PAGE EIGHT THE INDEPENDENCE ENTER PRISE, INDEPENDENCE, OREGON :as;'i ' .a III Hi ALCOHOL 3 PKR CKN1V AVcgelaMe Preparation fnr As-. similaiiiiSthcFbodamlRituia ling (lie iioraachs andBowdsof Proraolcs Disjestionfkftful ncss and lfcst.Contains neittttr Opium.Norphinc norMieral. Not Narcotic. Jix-Siama JkMfrSdti- ijw.imr?' - iUmSmt- Aperfcrt Remedy for Cmtsfipj tion . Sour Stomach.Diarrtioca Vnrms.ron-ulsions.fcvrrish nessanilLossoFSux.'. ; racS'u-.iikr Signature of NEW YORK. For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature In Use For Over Thirty Years Exact Copy ot Wsipper. l"MM'?g5W8M'yES5ir!i mcinniiii COH, i vo CITV. INDIAN FLYING MEIHLE POPE motor gycks FLINN RUN OUT In Pennsylvania. In nn attempt to dl vert attention from hi soeliillstlc (' liimbu (O.I wi'h nnd from William j Fllnn of Pittsburgh, his rounsvlviinlit : ninnnvcr, Theodore Itoosevelt Ntttickttd 1 President Tuft mid Senator ltolos Pen ns(. TIh fad Ih lluit tliciv 1m not a ! elmriioter In public life today whn rm the notorious word of "Old Hill" Fllnn. mikI Roosevelt did not dure UM'ii Hon UN mime In Pittsburgh. I'nt II 1W1 Fllnn was till" "Ihws" of Pittsburgh, lie wits run out of power by tho ilcocni people of thnt commu nity. In the few j'fiiw he "boused" Pittsburgh Fllnn received from men lie put In puhlle otVlce contract aggregat ing more tlmn SI'J.ihhmhm. a Is shown by the public records. In tstia Fllnn attempted to make n contract with Matthew Stanley Quay. Pulled. States senator, which he wrote out In liH own hand, n copy of whirl. Is still In existence. In this document Fllnn Unuut himself to deliver t Quay the votes of all Pittsburgh "d Alle gheny county legislators mid congress men nnd nil delegates to state and na tional conventions, lu return for which Quay whs to protect Fllnn In hi nrl vtite and political business tu the leg islntui-e of the stale. The proposition was bo rotten thst even Quay turned it down This is the man Themlure Roosevelt, former president of the 1'nited Shite, has resurrected into political life under the plea of "Let the people role." DR. BEN REITMAN $wis, Mmmuniticn and fishing 9aekle. ithlctk and $i(mnasiiim $ccdd. ftieildes, iei(de Repairing. Write for Prices When in Salem call and in spect Our Complete Line L i& . Dr. Ben Reitman, manager for Emma Goldman, who wa tarred and feathered at San Diego by a committee of vigilantes. Subcribe for the Enterprise, $100 per yar. OH JOY, LOOK CARNIVAL AUSPICES Independence Driving Association JUNE 19-20-21-22 4 FOL'R DAY AND NIGHTS OF WHOLKSOMK A MI'S KM KN'T. j. The Frank Miller. Amusement Co. Incorporated New in Everything but the name A well balanced combination of the best available Features adapted to the profession of tented amusements SENSATIONAL FREE ATTRACTIONS Baloon Ascension, High Wire Bicycle Acts Parachute Jump, Slide-for-Life, Aerial Gymnastics, High Divers. 7 SEVEN BIG SHOWS 7 TABLOID MUSICAL COMEDY Nine people, Mostly Girls. Frisco's Texas Tommy Dancers. La Augucitia, Spanish Dancer. ARAYANA, The Show Beautiful Where the Statute turns to life. Where the woman turns to stone. Spectacular pose and dance.' GEORGIA MINSTRELS Full band and Orchestra. Singers, Dancers and Comedians. Mirth, Music and Mimicry. , VENETIAN GLASS BLOWEHS A practical demonstration of weaving. Knitting and spinning glass according to the Venetian method. The human mastodon, actual weight 512 pounds. The largest woman ever horn to live. The acknowledged Princess of all snake charmers and her eollec. tion of poisonous pets. SHARPSHOOTERS The world renowned Case family of sharpshooters and rille experts. Steam Merry-go-Round VIOLA, THE FAT GIRI TRINCESS SETA DEVA THE TIME THE PLACE THE DATE A CARD Thin la to certify that Foley'" Honey and Tur Compound does not eontmm any olHnrea, ny linlift forming dniKH, or any ingredients that could possibly harm Its iiH,,rs.Ou the contra ry, its great lienlliig a'bl soothing HUmlillea niiike it a real remedy for coughs, colds, and Irritations of the chet and lung"- The genuine la in a yellow packiiRO. Ask for Foley's n oy and Tur Compound