EIGHT PAGES THE INDEPENDENCE ENTERPRISE, INDEPENDENCE, OREGON. PAGE SEVEN I; BPlg'HoirjBSBmii it air RHYME OF MODERN MARINER not tea a - r ,r ' noi cuiiee . Its the most de light ful Breakfast Drink you ever tasted and the inott whole vme and hwluurulina. Yvu (annul but likt Us rich "timing" favor c:iJ tphy arcma. A,k ytmr trooir ,or Three G's iCOLDEN CHAIN CRANVLESI -It ht hain't got It h will gvt It tor CU. It'i good (urunu 3 tlme$ a dan. And n-mrmtwr thai thitrt is no substitute for 3 G's. BataMSdBl&sMsi Machinery Ret-ond-Hand Machin ery Imuirht, .ohl and Killrr- aawmllla. etc. The J. K Uurlin tn 16 mt tU 1'ui tland. bond fur Block I tat and prlc.a. rUfC COVt RNMtNT LAND Kn fruit or alralFa Imi.I In Orfvon. 10. 4norl aTM. wlllMtiit n y unit wllttmil i.rl,, to a rmtirt-i r"' ""nr.' I'StM-iinr or ,nu Inif Wuter nil Mima li'NHr. HtlilKll, to II, Kuliaiiga Hid... I'orliaud Th. Retreat From Mocow. Kapoloon's army for the Invasion of RiiMla numbered 650,000. Only twen ty tnouwuHi returned. During the re treat thousands of horses lay gronrm on the route, while thousands of Oftkd wretches were wandering like ipectorn, who seemod to have no fight or sensq, and who only kept reeling on till front, famine or the Cowmen lance put an end to their power of motion. Trj Marine) Kft llrmrdr for Heri, Wruk, WntiTy K.vrit ami t.niiiiiiulcd Kjcnua. fu KuuarllUaT J umI ivy. CuiuiurU Worshiped In Ancient Day. In the National Miincum, WuBhing ton, there la a inHcorlte weighing le 400 pounds. In the Yale collection U one weighing 1,635 pounds, and one at Amherst 4:17 pounds. Some sacred stones, tin the bliu-K, meteorite wor shiped at Eiiu-rb, In Syria; the holy Kanba of Mecca; and tho great atone of the pyramid of Choltila, In Mexico; owe their nanctlty to lha bellof that they had f""- ' o..n, Blko! Shtep Nut Wanted. Auatrallnn wocl groweru have beon onclally warned by nn English cham ber of commerce not to breed from black or gray sheen; to take the great eat care In Beleot.'ng rama from flocks ag free aa porufble from black balrg; to slaughter all black and gray lambs. Being the Story of the Rescue of Cap tain Blake's 8on From Watery Grave, Captain Wake Is a mariner bold, and IiIh tlilp U the Mury Ann. Ilia crow consists of his wife and child and one able bodied man. Ilia boat Is a burgo which Hoi near Pier li on .the Jersey aide, and yesterday he left he there at the deck, securely tied. On the deck of the barge his little son, not yet 12 months old, was playing about with a terrier pup called Rag-Tag. Ills moth er was taking a needed nap In the cabin, where all was dark, when ber dreams were broken rudely by the dog's etaccato bark. When aho rushod on deck alio saw tho pup with his fore feet on the rail and bis eager eyes di rected toward an object that was a Hn 11. Blie looked and saw, then al lium t swooned, but gave a frightened Bcream when he saw the baby sailing off on an ice floe in the stream. "do got him aave my little boy!" sho screamed, and in a trlco tho faith ful pup was swimming toward the floating cako of Ice. Tho mother's cry was heard by men upon a vessel near the steamahlp Oceana, which wag tied up at her pier. An officer named Lindsay looked and saw the buby's plight and soon had manned a boat and gone to Bave the drifting mite. Defore he reached the dancing cuke the dog was on it, too. The ice floe bore two passengers, a captuln and his crew. The baby and the terrier were taken In tho boata tiny pair of mariners, too young to be afloat. And with the child safe in her arms the mother wept for joy, but not a whimper pass ed the lips of the small sailor boy. But when his father, Captain Blake, re turned last night and heard bis wife relate the story Just as it had oc curred, be pursed his lips and whistled long, then gave his bead a shake and said: "This surely Is a fact from me that you can take. That kid of mine a sailor's life most certainly will choose. He's breaking in to learn the game by taking his first cruise." Then, thinking of the cake of lee which was the baby's boat, he said: "That boy will navigate the biggest ship afloat. He's got the first requirement, and be can't be called a fool; for whatever else he might have done, he certainly kept cool." New York Times. "Moth Miller" Hat sWSW"p,fc, ... .-C;,,, W. L. DQUCiLAS MO W. L. Oouglat makes and telU mora $3.00, $3.50 and $4.00 .hoe. than any other manufacturer in ha wnrM 2.50 $3.00 3.50 M.OO M.50fiCO FOB MEN, WOMEN AND BOYS W.L.nouglas $3.00 &. .J.50 shoe are worn by million of inn,lie:aiiaetliey ure the he tin the world for the price W. L. IlotiKlii. $t.