. Mr. Mix made a report regarding tho committee's Inspection of the foot bridge and offered suggestions relative to means of repairing si.wie. The committee to whom was refer red the matter of J. 0. Mcintosh's petition regardirg drainage dsi his place to Ash creek, reported un favorable. carriers' visit to the city u most ia tertsirg eve. t rranz Kraxherger cf Auroa, president of the association, ex;re.sed himself as highly pleased i the matter of uttendanee and hospit ality received. It is siOd to have been the largest congregation of Mim 1 carriers ever held in the state. A banquet given in the New Scott whj one of ;li3 attractive features. The association holds its meetings SCHOOL BOOKS and SUPPLIES 1 1. O 1 1 -1 A 1 An ordinance intended to license a u" "B , Ty ,mm'suiaw,Jr Preceding popcorn wagcai or stand on the ! V01" d"y, f" "le TeT streets was introduced and put on its - S "1 ! ' 7t " J". A. Byers' hop house cud dryer were consumed by fire early Monday the mcrniag. The fire originated from a defective flue in the dry kiln, and the entire buildirg was enveloped Dr. D. G. Rempe', Chiropractor, ln flames before the fire was dl- , , , covered. Xoth'ng in the building of D: 1U, has rented rooms in the couId be s;ved J:r Byers hJ roaming house opposite the depot and just started picking and put the will practice here every day, com- first kiln over the fire shortly before nieroii g Mo day, Sei.t;m'jer 9. Hours 9:30 to 2. All nervous diseases a specialty. the flames were discovered pouring from the build as. The loss, we understand, was part'y covered br insurance. was final passage uid the license fixed at $20 per year. The long standing franchise ordi nances were again hid over to next mee'ing. Observed Labor Day. be present. i . ; The iBsoeiation took up the discus sion of good roads, a.ad Dr. Harry Lane of Portland, addressed the iu sociation on the subject in his able manner. The meetii g was held at the .new armory building. The carriers are uging j. Federal CRAVEN & MOORE Independence, Ore. Monday was Labor day, u day set J law for $50 a mile each year for each apart for rest and recreation, and . carrier. The highest suiarv nald now observed in many localities. Inde pendence observed the dyy to some extent. Not by choice, but by reason of the downpour of rain. Every business house in the city was open the usual unmber of hours except the batiks. They clos- is $1000, on a basis of a 24-mile route. Special Train Load. A special train loud of hoppickers for the Wigrtch ranch arrived to the ed all day and the hop-yard merch- I city Saturday evening and were trans- ants carried the day's earnings in old i porcea lo w Dusy nela or labor by socks cmd every old place until Tues day. The Maintenance of a Microbe teams. Independence bore the appear ance of a great metropolis upon that occasion. It is said that the hoppickers In that yard this year unmber over one thousand. A country school-teacher was cash ing her monthly cheek at the bank. The teller apologized for the filthy condition! of the bills, saying, "I hope you're not afraid of microbes." "Not a bit of It," the schoolmarm replied. "I'm sure no microbe could reavement. Mr, live on my salary.Sept. Lippincotts 1 ser. CARD OF THANKS We wish to express our sincere thanks for eesistance and sympathy expressed during our recent be- and Mrs. Walter Orders Now Being Taken For the Latest Fall Styles In Gentlemen's Dress New domestic and im ported woolens now on display in all the latest weaves and tones. Made-to-measure only and every feature of high class tailoring strictly guaranteed. And you'll find our prices absolutely RIGHT. Yours truly, O. A. KREAMER