mud accept 110 sub8tltt. WUUisims Drug Store. MAN COUGHS AND BREAKS R'BS. After a frightful coughing spell .nan In Noeiiuh, Wis., felt terrlabia pains n his side md his doctor found two ribs liad been hrokon.Whnt ago'iy Dr. Klng"s New Discovery would hav saved hltu. A few teaspoonsfiil Wids a j late cough, while persist 0nt use routs stlnate coughs, expels stilbboni colds or heals weak, sore lungs. "I fe'd sure It la a Godsend to humanity," writes Mrs. Etfie Morton, Columbia, Mo. "for I believe 1 would have con sumption to day. If I hi:tl not used this greint remedy." Its guaranteed to satisfy, and you "an get a free trial bottle or 50-eent or $100 sUe r.t all Irugglsts. ' READ PICTURES M- INSTEAD WtA OF TYPE 2C0 Cartoons Tell Ffore Than 200 Columns The World's Best Each Month Cartoons from dailies and wrrkliw publinhed m this country. London. Dublin. Paris. iVili:i, Munich, Vienna, Warsaw, Kmlapi-M, St. lVn-rs-bura. Anntcrdam, StuitKart. Turin, Home. I.i!.bon, Zurich. Tokio, ShaiiK'hai. Sydnrv, Canmla. nil South Amrrica, nl all the K'tat cilicj t l'.ia world. Only the 200 brst out ot 9.U00 cartoons each mosth. ie selected. A Picturt History of World's Cvsnts Eaoh Month CAMPAICN CARTOONS Follow the r -unpawn m "Cakiikins and watch the oppos ing parties caricature each other. VIARLV SUBSCRirTION Sl-SOl SINOLI COPY IS. One (rr nmiilr ptv will he miiUrJ hv tKU.fn thf p!t lttc. II. II. H INOMJK, ilS W- W khttitftun Mm, Llllt AiAJ ASK YOUR NEWSDEALER LUNG DISEASE " Alter four in our funuily had died of consumption 1 was taken with a frightful cough and lung trouble, but my life was saved ami I guinea 87 pnunilH through using DR. KING'S n if DISCOVERY V. R. Patterson. Wellington, Tex. PRICE ROr nlt PO T ALL ORUGPIST1! This is the chief requisite for making Perfect Bake Day Foods mm. BISHOP'S HEADY-TAILORED CLOTHES tZ aim.: COOL FOK SUM- MKK WKAU Mailo of 1'ure Wool FahrioH nnl lVnuaiU'iitly Iluiid 'luiloiTil, llii'V aro light, but 8i rvh-oaMo. Cuiiu' in ami hoc uh licfttro buying I'RICKS AUK REASONABLE $15 TO $30 l'.VKltY M'lT Ol'AKA.NTKF.D Summer Styles in Shoes, Hats, Shirts, Underwear and Hosiery. Salem Woolen Mills Store SALEM 8TORE, OREGON Millinery I hove a nice line of Trimmed Hats and "will ive $1.00 off on hats costir g over $5.CO 50c off on hats costing less FOR THE NEXTiTEN DAIS If yon are interested in hats, come in- 1 wy glad to show goods. Mrs. Bascue. Is It On Straight? e art) mt over v.iiu a b o it t the liitrn eH, saddlery, hore sundries,, etc, which leaves our shop eacla. day, but may lx poi nut ted to niy that nothing ( inferior (iKADK comes in there fore -annot go out this ewtab liniment. UKT your liarncHs hero D. D. GOOD Hanna Block. INDEPENDENCE, OREGON 1 'TRADE MARK BEST SOAP mm. 1 I .: gj Absolutely Puro I The only Baking Pow- I der made from Royal fj 1 X c Grape Cream of lartar a f JP fkU JMF rm r- m Made from Grapes- ffl) f 5K Mo Lime Phosphato W w&f( y 'YL.M n No Aium Ml hT , ST". iS'T.--' -.. y - ' . M.l.'Jr -1--- . IT. . AVHBbrlL'iV-a A Valuable Trade Mark It i;ixrc3 you the most economical and best washing soap ever made saves mcney because the cake lasts longersaves labor because the soap does the work. I he trade-marks are valuable, as they can be exchanged for jewelry, silverware, toilet goods and other premiums. No cost to you. Simply get the BABBITT habit. The trademarks on all BABBITTS PRODUCTS arc redeem able for valuable premiums. Pure Lye or Potash White Floating Soap Naptha Soap Babbitt's Cleanser Write for Premium Boo. B. T. BABBITT. INC.. Box 1776. New Yorl Gty. UUKSS WHAT WILL 1IA1TEN TO THE MAN who starts out on a trip with his brakes not working right, his engine needing repair, or his machine not in good working order generally! He will bo certain to get stalled on the road, or to hnvq some accident befal' him hnfnrfl lin returns. Dnn't' riL- f your life by n defective car for we wil' a :.. ..i i.: i- .... e ..'v mil. II. ill iiiiiii win Willi iirni'r ii.i. it i lly INDEPENDENCE, JUNE 19-20-21-22 cost. THE INDEPENDENCE GARAGE, S. H. Edwards MILLER'S FLYERS WILL FILL THE AIR