(M), $4.SO &. $5.00 shoes equal Custom iJeni li Work OHtlii(( $(1.00 to $8.(K Why does W.LDougla make and tell more $3.00, $3.50 and $4.00 shoe, than any other manufacturer in the world ? BECAUSE ha (tamp. hi. name and price on tha bottom and guarantee, the value, which protect the wearer against high price, and inferior .hoe. of other make. BECAUSE i they . ,i . -t , . r . mrv inimoii economical ana Miuraccory ; you can .arc money by wearing; W.LDouala.. hoe.. BECAUSE: ther hare no it 1 qual for.tyle, fit and wear. DON'T TAKE A SUBSTITUTE FOR W.LDOUGl If your darter cannot fupply W. L. Vmigiu ihac, writ. W. L. Doaulu, Brixrleton. Mu., lot catalaf. Bboe. Hiit everywlitra dcliverr charge, prepaid. famt Volar KumtmU Ud. USSHOLi. A RECORD-BREAKING YEAR DAISY FLY KILLER iSajnajHi IABOLU SOHEKa, iUo4 anrwbira, at tract, and kllla all inaa. MnC. rliin. oriiitmentMl, ountKn. M.fit. rtinap. Last. .11 hwi. .Ma. I.. i,( mntiil, uin't Npul ir tip nvnr; will nut Mill nr Injur jtnyf liiiuf. !iinrtintfl fffwtlv. Sola bf aaalara of mni pmpjilfl for II. JUIUoJialb Ave.. Brookla, X, T. As to Buying. Whatever we wlBh to buy, we ought first to consider not only if the thing be fit for us, but If the manufacture of It be a wholesome and happy one; and If, on the whole, the Bum we are going to spend will do aa much good spent in this way as it Would if spent In any other way. Ruskl. Greater London, A description of London as a mu niclpallty ia found in a report which haa been sent to the department of commerce and labor by United States Consul General John U Griffiths, sta tioned at the British capital. Instead of having one mayor and several borough heads as New York has, Mr. Griffiths points out that from a governmental point or view lxmjon is a very complex organization, con sisting of 29 cities and boroughs, all with separate administrations. Each has its own mayor and council, there being, however, an authority whose Jurisprudence is co-extensive with what is known as the administrative County of London, called the London county council. "It may assist to a better concep tion of the work of the London coun ty council," writes Mr. Griffiths, "to point out that it has jurisdiction over the public school system of Greater London, the fire department, the street car system, asylums, bridges, highways, department of health, parks and building regulations. "There are 10,800 employes In the tramways department, which has been under the Jurisdiction of and op erated by the council since January 1, 1899." Photo, Copyright, bj Underwood a rndprwoxl, j, Y. 1 The trimming of the hat in the photograph is a replica of a moth miller. Fashionable milliners In New York now are trimming summer hats with representatives of the butterfly class. The hat ia most effective when worn with. a tailored gown or shirtwaist suit. EMBELLISH THE FIRST MEAL RECORD OF A GREAT MEDICINE Doctors Could Not Help Mrs. Templeton Regained Health through Lydia E. Pinkham's Compound. Hooper, Nebraska. "I am very glad to tell how Lydia E. Pinkham 'a Vegetable Compound has helped me. For five years I suffered from female troubles so I waa scarcely able to do my work. I took doc tors' medicines and used local treatments but was not helped. I had such awful bearing down pains and my back was so weak I could hardly walk and could not ride. I often had to sit up nights to sleep and my friends thought I could not live long. At my request my husband got me a bottle of Lydia E. Pinkham s Veg etable Compound and I commenced to take it. By the time I had taken the seventh bottle my health had returned and I began doing my washing and waa a well woman. At one time for three weeks I did all the work for eighteen boarders with no signs of my old trouble return ing. Many have taken your medicine after seeing what it did for me. I would not take $1000 and bo where I was. You have my permission to use my name if It will aid anyone." Mrs. Susie Tem PLETON, Hooper, Nebraska. ThePinkham record is a proud and peer less one. It is a. record of constant vic tory over the obstinate ills of woman ilia that deal out despair. It is an established fact that Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegeta ble Compound has re stored heal th to thou sands of such suffer ing women. Why don't you try it if you Baadauch a medicine? Taxes That Never End. The surprising fact ia announced that the London city corporation is still paying land tax for the houses which existed on Old London bridge. houses that disappeared about the year 1755. It has at last been decided to re deem this ancient tax, which by act of parliament has been levied ever LBince the old bridge was demolished. A copy of the old act is In the city archives .The amount of the land tux i3 about $1,800 a year, and the city will be able to secure a redemption by payment of a lump sum of $55,000 or so. It may seem strange that rates and taxes have been paid for so many years upon houses which disappeared so long ago, but it is not generally known that it is the custom when houses are demolished to make way for public improvements to include in me parliamentary authorization a clause cpmpelling the authority con- cernea to maKe good any loss occa sioned to the rates. New York Sun. Exceedingly Dainty Are the Break fast Sett Offered In the Stores Just Now. Exceedingly dainty breakfast sets fnclude a cloth and small napkins of linen damask bordered with an Eng Ilsh chintz flower design in green and red, green and pink or green and yel low and are hemstitched bordered Another is of linen crash embroidered in crosBstltch and a third of pineap ple patterned linen is edged with hand-crochetting. New designs for table cloths Include Belgian double damask with borders for square and round tables which begin at the cen ter and widen to the edge; Irish linen with pin dots with scroll borders, clover leaves, shamrocks and lilies, and hemstitched plain linens with filet lace monograms In one cor ner. Show towels are of pure heavy Irish linen deeply embroidered in floral pat tern along one end of damask with deep borders in filet medallions and of huckaback with hemstitched damask ends and side borders. Guest towels of 15 by 24 inch dimensions match the materials and decorations of the show towels and are always laid out tn company with them. , MODISH MILLINERY mi - 'iw? CARE OF CHILDREN'S CLOTHES Little Things Most Mothers Know and That All Should Have Full Knowledge Of. " Mothers should learn how to distln gulsh materials which fade, shrink, spot or go to pieces. Get samples and test the goods be fore buying. Try the threads with the match test; wool may be recognized by the bad odor, there being none from cot ton. Doll the sample In a five per cent, solution of caustic potash for 15 min utes. The caustic potash destroys the wool and leaves the cotton. All wool goods disappear entirely under this test Samples put In sunlight show the value of the different colors. Brown In a woolen material will fade, but will hold its color better in cotton. Green, unless in fine goods, is risky. Beware of lavender or light blue. Black in cotton shows the starch and often fades. Dark blue changes little In woolen materials or ginghams. Red is good in wool. Deep pink is the best color, as it fades evenly. Willamette Valley Chautauqua Plant for Largest Crowd in 18 Yeart. "The Chicago Operatic Co.," Lou! J. Beauchamp," "Rev. Wm. Spur- geon,""S. Piatt Jones," "Mexican Troubadours," "Judge F. P. Sadler," "Fred Emerson Brooks," "Lee Emer son Bassett," "John Mitchell" are among the well known names noted on the program of the Willamette Valley Chautauqua to convene at Gladstone Park, Oregon City, Or., July 9 to 21, 1912. These are only a few of the features their booklet tells us about, and it looks as if the 19th year of the Cbautanqua would be the best yet Extensive improvtmens are being made in the beautiful Gladstone Park, S Portland. Oncost X ga, twtiann, vrafliH, 'RaaldMit anil Dar school for Girl. 1 i iibi M" j. in nt. ui'iin DipMH tr.piHOfaiJ CaUafUt. a.ea.emt aa Bianantarr ""inn aiaa K. Hale, An. .locution, arnnaalaa. For MUloc Ktdraa THE ftlHTF.H HL fERIOB Of flr3U. St. H.-N-na Hall a.1 I mom A Tonic, Alterttire and RMolvent. T best rtmedjr for Kidney., Urer and Bowel. Eradicates Fimpte. Eruption, and Dtsordera of the Bkin. Purifies the Blood and gi-a Tone, &trenfc th .ad Vigor to ti-e entire .yMoav Advocates Leaves of 8op. tbemlcal friend of the Sclentlfla the directors evidently expecting a ArnoHr-n thar .omr.i,rK. record breaking crowd. Even the P. ; started against the common cake tA R. L. & Co. has caught the spirit ' Boapi A5out 0 rearg ag0 there waJ and is reballastmg its branch line ; BOli a form of goap r traveIerB eo which leads into the park and thereby ; slgUng of a booklet about two facilitate and improve its half hour;by Iour ,nches In wUch BmaU leaTM car service from Portland and Oregon ;of Boap paper Baturated wUh M9 y I were bound. Each leaf contain! Learn Him Something j n.f "f P for fn oI "Poets are born and not made," sala ! ' J1 f. Btei that one might the young man with the pale, interest- f roMyt dlsse' M&h a i;. . "Atf- .In-the-slot machine, a paper towel tm replied his wife. "Well, 111 show you ! lcb to f de? ft She.et of that they are made sometimes. I'll make you watch the baby while I go chopping this morning or you shall nver bave another dollar that my father sends tn " for convenient use tories. Red Crew Ball Blue rive, double value for yrmtt money, goes twice s far ua any other. Auk jmaf grocer. Be thrif tv on little thinn like bluinff. Don't ao cpt water for bluing. Auk for Ktd Crusts Bail Blue, trie extra Rood value blue. Ready. The Rev. Mr. Gude "Isn't there some one here who will help us keep j because it up interest in the church?" Deacon Tightwad (auddenly awakening "I for one am prepared to' .raise the rates to eight per cent, on chattel mort gages if the other money lenders in the congregation will co-operate." Automobile Eye In.orance needed after Exposure to Sun. Wind, and Dust. Murine Ey Bemedy freely applied Affords Reliable Relief. Ho Smarting-J uBt Eya Uomtort xry Murine. OUTFIT FOR READING IN BED Daffodil Poison. The polRon of the daffodil is tht plant's means of defense. How effec tive it is may be judged by the fact that rabbits, rats and other small pests which devour hyanclnths and crocuses with gusto, leave the daffodil severely alone. Nurserymen, too, will tell you that the men employed in gathering Lent lilies suffer from poisoned hands. Afiter working a little while their Russian Blouse Gown and Cap With This Somewhat Repre hensible Habit. Gc The Picture Hat in its Beplumed Perfection. Boots for Tramping. Such boots as are to be dedicated ro tramping should be scrubbed well with English harness soap and then hands become sore, and painful gath- treated to two coats of a good water erlngs form under the finger nails and proofing oil. This will keep them soft, no matter how often they are noaked. These little attentions bestowed on well-built shoes will do much toward keeping their wearer's well shod and will save many dollars'. When it comes to buying it must be remembered that summer means loose shoes or else discomfort! A ready made shoe should be bought either a trifle wider than the size visually worn or else a half size longer. This will be found a great saving on the stock ings, too. wherever the skin is broken. Despite of all this, however, west country nousewives brew from the flowers a decoction warranted to cure all human Ills possibly by killing the patient Cause and Effect. Deacon A What our people need is sermons that will wake them up. Deacon B No, brother; what they need is sermons that won't let 'em go to sleep. Stray Stories. To read while in bed is most repre henslble, but If you persist in tlie practice be sure to have the propei outfit a Russian blouse reading gown and a curl paper covering cap. The gown, which reaches almost tc the knees, is a front closing blous with elbow length cut-in-one sleeve: and rounded-out neck which is fin ished with a broad collarette of side plaited white maline. You may make the blouse of pale-toned wool, satin or messaline, and embroider or applique It with birds and butterflies or of flowered thin silk lined with light weight flannel. Just above the nor mal waist line draw in the fulness with a rope of silk cordage. The cap of silk matching the grounding of the gown is merely a circular piece fulled on to a narrow ribbon, over which is placed a wide frill of plaited maline, and at one side, usually above the left ear tip, may be placed a big bow of black velvet ribbon. Br'er Fox Again. 'A fox which was hard pressed by the Essex Union Hounds entered a house In High street, Bliiericay, and bolted upstairs into a bedroom. When found," says Punch, "he pretended to be a wolf rehearsliig 'Red Hiding Hood' for a cinemstograph show, but Ms tale w-- ' - " Mothers trill find Mrs. Win.low. Soothlno Byrup the bf.t remedy to use for their chudrej luring i-.e teething period. The World'a Greatest Slave. Aesop probably is one of the most noted slaves that ever lived. The fables and stories he told have de lighted mankind for twenty-five hun dred years, and there Is no telling how much longer the world will continue to enjoy them. Aesop was so de forced that for a long time his Greek master could not sell him. Finally he was sold, and the master found Urn so wise that h wow ret free. Hard Luck Feared. "You should lay aside something foi a rainy day." "And have the rool leak and spoil it." Industry Coming Into Its Own. Guayule was for years overlooked v despised; Its rubber content waa considered of little or no value, and when at last acknowledged this vu aid to be inferior to other rubber did not come from the tropics. Yet in spite of all guaynlt) Das become an Important source of rubber supply, millions of dollar have been invested In the industry, factories have been erected close U the guayule fields and towns har grown up for the -operatives and field laborers. When Your Eyes Need Care. ' Try Marine Eye Remedy. No Smarting FeeU Fine Acta Quickly. Try it for Red, Weak, Watery Eyes and Granulated Eyelids. Ulna trated Book In each Package. Murine ia compounded, by oar Ocnlista not a "Patent MeoV loine'' but nsed in successful Physicians' Prac tice for many years. Now dedicated to the fob lie and .old by urusk-lsts at 25o and 60c perBoul Murine lije Balye In Aseptic Tubes, 25c and HMt Murine Eye Remedy Co.. Chicago) well who Pocket Inside Pocket. Inside the pocket of the housekeep er's aprons make a tiny pocket with flap to button over the top. In this she can keep her dimes and nickels They will not fall out if the apron is thrown down carelessly and a trip is "'ten saved to another part of the house when change Is wanted. Modish Finish for Collar. A row of black fringe an inch and a half In depth makes a very modish finish when run around the extreme top of a white lace or net collar. If another row of deeper fringe is at tached to the bottom edge of the col lar, resting on the throat, it is liked all the more. To Breal- in New Shoes. Always shake In Allen'c Foot-Ease, apowder t cures hoi sweating, aching, swollen leet '"ri eorns, ingrowing naile and bimions. A( ill druggists and shoe sleres, 2"e. Dont accept in; suuj.u .-Mt.ii .ic liiai leat uiii. Address Allen S. Olmsted, Le Roy, N. Y. Some Proof. Hunt Secretary (to Inexperlencet assistant, who Is telling him, after run, ! about some poultry claim) "But how do you know they ever had the fowls 1 Did they show you the corpses?" As- sistant "No, not exactly; but it's all j right, don't you know, they showed j me the emntv roosts " Punch. Orlgrnal of Sam Weller. The original of Sam Weller Sam or Samuel Vale, who was known as a London comedian acted in the farce called "The Board ing House" and subsequently at Cov ent Garden theater; Sam Vale was noted everywhere for the Wellerisma, such as "Come on, as the man said to his tight bout." "I'm down on yon, as the extinguisher said to the caa dle." "Where shall we fly, as th bullet said to the trigger," and "Let everyone take care of themselves, as the donkey - observed when dancing among the chickens." Sam Vale died in 1848. r ooniesa.un. "Well," he said, "it is let me see. three years since we met crossing he ocean, isn't it? Are you married vet?" "No," she sweetly replied, 'again.' 1 IMiBlinKgOiti, Destroys Dandruff Ayer's Hair Vigor keeps the scalp clean and healthy, destroys all dandruff, and greatly promotes the growth of the hair. You will ccr. tainly be pleased with it as a dressing for your hair. It keeps the hair soft and smooth and promptly checks any falling of the hair. It does not color the hair, and cannot injure the hair or scab. Consult vour doctor about these hair problems. Ask him what he thinks of Ayer's Hair Vigor. Mada by the J. O. ATFR CO., tnwell, Haas. FOR RHEUMATISM. J Mrs. Olive Huntingion,Nortons,Or..sr: I 41 1 consider vour Mexican Mustane Lin iment the best of liniments. I hare used I it for different ailments and it always gave satisfactory results. It is especially good in CHses of Inflammatory .Rheuma tism and all forms of lameness." I 23c 50c. $1 a bottle at Drug & Genl Storm Painless Dentistry Is our pride oar hobby-oar rtndy for yean aa4 Bow our success, and our is the iKt painless wors to be found inywhere, no matter bow much jom pay. Compare our 1 rices. 1 If "ri . , Jwl Hi awVia w. Bi.i, J W flaith plat i Dr'UKe wors roc ot town patroos ta on. rlay It daairad. i'ainlesa xtrctiaa free when plate or bridgo work i a ordar ed. Coniull.tio. tn. MolirCrownt S5.00 22kBridi.TMlb4.C0 Gold ."illingi t.00 Enamel Filling 1.00 Silver Fillings .SO Good Rubber Plates 5. DO Beet Red Rubber Plates 7.50 DH. W. . WISE, Phiukt an Mmmii Painlese Extr'Mon ,59 n mm iitmuhib i. reifuM bkst mcthoos All work fully truaranteed for f .fteen Teaurav Wise Dental Co., Inc. Painless Dentists Fifllng Building, Third tnd Wish'-g on PORTLAND, OltS (WiseBeuil t A. II. to II t. 2d- anija. teX N. U No.-25-lS, WHEN wrltinst to adversers, pleaw am- I ' ' tion this puper. I